地球科学进展 ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 1228 -1236. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.11.1228

观测数据处理与分析 上一篇    下一篇

  1. 1.中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐 830002;
    2.塔克拉玛干沙漠大气环境观测试验站,新疆塔中 841000
  • 收稿日期:2010-03-16 修回日期:2010-08-22 出版日期:2010-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 艾力·买买提明 E-mail:ali@idm.cn
  • 基金资助:


Intercomparison of Sensible Heat Fluxes Measured by Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance System in the Hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert 

Ali Mamtimin, He Qing, Huo Wen, Liu Xinchun   

  1. 1.Institute of Desert Meteorology,CMA,Urumqi 830002,China;
    2.The Taklimakan Desert Atmospheric and Environment Observation Station,Tazhong 841000,China
  • Received:2010-03-16 Revised:2010-08-22 Online:2010-11-10 Published:2010-11-10

利用2009年6月20日至7月3日塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中地区地—气相互作用观测试验中的大孔径闪烁仪(LAS)和涡动相关仪(EC)观测资料,对LAS和EC在流动沙漠地区观测的感热通量差异进行了对比分析。结果表明:LAS和EC测得的感热通量变化趋势一致,两者有很好的相关性。总体来看,LAS的感热通量测量值大于EC测得的感热通量值。如果LAS和EC测量的允许差异|△H|≤50 W/m2时,LAS和EC测量结果无显著差异的频率达79%左右。因此,LAS完全适用于流动沙漠地区大尺度的感热通量的观测研究。

 The sensible heat fluxes measured by Large Aperture Scintillometer(LAS) and Eddy Covariance system(EC) were compared. The data were collected at the Taklimakan desert atmospheric and environment OBSERVATION station located in the middle Taklimakan desert during the period of from June 20 to July 3,2009, which was supported by the Taklimakan deset Land-Atmospheric Interactive Experiment (TLAIE) project.  The results show  a similar variance trends and good agreement between sensible heat fluxes by LAS(HLAS) and EC(HEC), but  HLAS tends to be slightly higher than HEC. The probability distribution function of  HLASand HEC can be as high as 79% if the permitted difference  is in the range of -50~50 W/m2. Therefore, we  have reached the conclusion  that the large aperture scintillometer is a reliable system for measuring sensible heat flux of large quicksand area as the Taklimakan desert.


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