地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 94 -102.

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杨占红( ), 吕连宏( ), 曹宝, 王晓, 罗宏   
  1. 中国环境科学研究院环境与经济研究室,北京 100012
  • 出版日期:2016-01-20

Comparative Analysis of International Energy Consumption Characteristics and China's Countermeasures

Zhanhong Yang( ), Lianhong Lü( ), Bao Cao, Xiao Wang, Hong Luo   

  1. Department of Environment & Economy, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, 100012)
  • Online:2016-01-20 Published:2016-01-10
  • About author:

    First author: Yang Zhanhong(1983-), female, Wuan City, Hebei Province, Engineer. Research areas include environmental and economic, energy and Environmental Studies. E-mail:yangzh@craes.org.cn

    Corresponding author: Lü Lianhong(1981-), male, Tianjin City, Senior Engineer. Research areas include environmental and economic, energy and environmental studies. E-mail:lvlh@craes.org.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Energy Foundation China Sustainable Energy Program "Study on the effects of air pollution prevention of western region for energy distribution and structure"(No.G-1406-21486)


With the rise of low carbon economy and the deterioration of the international energy situation, most countries in the world pay more attention to energy issues. In this paper, based on a comparison with several countries of large energy consumption, we used long sequence statistics to analyze the energy consumption characteristics from the world and the history, including energy consumption, energy consumption structure and energy efficiency, and then summed up the characteristics of energy consumption in developed countries, analyzed China's energy consumption process and the current stage, and found out the main problems of energy consumption in China. At last, countermeasures for the healthy development of China's energy were proposed, including actively promoting scientific and technological progress, upgrading energy structure, developing low carbon economy, rationalizing energy prices, improving the proportion of clean energy consumption and emphasizing synergistic effect on environment protection.


图1 世界及各主要区域能源消费情况
Fig.1 Energy consumption in the world and the major regions
The data derived from reference [1]
图2 各主要国家能源消费情况
数据来源于参考文献 [ 1 ]
Fig.2 Energy consumption in the major countries
The data derived from reference [ 1 ]
图3 各国人均能源消费情况
Fig.3 Per capita energy consumption in the major countries
The population from the world bank WDI database
图4 各国2014年一次能源消费结构
数据来源于参考文献 [ 1 ]
Fig.4 Primary energy consumption structure in 2014 in the major countries
The data derived from reference [ 1 ]
图5 中国能源消费结构趋势
数据来源于参考文献 [ 1 ]
Fig.5 The trend of energy consumption structure in China
The data derived from reference [ 1 ]
图6 主要国家能耗强度发展趋势图
GDP以2005年不变价美元计,原始数据来自世界银行WDI数据库;能源数据来自参考文献 [ 1 ]
Fig.6 The Energy consumption intensity in the major countries
GDP were in constant 2005 dollars, the initial data from the world bank WDI database; The energy data derived from reference [ 1 ]
图7 主要国家能耗强度对比
Fig.7 The comparisons of the energy consumption intensity in the major countries
The population from the world bank WDI database and IMF
表1 物理能源效率比较(单位:%)
Tab.1 The comparison of physical energy efficiency in major countries(unit:%)
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