地球科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 576 -588. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2024.049

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熊雅婷 1 , 2( ), 董广涛 1 , 2( )   
  1. 1.中国气象局上海城市气候变化应对重点开放实验室,上海 200030
    2.上海市气候中心,上海 200030
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-05 修回日期:2024-05-07 出版日期:2024-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 董广涛 E-mail:1933900634@qq.com;gtdong@163.com
  • 基金资助:

New Advances in Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulation and Future Climate Projection

Yating XIONG 1 , 2( ), Guangtao DONG 1 , 2( )   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Cities’ Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in Shanghai, China Meteorological Administration, Shanghai 200030, China
    2.Shanghai Climate Center, Shanghai 200030, China
  • Received:2024-03-05 Revised:2024-05-07 Online:2024-06-10 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: Guangtao DONG E-mail:1933900634@qq.com;gtdong@163.com
  • About author:XIONG Yating, Engineer, research areas include climate change modeling, assessment and future projections. E-mail: 1933900634@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFE0124800);The Science and Technology R & D Project of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau(QM202408);Youth Innovation Team of China Meteorological Administration(CMA2024QN14)

伴随着近年来高性能计算资源的快速提高,模式的水平分辨率逐渐精细化。对流允许尺度(分辨率为4 km及以上)区域气候模式已成为当前区域气候模式发展和应用的主要方向之一。通过文献调研对对流允许尺度区域气候模式的4种建模方式、相比于传统分辨率区域气候模式的增值能力以及未来气候预估进行了回顾和总结。对流允许尺度区域气候模式无需使用对流参数化方案就可以显式表示深对流过程,在一定程度上改善了模式对复杂地形和地表强迫的表现能力。对流允许尺度区域气候模式在模拟降水特征(降水日变化、持续时间、次日尺度降水强度和短时强降水强度)、积雪特征(雪深和覆盖率)、中尺度对流系统特征(数量和周期)、热带气旋特征(强度、路径)以及城市热岛形态等方面存在显著增值能力。目前,对流允许尺度区域气候模式仍然存在诸多挑战和不确定性,今后可利用更高分辨率数据集、改进的云微物理过程和边界层参数化方案以及更高性能的计算资源,进一步提高对流允许尺度区域气候模拟和应用能力。

With rapid improvements in high-performance computational resources, the horizontal resolution of models has gradually been refined. Convection-Permitting (≤4 km) Models (CPMs) have become one of the main directions in the development and application of regional climate models. This study reviewed four CPM methods, the added value of CPMs compared to regional climate models with traditional resolution, and future climate projections based on a comprehensive literature review. CPMs can explicitly represent deep convection processes without using convective parameterization schemes, which significantly improves their ability to represent complex topographies and surface forcing. CPMs have added value in simulating the characteristics of precipitation (precipitation diurnal cycle, duration, precipitation intensity at sub-daily scale, and intensity of extreme precipitation with short duration), snow (snow depth and coverage), mesoscale convective systems (number and duration), tropical cyclones (intensity and track), urban heat island patterns, and the effects of urbanization on precipitation. Several challenges and uncertainties remain in CPMs, but in the future, higher-resolution datasets, improved cloud microphysical processes, boundary layer parameterization schemes, and higher-performance computational resources can be used to further improve the ability of convection, permitting regional climate simulation and application.


图1 可视化对流允许尺度气候模拟的4种建模方法 12
Fig. 1 Visualization of four different modeling approaches for convection-permitting climate simulations 12
(a)Limited-area modeling;(b)Global Convection Permitting Model (CPM) climate simulations;(c)Super parameterizations;(d) Stretched-grid
表1 相对较粗分辨率区域气候模式( RCMs)的高分辨率对流允许尺度区域气候模式( CPMs)模拟增值能力的总结
Table 1 Summary of the added value between the high-resolution Convection Permitting ModelsCPMsagainst coarser resolution Regional Climate ModelsRCMs
模拟变量 较粗分辨率的RCMs CPMs







气温 RCMs模拟的地表气温和2 m气温往往偏高


2 m气温日变化的模拟有所改进,这也许和CPMs对降水日变化模拟的改进有关

积雪 积雪与地表温度的模拟息息相关,因此RCMs对积雪特征的模拟往往存在偏差



中尺度对流系统 受限于模式的分辨率和积云对流参数化方案的不确定性,RCMs一直以来难以准确模拟中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective Systems, MCSs) CPMs在模拟MCSs数量、生命周期、几何形状和降水特征方面优于RCMs,但MCSs导致的降水量和降水面积较观测仍存在偏差
热带气旋 RCMs模拟的热带气旋往往强度偏弱 CPMs模拟的热带气旋的强度、路径有所改善,但还是低估了最大风速和中心气压,导致模拟的热带气旋强度依旧比观测偏弱
城市气候 RCMs对在复杂地形、下垫面地区的气温空间分布的模拟存在偏差,因此不能较好地刻画城市热岛 空间形态 CPMs能够精细刻画地形和土地利用分类等下垫面信息,进而准确表征城市热岛形态等局地特征
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