地球科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 140 -156. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2024.015

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任晓亚 1 , 2( ), 武瑞敏 1 , 3, 张志强 1 , 3( )   
  1. 1.中国科学院成都文献情报中心, 四川 成都 610299
    2.中国科学院文献情报中心, 北京 100190
    3.中国科学院大学经济与管理学院信息资源管理系, 北京 100190
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-18 修回日期:2024-01-20 出版日期:2024-02-10
  • 通讯作者: 张志强 E-mail:renxiaoya@mail.las.ac.cn;zhangzq@clas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of the International Development Trends and the Chinese Influence on Earth Science in the 2010s

Xiaoya REN 1 , 2( ), Ruimin WU 1 , 3, Zhiqiang ZHANG 1 , 3( )   

  1. 1.Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610299, China
    2.National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
    3.Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Received:2023-12-18 Revised:2024-01-20 Online:2024-02-10 Published:2024-03-05
  • Contact: Zhiqiang ZHANG E-mail:renxiaoya@mail.las.ac.cn;zhangzq@clas.ac.cn
  • About author:REN Xiaoya, Postdoctoral researcher, research areas include science of science and scientific and technological policy evaluation, scientometrics, and theoretical methods and applications of information science. E-mail: renxiaoya@mail.las.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(L2124022)


Earth science is crucial in economic and social development. A quantitative research framework was established to conduct a multi-level analysis of international trends in earth science, focusing on international status and influence of earth science in China. The analysis encompasses macro-, meso-, and micro-level analyses. Based on literature data, this framework analyzes various dimensions such as output scale, collaboration networks, research topics, topic popularity, and international power. Our analysis shows that since 2012, global Earth science has maintained a relatively active and steady development trend. China has made significant progress in output, representative institutions, collaboration networks, highly cited papers, international power, etc. Policy recommendations are proposed for the development of Earth science in China, including strategic planning in the discipline, deep international scientific cooperation, leadership in international frontier scientific programs, the establishment of discipline-specific data centers, redevelopment of new technological tools, interdisciplinary research integration, and the value of economic and social development. These recommendations are based on domestic and international strategic plans and quantitative research findings. Examples include increasing medium- and long-term disciplinary strategic planning, promoting high-level international S & T cooperation, and initiating China’s cutting-edge international scientific programs.


图1 地球科学发展态势“宏观—中观—微观”定量研究框架
Fig. 1 The quantitative research framework of Earth Science development trends: macro-meso-micro perspectives
表1 地球科学分支学科及遴选期刊数量说明 (种)
Table 1 Explanation of the number of Earth Science sub-disciplines and selected journals
图2 20122022年国际地球科学整体发文趋势
Fig. 2 Global Earth Science overall publication trends from 2012 to 2022
图3 20122022年国际地球科学发文量Top10国家与Top10机构分布
Fig. 3 Top 10 countries and Top 10 institutions in Global Earth Science from 2012 to 2022
表2 20122022年国际地球科学发文量 Top10国家年度发文量及世界占比
Table 2 Top 10 countries in global Earth Science and world share from 2012 to 2022
表3 20122022年国际地球科学发文量 Top10机构年度发文量及世界占比
Table 3 Top 10 institutions in global Earth Science and world share from 2012 to 2022
图4 20132022年地球科学领域高被引论文数量Top10国家与Top10机构分布
Fig. 4 Top 10 countries and Top 10 institutions in highly cited papers on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图5 20132022年地球科学领域高被引论文Top20国家间合作网络
Fig. 5 Collaboration network of Top 20 countries in highly cited papers on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图6 20132022年地球科学领域高被引论文Top20机构间合作网络
Fig. 6 Collaboration network of Top 20 institutions in highly cited papers on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图7 20132022年全球地球科学领域高被引论文研究主题演化
Fig. 7 Evolution of research topics in highly cited papers on global Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图8 20122022年中国地球科学年度发文量
Fig. 8 Annual number of publications on Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图9 20122022年中国地球科学领域Top10发文机构发文量
Fig. 9 Number of publications of Top 10 institutions on Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图10 20122022年中国地球科学领域Top10发文机构年度发文情况
Fig. 10 Annual number of publications of Top 10 institutions on Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图11 20122022年中国地球科学领域发文前20%机构发文数占比
Fig. 11 The proportion of publications by the Top 20% of institutions to total publications of Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图12 20122022年地球科学领域Top20发文机构间合作网络
Fig. 12 Collaboration network among Top 20 institutions in terms of publications of Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图13 20122022年中国地球科学领域研究主题的一致性
Fig. 13 Consistency of research topics on Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
表4 各时间窗口下地球科学主题热度排名前 10位的主题
Table 4 Top 10 topics with high popularity of Earth Science across each time windows
时间窗口 排名前10位的主题
2012—2013年 气候变化对地球系统的影响与评估、遥感在城市化和环境监测中的应用、吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、环境污染与健康风险评估、水环境污染与水质研究、土壤重金属污染与生物修复、地壳演化和地质过程、重金属污染与生态风险评估、行星大气成分与环境条件研究、废水处理与氮污染控制
2014—2015年 气候变化与可持续发展、重金属污染与生态风险评估、遥感技术在地球观测中的应用、吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、亚洲季风系统与古气候研究、土壤重金属污染与生物修复、温室气体与气候变化、有机污染物的环境风险评估与人体健康效应、环境污染与健康风险评估、大气污染与空气质量
2016—2017年 气候变化对水资源和水环境的影响、吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、亚洲季风系统与古气候研究、重金属污染与生态风险评估、遥感技术在地球观测中的应用、土壤重金属污染与生物修复、大气污染与空气质量、环境污染与健康风险评估、可持续生物能源和环境处理技术、气候变化与可持续发展
2018—2019年 吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、气候变化与模拟、重金属污染与生态风险评估、大气污染与空气质量研究、遥感技术在地球观测中的应用、地下水中的营养物质和污染物研究、土壤重金属污染与生物修复、微生物群落与废水处理技术、土地利用与水质管理、沉积物对水体环境的影响
2020—2021年 遥感技术在地球观测中的应用、气候变化与水循环、环境污染与生物影响、环境污染与健康风险评估、气候变化与可持续发展、吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、重金属污染与生态风险评估、大气污染与空气质量、可持续发展与环境管理、水质与富营养化监测
2022年 遥感技术在地球观测中的应用、土地利用与环境变化、机器学习在水资源管理和预测中的应用、基于卷积神经网络的遥感图像分析与分类、吸附和光催化在水处理和环境修复中的应用、气候变化对生态系统的影响与适应策略、重金属污染与生态风险评估、环境污染与健康风险评估、大气污染与空气质量、环境污染与生物影响
图14 20122022年中国地球科学领域稳定热点主题热度随时间变化
Fig. 14 Changes over years of topics with stable high popularity of Earth Science in China from 2012 to 2022
图15 20122022年中国地球科学领域不同时间窗口下研究主题的继承发展演化
无箭头实线表示主题继承(一致)关系,实线箭头表示主题发展关系,虚线箭头表示主题相关关系The solid line without arrows represents the inheritance (consistency) relationship of the topics, the solid line with arrow represents the development relationship of the topics, and the dashed line with arrow represents the association relationship of the topics
Fig. 15 Inheritance and evolution of research topics of Earth Science in China across time windows from 2012 to 2022
图16 20132022年中国地球科学领域突现强度Top10的关键词
Fig. 16 Top 10 keywords with high emergence intensity in Chinese Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图17 2020年以后中国地球科学领域开始突现且突现强度Top5的关键词
Fig. 17 Top 5 keywords with high emergence intensity of Earth Science in China since 2020
图18 20132022年地球科学Top10国家高被引论文被引次数
Fig. 18 Citations of highly cited papers from Top 10 countries on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
表5 20132022年地球科学 Top10国家合作网络中心性
Table 5 Centrality of the Top 10 countries collaboration network on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
图19 20132022年地球科学Top10国家自主创新率与自主创新论文篇均被引频次
Fig. 19 DI rate and citations per article for DI papers in Top 10 countries on Earth Science from 2013 to 2022
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