地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 1171 -1188.

基金项目管理与成果介绍 上一篇    下一篇

刘羽( ),王军,李慧,徐奴文,冯娟,董紫君,李紫燕,吉莉,郭晓明   
  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部,北京 100085
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-01 修回日期:2020-10-28 出版日期:2020-11-10

An Introduction to the Projects Managed by Division of Environmental Geosciences Department of Earth Sciences National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2020

Yu Liu( ),Jun Wang,Hui Li,Nuwen Xu,Juan Feng,Zijun Dong,Ziyan Li,Li Ji,Xiaoming Guo   

  1. Department of Earth Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China,Beijing 100085,China
  • Received:2020-10-01 Revised:2020-10-28 Online:2020-11-10 Published:2021-01-25
  • About author:Liu Yu (1966-), female, Lianyuan City, Hunan Province, Professor. Research areas include the administration of natural science fund in the fields of environmental geosciences. E-mail: liuyu@nsfc.gov.cn


We analyzed the submissions, acceptances, reviews and grant awarding of various projects in environmental geosciences in 2020, pointed out the problems we found in the submission and review processes, and summarized the project conclusions the environmental geosciences at the end of 2019, the completion of the projects and the main research progresses made in this direction.


图1 面上项目、青年基金和地区基金申请数情况
Fig.1 The application numbers of the projects managed by Division of Environmental Geosciences, Department of Earth Sciences
表1 面上项目分类评审科学属性分布情况
Table 1 The distribution of scientific attributes of general project classification review
表2 申请项目数量前 11 位的单位
Table 2 The top 11 units in the number of applied projects
表3 项目申请人年龄分布列表
Table 3 List of age distribution of project applicants
图2 申请项目学科分布
Fig.2 Discipline distribution of applied projects
表4 “人类活动对环境和灾害的影响”领域重点项目概况
Table 4 Overview of key projects in the field of "The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment and Disasters"
表5 “人类活动对环境和灾害的影响”领域重点项目依托单位情况(前 12位)
Table 5 The status of the key project support units in the field of "The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment and Disasters"(Top 12)
图3 2020年度杰青项目申报依托单位分布情况
Fig.3 Distribution of supporting units of Distinguished Young Scholars in 2020
图4 2020年度杰青项目申请人年龄分布情况
Fig.4 The age distribution of applicants for the Distinguished Young Scholars in 2020
图5 2020年度杰青项目申报学科分布情况
Fig.5 Distribution of disciplines for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2020
表6 优青项目依托单位分布情况
Table 6 Distribution of supporting units for Excellent Young Scholars
表7 优青项目依托单位申报数量排名
Table 7 Ranking of the number of applications submitted by the supporting units for Excellent Young Scholars
图6 优青项目申请人出生年份分布情况
Fig.6 The distribution of the year of birth of applicants for the Excellent Young Scholars
图7 优青项目申请人性别分布情况
Fig.7 Gender distribution of applicants for the Excellent Young Scholars
表8 2020 年度优青项目申报学科分布情况
Table 8 Disciplines distribution of application for the Excellent Young Scholars in 2020
图8 面上项目分类评审上会情况测算分析
Fig.8 Calculation and analysis of the general project classification review meeting
图9 面上项目分类评审上会情况
Fig.9 General project classification review meeting situation
表9 面上项目、青年基金和地区基金上会项目按单位分布情况
Table 9 Distribution of the projects by unit
表10 各学科面上项目申报和上会项目数
Table 10 Number of projects declared and attending meetings by subject
表11 面上项目、青年基金和地区基金资助计划
Table 11 Funding plans for the projects managed by Division of Environmental Geosciences,Department of Earth Sciences
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