地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 1148 -1153.

基金项目管理与成果介绍 上一篇    下一篇

任建国( ),初航,吕大炜,李秋根,王有功,蒋子堃,周鹏鹏   
  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部,北京 100085
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-21 修回日期:2020-10-26 出版日期:2020-11-10

An Introduction to the Projects Managed by Division of Geology,National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2020

Jianguo Ren( ),Hang Chu,Lü Dawei,Qiugen Li,Yougong Wang,Zikun Jiang,Pengpeng Zhou   

  1. Department of Earth Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China,Beijing 100085,China
  • Received:2020-09-21 Revised:2020-10-26 Online:2020-11-10 Published:2021-01-25
  • About author:Ren Jianguo (1964-), male, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Professor.Research areas include management of natural science funds and marine chemistry research. E-mail: renjg@mail.nsfc.gov.cn


The submissions, reviews and fundings of the projects in geology of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2020 were analyzed, as well as the submission status of the 4 nature scientific problems. We verified and reviewed report submitted in January 2020, and summarized the final reports of projects completed at the end of 2019.


表1 2020年度地质学学科各类项目受理情况
Table 1 The acceptance different fund proposals managed by the division of geology in 2020
表2 2020年度地质学学科面青地项目申请金额情况
Table 2 The proposal funds of different classifications by the division of geology in 2020
表3 2020年度地质学学科项目交叉情况
Table 3 The proposals with the characteristics of intersection disciplines in the division of geology in 2020
表4 2020年度地质学各分支学科“面青地”项目的申请分布
Table 4 The proposals in different branch of geology in 2020
表5 面上项目分类申报情况
Table 5 The proposals of different classifications in the division of geology in 2020
表6 2020年度“面青地”项目资助情况
Table 6 The funding of project managed by Division of Geology,Department of Earth Sciences in 2020
1 Ren Jianguo, Chen Xi, Chu Hang, et al. An introduction of the projects administrated by Division of Geology,Department of Earth Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2019[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2019, 34(11):1 175-1 178.
任建国,陈曦,初航,等. 2019年度地质科学领域工作报告[J].地球科学进展,2019,34(11):1 175-1 178.
2 Ren Jianguo, Pei Junling, Chen Xi, et al. An introduction of the projects administrated by the Division of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2018[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(12):1 282-1 285.
任建国,裴军令,陈曦,等. 2018年度地质科学领域工作报告[J]. 地球科学进展,2018,33(12):1 282-1 285.
3 Yao Yupeng, Xiong Juhua, Gu Songzhu, et al. An introduction of the projects administrated by the Division of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2017[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2017, 32(12): 1 332-1 336.
姚玉鹏,熊巨华,顾松竹,等. 2017年度地质科学领域工作报告[J]. 地球科学进展,2017,32(12):1 332-1 336.
4 Yao Yupeng, Xiong Juhua, Gu Songzhu, et al. An introduction of the projects of year 2016 in the Division of Geophysics and Space Physics, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2016,31(12):1 267-1 270.
姚玉鹏,熊巨华,顾松竹,等. 2016 年度地质科学领域工作报告[J]. 地球科学进展,2016,31(12):1 267-1 270.
[1] 熊巨华,王佳,张晴,史云飞,官冬杰,耿豪鹏,王天富,张新林,李飞. 2020年度地理学基金项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2020, 35(11): 1137-1147.
[2] 刘羽,王军,李慧,徐奴文,冯娟,董紫君,李紫燕,吉莉,郭晓明. 2020年度环境地球科学学科项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2020, 35(11): 1171-1188.
[3] 何建军,郭郁葱,刘哲,吴捷,李莉. 2020年度大气科学领域项目评审与资助成果简析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2020, 35(11): 1201-1210.
[4] 任建国,陈曦,初航,严兆彬,何雨江,罗情勇,栾晓聪. 2019年度地质科学领域基金项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(11): 1175-1178.
[5] 熊巨华,刘磊,赵学钦. 2019年度地球化学学科基金项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(11): 1179-1184.
[6] 郭进义,程惠红,杨昉. 2019年度地球物理学和空间物理学学科基金项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(11): 1185-1188.
[7] 刘羽,王军,李慧,徐奴文,张士秀,周志祥,王书兵,蒲生彦,吴国灿,董紫君. 2019年度环境地球科学学科项目评审与成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(11): 1189-1201.
[8] 李积明,刘哲,郭郁葱,彭怡然,闻新宇. 2019年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019, 34(11): 1212-1217.
[9] 任建国, 裴军令, 陈曦, 毛光周, 蒋顺兴, 宁飞. 2018年度地质科学领域工作报告*[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(12): 1282-1285.
[10] 郭进义, 程惠红, 杨昉. 2018年度地球物理学和空间物理学学科报告 *[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(12): 1292-1296.
[11] 刘羽, 张倩茹, 王军, 刘小莽, 刘进峰, 朱鸿鹄, 周志祥, 蒲生彦, 魏孝荣. 2018年度环境地球科学领域项目评审与资助成果 *[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(12): 1297-1304.
[12] 于晟, 李积明, 杨若文, 汪君霞. 2018年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析 *[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(12): 1314-1319.
[13] 姚玉鹏, 熊巨华, 顾松竹, 裴军令, 何雨江, 吴伟, 张静, 刘进峰, 赵晓明. 2017年度地质科学领域工作报告[J]. 地球科学进展, 2017, 32(12): 1332-1336.
[14] 郭进义, 张倩茹. 2017年度地球化学领域项目评审与资助成果[J]. 地球科学进展, 2017, 32(12): 1337-1341.
[15] 任建国, 李薇, 石丰登, 苏强. 2017年度海洋与极地科学领域基金项目的受理与评审[J]. 地球科学进展, 2017, 32(12): 1346-1348.
