地球科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1015 -1024. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2023.063

基金项目管理与成果介绍 上一篇    下一篇

高阳( ), 熊巨华, 张中浩, 蔡顺, 张琍, 安雨, 白开旭, 李汝资, 杨艳丽, 杨振   
  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部,北京 100085
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-31 修回日期:2023-09-20 出版日期:2023-10-10

Appraisal of Projects Managed by the Division of Geography, Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2023

Yang GAO( ), Juhua XIONG, Zhonghao ZHANG, Shun CAI, Li ZHANG, Yu AN, Kaixu BAI, Ruzi LI, Yanli YANG, Zhen YANG   

  1. Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China
  • Received:2023-08-31 Revised:2023-09-20 Online:2023-10-10 Published:2023-10-24
  • About author:GAO Yang, Associate professor, research area includes management of natural science funds. E-mail: gaoyang@nsfc.gov.cn


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has received widespread attention as the primary funding institution for basic scientific research in China. Here, we analyze the results of the proposals received by the Division of Geography, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, in 2023. An analysis of the proposal review and funding processes was undertaken for three sub-disciplines (Physical Geography, Human Geography and Geographic Informatics); three types of projects (general program, Young Scientists Funding Program, and Regional Funding Project); and four scientific themes or focus areas, as formulated by the NSFC. In addition, issues to be noted in the proposal submission and peer review are discussed. For projects completed by the end of 2022, we first analyzed the publication status of SCI/SSCI/EI/CSCD/CSSCI indexed articles in various project categories and then focused on the representative achievements.


表1 地理科学学科 2022/2023年项目申请及受理数量比较
Table 1 Comparison of application and acceptance quantity in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation between 2022 and 2023
表2 地理科学学科 2023年度“面青地”项目按科学问题属性申请数量
Table 2 The numbers and proportion of application ofThree Class Projectsin Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation based on the attributes of scientific issues in 2023
表3 地理科学学科 2023年度面上项目按科学问题属性申请数量比较
Table 3 The comparison of the application numbers of General Projects in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation based on the attributes of scientific issues in 2023
表4 地理科学学科 2023年度青年基金按科学问题属性申请数量比较
Table 4 The comparison of the application numbers of Young Scientists Fund in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation based on the attributes of scientific issues in 2023
表5 地理科学学科 2023年度地区基金按科学问题属性申请数量比较
Table 5 The comparison of the application numbers of Fund for Less Developed Regions in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation based on the attributes of scientific issues in 2023
表6 地理科学学科 20182023年申请“面青地”项目的依托单位数量
Table 6 Number of supporting institutions ofThree Class Projectsin Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation applied for 2018-2023
表7 地理科学学科 2023年度“面青地”项目依托单位申请情况
Table 7 Overview of proposals submissions by different institutions ofThree Class Projectsin Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2023
表8 地理科学学科 2023年度申请数量超过 40项的依托单位
Table 8 Institutes with over 40 applications in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2023
表9 地理科学学科 2023年度“面青地”项目申请量前三的单位
Table 9 Top three institutes in terms of applications ofThree Class Projectsin Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2023
表10 2023年度地理科学学科国家自然科学基金送审与资助统计
Table 10 The submission plan of the applications in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2023
表11 2023年度地理科学学科项目按科学问题属性审议的情况
Table 11 The submitted applications in Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation based on the attributes of scientific issues in 2023
图1 2023年度地理科学学科“面青地”项目发文率
Fig. 1 Paper publication ratio ofThree Class Projectsin Geography of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2023
表12 地理科学学科 2022年底结题项目发表 SCI/SSCI论文情况
Table 12 Amounts of SCI/SSCI papers funded by the completed projects of Geography and related fields of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2022
表13 地理科学学科 2022年底结题项目发表中文核心期刊论文情况
Table 13 Amounts of Chinese core journal papers funded by the completed projects of Geography and related fields of the National Natural Science Foundation in 2022
1 XIONG Juhua, GAO Yang, WU Hao,et al. Exploring the integrative development paths of Geographic Sciences from the perspective of National Natural Science Foundation of China [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica,2022, 77(8): 1 839-1 850.
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2 XIONG Juhua, GAO Yang, WU Hao,et al. An analysis of project appraisal and achievement results managed by Division of Geography,Department of Earth Science,National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022[J]. Advances in Earth Science,2022, 37(12): 1 245-1 255.
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