地球科学进展 doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2023.065


2023 年度国家自然科学基金委地球科学领域地质学学科基金项目评审与成果分析
任建国,王 洋,吕大炜,柴 鹏,李 妲,李志清,肖 笛   
  1. (国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学学部,北京 100085)

Introduction to the Projects Managed by the Division of Geology, Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2023

REN Jianguo, WANG Yang, LÜ Dawei, CHAI Peng, LI Dan, LI Zhiqing, XIAO Di   

  1. (Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China)
  • About author:REN Jianguo, Professor, research areas include management of natural science funds and marine chemistry research.E-mail: renjg@nsfc.gov.cn
为了更好地了解地质科学领域基金项目的申请情况,提高基金项目申请书和结题报告的质量,并了解本学科当前研究热点,分析了2023 年度地质学(申请代码D02)的项目申请、评审及资助情况,梳理了受理与通讯评审过程中存在的问题,总结了2022 年度结题项目完成情况及主要学科方向取得的研究进展。此外,以2023 年度地球深部过程与动力学领域相关分支学科面上项目和青年科学基金项目申请书为样本,运用词云分析方法,对申请书的关键词进行统计分析,剖析了该领域及各分支学科的研究热点,为科研人员项目申请提供参考。
In order to better understand the application process and outcome of projects in the field of Geological Sciences, improve the quality of project applications and final reports, and understand the current research hotspots of this discipline, we analyzed the application, review, and funding outcomes of 2023 geology projects (application code D02). Problems in the process of proposal review and acceptance were identified. This paper summarizes the completion of the final project in 2022 and the research progress in the major disciplines. In particular, project proposals from 2023 and youth fund applications in the relevant branches of the field of deep Earth processes and dynamics were examined. The keywords of the set of applications from 2023 were analyzed using the “word cloud” statistical analysis method. The research hotspots in this field and each branch discipline were determined to provide a guide for future project applicants.


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