地球科学进展 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 149 -164. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.005

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张瑜 1( ), 马黎春 1( ), 王凯 1 , 2   
  1. 1.中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所,自然资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室,北京 100037
    2.中国地质大学(北京),北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-03 修回日期:2022-01-05 出版日期:2022-02-10
  • 通讯作者: 马黎春 E-mail:zhangyu191@mails.ucas.ac.cn;mlichun@cags.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress of Quaternary Environmental Evolution in Lop Nor Playa

Yu ZHANG 1( ), Lichun MA 1( ), Kai WANG 1 , 2   

  1. 1.Ministry of Natural Resources Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environments, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China
    2.China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2021-09-03 Revised:2022-01-05 Online:2022-02-10 Published:2022-03-08
  • Contact: Lichun MA E-mail:zhangyu191@mails.ucas.ac.cn;mlichun@cags.ac.cn
  • About author:ZHANG Yu (1997-), female, HulunBuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Master student. Research areas include evaporite deposition and paleoenvironment. E-mail: zhangyu191@mails.ucas.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Central Public Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund "Geochemistry of fluid inclusions in evaporated minerals"(KK2112);The National Key Research and Development Program of China "Key potassium-bearing basins potassium enrichment law, strategic area selection and demonstration of deep exploration technology"(2017YFC0602806)

罗布泊干盐湖作为塔里木盆地唯一的尾闾湖,经历了淡水湖—微咸水湖—咸水湖—盐湖—干盐湖的演化历程,是亚洲内陆环境演化及全球气候变化研究的天然实验室。简要概述罗布泊第四纪沉积特征及环境变化过程,并对未来研究提出展望。罗布泊早更新世主要为河流三角洲—滨浅湖—湖泊等沉积环境,是罗布泊盆地第四纪时期最为湿润的时期。自早更新世末期进入以含石膏粉砂黏土为主的咸水湖沉积阶段,中更新世中期罗北凹地进入巨量钙芒硝沉积阶段,干旱程度加剧,指示常年性盐湖亚环境。罗布泊全新统底部发育含石膏黏土、砂岩,表层广泛发育石盐壳,指示全新世伊始,罗布泊气候经历了一个相对湿润期,其北部逆向演化至咸水湖阶段,波动至半干旱气候,而后又向极端干旱气候转变,最终演化为干盐湖环境。展望未来,罗布泊古环境研究主要有以下几方面的内容需要进一步深入: Ca-Cl型卤水对盐湖沉积亚环境综合判别的影响研究; 高精度地层时代框架; 可替代性环境演化载体; 定量化环境演变研究。

As the only terminal lake of the Tarim Basin, Lop Nor has experienced the evolution of freshwater lake-brackish lake-saline lake-playa. It is a natural laboratory for the study of environmental changes of Inner Asia even global climate change. In this report, we briefly summarize the Quaternary sedimentary and process of environmental changes in Lop Nor, furthermore bring up future research expectation. Early Pleistocene is dominated by sedimentary facies such as river deltas-shallow lakes and lakes, which is the wettest period in the Lop Nor Basin. In the end of the Early Pleistocene, Lop Nor entered the gypsum-bearing silt clay deposition stage which indicate enter brackish lake stage. In the mid-Middle Pleistocene, the Luobei depression entered the stage of massive glauberite deposition, indicating the perennial saline lake subenvironment and the degree of drought intensified. The Lower Holocene in Lop Nor developed gypsum-bearing clay and sandstone, and the surface layer developed salt crust, indicating it was in the playa stage, which means that at the beginning of the Holocene, the environment is wetter, the northern Lop Nor reversely evolved to the brackish lake stage, fluctuating to a semi-arid climate, and then turned to an extreme arid climate, and eventually evolved into a playa. Looking forward to the future, there are at least four aspects should be further studied: the study on the influence of Ca-Cl brine on the comprehensive research of salt lake sedimentary subenvironment; high-precision stratigraphic era framework; alternative environmental index; quantification environmental evolution research.


图1 罗布泊区域地质图及地层剖面图
(a)塔里木盆地水文图。TR:塔里木河;CE:车尔臣河;KC:孔雀河;KD:开都河;DN:迪那河;WG:渭干河;AK:阿克苏河;YQ:叶尔羌河;HT:和田河;KS:喀拉喀什河;YS:玉龙喀什河;KL:克里雅河;WS:乌鲁克苏河。(b)罗布泊钻孔及剖面分布图,位置来源AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,CK-2 35 ,K1 36 ,DHX剖面 37 ,KY01 38 ,西湖湖心剖面 39 ,东湖湖心剖面 40 ,YKD0301 41 ;(c)罗布泊典型深钻剖面图,年代来源AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,K1 36 ;年龄单位:ka
Fig. 1 Digital elevation model and stratigraphy of the Lop NorNW Chinaregion
(a)Digital elevation model of the Tarim Basin (NW China) showing the drainage system of the Basin. TR: Tarim River, CE: Cherchen River, KC: Peacock River, KD: Kaidu River, DN: Dina River, WG: Weigan River, AK: Akesu River, YQ: Yerqiang River, HT: Hetian River, KS: Karakash River, YS: Yulong Kashi River, KL: Keliya River, WS: Uruksu River; (b)Digital elevation model of Lop Nor showing the location of the boreholes and sections,AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,CK-2 35 ,K1 36 ,DHX section 37 ,KY01 38 ,west lake section 39 ,east lake section 40 ,YKD0301 41 ;(c)Schematic stratigraphic columns of Lop Nor since Pliocene, locations of the ages are labeled. AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,K1 36 ; Age unit: ka
图2 罗布泊钻孔及剖面深度与年龄关系
AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,CK-2 35 47 ,KY01 38 ,K1 36 48 ,西湖湖心剖面 39 ,东湖湖心剖面 40 ,YKD0301 41 ,ZKD0017、ZKD0011、ZKD0012 49 ,罗4井 50 ,F4浅坑 51 ,八一泉 52 ;年龄单位:ka
Fig. 2 Relationship between depth of boreholes and sections and ages in Lop Nor
AK1 33 ,LDK01 34 ,CK-2 35 47 ,KY01 38 ,K1 36 48 ,west lake section 39 ,east lake section 40 ,YKD0301 41 ,ZKD0017,ZKD0011 and ZKD0012 49 ,Luo 4 50 ,F4 51 ,Bayi Spring 52 ; Age unit: ka
图3 罗布泊晚更新统以来地层柱状对比图
CK-2 35 47 ,ZKD0017、ZKD0011、ZKD0012、ZKD0005 49 ,八一泉 52 ,罗4井 50 ,F4浅坑 51 ,西湖湖心剖面 39 ,东湖湖心剖面 40 ,DHX剖面 37 ,KY01 38 ;年龄单位:ka
Fig. 3 Schematic stratigraphic columns of Lop Nor since late Pleistocenelocations of the ages are labeled.
CK-2 35 47 ,ZKD0017,ZKD0011,ZKD0012 and ZKD0005 49 ,Bayi Spring 52 ,Luo 4 50 ,F4 51 ,west lake section 39 ,east lake section 40 ,DHX section 37 ,KY01 38 ; Age unit: ka
表2 罗布泊第四系地层沉积特征
Table 2 Sedimentary characteristics of Lop Nor Quaternary strata
地层时代 罗北凹地 大耳朵地区 时代地层总结
罗北中心凹地 35 53 东部铁南凹地 49 大耳朵湖区 36 38 - 40 50 - 51 55 阿奇克谷地 24 33 52 58
全新统 下层发育石膏层、钙芒硝,向上过渡到石盐壳,局部有少量杂卤石沉积 碎屑沉积与石盐、钙芒硝、杂卤石等盐类沉积互层 下部发育含膏粉砂黏土,表层发育石盐壳 下覆为中细砂,表层含盐沉积 下层为含石膏等蒸发盐矿物的黏土、砂岩,表层为石盐壳
上更新统 广泛发育盐类矿物。大量钙芒硝及石膏沉积,碎屑沉积中夹石膏、少量石盐 广泛发育盐类矿物芒硝、钙芒硝及石膏 含石膏或不含石膏的粉砂黏土沉积 黏土—粉砂—中粗砂互层 北部发育大量钙芒硝等盐类沉积,南部为含石膏的碎屑沉积
中更新统 钙芒硝及少量黏土、石膏,其中0.61~0.25 Ma集中发育钙芒硝 - 底层为少量细砂岩向上逐渐过渡为泥岩层,其中含有部分石膏互层 从底层砂岩向上依次渐变为细砂、粉砂和黏土 北部发育钙芒硝等盐类沉积,南部为含少量石膏的碎屑沉积
下更新统 下部粒径变化较大,主要发育砾岩、砂岩,同时伴有粉砂岩、泥岩;上部发育细粒物质,且含有少量石膏矿物 - 上部发育细粒物质,且含有少量石膏矿物 中砂或中粗砂与黏土互层 下部主要为砂砾岩,上部为含石膏粉砂黏土
区域沉积特征总结 砂砾岩—粉砂黏土—石膏—钙芒硝—石盐壳 上更新统—全新统盐类沉积广泛发育 部分含石膏粉砂黏土—部分含石膏细砂岩泥岩—部分含石膏粉砂黏土—表层石盐壳 砂岩—粉砂—黏土互层,表层为含盐沉积 基本为从碎屑岩到蒸发岩沉积,北部钙芒硝等盐类沉积广布,南部持续含膏沉积。全新世均发育石盐表壳。只有阿奇克谷地第四纪为碎屑沉积
图4 罗布泊沉积记录及环境演变特征
大耳朵地区磁性及沉积特征、孢粉特征 23 ;阿奇克谷地磁性及沉积特征 58 ;罗北凹地沉积特征、 δ 18O、 δ 13C、CO 3 2 - 、盆地演化阶段划分 34
Fig. 4 Sedimentary records and environmental evolution characteristics of Lop Nor
Magnetism and sedimentary characteristics, sporopollen characteristics in the Great Ear Area 23 ; Magnetism and sedimentary characteristics of Akike Valley 58 ; Sedimentary characteristics of Luobei depression, δ 18O, δ 13C, CO 3 2 - , basin evolution stage division 34
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