地球科学进展 ›› 2005, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (3): 304 -311. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2005.03.0304

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王国平 1,2,刘景双 1,汤洁 2   
  1. 1.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,吉林 长春 130012;2.吉林大学环境与资源学院,吉林 长春 130026
  • 收稿日期:2004-02-11 修回日期:2004-07-08 出版日期:2005-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 王国平 E-mail:wangguoping@mail.neigae.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

    中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“三江平原典型沼泽湿地系统物质循环研究”(编号:KZCX3-SW-332 );国家自然科学基金项目“吉林省西部盐碱土形成发展地球化学机制与荒漠化预警研究”(编号:40273047)资助.


WANG Guoping 1,2;LIU Jingshuang 1;TANG Jie 2   

  1. 1.Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130012,China;2.College of Environment and Resources,Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China
  • Received:2004-02-11 Revised:2004-07-08 Online:2005-03-25 Published:2005-03-25

沼泽是水陆相互作用形成具有半水半陆过渡性质的自然生态系统。我国沼泽研究起步于20 世纪60 年代,期间有关沼泽沉积与环境的研究相对薄弱,90 年代以来虽已在泥炭沼泽孢粉解译全新世环境变化与泥炭沉积动力学方面有初步积累,但对潜育沼泽缺乏系统研究,尤其缺乏近代短时间尺度高分辨率环境变化历史记录研究,这方面与湖泊沉积及其环境演变研究相比已形成一定的差距。主要从学术文献、权威机关与科研机构两个方面对相关的国内外研究现状和进展进行总结,针对国内外研究现状和存在的问题提出了今后研究的重点:建立不同成因的沼泽沉积环境模式,从沉积学角度对沼泽定义及分类提供支撑;注重理论提升与定量化,使沼泽形成过程分析从定性描述走向定量化;注重现代化采样系统的应用与标准沉积剖面的建立;加强内陆潜育沼泽研究,注重现代过程与沉积剖面证据;扩大地理覆盖面,加强时空对比,加强沼泽区域性短尺度、高分辨率环境演化研究;深化沼泽沉积信息与流域环境变迁耦合机制研究。

Marsh usually occurred at the interface of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and formed by the interaction of them. The research of marsh initiated in the 1960s in our country. However, the study of marsh sedimentation and environmental changes was relatively weak, even though we have done some preliminary works on an approach to the characteristics of spore-pollen assemblage of peat in the Holocene and paleo-environmwent, and formation mechanism and deposition kinetics of peatland since 1990s. But we are lacking in systematic research on gleying marsh, especially on recent short time-scale and high-resolution sedimentation records of environmental changes. There is a certain disparity in this field compared with lake sedimentation and environmental changes. On the basis of summarizing the status quotation of related researches at home and abroad, problems in related researches and studies are analyzed and the important research fields and contents in marsh sedimentology are chosen:Establishing different model of marsh sedimentation, to support marsh definition and classification from sedimentology; Advancing theory and quantification, to analyze formation process of marsh from quality to quantity methods; Applying modern sampling system and setting up standard sedimentation profiles; Strengthening the research of gleying marsh inland and its recent process and evidence derived from sedimentation profile; Enlarging geography fields and comparing between spatial and temporal research, and enforcing regional short time-scale and high-resolution environmental change; Paying much more attention on correlations between watershed environment and information derived from marsh sedimentary records and especially on their controlling mechanism.


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