地球科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 769 -780. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2017.07.0769

所属专题: IODP研究

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赵绍华( ), 刘志飞   
  1. 同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-08 修回日期:2017-06-28 出版日期:2017-07-20
  • 基金资助:

A Study of Pretreatment Methods for Terrigenous Grain-Size Analysis of Marine Sediments

Shaohua Zhao( ), Zhifei Liu   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
  • Received:2017-02-08 Revised:2017-06-28 Online:2017-07-20 Published:2017-07-20
  • About author:

    First author:Zhao Shaohua (1987-), male, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, Ph.D student. Research areas include marine sedimentoloy and palaeoclimatology.E-mail:zsh55228@126.com

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Deep-sea sedimentation process and mechanism in the South China Sea” (No.91528304) and “Deepwater sedimention since the miocene in the central basin of the South China Sea and its regional tectonic and environmental evolution significance” (No.41530964)

如何有效去除海洋沉积物中的非陆源物质,同时又能完好保存陆源碎屑,是获得陆源碎屑粒度变化信息的先决条件。利用南海MD190航次的深海岩芯沉积物样品,进行了不同预处理条件下的生源物质去除效果和陆源碎屑粒度分析结果的对比研究。结合显微镜和扫描电镜观察,获得了海洋沉积物陆源碎屑粒度分析预处理方法的新认识。结果显示,对于海洋沉积物中的有机质、碳酸盐和生物硅3种生源组分,依次使用浓度为30%的H2O2水浴60 ℃震荡3 h,0.5%的HCl充分反应1 h,2 mol/L的Na2CO3水浴85 ℃震荡5 h,可以有效去除,并能兼顾去除效率以及相对完好地保存陆源碎屑。研究认为,针对不同类型的沉积物样品进行陆源碎屑粒度分析时,应考虑生源碎屑对粒度结果的实际影响,从而选择合适的预处理方案。即在确保陆源碎屑的粒度分析结果更接近真实分布的情况下,沉积物样品的预处理步骤越少越好,并非一定要去除所有的生源成分。如当生物硅含量低于2%时,其对陆源碎屑粒度分析结果的影响很小,可不用去除。另外,超声可导致部分陆源碎屑的破碎,在粒度分析预处理过程中全程不宜使用。

The prerequisite for obtaining variations of terrigenous grain-size of marine sediments is how to effectively remove non-terrigenous matters and preserve terrigenous particles synchronously. Combined with observations under biological microscope and scanning electron microscope, a comparative study of biogenic debris removal effect and terrigenous grain-size analysis under different pretreatment condition was performed on core sediments, which were retrieved in the South China Sea during the MD190 cruise. Our new results showed that the main three biogenic particles, namely, organic matter, carbonate, and opal in marine sediments could be removed effectively by 30% H2O2 in a stirring water bath at 60 ℃ for 3 h, 0.5% HCl for 1 h, and 2 mol/L Na2CO3 in a stirring water bath at 85 ℃ for 5 h, in turn. Such pretreatments achieved the goals of biogenic debris removal efficiency and relatively well-preserved terrigenous particles. Prior to selecting an appropriate pretreatment method, this study suggested that the actual effects of biogenic detritus on grain-size results of diverse marine sediment samples should be taken into account. If the laboratory data are ensured to be closer to the natural grain-size distribution of terrigenous particles, the removals of all biogenic debris are not always needed, and the less pretreatment processes the better. For example, opal particles have little effect on terrigenous grain-size distribution when their percentage is lower than 2%. Thus, there is no use to remove them from marine sediments before laboratory grain-size analysis of terrigenous particles. Additionally, ultrasonic is not suggested through the whole process of terrigenous grain-size analysis because the strong energy of ultrasonic can lead to the fragmentation of some fragile terrigenous particles.


表1 南海及世界其他海域沉积物粒度分析预处理方法总结
Table 1 A review of pretreatment methods of sediment grain-size analysis in the South China Sea and other regions
图1 扫描电镜及生物显微镜下的陆源碎屑颗粒及生物碎屑
Fig.1 Terrigenous and biogenic particles under biological microscope and scanning electron microscope
(a) Terrigenous particles of core MD12-3428 after removed biogenic particles under biological microscope; (b) Terrigenous VS. opal particles of Core MD12-3428 under biological microscope; (c) and (d) Terrigenous VS. opal particles of Core MD12-3434 under scanning electron microscope
表2 MD12-3428岩芯陆源碎屑粒度分析试验样品沉积物组成
Table 2 Sediment compositions of selected samples from Core MD12-3428 for grain-size analysis
表3 MD12-3434岩芯陆源碎屑粒度分析试验样品沉积物组成
Table 3 Sediment compositions of selected samples from Core MD12-3434 for grain-size analysis
表4 MD12-3428岩芯沉积物样品去除有机质后残留样品烧失量随反应时间的变化及试验过程记录
Table 4 Temporal variations of loss on ignition of residual sediments at Core MD12-3428 after removing organic matter under different reaction time and the procedure record
图2 MD12-3428岩芯样品去除有机质后残留样品烧失量的时间序列变化
Fig.2 Temporal variations of loss on ignition of residual sediments at Core MD12-3428 after removing organic matter under different reaction time
图3 MD12-3428岩芯陆源碎屑不同预处理方法粒度分析结果
Fig.3 Results of terrigenous grain-size analysis under different pretreatment procedure at Core MD12-3428
图4 MD12-3434岩芯陆源碎屑不同预处理方法粒度分析结果
Fig.4 Results of terrigenous grain-size analysis under different pretreatment procedures at Core MD12-3434
表5 MD12-3434岩芯沉积物中生物硅除与不除陆源碎屑粒度分析结果对比
Table 5 Comparison between grain-size analysis results of opal-free and opal-within terrigenous particles at Core MD12-3434
表6 超声对MD12-3428岩芯沉积物陆源碎屑粒度分析结果的影响
Table 6 Effect of ultrasound on grain size analysis of terrigenous particles at Core MD12-3428
图5 MD12-3428岩芯陆源碎屑超声后与不超声粒度分析结果
Fig.5 Results of terrigenous grain-size analysis under ultrasonic or without ultrasonic at Core MD12-3428
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