地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 192 -205. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.02.0192.

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程佳佳 1, 2( ), 王成金 1,,A; *( ), 刘卫东 1   
  1. 1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
    2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-29 修回日期:2016-01-05 出版日期:2016-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 王成金 E-mail:chengjj.14s@igsnrr.ac.cn;cjwang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Distribution Configuration and Spatial Differentiation of Transport Superiority Degree in Northwest China

Jiajia Cheng 1, 2( ), Chengjin Wang 1, *( ), Weidong Liu 1   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2015-09-29 Revised:2016-01-05 Online:2016-02-20 Published:2016-02-10
  • Contact: Chengjin Wang E-mail:chengjj.14s@igsnrr.ac.cn;cjwang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • About author:

    First author:Cheng Jiajia(1992- ), female, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, Master student. Research areas include transportation geography and regional development research.E-mail:chengjj.14s@igsnrr.ac.cn

    Corresponding author:Wang Chengjin(1975- ), male, Yishui City, Shandong Province, Professor. Research areas include transportation geography and regional development research.E-mail:cjwang@igsnrr.ac.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the STS Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “Study on the resources and environment carrying capacity of the Silk Road Economic zone (Northwest China)”(No.KFJ-EW-STS-003);The National Natural Science Foundation of China “Port function differentiation and the interactive mechanisms with industries in the hinterland”(No.41571113)


Two individual indexes, including transport network density and transport infrastructure impact of the 333 counties level administrative units in Northwest China was chosen in this study to analyze the spatial configuration and differentiation characteristics of the transport superiority degree in Northwest China in 2013, and to discuss the spatial relationships between transport superiority degree and natural condition, population and economy. This study reveals that, firstly, the distribution characteristic of transport superiority degree obeys the “partial normal distribution”. Few regions, which merely account for 3.30% of the total number of counties, have prominent transport superiority degree and the traffic environment in these regions is superior for social and economic development. By contrast, 18.62% of all the regions have inferior transport superiority degree and the traffic environment there is poor and impedes local social and economic development. Secondly, it is characterized by a regional differentiation of “high in the east and low in the middle and west”. Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic zone, Yinchuan Plain area, Lanzhou-Xining Economic zone, the three city-and-town concentrated areas and five provincial capitals have significant transport advantages. Thirdly, there is significant linear correlation between transport superiority and population, economic development in counties, and there are four combined types: polarization type, retarded type, advanced type and behind type. The regions of the polarization type concentrate in central cities and their surrounding areas while the behind type concentrate in Junggar Basin, Southern Kumusi and Qinghai Province. The regions of the retarded type have a decentralized distribution in Yinchuan Plain, Northern Shaanxi, Southern Shaanxi, Lanzhou-Xining Economic zone, Hexi Corridor, and the Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains. Besides, there are few counties with inferior transport superiority but have the priority to the development of social economy.


表1 交通优势度评价指标体系
Table 1 Evaluation indexes of transport superiority degree
表2 西北地区公路网密度统计
Table 2 Statistics of road network density in Northwest China
表3 西北地区交通干线影响度统计
Table 3 Statistics of transport infrastructure impact in Northwest China
表4 西北地区交通优势度统计
Table 4 Statistics of transport superiority in Northwest China
图1 2013年西北地区公路网络密度空间格局
Fig.1 Spatial configuration of road network density in Northwest China in 2013
图2 2013年西北地区交通干线影响度的空间格局
Fig.2 Spatial configuration of transport infrastructure impact in Northwest China in 2013
图3 2013年西北地区铁路、公路、机场干线影响度的空间格局
Fig.3 Spatial configuration of railway, highway and airport impact in Northwest China in 2013
图4 2013年西北地区交通优势度的空间格局
Fig.4 Spatial configuration of transport superiority in Northwest China in 2013
图5 2013年西北地区各片区平均交通优势度
Fig.5 Average transport superiority of each district in Northwest China in 2013
表5 西北地区交通优势度片区统计
Table 5 Statistics of transport superiority of each district in Northwest China
区域 平均
0.2508 49 6.88 390 28.24 主要位于关中平原(又称渭河平原、渭河盆地)上,夹持于陕北高原与秦岭山脉之间,系地堑式构造平原,平均海拔500 m
0.1960 25 26.67 31 16.43 包括新疆天山以北、准噶尔盆地南缘带状区域以及伊犁河谷部分地区,山间盆地多,年降水量大
0.1937 13 3.57 135 9.44 位于宁夏中北部,是断层陷落后由黄河冲积以及湖沼长期淤积而成的平原,地势平坦,土层深厚,海拔1 000~1 200 m
陕北地区 0.1753 25 8.01 129 11.24 包括陕西榆林、延安市,地处陕甘宁蒙晋五省(区)交界地带,地貌以黄土高原、丘陵为主,平均海拔1 200 m左右
兰西经济区 0.1691 34 7.45 184 10.54 处于青藏高原、黄土高原、内蒙古高原交汇地带,境内有黄河,多中低山丘陵、河谷冲积平原和河谷盆地,平均海拔2 000 m
0.1456 10 9.18 24 3.28 位于天山南麓、塔里木河上游,北倚天山支脉库鲁克山和霍拉山,境内有阿克苏河,属绿洲地区
陕南地区 0.1414 28 7.10 118 5.26 北靠秦岭、南倚大巴山,境内有汉江、嘉陵江,山地、丘陵、盆地多,秦岭、大巴山与河谷盆地海拔差超过2 000 m,区域平均海拔1 000~1 500 m
0.1325 20 22.62 21 5.07 位于黄河以西,介于祁连山与马鬃山之间,属祁连山地槽边缘拗陷带,长约1 000 km,西宽东窄,戈壁、沙漠广布,平均海拔1 500 m左右
0.0942 21 5.46 109 3.17 包括宁夏、甘肃的部分县市,属黄土高原地区,表面黄土质地疏松,被地表流水冲刷形成沟壑区,地形破碎,沟谷密度大,平均海拔1 000~1 300 m
南疆地区 0.0577 33 89.70 9 2.49 南、西、北三面分别是昆仑山、帕米尔高原和天山,中间是塔克拉玛干沙漠,沙尘盐碱严重,四周高山海拔4 000~6 000 m,盆地中部1 100~1 300 m
0.0393 31 55.32 4 2.26 南部是唐古拉山和青南高原,北部是祁连山,西北部是柴达木盆地,内有青海湖、昆仑山。地貌以山地、高原为主,区域平均海拔3 000 m左右
0.0300 17 6.05 54 1.01 大多为山区,位于青藏高原和黄土高原过渡地带,地势西北高、东南低,山地、丘陵、河谷、盆地交错分布,地势高差悬殊,平均海拔1 800~3 500 m
0.0297 10 10.93 16 1.02 地势较高,大多山峰海拔在5 000~6 000 m,最高峰托木尔峰海拔7 443.8 m
0.0185 17 27.53 6 0.67 位于阿尔泰山、天山山脉及西部诸山间,大致呈不规则三角形。西部有高达2 000 m的山岭,中部为广阔草原、戈壁滩、盐碱滩和沙漠,边缘有少数山麓绿洲,平均海拔500~1 000 m
表6 西北地区交通优势度统计(人口和GDP)
Table 6 Statistics of transport superiority in Northwest China (population, GDP)
图6 西北地区交通优势度与人口、GDP的空间组合关系
Fig.6 Spatial combination relationships between transport superiority degree and population, economic in Northwest China
图7 2013年西北地区各片区三次产业增加值比重
Fig.7 The production value structure in Northwest China in 2013
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