地球科学进展 ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 1128 -1138. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.11.1128

观测技术与方法 上一篇    下一篇

施生锦 1,黄彬香 1,刘绍民 2,杨燕 1,黄勇彬 3,徐自为 2   
  1. 1.中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100193; 2.北京师范大学遥感科学国家重点实验室,地理学与遥感科学学院, 北京 100875;
    3.北京雨根科技有限公司, 北京 101100
  • 收稿日期:2010-05-25 修回日期:2010-09-07 出版日期:2010-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 施生锦 E-mail:ssj@cau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


Development of a Measuring System for Surface Energy and Water Vapor Fluxes at Large Scale

Shi Shengjin 1,Huang Binxiang 1,Liu Shaomin 2,Yang Yan 1,Huang Yongbin 3,Xu Ziwei 2   

  1. 1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;
    2.State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China;
    3 Rainroot Scientific Limited, Beijing 101100, China
  • Received:2010-05-25 Revised:2010-09-07 Online:2010-11-10 Published:2010-11-10

基于闪烁理论、孔径平均效应及莫宁—奥布霍夫相似理论(MOST),成功研制了大尺度水热通量观测系统样机YZ01,该系统主要由发射器、接收器、云台、瞄准器、气象传感器、数据采集器、数据处理软件、远程无线数据传输模块、太阳能供电系统等部分组成。该系统发射器平均功耗3 W,接收器功耗1.8 W,比德国的BLS450和荷兰的LAS都更省电;发射器光源功率为100 mW,比荷兰LAS的80 mW更强,在同样条件下,YZ01接收器接收到的闪烁光解调信号比荷兰LAS强14%左右,说明在相同的安装距离下,YZ01比荷兰LAS更适于在能见度低的条件下使用,或者说在同样的环境条件下,YZ01比荷兰LAS可以测量更远的距离。YZ01在北京密云站与荷兰Kipp&Zonen公司的LAS、美国Campbell公司的涡度相关测定系统进行了短期的应用对比试验,结果为:空气折射指数的结构参数C2n、感热通量H、潜热通量LE的日变化趋势都非常一致;YZ01与LAS之间C2n的线性拟合系数为0.98,相关系数为0.7;H的线性拟合系数为0.90,相关系数为0.93;YZ01通过余项法算出的LE与涡度相关直接测得的LE的线性拟合系数为1.07,相关系数为0.78。YZ01在青海阿柔站与德国Scintec公司的BLS450进行对比结果为:空气折射指数的结构参数C2n、感热通量H、潜热通量LE的日变化变化趋势也都非常一致,YZ01与BLS450之间C2n 的线性拟合系数为1.25,相关系数为0.93;H的线性拟合系数为1.17,相关系数为0.99;YZ01通过余项法算出的LE与涡度相关测定系统测得的LE的线性拟合系数为1.03,相关系数为0.84。表明该研究所研制的大尺度水热通量观测系统不仅可以达到国外同类仪器同样的应用水平,而且比国外同类产品更省电、比荷兰LAS更适应在低能见度条件下使用。

Based on the extension of the first-order perturbation theory of optical scintillation and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, an apparatus YZ01 for measuring the refractive index structure constant C2n and for measuring surface fluxes, such as sensible heat flux and latent heat flux along a long line-of-sight path, was developed. This apparatus consists of a transmitter part, a receiver part, an optical alignment part and a signal processing part. Signal modulation and demodulation method is used to distinguish the EM signal from background radiation. Filter and feedback circuitry is used to increase signal to noise ratio. The power of YZ01 transmitter is 3W average, and the receiver only 1.8W. The feature and accuracy of YZ01 was tested by comparing with Kipp & Zonen LAS and Scintec BLS450 over Miyun site, Beijing and Arou site, Qinghai. The results showed: ①The modulate signal of YZ01 is about 14% stronger  than  Kipp&Zonen LAS over Miyun site. ②The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of C2n between YZ01 and LAS is 0.98 and 0.7 over Miyun site. ③The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of H between YZ01 and LAS is 0.90 and 0.93 over Miyun site. ④The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of LE between YZ01 and LAS is 1.07 and 0.78 over Miyun site. ⑤The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of  C2n between YZ01 and BLS450 is 1.25 and 0.93 over Arou site. ⑥The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of H between YZ01 and BLS450 is 1.17 and 0.99 over Arou site. ⑦The slope of linear regression and the correlation coefficient of  LE between YZ01 and BLS450 is 1.03 and 0.84 over Arou site.


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