地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 445 -455. doi: 10.1167/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.04.0445

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房小怡 1( ), 王晓云 2, 杜吴鹏 1, 李磊 3, 任希岩 4, 贺健 5, 程宸 1, 刘勇洪 1   
  1. 1.北京市气候中心,北京 100089
    2.中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081
    3.深圳市国家气候观象台,广东 深圳 518040
    4.中国城市规划设计研究院,北京 100044
    5.北京市城市规划设计研究院,北京 100045
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-13 修回日期:2015-03-04 出版日期:2015-04-20
  • 基金资助:

The Application of Climate Information in Urban Planning in China: Retrospect and Future Prospect

Xiaoyi Fang 1( ), Xiaoyun Wang 2, Wupeng Du 1, lei Li 3, Xiyan Ren 4, Jian He 5, Chen Cheng 1, Yonghong Liu 1   

  1. 1.Beijing Municipal Climate Center,Beijing 100089,China
    2.China Meteorological Administration,Beijing 100081,China
    3. Shenzhen National Climate Observatory,Shenzhen 518040,China
    4. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design,Beijing 100044,China
    5. Beijing Municipal Institute of Urban Planning & Design,Beijing 100045,China
  • Received:2014-10-13 Revised:2015-03-04 Online:2015-04-20 Published:2015-04-20


The climate information application in urban planning in China has gone through several stages. In the early stage, climate information application only focused on wind rose diagram and climatic suitability analysis of more climate elements has been recently developed,such as wind, temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. The research of urban climatic map has been spread rapidly, which puts more attention to urban ventilation environment, thermal environment and pollution sensitive areas. Nowadays, the way of climate information obtained has transferred from limited basic meteorological station data to large numbers of intensive automatic meteorological station data, and to the application of meteorological numerical model of higher resolution and geographical information technology, which could help researchers to capture more accurate information. This paper pointed out that the formulation of relevant standards is equally important besides the technology advance, and gave some examples about the compiling of industrial and local standards. In addition, intersectional collaboration also had more favorable advantages in promoting the practical application of climate information. Meanwhile, this study also demonstrated several actual cases of Yili, Shenzhen and Beijing in recent years. Finally, based on the atmospheric circulation characteristics and ecological capacity, new urbanization will focus on optimizing the urbanization spatial layout and urbanscale structure. This paper also gave several key issues which need to be constantly improved and studied in working and technical levels, respectively.


图1 北京市气象观测站分布示意 (a) 1997年前的20个国家级气象观测站;(b)截止到2014年7月的328个气象观测站
Fig.1 Distribution of weather observation stations in Beijing (a) 20 stations before 1997; (b) 328 stations as of July 2014
图2 流场模拟结果示意 (a)西北风下北京市域的流场分布;(b)西北风下二环内的流场分布,阴影为风速大小(单位:m/s),白色为建筑物区
Fig. 2 Numerical simulation of wind field (a) Wind field in Beijing under north-west wind; (b) Wind field within the second ring road of Beijing, white areas are buildings
图3 1970—2010年深圳市年平均气温变化趋势
Fig.3 The annual average temperature of Shenzhen changed from 1970 to 2010
图4 深圳市细网格气候信息平台提供的逐网格风玫瑰数据
Fig.4 wind rose data by grid fine-grid climate information platform of Shenzhen
图5 冬季(1月)模拟范围内的10米高度上的风速和流场分布 图中填色表示风速,单位m/s,箭头矢量表示风的方向和大小,白色的为伊犁河谷的行政边界示意,土黄色点为现状污染源位置,菱形红色为规划污染源位置
Fig.5 Numerical simulation of wind speed and air flow field at 10m height in winter (January) Coloring of graph stands for wind speed(unit: m/s),vector stands for wind direction and speed,white line is the administrative boundary of Yili,yellow points are present pollution sources,red points are planning pollution sources
图6 伊犁地区的大气分级管控方案
Fig.6 Atmospheric hierarchical control scheme for Yili
图7 研究区位示意
Fig.7 Location of study area
表1 通风潜力等级划分表
Table1 Classifications of ventilation potential
图8 北京雁栖湖周边地区现状通风潜力(a)及规划通风潜力预测(b)
Fig.8 Different grades of ventilation potential of present (a) and planning (b) around Yanqi Lake in Beijing estimated by remote sensing and GIS
表2 热岛强度等级划分依据
Table2 Classifications of urban heat island intensity
图9 雁栖湖地区城市热岛监测及规划方案实施后的热岛强度预测
Fig.9 Monitoring of present urban heat island and forecasting of urban heat island planning
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