At the IODP Forum 2017 in Shanghai, IODP-China proposed initiating the discussions on “IODP beyond 2023”, and the meeting supported China’s proposal to host and co-lead the activities for preparing the science plan of ocean drilling after 2023. The present paper started from an overview of the planning processes of ocean drilling science over the past decades, then analysed the scientific targets and perspectives of the future ocean drilling, and concluded with suggestions about how China should prepare the international discussions on “IODP beyond 2023”.Since half a century, the ocean drilling has played a role of locomotive in international Earth science community and of flagship in deep-sea research.China’s initiation and co-leadership in preparing its science plan for the next decade will promote the upgrading of Earth science in our country, yet the success of the endeavor heavily depends on active involvement of the scientific community , especially on its contribution with creative thinking.