地球科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 815 -825. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2023.041

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

田苗壮 1 , 2( ), 赵龙 1 , 2 , 3, 罗勇 1 , 2, 崔文君 1 , 2, 郭高轩 1 , 2, 卢忠阳 1 , 2, 孔祥如 1 , 2, 刘贺 1 , 2, 陶芳芳 1 , 2, 李敏 4   
  1. 1.北京市地质环境监测所,北京 100195
    2.城市地下水安全防控技术创新基地,北京 100195
    3.中国 地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083
    4.北京市地质矿产勘查院,北京 100195
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-27 修回日期:2023-06-28 出版日期:2023-08-10
  • 基金资助:

Critical Prevention and Control of Land Subsidence Identification and Referential Meaning Based on a Long Sequence of Observations

Miaozhuang TIAN 1 , 2( ), Long ZHAO 1 , 2 , 3, Yong LUO 1 , 2, Wenjun CUI 1 , 2, Gaoxuan GUO 1 , 2, Zhongyang LU 1 , 2, Xiangru KONG 1 , 2, He LIU 1 , 2, Fangfang TAO 1 , 2, Min LI 4   

  1. 1.Beijing Institute of Geo-environment Monitoring, Beijing 100195, China
    2.Urban Groundwater Safety Prevention and Control Technology Innovation Base, Beijing 100195, China
    3.School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
    4.Beijing Institute of Geology, Beijing 100195, China
  • Received:2023-02-27 Revised:2023-06-28 Online:2023-08-10 Published:2023-08-28
  • About author:TIAN Miaozhuang (1991-), male, Beijing City, Engineer. Research areas include land subsidence monitoring, investigation and prevention research. E-mail: tianmiaozhuang@126.com
  • Supported by:
    the Beijing Science and Technology Project “Key technology and application demonstration of land subsidence monitoring and early warning in Daxing airport area of Beijing”(Z191100001419007)

2014年南水进京后北京逐步开展地下水回补工作,区域地面沉降逐年缓减,部分地区开始出现回弹。面对北京地区地面沉降开始出现的新变化,科学合理地开展地面沉降防控,精准识别地面沉降防控水位,判别其指示意义显得尤为重要。以天竺地面沉降监测站分层水位与沉降长序列观测资料揭示地面沉降防控临界点与控沉水位,利用交叉小波变换和皮尔逊相关分析等方法,定量研究不同时间段水位变幅与土体周期变化。结果表明: 研究区第二、第三和第四含水层控沉水位分别为-14.30 m、-17.31 m和-10.12 m,水位变幅达1.73 m、3.07 m和5.03 m; 分层水位与土层形变共振关系周期结果和皮尔逊相关系数验证了地面沉降临界水位时间节点为2019年6月和7月以及2020年10月; 区域上结合临界水位变幅时间节点和水位变幅等参数,计算出区域分层储变量为97.11×104 m3、96.57×104 m3和92.95×104 m3。研究结果可为北京乃至全国地面沉降防控和地下水科学回补提供指导和借鉴。

Research on groundwater recharge has been gradually conducted in Beijing since the South water entered the city in 2014. The land subsidence rate in the region has slowed annually, and some areas have begun to rebound. Owing to new changes in land subsidence in Beijing, it is particularly important to scientifically and reasonably conduct land subsidence prevention and control measurements and accurately identify the water level necessary for prevention and control of land subsidence with its referential meaning. In this study, the critical points of ground subsidence and over-consolidated soil were revealed based on the stratified water level and a long series of subsidence observation data at the ground subsidence monitoring station in Tianzhu. Cross-wavelet and Pearson correlation analyses were performed to quantify the amplitude of the water level and periodic changes in the soil during different periods. The results showed that: the over-consolidated soil of the second, third, and fourth aquifers in the study area were -14.30 m, -17.31 m, and -10.12 m, and the water level ranges were 1.73 m, 3.07 m, and 5.03 m, respectively; based on the periodic results of the resonance relationship between stratified water level and soil deformation and the peel correlation coefficient, the critical time nodes of land subsidence water level were June, July 2019, and October 2020; and the regional stratified storage variables were 97.11×104 m3, 96.57×104 m3, and 92.95×104 m3 by combining the critical water level amplitude change time node and the water level amplitude. The results provide guidance and reference for the prevention and control of land subsidence and groundwater scientific remediation in Beijing and across the entire country.


图1 潮白河冲洪积扇中上部地区水文地质图
Fig. 1 Hydrological geologic map of the middle and upper part of Chaobai River alluvial proluvial fan
图2 潮白河冲洪积扇中上部地区“A-C”水文地质剖面 13
Fig. 2 “A-C” hydrogeological profile in the middle and upper part of Chaobai River alluvial proluvial fan 13
表1 天竺站地下水、分层标分层情况
Table 1 The groundwater and stratification of Tianzhu station
图3 20102020年区域降水变化及不同含水层水位变化曲线
Fig. 3 Variation curve of regional rainfall and water level of different aquifers from 2010 to 2020
图4 潮白河冲洪积扇中上部地区2020年与2015年同期水位变幅
Fig. 4 Variation amplitude of water level in the middle and upper part of alluvial fan of Chaobai River in 2020 and 2015
(a) The first aquifer; (b) The second aquifer; (c) The third aquifer; (d) The fourth aquifer
表2 20142020年分层地下水储变量单位:m 3
Table 2 Variation of stratified groundwater storage variables from 2014 to 2020
图5 天竺站20102021年分层土体形变与相应水位趋势
Fig. 5 Stratified soil deformation and corresponding water level trend at Tianzhu station from 2010 to 2021
(a) The first aquifer group;(b) The second aquifer group;(c) The third aquifer group;(d) The fourth aquifer group
图6 交叉小波分析图
Fig. 6 Cross-wavelet analysis diagram
(a) The first aquifer; (b) The second aquifer; (c) The third aquifer; (d) The fourth aquifer
表3 分层地下水位与地面沉降皮尔逊相关系数表
Table 3 Table of relationship between stratified groundwater level and Pearson phase of land subsidence
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