地球科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (7): 688 -702. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2023.033

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童森炜 1( ), 杨进宇 1, 万显会 1, 牛晴晴 1, 高树基 1 , 2( )   
  1. 1.厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室 海洋与地球学院, 福建 厦门 361102
    2.海南大学南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室 海洋学院, 海南 海口 570228
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-16 修回日期:2023-05-12 出版日期:2023-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 高树基 E-mail:senweitong@stu.xmu.edu.cn;sjkao@xmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress on Hydroxylamine, An Intermediate in the Nitrogen Cycle

Senwei TONG 1( ), Jinyu YANG 1, Xianhui WAN 1, Qingqing NIU 1, Shuh-Ji KAO 1 , 2( )   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Sciences, College of Ocean and Earth Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361102, China
    2.College of Ocean, State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
  • Received:2023-03-16 Revised:2023-05-12 Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-07-19
  • Contact: Shuh-Ji KAO E-mail:senweitong@stu.xmu.edu.cn;sjkao@xmu.edu.cn
  • About author:TONG Senwei (1997-), male, Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province, Ph. D student. Research area includes marine biogeochemical research. E-mail: senweitong@stu.xmu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Source and flux of N2O in the euphotic zone of the Northwestern Pacific”(92058204);Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Nitrogen cycle under global change”(41721005)


Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) is one of the most active trace forms of nitrogen in oceans, and it is the key intermediate product of many nitrogen cycle processes, such as ammonia oxidation, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and anaerobic ammonia oxidation. Therefore, it is an important component of the marine nitrogen cycle network framework. Concurrently, NH2OH is an important precursor of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O), closely related to the production and release of marine N2O. Accordingly, a systematic understanding of the source and sink, spatiotemporal variations, and regulatory mechanisms of NH2OH in the ocean is essential to understand the oceanic nitrogen cycle and climate effects. However, the nanomolar concentration of NH2OH in the ocean and its complex and active migration and transformation processes render the oceanographic community’s understanding of NH2OH unclear. Current research on marine NH2OH is systematically reviewed, focusing on the potential source and sink processes of NH2OH, the determination methods of NH2OH, the possible contribution of NH2OH to marine N2O, and the distribution characteristics and potential impact factors of NH2OH in the ocean. Finally, the problems and difficulties in determining NH2OH and the possible mechanisms affecting its distribution are summarized, and suggestions and prospects for future research on marine NH2OH are discussed.


图1 传统视角下海洋中的氮循环过程(据参考文献[ 14 ]修改)
Fig. 1 Nitrogen cycle process in the ocean from the traditional perspectivemodified after reference 14 ])
图2 海洋中NH2OH产生和转化过程
虚线为还未确定或存在争议的路径,实线为已被证实的路径,问号为该过程涉及的酶还未知。AMO:氨单加氧酶;HAO:羟胺氧化还原酶;cupredoxin Nmar1307:含有1个第一类型的铜中心的铜氧化还原蛋白;NIR:亚硝酸盐还原酶;HZS:肼合酶;HOX:羟胺氧化酶;HDH:肼脱氢酶;NAR/NAP:硝酸盐还原酶;NrfA:氨生成亚硝酸盐还原酶;CcNiR:细胞色素c亚硝酸盐还原酶;εHao:ε-羟胺氧化还原酶;Nif:固氮酶
Fig. 2 Production and transformation process of NH2OH in the sea
The dashed line represents the pathway that has not yet been determined or disputed, while the solid line represents the pathway that has been confirmed, and the question mark indicates that the enzymes involved in this process are still unknown. AMO: Ammonia monooxygenase; HAO: Hydroxylamine Oxidoreductase; cupredoxin Nmar1307: a cupredoxin contains a T1Cu center; NIR: Nitrite Reductase; HZS: Hydrazine Synthase; HOX: Hydroxylamine Oxidase; HDH: Hydrazine Dehydrogenase; NAR/NAP: Nitrate Reductase; NrfA: Ammonia Forming Nitrite Reductase; CcNiR: Cytochrome c Nitrite Reductase; εHao: ε-Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase; Nif: Nitrogenase
表1 不同天然水体中 NH2OH的浓度及回收率
Table 1 NH 2OH concentration and recovery rate in different natural water
研究区域 时间



检测方法 回收率/% 参与分析的环境因子

Kizaki-ko 106


1952年9月 检出限约1 500 碘氧化法 溶解氧、NH3、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -

Kizaki-ko 107


1963年7~8月 检出限约721 碘氧化法 溶解氧、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
埃塞俄比亚河流湖泊与河流 108 检出限约152 000 碘氧化法

Iu河 88




36~150 Fe3+-GC 97.0~99.2
Hii河 88 (日本河流)



21~3 614 Fe3+-GC 97.0~99.2
俄罗斯水库、湖泊 109 2004年 检出限约5 000 碘氧化法、Fe3+-GC 溶解氧、温度、NH3、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -

Nakaumi 110




检出限约450 Fe3+-GC 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -

Nakaumi 103


2014年8月 114 NaClO-GC 101~105 NH3、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -

Sanbe-dam水库 90


2019年9月 102~450 Fe3+-GC 99~103 N2O、叶绿素
近岸及河口 秘鲁沿岸缺氧区 22 <14.3 碘酸盐氧化法 溶解氧
俄勒冈州近岸 23 1981年7月 检出限约7.8 Fe3+-GC 50 溶解氧、N2O

Yaquina河口 25


1983年10月至1984年8月 检出限约362 Fe3+-GC 氨氧化速率、N2O

滨海潟湖 111


1985年5~8月 检出限约175 Fe3+-GC 氨氧化速率、N2O
波罗的海 26 2004年2月 2~179 Fe3+-GC 30~32 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
波罗的海 105 2005年7月至2006年5月 检出限约18.5 Fe3+-GC 44~64 溶解氧、密度
秘鲁沿岸缺氧区 17 2012年11~12月 1.5~20 Fe3+-GC 46~84 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
中国东海、黄海 28 2017年3~4月 检出限约16.4 Fe3+-GC 63~69


NO 2 - 、NO 3 -

中国闽江河口 75 2021年 0.22~140 Fe3+-GC pH、溶解氧、温度、NH 4 +
开阔大洋 赤道大西洋 17 2011年5月 2~9.5 Fe3+-GC 46~84 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
东赤道南太平洋 17 2012年11~12月 0.6~23.8 Fe3+-GC 46~84 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
西南印度洋 27 2014年7~8月 检出限约6.76 Fe3+-GC 68~80 溶解氧、N2O、NO 2 - 、NO 3 -
图3 各研究区域NH2OH与各环境因子之间的Spearman相关系数热图
河流及湖泊区域数据来自于参考文献[ 103 106 - 107 109 - 110 ], n=132;近岸及河口区域数据来自于参考文献[ 17 24 26 28 111 ], n=129;开阔大洋数据来自于参考文献[ 17 27 ], n=63。其中,*表示 p<0.05;**表示 p<0.01;***表示 p<0.001;****表示 p<0.000 1
Fig. 3 Spearman correlation coefficient heat map between NH2OH and various environmental factors in each study area
The data of rivers and lakes come from references [103,106-107,109-110], n=132; The data of the nearshore and estuarine areas come from references [17,24,26,28,111], n=129;The data of open ocean come from references [17,27], n=63. “*” indicates p<0.05;“**” indicates p<0.01;“***” indicates p<0.001; “****” indicates p<0.000 1
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