地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 568 -580. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.050

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张永垂 1, 2( ),王宁 1,周林 1,刘科峰 1,汪浩笛 1   
  1. 1.国防科技大学气象海洋学院,江苏 南京 211101
    2.南方海洋科学与工程 广东省实验室(珠海),广东 珠海 519082
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-21 修回日期:2020-05-22 出版日期:2020-06-10
  • 基金资助:

The Surface and Three-dimensional Characteristics of Mesoscale Eddies: A Review

Yongchui Zhang 1, 2( ),Ning Wang 1,Lin Zhou 1,Kefeng Liu 1,Haodi Wang 1   

  1. 1.College of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing 211101, China
    2.Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai Guangdong 519082, China
  • Received:2020-04-21 Revised:2020-05-22 Online:2020-06-10 Published:2020-07-06
  • About author:Zhang Yongchui (1982-), male, Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province, Associate professor. Research areas include ocean circulation dynamics, mesoscale eddies. E-mail: zyc@nudt.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Key Research and Development Program of China “The development of parameterization of key physical processes in high-resolution ocean models”(2017YFA0604100);The National Natural Science Foundation of China ”Relationship between the reverse trend of sea level change in the western and eastern subtropical North Pacific and climate modes”(41406003)

海洋中广泛存在的中尺度涡旋对动量、能量、热量和物质传输起着至关重要的作用。详细介绍了利用卫星高度计资料识别中尺度涡的闭合等值线、Okubo-Weiss数、绕角和流矢量的方法。结果表明,绝大部分涡旋都呈近刚性旋转的非线性特征,生命周期大于等于16周涡旋的平均寿命、传播距离、振幅和半径分别为32周、550 km、8 cm和90 km。重点介绍了结合卫星高度计和Argo浮标资料合成中尺度涡三维结构的方法。受生成地和移动到当地海洋温盐背景场的共同作用,涡旋呈现不同的三维结构。从演变角度简单介绍了墨西哥湾的回流环和大西洋的地中海涡旋的基本特征。最后,对中尺度涡研究的难点问题,如次中尺度过程、中尺度涡能量耗散和次表层涡旋等进行讨论,并提出今后应从中尺度涡立体化、机动性观测,中尺度涡多学科融合式观测以及多尺度相互作用等方面开展突破性研究。

Mesoscale eddies, which are widely found in the oceans, play a vital role in momentum, energy, heat and mass transport. The Euler method for identifying mesoscale eddies using satellite altimeter data was presented in detail, including closed SLA contours, OW numbers, Winding-Angle and flow vector methods. The results show that mesoscale eddies are almost nonlinear and solid-body rotation. The long-lived eddies with lifetimes ≥16 weeks have an average lifetime of 32 weeks and an average propagation distance of 550 km. Their mean amplitude and a speed-based radius scale as defined by the automated procedure are 8 cm and 90 km, respectively. The method combining with SLA and Argo profiles to composite the three-dimensional structure were addressed. Due to the different temperature and salt structure in the various oceans of the world, the eddies in different oceans show different three-dimensional structures, which are influenced by both the generation and local temperature and salinity. Two special types of eddies were introduced from the perspective of generation, evolution and dissipation processes, namely the Loop Current Ring in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean eddy in the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, issues including submesoscale processes, dissipation of eddies and subthermocline eddies were discussed, and some future research directions were proposed.


图 1 卫星观测海表面高度变化示意图
卫星利用雷达高度计向海面发射微波信号,并通过接受反射信号测量海表面高度,海面高度(Sea Surface Height,SSH)为海表面距离地球椭球体的距离,动力地形(Dynamic Topography,DT)为海表面距离大地水准面(Geoid)距离,海表面高度异常(Sea Level Anomaly,SLA或Sea Surface Height Anomaly,SSHA)可表示为SLA(SSHA)=SSH-MSSH=DT-Geoid=SLA-MDT-Geoid,其中MSSH为平均海表面高度,MDT为平均动力地形
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of sea level anomaly observed by altimetry satellite
The satellite uses a radar altimeter through radiating microwave signals to the sea surface and measure the Sea Surface Height (SSH) by receiving the reflected signals. SSH is the distance from the sea surface to the Earth ellipsoid, Dynamic Topography (DT) is the distance from the sea surface to the geoid, Sea Level Anomaly(SLA) or SSH Anomaly (SSHA) can be expressed as SLA (SSHA) = SSH-MSSH = DT-Geoid = SLA-MDT-Geoid, where MSSH is the average SSH and MDT is the average DT
图2 中尺度涡旋分类示意图[ 7 ]
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of classifications of mesoscale eddies[ 7 ]
图3 Argo浮标分布与中尺度涡位置关系
Fig.3 Location of Argo floats in and outside of the mesoscale eddy
The horizontal and vertical coordinates are the relative distances of Argo floats from the eddy center along the east-west and north-south directions, respectively. The(0,0)coordinates are the center of the eddy,and the black circles are one times the radius of the eddy. Each dot represents an Argo float, and the color represents the distance from the center of the eddy
图4 墨西哥湾回流环示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of Loop Current ring in Gulf of Mexico
The processes of a Loop Current ring in Gulf of Mexico: The ring is formed when circumfluence rises to the north and then falls off; The figure is drawn by HYCOM surface flow field on July 28, 2019
图5 地中海涡旋(Meddy)分布示意图
数值代表盐度(单位:PSU);地中海通过直布罗陀海峡沿地形向大西洋溢流高盐、高密度海水,在大西洋中等深度形成反气旋式涡旋(据参考文献[ 74 ]修改)
Fig.5 Schematic diagram of a Mediterranean eddy
The numerical values are the salinity (unit: PSU). Through the strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea flooded the Atlantic Ocean with high-salt and high-density water, forming an anticyclonic eddy in the middle depth of the Atlantic Ocean(modified after reference [ 74 ])
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