地球科学进展 ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (8): 818 -827. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2007.08.0818
研究论文 上一篇 下一篇
PEI Xian-zhi,LIU Zhan-qing,DING Sa-ping,LI Zuo-chen,LI Gao-yang,LI Rui-bao,WANG Fei,Li Fu-jie
Using cathodoluminescence(CL)imaging and LA-ICP-MS in site U-Pb isotope dating technigue,this paper presents zircon U-Pb dating for the gabbro from the Baihua igneous complex in Tianshui area,eastern Gansu pvovince and reveals interesting tectonic implication. Baihua igneous complex consists mainly of pyroxenite-gabbro(diorite)-diorite-quartz diorite. They form a complete comagmatic evolutionary series. The tectonics environment discrimination of trace element geochemistry reveals the igneous complexs formed in an island-arc setting. The LA-ICP-MS single-zircons U-Pb age of the gabbro from Baihua igneous complex is (449.7±3.1)Ma(MSWD=1.9),which shows that the forming time of the island-arc type magmatite in northern zone of West Qinling is Late Ordovician,also reveals that the timing of subduction of paleoocean basin represented by the Guanzizhen ophiolite and resulting island-arc-type magmatic activities is probably Middle-Late Ordovician.
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