Advances in Earth Science


An Analysis of Project Appraisal and Achievement Results Managed by Division of Geography, Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022

XIONG Juhua, GAO Yang, WU Hao, LI Xin, LIANG Dan, YU Wenping, MAMeihong, ZHOU Yongqiang, WANG Xiaofeng   

  1. Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China
  • About author:First author: XIONG Juhua (1966- ), male, Tianmen City, Hubei Province, Professor. Research areas include management of natural science funds. E-mail:

XIONG Juhua, GAO Yang, WU Hao, LI Xin, LIANG Dan, YU Wenping, MAMeihong, ZHOU Yongqiang, WANG Xiaofeng. An Analysis of Project Appraisal and Achievement Results Managed by Division of Geography, Department of Earth Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022[J]. Advances in Earth Science, DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.086.

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) receives widespread attentions and is the main funding institution of fundamental research in China. The submission and reception of proposals to the Division of Geography of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022 were introduced in this manuscript. The analysis of the proposal reviews and grant funding processes was presented from three subdisciplines that were Physical Geography, Human Geography and Geographic
Informatics, three types of projects that were General program, Young Scientists Funding Program and Regional Funding Project, and four types of attributes of scientific issues formulated by NSFC. Additionally, issues to be noted in the proposal submission and peer review were pointed out. For the funded projects at the end of 2021, firstly, we analyzed the closeout achievement of various projects, secondly, we focused on the representative achievements and, finally, we pointed the main problems in the project progress report and closing report.
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