Advances in Earth Science ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 1125-1136. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.11.1125
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Jiayuan Du 1( ), Yongpeng Wei 1, Feifei Liu 2, Yanhui Dai 1, Jian Zhao 1, Zhenyu Wang 1, *( )
About author:
First author:Du Jiayuan(1993-), female,Haerbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Master student. Research areas include utilization of water resources and control of water
Supported by:
Jiayuan Du, Yongpeng Wei, Feifei Liu, Yanhui Dai, Jian Zhao, Zhenyu Wang. Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism of Environmental Pollutants on Graphene Oxide[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2016, 31(11): 1125-1136.
Graphene oxide, as an emerging material for contaminants removal,possesses relatively large specific surface area, and it shows good dispersion in water phase due to the hydrophilicessence resulted from abundant oxygen-containing functional groups on the edge, thus leading to a potential excellent adsorbent. Current studies revealthat, because graphene oxide is negatively-charged in a wide range of pHs, the removal efficiency of heavy metals and cationic dyes by graphene oxide is significantly higher than by traditional adsorbents, like activated carbon. However, its applications are still limited due to its structural defects. For example, its π domain is destructed during fabrication process. Therefore, certain structural modifications need to be conducted on the purpose of improving its performance, achieving a better result in water purification. This paper presented the preparation and structure of graphene oxide, and reviewed the adsorption behaviors, adsorption mechanisms, adsorption models and influence factors of heavy metals and organic pollutants on graphene oxide and its composites, respectively. In view of unresolved issues, further research should focus on comprehensive adsorption mechanisms, more facile and effectivemethods for structural modifications and the treatment of graphene oxide after adsorption process.