For the case of seismic waves in a more complex architecture porous medium wave field occurs slightly changed with changes in the structure, several parameters characteristics of the structure of the media which influence on various types of seismic wave propagation were studied. Firstly, the article establishes the isotropic elastic porous medium model, derive the corresponding elastic wave equation, and uses high-order staggered-grid finite difference method for forward modeling, the article also analyze the pore structure parameters such as porosity, viscosity and penetration influence on the wave field characteristics were also analyzed. At the same time, the study analyze the influence of porosity, permeability and viscosity on phase velocity and attenuation coefficient was analyzed in the stady. The results showed that the influence on attenuation coefficient was more sensitive than that on phase velocity. This study helps to deepen the understanding of seismic wave propagation in the practical system of complex medium.