Advances in Earth Science ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 69-75. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.01.0069

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Discrimination on Several Key Issues of Global Climate Change

Chen Panqin 1, Cheng Bangbo 2, Wang Fang 2, Qu Jiansheng 3   

  1. 1.Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment, CAS, Beijing100864, China;
    2.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing100101, China;
    3.The Lanzhou Branch of the National Science Library/The Scientific Information Center for Resources and Environment, CAS, Lanzhou730000,China)
  • Received:2009-11-24 Revised:2009-12-13 Online:2010-01-10 Published:2010-01-10

Chen Panqin, Cheng Bangbo, Wang Fang, Qu Jiansheng. Discrimination on Several Key Issues of Global Climate Change[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(1): 69-75.

On the basis of global climate change facts and the analysis of the national climate change action, identification of a few key issues and debate of different points of view of the current scientific understanding of global climate change and actions has been made. It is pointed that: ①as a start point, the relative reliable and certain scientific facts, as well as the principles of the common but different duty should be taken in order to response to climate change; ②the magnitude of global warming has been overestimated; ③over the past century warming is mainly due to human activities is lack of scientific evidence; ④effects of global warming pros and cons need a concrete analysis of specific problems; ⑤climate predictions does not equal weather forecasting and their uncertainty is very large; ⑥the current action to address global warming should be taken to “adapt the main mitigation supplement” strategy.

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