Advances in Earth Science ›› 1995, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5): 457-463. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1995.05.0457
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Zhang Jie,Bao Haosheng
Zhang Jie,Bao Haosheng. ON BIOKARST AND ITS MICROMORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 1995, 10(5): 457-463.
Biokarst is a new area in Karst geomorphological research. Biokarst research covers biokarst phenomena and the associated characteristics,i. e. ,the character of its relieves ,its space distribution, geomorphogenic significances and the mechanisms of developing processes. The main areas of biokarst research are the followings:①On morphological approach to biokarst erosion, including types and geometric character of the relieves' the types of the organisms and their effects as well as distribution of organism on karst rocks, the relationship between relief and substrate;and the differences of erosional relief in various environments as well as the distribution of certain typical erosional relieves;② On the mechanisms and the processes of biokarst erosion;③On biokarst depositional forms, including microrelieves and fabrics;④On mechanism and processes of biokarst deposition. At present, the effective method for research of microrelieves is mainly observation. There are several types of observation as follows:①Systematic observation, ②Comparing observation,③Temporal observation,④Modelling observation. In conclusion, the study on micro relieves of biokarst is a special reserach system with its own characteristic objects and methodology as well as practical significance. The characteristics of its objects includes:①The scale emphasized in micro type,②The research objects including the organisms and the substrate as well as the products of its effect,which emphasized biological view,③The objects including some characteristic erosional phenominon in micro scales which differ to that in normal scale,e. g. some minerals like feldspar and quartz etc. may reserve some solutional pit in micro scale by bio-effects while in normal scale they are not soluble. It can be termed the "micromorphology of biokarst" for the system of the research on microrelieves of biokarst.