When we use the seismic tomography dats to calculate Earth's geoid anomaly we find that there are so much differences between the observed and predicted models. The Earth's mantle could not to be looking as a "rigid mantle", in which there are not any movements. The real Earth is a dynamical planet and there are some flows in the mantle in the geological time scales. Researchs show that the Earth's mantle, particular the lower mantle, is more active than our imagine. The Earth's mantle is a complex thermal dynamical system. It includes large scale convection in the whole mantle, small scale convection in the upper mantle, layer convection cells in somewhere of the mantle, the very small scale convection in the D" layer and the mantle plumes. These different style thermodynamical processes are relative independent and influencing each other. They form very complex thermal dynamical movements in the mantle. In order to understand our planet on which we are living we have to construct a more plausible nonlinear thermal dynamical mantle model and to get more high resolution observed data set (in geophysics,geology,geodesy and geodynamics).