Frost heave research in China Started from the end of 1950's. Through about forty year's efforts of workers dealing with studying, designing and teaching of frozen ground and engineering construction in cold regions, great successes were obtained in amount, forces, mechanism, modeling of frost heave in freezing and frozen ground and measures of
preventing engineering constructions from damage by in situ observation, laboratory testing and computation. The engineering classification of frozen ground, the design values and estimate method of heave amount and heave forces and measures of anti-frost damage for engineering constructions were presented. Now the research work are gradually deepened from the phenomena to mechanism and from macroexamination to microexamination. In the near future, research areas should be concentrated on physical characteristic of frozen fringe, model for predicting amoumt of frost heave in freezing soils. Which has clear physical meaning and can show the time and space processes of heave development and new materials with higher efficiency preventing frost heave.