地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 441 -451. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.041

综述与评述    下一篇

刘秦玉 1, 2( ),张苏平 1, 2( ),贾英来 1, 2   
  1. 1.中国海洋大学物理海洋实验室,海洋与大气相互作用与气候实验室,山东 青岛 266100
    2.青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室,山东 青岛 266100
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-07 修回日期:2020-04-10 出版日期:2020-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 张苏平 E-mail:liuqy@ouc.edu.cn;zsping@ouc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Study About Ocean Eddy Effect on Strong Convection in Local Atmosphere over the Kuroshio Extension Region

Qinyu Liu 1, 2( ),Suping Zhang 1, 2( ),Yinglai Jia 1, 2   

  1. 1.Physical Oceanography Laboratory of Ocean University of China, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Laboratory, Qingdao 266100, China
    2.Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,Qingdao 266100, China
  • Received:2020-03-07 Revised:2020-04-10 Online:2020-05-10 Published:2020-06-05
  • Contact: Suping Zhang E-mail:liuqy@ouc.edu.cn;zsping@ouc.edu.cn
  • About author:Liu Qinyu (1946-), female, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Professor. Research areas include the ocean-atmosphere interactions. E-mail: liuqy@ouc.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Sea-air interaction mechanism in the Kuroshio and extended sea areas and its climate effect"(41490643)


The Kuroshio Extension (KE) is the key area where the water heats the atmosphere in the northwestern Pacific Ocean in winter. Previous studies show that the active eddies in the KE area can affect sea surface temperature and thus sea surface winds. The present study reviewed the progress about the influences of the eddies on local atmosphere in recent years. Analysis and comparison were made especially for the achievements from shipboard sounding data, satellite observations and numerical experiments. Based on the geostrophic adaptation theory involved in atmospheric anomalies induced by the eddies, the following new scientific deductions were suggested: Air pressure adjustment mechanism dominated in the atmospheric response to eddies under the conditions of weaker wind speed over the eddies. The influence of eddies was often limited in the atmospheric boundary layer. On the other hand, vertical mixing mechanism played a major role in the response of the atmosphere to warm (cold) eddies when air moved faster over the eddies. Surface wind speed increased (decreased) over the warm (cold) water. Significant wind convergence took place downwind the warm water, and large amount of water vapor was transported also downwind from the warm water surface. The positive feedback between water vapor condensation and rising air forced by the surface convergence provided necessary conditions for the development of strong convection in atmosphere. These deductions will be conducive to further depicting the impact of oceanic eddies on the atmosphere quantitatively.


图1 2014489日沿着航线从A1站(34°N, 145°E)到A11站(34°N, 148°E)船上观测结果[ 14 ]
(a) 相对湿度(彩色),位温(等值线),水平风(矢量)和云底高度(白点)的经度—高度剖面图,横坐标上分别用红、绿和蓝线表示暖水区,冷涡的西侧和冷涡的中心区位置;(b) 海表温度(蓝线)、海面气温(红线)以及两者之差(黑线);(c)海表面纬向风速(黑线)和经向风速(蓝线);(d)海平面气压(黑线);(e)海表面感热、潜热和湍流热通量
Fig.1 Observations onboard along the cruise from sounding station A1 (34°N, 145°E) at 03 UTC 8 April to sounding station A11 (34°N, 148°E) over the eddy at 02 UTC 9 April, 2014[ 14 ]
(a)Longitude‐height section of relative humidity (shading, unit: %), potential temperature (contour, unit: K), horizontal wind (vector, unit: m/s) and cloud base height (white dot). The three regimes discussed in this section are marked by the red (warm water), green (west edge of cold eddy), and blue (inside eddy) lines on the horizontal coordinate, respectively; (b) SST (blue line, unit: °C, left ordinate), SAT (red line, unit: °C, left ordinate), SST‐SAT (black line, unit: °C, right ordinate); (c) Surface zonal (black line, unit: m/s) and meridional (blue line, unit: m/s) wind velocities; (d) SLP (black line, unit: hPa); (e) Surface latent (blue line, unit: W/m 2), sensible (red line, unit: W/m 2), and turbulent (black line, unit: W/m 2) heat fluxes
图2 2016412~13日沿着航线从E64-E73船上观测结果[ 15 ]
(a)相对湿度(彩色),位温(2 ℃间隔的红色实线,加粗值为10.85 ℃),水平风(矢量)、抬升凝结高度(绿圈)、云底高度(黑圈)和海洋边界层高度(红圈)的经度—高度剖面图; (b) 海表温度(蓝线)和海表温度与海面气温之差(黑线); (c) 海面气温 (红线), 露点温度(蓝线)和低云云量(黑线); (d) 感热通量(黑线)和潜热通量(蓝线); (e)海平面气压(红线),水平风速(蓝线)和水平风向(风向杆);站点探空的时间用▲标记
Fig.2 Observations for E64-E73 stations from 12 UTC 12 April to 06 UTC, 13 April 2016[ 15 ]
(a) Longitude‐height section of relative humidity (rh, shaded), potential temperature (red contours at 2 ℃ intervals with 10.85 ℃ in bold), horizontal winds (arrows), and calculated LCL (green circles) from soundings, and the height of cloud base (CBH, black circles) and depth of MABL (red circles) from the ceilometer; (b) SST (blue line) and the difference between SST and SAT (DT, black line); (c) SAT (red line), dewpoint (Td, blue line, on the same scale as SAT), and low cloud fraction (LCF, black line); (d) SHF (black line) and LHF (blue line) calculated by the COARE 3.0 algorithm; and (e) SLP (red line), surface horizontal wind speed (blue line), and surface horizontal winds (barbs) from automatic meteorological station. The time of some soundings are marked by ▲
图3 冬季黑潮延伸体海域大气响应为垂直混合机制的2 070个反气旋涡(a, c)和1 719个气旋涡(b,d)合成的大气垂直剖面图[ 17 ]
(a)~(d)中填色为负的压力坐标下垂直速度,向上为正;(a)和(b)中等值线为比湿,(c)和(d)中等值线为垂直涡动热通量;垂直速度单位为1×10 -2 Pa/s,比湿为1×10 -3 J/(kg ·s),Q12’为1×10 -2 g/kg;图中没有*标记的位置为通过显著不为0的99%信度t-检验;(e)和(f)分别为反气旋涡和气旋涡的海表面温度异常合成的剖面,单位 R是涡旋半径
Fig.3 Composite patterns of vertical profiles of atmospheric response by Vertical Momentum Mixing mechanism type for 2 070 anticyclone (a, c) and 1 719 cyclone (b, d) respectively in winter Kuroshio Extension region[ 17 ]
Colors in (a)~(d) are negative vertical velocity in pressure coordinates, positive values indicate upward motion; Contours in (a) and (b) are specific humidity, contours in (c) and (d) are vertical eddy heat. Unit of vertical velocity is 1×10 -2 Pa/s, unit of specific humidity is 1×10 -3 J/(kg ·s), Q12’ is 1×10 -2 g/kg; All values shown without an asterisk are significantly different from zero at the 99% confidence level based on t testing; (e), (f) The composite SST profiles along the background wind direction across eddy centers, R is the eddy radius
图4 冬季黑潮延伸体海域气压调整机制响应的303个反气旋涡(ace)和517个气旋涡(b,d,f)合成图[ 17 ]
(a)~(d)中填色为负的压力坐标下垂直速度,向上为正;(a)和(b)中等值线为比湿,(c)和(d)中等值线为垂直涡动热通量;垂直速度单位为1×10 -2 Pa/s,比湿为1×10 -3 J/(kg ·s),Q12’为1×10 -2 g/kg;图中没有*标记的位置为通过显著不为0的99%信度t-检验;(e)和(f)分别为反气旋涡和气旋涡的海表面温度异常合成的剖面,单位 R是涡旋半径
Fig.4 Composite patterns of the atmospheric response by the Pressure Adjustment mechanism type for 303 anticyclones(ace) and 517 cyclones (bdf)[ 17 ]
Colors in (a)~(d) are negative vertical velocity in pressure coordinates, positive values indicate upward motion; Contours in (a) and (b) are specific humidity, contours in (c) and (d) are vertical eddy heat. Unit of vertical velocity is 1×10 -2 Pa/s, unit of specific humidity is 1×10 -3 J/(kg ·s), Q12’ is 1×10 -2 g/kg; All values shown without an asterisk are significantly different from zero at the 99% confidence level based on t testing; (e), (f) The composite SST profiles along the background wind direction across eddy centers, R is the eddy radius
图5 数值实验第12小时穿越涡旋中心的风矢量垂直剖面图[ 21 ]
干空气控制实验(a)和湿空气实验(b)第12小时穿越涡旋中心的水平—垂直速度剖面;为了使次级环流更加明显,风矢量的垂直速度分量放大了200倍,箭头颜色代表垂直速度异常大小,单位为10~2 m/s,向上为正
Fig.5 Horizontal and vertical wind vertical section across eddy center from numerical experiment output on 12th hour[ 21 ]
Dry air control experiment (a) wet air experiment (b) 12 th hour output of horizontal and vertical wind section across eddy center. Note that the vertical velocity is 200 times amplified to show the secondary circulation,Color of the vector indicates the vertical velocity,unit is 10~2 m/s,positive value for upward motion
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