地球科学进展 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (10): 1081 -1091. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2019.10.1081

新学科 新技术 新发现 上一篇    下一篇

胡毅 1( ),丁见祥 2,房旭东 1,王立明 1,刘伯然 1,李海东 1   
  1. 1. 自然资源部第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005
    2. 国家文物局水下文化遗产保护中心,北京 100192
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-24 修回日期:2019-09-16 出版日期:2019-10-10
  • 基金资助:

Control Experiments for Underwater Cultural Relics Survey by Marine Geophysical of Acoustics

Yi Hu 1( ),Jianxiang Ding 2,Xudong Fang 1,Liming Wang 1,Boran Liu 1,Haidong Li 1   

  1. 1. Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Coast and Ocean Geology Laboratory, Xiamen 361005, China
    2. National Center of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Beijing 100192, China
  • Received:2019-06-24 Revised:2019-09-16 Online:2019-10-10 Published:2019-12-09
  • About author:Hu Yi (1976-), male, Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, Professor of engineering. Research areas include marine geology and marine geophysics. E-mail: huyi@tio.org.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Cultural Heritage Administration "Research on regional investigation and geophysical technology method"(2018300);The Ocean Public Welfare Scientific Research "Research and demonstration of detection and protection technology system in the underwater cultural"(201305038)


Marine geophysical acoustic methods are a powerful tool for high-precision, large-scale underwater archaeological relics investigations and research in the shallow water. There is a complex coupling relationship between the marine environment and the preservation of underwater cultural relics, which leads to great uncertainty based on the detection data to deduce the existence and distribution of underwater cultural relics. In the past 30 years, the controllable experiments of acoustic methods for underwater cultural relics show that different side-scan sonar systems have varied acoustic response. Multi-beam sonar can be used to study the temporal variation of underwater cultural relics, while shipwreck partially or totally embedded in seabed sediments can be detected by sub-bottom profile. The control experiment will increase the understanding of the acoustic response for different underwater cultural types. Control experiment on the underwater cultural relics can provide a reference for the correlation between detection results and interpretation accuracy, and hopefully provide a systematic solution for underwater cultural survey in an efficient way and on a wide-scale, thus better protecting and managing underwater cultural relics.


图1 侧扫声呐沿航向与垂直航向分辨率示意图[ 24 ]
β为掠射角, θh 为水平波束宽度
Fig.1 Resolution of Side Scan Sonar along and across tracks[ 24 ]
β is the local grazing angle, the horizontal beamwidth θh of the sonar
表1 控制实验中使用的侧扫声呐系统参数
Table 1 Parameters of side scan sonar system used in control experiments
图2 不同侧扫声呐系统的横向分辨率(tr,公式1)和距离分辨率(rr,公式2)对比图[ 32 ]
Fig.2 Transverse resolution (tr, formula 1) and range resolution (rr, formula 2) of three side-scan sonar systems used in control experiment[ 32 ]
图3 侧扫声呐影像对比图[ 32 ]
(a)系统1显示的侧扫声呐影像;(b) 系统2显示的侧扫声呐影像;(c) 系统3显示的侧扫声呐影像(同一测试地点)
Fig.3 Comparison of side scan sonar image[ 32 ]
(a) Side scan sonar image displayed in system 1; (b) Side scan sonar image displayed in system 2; (c) Side scan sonar image displayed in system 3 (the same test site)
图4 阿克洛海岸沉船遗址位置图[ 36 ]
Fig.4 Arklow Bank wreck ship site[ 36 ]
图5 阿克洛海岸沉船的声学影像图[ 37 ]
Fig.5 Acoustic image of Arklow Bank wreck ship[ 37 ]
(a) Side-scan sonar data from the Arklow Bank wreck site showing the vessel and associated scour and ridge features; (b) DEM of the wreck site derived from the multibeam echo-sounder surveys
图6 阿克洛海岸沉船时移变化图[ 37 ]
Fig. 6 Time-lapse image of Arklow Bank wreck[ 37 ]
Show areas of net erosion in blue and areas of net deposition in red (left); Increases in blue and red tones correspond to increased erosion and deposition (right) respectively [ 37 ]
图7 桅杆在浅地层剖面上的影像[ 42 ]
(a)主频为2~7 kHz(a);(b)主频为8~23 kHz
Fig. 7 Sloping pole in the subbottom profile[ 42 ]
(a) Image 2~7 kHz; (b) Image 8~23 kHz
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