地球科学进展 ›› 2018, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 1223 -1236. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.12.1223.

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智能手机参与大气探测的研究进展与展望 *
刘西川( ), 高太长 *( ), 贺彬晟, 刘磊, 印敏, 宋堃   
  1. 国防科技大学气象海洋学院,江苏 南京 211101
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-21 出版日期:2018-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 高太长 E-mail:liuxc85@gmail.com;2009gaotc@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Advances and Trends in Atmospheric Measurement by Smartphones *

Xichuan Liu( ), Taichang Gao *( ), Binsheng He, Lei Liu, Min Yin, Kun Song   

  1. College of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing 211101, China
  • Received:2018-08-21 Online:2018-12-10 Published:2019-01-18
  • Contact: Taichang Gao E-mail:liuxc85@gmail.com;2009gaotc@gmail.com
  • About author:

    First author:Liu Xichuan(1985-), male, Qinghe County, Hebei Province, Lecturer. Research areas include atmospheric physics and atmospheric measurement technology. E-mail: liuxc85@gmail.com

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Identification and inversion techniques of precipitation types based on the dual-frequencies and dual-polarizations microwave links" (No.41505135) and "Inversion of regional precipitation by microwave links" (No.41475020).


With the development and popularization of smartphones and embedded sensors, a non-professional atmospheric measurement method by using smartphones carried by the public has been proposed recently. Without extra dedicated instrument, this method has many advantages, such as low hardware cost, high spatio-temporal resolution, and wide coverage, and it can supplement the professional atmospheric measurement methods, which has broad applications in the meteorological operation, scientific research, public service, and other fields. At present, the research on the non-professional atmospheric measurement in China is limited. In order to make full use of this method, this paper briefly outlined the states of existing smartphones and embedded sensors, highlighted the measurement of precipitation, air temperature, pressure, aerosols, and radiation by smartphones. To promote the development of smartphones for atmospheric measurement, future research should focus on mechanism study, available sources exploration, data quality control, big data processing, joining and matching with operation, research and service, etc.


图1 公众、互联网、智能终端及传感器联合的公众参与大气探测新方式 [ 1 ]
Fig.1 A new atmospheric measurement method by public, internet, intelligent terminal and sensor [ 1 ]
表1 公众参与大气探测的分类、方法和典型案例 [ 1 ]
Table 1 Classification, methods, and typical cases of public participation in atmospheric measurement [ 1 ]
图2 CoCoRaHS应用的雨量计和冰雹板
Fig.2 Rain gauge and hail pad utilized by CoCoRaHS
图3 mPING APP界面
Fig.3 Interface of mPING APP
图4 香港CWOS计划
Fig.4 CWOS project of Hongkong
图5 荷兰的微波链路网络及反演结果
Fig.5 Microwave links network and inversed rainrate distribution in Netherland
图6 Zamora开展的手机信号测量实验
Fig.6 Cellphone signal measurement by Zamora
图7 智能手机电池的热量传输模型
Fig.7 Heat transfer model of smartphone battery
图8 利用智能手机电池温度反演的日平均气温(上)和小时平均气温(下)(巴西圣保罗地区)
Fig.8 Average daily air temperature (above) and hourly air temperature (below) inversed by battery temperature of smartphone in S?o Paulo, Brazil
图9 微型气溶胶采样过滤器与采样样本
Fig.9 Micro aerosol sampling filter and samples
图10 iSPEX及其反演的气溶胶光学厚度
Fig.10 iSPEX and inversed aerosol optical thickness
图11 Igoe等利用智能手机装配滤光片与实验场景
Fig.11 Smartphone assembled with filters and experimental scene by Igoe
图12 太阳图像及其反演的气溶胶光学厚度
Fig.12 Solar images and inversed aerosol optical thickness
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