地球科学进展 ›› 2018, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11): 1203 -1214. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.11.1203.


北太平洋中部赫斯海隆(Hess Rise) 晚第四纪以来生源组分与粉尘输入的关系及其变化机制 *
由德方( ), 王汝建 *( ), 肖文申   
  1. 同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-07 修回日期:2018-10-15 出版日期:2018-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 王汝建 E-mail:dfyou@tongji.edu.cn;rjwang@tongji.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Correlations Between Biogenic Components and Dust Input and Their Change Mechanism on Hess Rise, Central North Pacific, During the Late Quaternary *

Defang You( ), Rujian Wang *( ), Wenshen Xiao   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2018-09-07 Revised:2018-10-15 Online:2018-11-20 Published:2018-12-21
  • Contact: Rujian Wang E-mail:dfyou@tongji.edu.cn;rjwang@tongji.edu.cn
  • About author:

    First author: You Defang(1992-), male, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Master student. Research areas include polar paleoceanography and micropaleontology. E-mail: dfyou@tongji.edu.cn

  • Supported by:
    Foundation item: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Reconstruction of the glacial-interglacial evolution history of ice raft transport and surface currents during the late quaternary" (No.41776187);The Arctic and Antarctic Special Fund "2017 Arctic Ocean marine geological survey" (No.CHINARE2017-03-02).

对海洋生产力的研究有助于理解大洋碳库的变化,粉尘输入则是影响海洋生产力的重要因子。对德国SO202-INOPEX航次在北太平洋中部赫斯海隆(Hess Rise)钻取的SO202-37-2孔0~251 cm沉积物样品进行了XRF元素扫描,碳酸钙、生物硅、有机碳、浮游有孔虫Globigerina bulloidesGloborotalia inflata氧碳同位素的综合分析,以期探讨该区域的生源组分特征及粉尘输入的变化历史。该孔的地层年代框架基于其浮游有孔虫G. inflata18O、G. bulloides18O与H3571孔G. inflata18O和深海氧同位素曲线LR04-δ18O的对比。结果显示,该孔XRF-Ti/Ca值所代表的陆源粉尘输入强度变化与生物硅含量显著相关,指示粉尘输入刺激了海洋生产力的提高,并呈现出间冰期增强、冰期减弱的特点。究其原因,可能是由于冰期时西风带南移远离物源区,导致粉尘输出减少,西风急流的经向移动控制了该区域海洋生产力的变化。尽管冰期时全球粉尘输出是增多的,但是西风急流的位置变化使得该区域的粉尘沉积记录与其他地区不完全相同。

The study of marine export production is helpful to trace the changes of oceanic and global carbon reservoirs. Dust input is an important factor inspiring marine export production. Measurements of carbonate, Opal, TOC and Corg/N were performed on Core SO202-37-2, which was retrieved from Hess Rise, central North Pacific during the German SO202-INOPEX Expedition, for reconstructing variations of the local export production and dust input. The core age model is constructed via morphologically correlating its foraminifer oxygen isotope record with those of Core H3571 and the LR04 stack. XRF-Ti/Ca can be used as a proxy for dust input and its distribution pattern is consistent with that of Opal content, possibly indicating that dust input may have affected the local export production, i.e. the local export production increased (decreased) with enhancing (declining) dust input during interglacial (glacial) periods. Fluctuations in dust input might be due to southward/northward migration of the Westerly Jet over the dust source regions during interglacial and glacial periods. Although global dust output increased during glacial periods, meridional migration of the Westerly Jet in this area made the distribution pattern of the dust deposition in the study area different from that of other areas.


图1 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37 [ 9 ](本文)、H3571 [ 5 ]、ODP882 [ 10 ]和V21-146站位 [ 11 ]位置图,以及北太平洋锋面、表层洋流分布 [ 12 , 13 ]和大气环流 [ 14 ]分布
Fig.1 Map of climatic and oceanographic settings in the North Pacific showing locations of sites SO202-37 [ 9 ]at Hess Rise (this study), H3571 [ 5 ], ODP882 [ 10 ] and V21-146 [ 11 ] and fronts, surface currents [ 12 , 13 ] and atmospheric circulation [[ 14 ]
Dark blue lines show respectively subarctic and subtropical fronts, red dashed lines with arrows show warm surface currents, black dashed lines with arrows show cold surface currents, dark blue arrow shows westerly wind and light blue arrow shows East Asian winter monsoon
表1 北太平洋中西部站位信息
Table 1 Information for the sites in central and western North Pacific
图2 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔 G. bulloides18O、 G. inflata18O和H3571孔 G. inflata18O [ 5 ]与LR04-δ 18O [ 24 ] 对比建立的地层年代框架
Fig.2 Chronostratigraphic framework of Core SO202-37-2 from the Hess Rise, central North Pacific, assigned with marine isotope stages (MIS), stratigraphic correlations between LR04 stack [ 24 ] and Cores SO202-37-2 and H3571 [ 5 ] based on foraminiferal oxygen isotope
表2 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2钻孔年龄控制点
Table 2 Age control points of Core SO202-37-2 from the Hess Rise, central North Pacific
图3 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔年龄模式及沉积速率
Fig.3 Age model and sedimentation rate of Core SO202-37-2 from the Hess Rise, central North Pacific
Black dots are depth-age control points, and dashed lines are extrapolated trendlines
图4 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔生源组分含量变化图
Fig.4 Variation in percentage of biogenic components of Core SO202-37-2 from the Hess Rise, central North Pacific
图5 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔Ti/Ca, Al/Ca, Fe/Ca值及Ti, Al, Fe含量与Opal含量对比
Fig.5 Variations in Ti/Ca, Al/Ca, Fe/Ca ratios and Ti, Al, Fe content in comparison with percentage of Opal in Core SO202-37-2 from Hess Rise, central North Pacific
图6 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔Ti/Ca, Al/Ca和Fe/Ca值与Opal含量相关性
Fig.6 Linear relationship of Ti/Ca, Al/Ca, Fe/Ca ratios with percentage of Opal in Core SO202-37-2 from Hess Rise, central North Pacific
图7 北太平洋中部赫斯海隆SO202-37-2孔Ti/Ca值、Opal、CaCO 3、TOC含量之间相关性
Fig.7 Linear relationship of Ti/Ca ratio, percentages of Opal, CaCO 3 and TOC in Core SO202-37-2 from Hess Rise, central North Pacific
图8 格陵兰冰芯粉尘通量 [ 45 ]与北太平洋中西部SO202-37-2、ODP882 [ 15 ]、H3571 [ 5 ]和V21-146孔 [ 11 ]粉尘输入对比
Fig.8 Comparison of dust input in Greenland ice core [ 45 ] and in Cores SO202-37-2, ODP882 [ 15 ], H3571 [ 5 ] and V21-146 [ 11 ]
图9 东亚及北太平洋冬夏两季西风急流示意图 [ 14 , 46 ]
Fig.9 The location of Westerly Jet in East Asian and the North Pacific during winter and summer [ 14 , 46 ]
Remote sensing image comes from http:∥search-image.tianditu.com
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