地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 559 -568. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.05.0559

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张红梅 1, 3( ), 吴炳方 2, *( ), 闫娜娜 2   
  1. 1. 中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院,湖南 长沙 410083
    2. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100101
    3. 南昌工程学院水利与生态学院,江西 南昌 330099
  • 出版日期:2014-05-23
  • 通讯作者: 吴炳方 E-mail:zhanghm_06@126.com;wubf@radi.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Remote Sensing Estimates of Vapor Pressure Deficit: An Overview

Hongmei Zhang 1, 3( ), Bingfang Wu 2( ), Nana Yan 2   

  1. 1. School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central south University, Changsha 410083, China
    2. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    3. School of Ecology and Hydrodynamic engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
  • Online:2014-05-23 Published:2014-05-10


Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) is an important climatic variable widely used in many ecosystem models to simulate fluxes and states of water and carbon; it plays an important role in fire warning and epidemic disease early warning systems. Accurate estimation of spatio-temporally distributed VPD is critical for ecosystem and climate modeling efforts. In this paper, the available remote sensing datasets for satellitebased VPD estimation are analyzed, the precision and spatial resolution are two important factors for selecting remote sensing data. Then, the principle and advantages of different estimation algorithms are analyzed, which include the regression method and analytic method. The regression method is simple, but requires mass sample data and can not be used in other region before calibration. The analytic method is more complex, but can be used anywhere once established. The near surface air temperature and humidity are two key parameters for estimating VPD, which are usually estimated from the satellite retrieved land surface temperature and total precipitable water vapor. The errors in estimated VPD cloud are further eliminated by improving the accuracy of input remote sensing data and improving estimation algorithms of near surface air temperature and humidity. Finally, the existing problems and the VPD estimation research prospect are discussed. Most research work is limited in clear sky days until now, and VPD estimation under cloudy days is a challenging work, but it is important for many applications. A full VPD map could be achieved by combining several satellite data from different instruments, especially by taking the advantages of optical and microwave remote sensing. The prospects of the satellitebased VPD estimation technologies are presented.


表1 全球主要的通量观测研究网络
Table 1 Global main flux observation networks
表2 全球主要的陆表温度和湿度数据集
Table 2 Global main land surface temperature and humidity datasets
产品名 覆盖 时空特性 主要用途 可提供参数
AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB 陆表分析产品 全球 水平分辨率:40.6 km;垂向分辨率:2 km; 时次:2次/天;标称精度:RMS≤1 K 地-气能量交换,大气顶长波辐射 Ts, TPW
MODIS MOD07 全球 水平分辨率:5 km;垂向:15个气压层 臭氧,大气稳定度,大气校正,大气特性研究 Ta, Tdew
Metop IASI 大气廓线 全球 水平分辨率:25 km;垂向:1 km;时次:2次/天;标称精度:RMS≤1 K 天气预报,大气特性研究 Ta, Tdew
NOAA/Metop AVHRR 全球 水平分辨率:1.1 km, 时次:2次/天 气候、水文和生态模型 Ts, TPW
MODIS MOD11 全球 水平分辨率: 1 km;时次:2次/天;8天和月产品:0.5°;标称精度:RMS≤1 K 气候、水循环、水文和生态模型 Ts
MSG SEVIRI 欧洲及周边 水平分辨率:1~3 km;时间分辨率:30 min 陆面过程、植物光合作用 Ts
FY-3A VIRR 全球 水平分辨率:1 km,时次:2次/天 陆面过程 Ts
MODIS MOD05 全球 水平分辨率:近红外1 km, 红外5 km;时次:2次/天;标称精度:RMS≤10% 水循环、大气校正 TPW
GMS VISSR 日本及周边 水平分辨率:5 km;时间分辨率:180 min 天气预报,大气特性 TPW
FY-2 VISSR 中国及周边 水平分辨率:5 km 天气预报 TPW
FY-3A MWHS 全球 水平分辨率:16 km 大气特性研究 TPW
SAGE III 水汽产品 全球南北高纬地区 垂向分辨率:0.5 km; 时间分辨率:30个太阳掩星事件/天 温室气体效应;气候模式论证,天气预报 TPW, q
图1 遥感估算VPD的解析算法流程
Figure 1 Flow work of satellite estimates of near surface VPD
表3 近地表气温遥感反演算法比较
Table 3 Methods for retrieving T a from remote sensing data
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