地球科学进展 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (12): 1318 -1324. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2009.12.1318

所属专题: IODP研究

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  1. 中国IODP办公室,同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室,上海200092
  • 收稿日期:2009-12-16 修回日期:2009-12-17 出版日期:2009-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘志飞(1969-),男,江苏南京人,教授,博导,主要从事海洋地质、沉积学、青藏高原地质研究. E-mail:lzhifei@mail.tongji.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


New Progress in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)

LIU Zhifei, TUO Shouting   

  1. IODP-China Office, State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai200092, China
  • Received:2009-12-16 Revised:2009-12-17 Online:2009-12-10 Published:2009-12-17

综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)经过5年(2003—2008年)的过渡运行,在2009年真正实现了“多平台”钻探格局,美国“决心号”、日本“地球号”和欧洲联合体“特定任务平台”同时执行特定海区和地质条件的钻探航次。随着澳大利亚—新西兰联合体和印度的加入,IODP“大家庭”已有7个成员单位共24个国家,大洋钻探的国际合作渐入“佳境”。IODP钻探航次在2009年的重大进展包括:“地球号”在IODP第319航次首次实施立管钻探并成功取芯;经全面改造升级后的“决心号”首航赤道太平洋成功获取53 Ma以来古赤道太平洋连续沉积物断面;“特定任务平台”成功实施推迟2年多的新泽西陆架IODP第313航次等。我国科学家在近年来参加IODP航次、提交航次建议书、积极参加国际学术会议等方面明显活跃,大大提高我国科学家的国际学术竞争力,并在海洋科学的相关领域进入了国际前沿。

After five-year′s interim operation (2003-2008), the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) realized a true multi-platform drilling structure in 2009. JOIDES Resolution of USA, Chikyu of Japan, and Mission-Specific Platforms of ECORD (European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling) are implemented for drilling expeditions concurrently in various oceans with different geological settings. With participations of Australian-New Zealand Consortium (ANZIC) and India, the IODP “Big Family” contains seven international partners (members) with total 24 participating countries, making the most pleasant stage of IODP international cooperation. The highlights of IODP expeditions in 2009 include: first successful riser drilling and coring of Chikyu during IODP Expedition 319; first expeditions to equatorial Pacific of converted and upgraded JOIDES Resolution successfully coring a continuous paleoequatorial Pacific sediment transect since 53 Ma; successful operation of IODP Expedition 313 (postponed for more than two years) of the Mission-Specific Platforms at the New Jersey continental shelf; etc. In recent years, Chinese scientists are energetic in involving IODP activities, including sailing IODP expeditions, submitting IODP proposals, and participating international scientific meetings. Their participation greatly increases the academic competitive capacity of Chinese scientific community and leads some ocean-science fields of China to the word front.


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