地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (9): 885-897 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.09.0885



程维明12, 刘樯漪12, 王娇3, 高文信14, 刘建忠5

1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3.中国地质大学信息工程学院,北京 100083
4.兰州理工大学土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050
5.中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵州 贵阳 550081

A Preliminary Study of Classification Method on Lunar Topography and Landforms

Cheng Weiming12, Liu Qiangyi12, Wang Jiao3, Gao Wenxin14, Liu Jianzhong5

1.State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3.School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
4.School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050, China
5.Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China

中图分类号:  P184.8

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)09-0885-13

收稿日期: 2017-04-18

修回日期:  2018-08-6

网络出版日期:  2018-10-20

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *国家自然科学基金项目“全月球形貌类型划分方法研究”(编号:41571388)中国科学院B类先导专项培育项目“数字月球与地月系统演化”(编号:XDPB11)资助.


First author:Cheng Weiming(1973-), male, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, Professor. Research areas include digital geomorphology and lunar topography and landforms. E-mail: chengwm@lreis.ac.cn




月球表面形貌科学研究是月球探测最基础的内容。月球形貌类型单元的划分、月貌图的编研是绕月探测工程遴选的4项科学目标之一。首先回顾了不同研究者提出的月球表面形貌类型,论述了月球形貌类型的划分方法及进展,分析了20世纪70年代美国地质调查局编制全月球1∶ 500万地质图以及中国新一代1∶ 250万地质图的形态及年代的类型划分依据等。考虑到月球表面形貌的现状特征、受宏观营力格局及作用方式、形态变异及组合特征等,提出了基于形态和年代两大类特征相结合全月球形貌类型的矩阵式多级分类方法。年代可分为哥白尼纪、爱拉托逊纪、雨海纪、前雨海纪以及两者之间的过渡年代等七大类。全月球形貌类型中,按照宏观形态及营力作用方式,将第一级划分为月海、盆地、月陆和撞击坑四大类。第二级中,按照大类的形态差异性,可将盆地分为盆底平原和环盆地山丘;月海分为月海平原和月海穹丘;月陆分为月陆平原、月陆丘陵和月陆高原;撞击坑按照形态和规模分为特大型撞击坑环形山、特大型撞击平原、次级形成小撞击坑、撞击坑链、带辐射纹撞击坑、不规则和边缘模糊坑、未分形态撞击坑等类型。根据坡面和物质差异,可细化出三级甚至四级形态类型。以H010幅为案例,对2种指标和组合形貌类型进行了制图试验。这将对全月球形貌类型的划分和制图具有一定的指导作用。

关键词: 月球形貌 ; 形貌特征 ; 地质年代 ; 地貌分类 ; 分类方法


Lunar topography and landform, resulting from endogenous and exogenous geophysical processes of various spatial and temporal scales, carry information of these processes and target properties. Geoscientists use morphometric analysis at different scales to study lunar topography, which is one of the four scientific objectives of China's lunar exploration project. This article first reviewed the lunar topographic types from different researchers, analyzed classifying method and progress, discussed geological mapping method of 1∶ 5 000 000 complied by United States Geological Survey in the 1970s. In consideration of the present situation of the lunar surface morphological characteristics, the pattern of macroscopic forcing, morphologic variation and combination characteristics and function way, etc., a matrix combining multi-stage classification method was put forward based on the characteristics of the topography and geologic age, which included 7 geologic ages and 14 morphologic classes. Geological ages can be divided into Copernican System (C), Copernican-Eartosthenian System (CE), Eartosthenian System (E), Eartosthenian-Imbrian System (EI), Imbrian System (I), Imbrian-PreImbrian System (IpI) and Pre-Imbrian System (pI). As to topographic types, the first class can be divided into lunar mare, lunar basin, lunar terra and lunar crater. As to their second class according to morphological differences, the lunar basin can be divided into basin plain and circum-basin, and lunar mare can be divided into mare plain and mare dome; lunar terra can be divided into terra plain, plateau and hill, and craters can be divided into main sequence crater, crater plain, secondary crater, crater chains and clusters, rayed craters, irregular crater and undivided crater. Thus, 46 subclasses including geologic and morphologic features were obtained in this classification system. The test mapping method was addressed in Sheet H010, which shows the combination classification method is reasonable.

Keywords: Lunar topography ; Morphological features ; Geologic ages ; Geomorphologic classification ; Classification approach.


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程维明, 刘樯漪, 王娇, 高文信, 刘建忠. 全月球形貌类型分类方法初探[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(9): 885-897 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.09.0885

Cheng Weiming, Liu Qiangyi, Wang Jiao, Gao Wenxin, Liu Jianzhong. A Preliminary Study of Classification Method on Lunar Topography and Landforms[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(9): 885-897 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.09.0885

1 引 言




2 月球形貌特征的分类及提取方法

2.1 月球形貌特征的分类


2.1.1 基于形态特征的分类

月球形貌学研究月球表面的起伏形态、分布规律、物质结构、发展历史和开发利用,而划分月球形貌类型是月球形貌研究的基础工作[1,2]。月球形貌类型远不如地球的地貌类型多变复杂,认为月球不是完美光滑的想法可以追溯到大约公元前450年,当时Democritus相信月球上有“高大的山脉和空旷的山谷”,直到15世纪末人们才开始认真研究月球表面[20,21,22,23]。1645年荷兰天文学家Michael Florent van Langren从望远镜中观察月球表面特征,绘制了被认为是首幅真实的月球图,认为月球表面有月海、陨石坑及山峰和山脉等地貌类型[20,21,22,23]。1651年Giambattista Riccioli推出的现代月球命名体系中还命名了月洋、月湖、月沼、月湾等与“水”有关的地貌类型[20,21,22,23]。1779年Johann Schröter开始对月球特征进行了细致的观察和测量[20,21,22,23]。1791年Johann Hieronymus Schröter发表了题为《对月球表面更精确了解的月球地形图》的有关月球地形的早期研究,首次提出了可见月球“反射率”的概念[13,14,15,16]。1840年Draper使用一架直径约12.7 cm的反射望远镜拍摄第一张月球银版相片将摄影引入到天文界,1959年前苏联的月球3号发回了首张月球背面的照片,1978年美国宇航局公布了月球地形正射影像图[20,21,22,23],这些观测、研究成果让全世界看到月球最显著的外观是明暗对比区域及坑坑洼洼的凹地,更明亮的部分是月球高地,也被称作月陆,更暗的区域被称作月海,凹地则是撞击坑,这三大地貌单元构成了月球形貌的基本类型[20,21,22,23]。1982年Andersson和Whitaker按照撞击坑、非撞击坑和其他地貌特征三大类型对月球形貌进行分类[20,21,22,23]。之后国际天文联合会(International Astronomical Union,IAU)在1982年分类的基础上将月球形貌类型具体划分为撞击坑、月海和月陆3个一级地貌类型,月洋、月湖、月沼、月湾、月岬、山地、穹丘、皱脊、月谷、陡坡和月溪等二级地貌类型[24]。2013年程维明等[2]和周增坡等[25]借助于遥感影像解译标志特征,将月貌典型类型进行了分类,主要包括月海、月陆、台地、丘陵、山地、 撞击坑平原、环形山、撞击坑链、月溪或月谷和月岭等类型(表1)。撞击坑有诸多分类方案[2,3],王娇等[26]在对比各种方案后,提出撞击坑形态和规模相结合的比对指标,将全月球撞击坑分为月海残留型、特大复杂型、大环状平原型、中等凹坑平原型、小规模碗型和微状酒窝型六大类,并发现不同类型的撞击坑在月球表面的分布存在很大的差异。

表1   不同时期研究者提出的月球表面形貌类型对比

Table 1   Different types of lunar landform classifications

1645年Michael Florent van Langren[20,21,22,23]高低特征月海、陨石坑及山峰和山脉
1651年Giambattista Riccioli[20,21,22,23]水的特征月洋、月湖、月沼和月湾


2.1.2 基于地质特征的分类

20世纪70年代,美国地质调查局曾编制了1∶ 500万全月球地质图[27,28,29,30,31,32],按照编制的任务分工和完成的先后顺序,全月球共分为6块,即近月面、东面、西面、中远面、北面和南面。对比6块地质图信息,可以发现,地质信息包括了3层内容:地质年代、地质单元物质、地质单元的地形地貌特征。对于物质特征,综合地质数据信息,可以概括为暗物质、盆地物质、月陆的平原—高原和丘陵物质、撞击坑物质四大类。在年代和物质的控制下,可划分出不同年代和物质背景下的地形地貌单元,月海地貌类型可划分为月海平原、月海丘陵、月海高原和月海穹丘等;大型盆地地貌类型可分为盆底平原和环盆地山丘等;月陆地貌类型可分为月陆丘陵、月陆平原、月陆高原和月陆山脉等;撞击坑按照规模和形态可分为主撞击坑、撞击坑链、不规则撞击坑和未分撞击坑等(表2)。可见,该地质信息的表述采用了矩阵式结构,按照物质、年代和地貌类型三者进行组合。

表2   美国月球地质图中涵盖的月球形貌类型特征[27,28,29,30,31,32]

Table 2   Landform types included by geologic maps of the moon compiled by USGS[27,28,29,30,31,32]





2.2 月球形貌类型识别方法

2.2.1 地形因子计算及识别


除了传统的地形因子,近年来有学者用粗糙度来解译月球表面地貌,但地表粗糙度实质上也是用地形因子表征的一个指数,Rosenburg 等[38]使用月球侦察轨道器从2009年9月17日至2010年3月9日获取的3 180条轨迹数据,计算和分析表面坡度和粗糙度的各种参数,以区分月陆和月貌的差异,具体参数分别是平均坡度、平均坡度差和Hurst指数(一种和分形相关的指数)。研究发现,月陆和月海对比有截然不同的粗糙度,但不同空间位置的月海粗糙度几乎没有差别,月陆本身也表现出这样的特点。月陆的Hurst指数为0.95接近于1,被称为自相似地形,月海的Hurst指数为0.76,这说明月陆在研究尺度不断变大时,其地形粗糙度维持在一个稳定的水平,而月海在大尺度上的地形特征会被平滑。粗糙度常用在月球表面形貌特征的识别和定量表达上,要结合相应的提取方法才能完成地貌类型的划分工作。奚晓旭等[39]在月球虹湾地区采用月球轨道飞行器激光测高仪获取的高程数据,利用粗糙度地形指数包括:均方根高程、均方根偏差、均方根坡度和Hurst指数对月球表面虹湾地区的地形地貌进行了解译,结果表明虹湾地区月球表面起伏度小,地形地貌样式单一,把区域尺度与全月尺度上的粗糙度对比可以研究区域特殊的历史演化过程。

王琛智等[40]认为数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)结合其派生地形因子建立指标体系的方法在宏观尺度对月海和月陆进行识别和提取效果理想,在区域尺度上可扩展性差,不同地区难以共用同一套地形因子构建指标体系,而且指标体系中各因子权重设置具有较大的主观性。其在区域尺度上从月球表面地形纹理特征的角度出发,利用灰度共生矩阵模型,以DEM数据为基础,量化表达地形纹理特征的指标,筛选出能有效区分2类月球表面形貌单元的特征向量,然后选用离差平方和作为识别器自动识别月海和月陆,整体识别率达到85.7%,在实验区取得了较好的识别结果。

此外,Bue[41]利用DEM 获得的地形指标,采用非监督分类在区域尺度上对火星地貌进行自动分类的方法对月球形貌类型划分。针对火星表面撞击坑广泛分布的特殊地形,先采用淹没算法处理高程数据,随后选择高程、坡度、集水区、淹没高程、淹没坡度和淹没集水区6个地形因子输入到自组织神经网络模型(隶属于非监督分类)中,将带有地形信息的所有像素划分为相互排斥或相似的地貌单元,相同地貌类型像素具有最大的相似性,最小的差异性,最终在实验区Terra Cimmeria区划分出5个一级地貌类型,19个二级类型。

2.2.2 遥感与地形综合识别


李婧等[42]、李珂等[43]和王楠[44]以嫦娥一号影像数据和LOLA(Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter)激光高度计数据和LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)的宽视角影像数据为基础,分别以澄海、马里纳斯坑和静海为研究区域,选择地形曲率为提取地表线性特征的地形因子,并利用不同滑动窗口大小和阈值进行线性构自动提取月岭和月溪,此方法为月球表面线性构造解译提供重要参考,提高了线性构造解译时效性和精度。月球极地和背面的线性特征也被分析和挖掘[45]


基于DEM的撞击坑自动分类主要是利用地形信息对撞击坑识别、分类,Wan等[64]采用DEM填洼、面向对象分类、DEM填洼的面向对象分类3种自动提取方法在DEM上进行撞击坑提取试验,表明填洼—面向对象的方法具有更高的提取精度;Salamuni c'car 等[65,66]利用DEM数据,运用霍夫变换、特征匹配面向对象等方法对火星和月球上的撞击坑进行了自动提取,得到了一系列撞击坑数据目录;Luo等[67]也利用嫦娥一号的DEM数据获得的地形指标,获得了全月球直径大于10 km的撞击坑边界;Di等[68]基于地形数据,利用机器学习方法提取撞击坑。Bue等[69]不仅考虑到了坡度信息,还加入了纹理和剖面曲率信息,以提高撞击坑识别的精度;Hawke等[70]采用形态和纹理特征对亚公里级别的撞击坑进行识别。

融合遥感影像与DEM的识别方法点在于找到一种既适应于基于遥感影像的又适应于基于DEM的识别方法[46,47,48,49,50]。Salamuni c'car等[71]先用遥感影像重建DEM,然后基于重建的DEM选择以霍夫变换为核心的识别方法提取撞击坑,在特定的区域内,被正确识别的撞击坑数量有显著增加;Wang等[72]用嫦娥一号遥感影像重建DEM以获得相同分辨率的本底数据,然后再重建的DEM上提取坡度因子和剖面曲率因子,加权融合后利用撞击坑边缘点突变性识别撞击坑的边界,建立了直径大于500 m的全月球撞击坑数据目录;罗中飞等[73]先利用太阳光照条件下撞击坑在影像中的特征,通过条件匹配实现撞击坑的自动提取然后在DEM中,利用撞击坑坑壁点坡向值的连续性,对影像中误提取的撞击坑进行剔除,最后在DEM中通过坑底点云所占比例以及剖面线特征识别撞击坑的类型。具有辐射纹的撞击坑因明显的专家作用遗留的痕迹,为提取撞击坑提供了途径[74,75]

2.3.3 人工判读识别

对月球典型形貌特征(如月溪)的提取研究已有很多成果[76]。近年来,李力等[77]基于多源数据(嫦娥一号影像、月球轨道飞行器激光测高仪获取的DEM、月球勘测轨道器相机图像和Clementine紫外/可见光多光谱图像)对月球Aristarchus 地区弯曲月溪的形貌特征从影像特征、形貌特征(长度、宽度、深度、区域坡度和月溪剖面)和物质组成3个方面进行解译分析,研究结果支持弯曲月溪的玄武岩熔岩流热侵蚀成因,表明研究区内的弯曲月溪具有相同的物源特征,月球表面坡度是控制月溪的主要因素。

3 全月球形貌类型的分类新方案

3.1 分类原则






3.2 分类方法




3.3 分类指标




3.4 形态—年代相结合分类方案


图1   基于形态特征和地质年代的月球形貌类型分类体系

Fig.1   Classification system of lunar landform based on morphologic feature and geologic age

图1为基于形态特征和地质年代的全月球形貌类型分类体系,采用2种指标的矩阵组合形式。表3为基于上述2种指标的全月球形貌类型分类矩阵表。由此, 7个年代类,4个一级大类和14个二级形态类型,46种形貌类型被提出(表3)。

表3   基于形态特征和地质年代的月球形貌类型的矩阵式组合分类体系

Table 3   Matrix combination classification system of lunar morphology based on morphologic feature and geologic age





图2   基于形态类型和地质年代组合而成的H010幅形貌类型制图(a)一级形态;(b)二级形态;(c)年代;(d)形貌组合类型

Fig.2   Maps of morphologic feature, geologic age and landforms of Sheet H010(a)First class morphologic types;(b)Second class morphologic types; (c)Geologic Age; (d) Combined landform types

4 讨 论










地貌类型图既要表示各级形貌类型,也要在其上叠加基础地理的诸多信息,如地名、山脉等[82,83,84,85]。跟地球地貌图相似的是,到目前为止,月球上已命名了多种大小不同的基础地理地名,包括月洋(风暴洋)、月海(包括蛇海、南海、知海、危海、丰富海、冷海、洪堡海、湿海、雨海、智海、岛海、界海、莫斯科海、酒海、云海、东海、澄海、史密斯海、泡海、静海、浪海和汽海,共22个)、月湖(包括夏湖等,共20个)、平原(降落平原)、山脉(包括高加索山脉等,共48个)、山脊(包括阿尔甘山脊等,共39个)、环形坑和卫星坑(已命名的有近9 000个)、峭壁(包括阿尔泰峭壁等,共8个)、坑链(包括洪堡坑链等,共19个)、月谷(包括阿尔卑斯月谷等,共14个)、海角(包括开尔文海角等,共9个)、月溪(包括杨森月溪等,共115个)、月湾(包括虹湾等,共11处)、月沼(包括梦沼等,共3处)、反照率特征点(包括赖纳伽马)、月球着陆点(包括博特朗等,共79处)[84,85]。上述基础地理的部分信息也是较细一级的形貌类型。因此,在较详细的形貌类型分类中,按照相对应的指标体系将其划分出具有一定面积的图斑,在基础地理信息中,也反映出相应的名称。

5 结 论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Ouyang Ziyuan.Introduction to Lunar Science[M]. Beijing: China Astronautic Publishing House, 2005 .

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The Clementine UVVIS Global Lunar Mosaic[R]

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[5] Bussey B, Spudis P.The Clementine Atlas of the Moon[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

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[6] Rosiek M R, Kirk R, Howington-Kraus E.

Color-coded Topography and Shaded Relief Maps of the Lunar Hemispheres

[M]//33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2002.

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[7] Zisk S H.

A new, Earth-based radar technique for the measurement of lunar topography

[J]. The Moon, 1972, 4(3/4): 296-306.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Radio interferometry is a new technique for the measurement of the surface topography of the Moon. Elevation data may be obtained directly without regard for unambiguously-identified features, for any lunar surface element that yields a recognizable radar echo. A program has been undertaken at the Haystack Observatory for the topographic mapping of the major part of the lunar Earthside hemisphere. Some results are presented for the Alphonsus-Arzachel region, showing evidence for a late lava flow of a viscosity and, hence, presumably a chemical composition, differing from that of near-by mare surfaces.
[8] Smith D E, Zuber M T, Neumann G A, et al.

Topography of the Moon from theclementine lidar

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1997, 102(1): 1 591-1 611.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Range measurements from the lidar instrument carried aboard the Clementine spacecraft have been used to produce an accurate global topographic model of the Moon. This paper discusses the function of the lidar; the acquisition, processing, and filtering of observations to produce a global topographic model; and the determination of parameters that define the fundamental shape of the Moon. Our topographic model; a 72nd degree and order spherical harmonic expansion of lunar radii, is designated Goddard Lunar Topography Model 2 (GLTM 2). This topographic field has an absolute vertical accuracy of approximately 100 m and a spatial resolution of 2.500°. The field shows that the Moon can be described as a sphere with maximum positive and negative deviations of 0908048 km, both occurring on the farside, in the areas of the Korolev and South Pole-Aitken (S.P.-Aitken) basins. The amplitude spectrum of the topography shows more power at longer wavelengths as compared to previous models, owing to more complete sampling of the surface, particularly the farside. A comparison of elevations derived from the Clementine lidar to control point elevations from the Apollo laser altimeters indicates that measured relative topographic heights generally agree to within 090804200 m over the maria. While the major axis of the lunar gravity field is aligned in the Earth-Moon direction, the major axis of topography is displaced from this line by approximately 1000° to the east and intersects the farside 2400° north of the equator. The magnitude of impact basin topography is greater than the lunar flattening (0908042 km) and equatorial ellipticity (090804800 m), which imposes a significant challenge to interpreting the lunar figure. The floors of mare basins are shown to lie close to an equipotential surface, while the floors of unflooded large basins, except for S.P.-Aitken, lie above this equipotential. The radii of basin floors are thus consistent with a hydrostatic mechanism for the absence of significant farside maria except for S.P.-Aitken, whose depth and lack of mare require significant internal compositional and/or thermal heterogeneity. A macroscale surface roughness map shows that roughness at length scales of 101090009102 km correlates with elevation and surface age.
[9] Cook A C, Spudis P D, Robinson M S, et al.

Lunar topography and basins mapped using a Clementine stereo digital elevation model

[C]//33rd Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Houston, Texas, 2002, 33: 1 281-1 282.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] Burns K N, Speyerer E J, Robinson M S, et al.

Digital elevation models and derived products from LROC NAC stereo observations

[J].International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2012, 39(6): 483-488.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

One of the primary objectives of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) is to acquire stereo observations with the Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) to enable production of high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs). This work describes the processes and techniques used in reducing the NAC stereo observations to DEMs through a combination of USGS integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) and SOCET SET03 from BAE Systems by a team at Arizona State University (ASU). LROC Science Operations Center personnel have thus far reduced 130 stereo observations to DEMs of more than 130 stereo pairs for 11 Constellation Program (CxP) sites and 53 other regions of scientific interest. The NAC DEM spatial sampling is typically 2 meters, and the vertical precision is 1–2 meters. Such high resolution provides the three-dimensional view of the lunar surface required for site selection, hazard avoidance and planning traverses that minimize resource consumption. In addition to exploration analysis, geologists can measure parameters such as elevation, slope, and volume to place constraints on composition and geologic history. The NAC DEMs are released and archived through NASA’s Planetary Data System.
[11] Araki H, Tazawa S, Noda H, et al.

Lunar global shape and polar topography derived from Kaguya-LALT laser altimetry

[J].Science, 2009, 323(5 916): 897-900.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A global lunar topographic map with a spatial resolution of finer than 0.5 degree has been derived using data from the laser altimeter (LALT) on board the Japanese lunar explorer Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE or Kaguya). In comparison with the previous Unified Lunar Control Network (ULCN 2005) model, the new map reveals unbiased lunar topography for scales finer than a few hundred kilometers. Spherical harmonic analysis of global topographic data for the Moon, Earth, Mars, and Venus suggests that isostatic compensation is the prevailing lithospheric support mechanism at large scales. However, simple rigid support is suggested to dominate for the Moon, Venus, and Mars for smaller scales, which may indicate a drier lithosphere than on Earth, especially for the Moon and Venus.
[12] Li Chunlai, Liu Jianjun, Ren Xin, et al.

The global image of the Moon obtained by the Chang'E-1: Data processing and lunar cartography

[J]. Science in China (Series D), 2010, 53(8): 1 091-1 102.

[本文引用: 1]     

[13] Li Chunlai, Ren Xin, Liu Jianjun, et al.

Laser altimetry data of Chang'E-1 and the global lunar DEM model

[J].Science in China(Series D), 2011, 53(11): 1 582-1 593.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The Laser AltiMeter (LAM), as one of the main payloads of Chang’E-1 probe, is used to measure the topography of the lunar surface. It performed the first measurement at 02:22 on November 28th, 2007. Up to December 4th 2008, the total number of measurements was approximately 9.12 million, covering the whole surface of the Moon. Using the LAM data, we constructed a global lunar Digtal Elevation Model (DEM) with 3 km spatial resolution. The model shows pronounced morphological characteristics, legible and vivid details of the lunar surface. The plane positioning accuracy of the DEM is 445 m (1 σ ), and the vertical accuracy is 60 m (1 σ ). From this DEM model, we measured the full range of the altitude difference on the lunar surface, which is about 19.807 km. The highest point is 10.629 km high, on a peak between crater Korolev and crater Dirichlet-Jackson at (158.656°W, 5.441°N) and the lowest point is 619.178 km in height, inside crater Antoniadi (172.413°W, 70.368°S) in the South Pole-Aitken Basin. By comparison, the DEM model of Chang’E-1 is better than the USA ULCN2005 in accuracy and resolution and is probably identical to the DEM of Japan SELENE, but the DEM of Chang’E-1 reveals a new lowest point, clearly lower than that of SELENE.
[14] Fok H S, Shum C K, Yi Yuchan, et al.

Accuracy assessment of lunar topography models

[J]. Earth, Planets and Space, 2011, 63(1): 15-23.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Both the Chang’E-1 and SEL enological and EN gineering Explorer (SELENE) lunar missions, launched in 2007, provide an opportunity for significant advances in lunar science. In particular, both orbiters provide refined lunar topography models with unprecedented finer resolution and improved accuracy, especially for the far side and the polar areas of the Moon where fewer valid measurements have been available to date. An evaluation of the derived topography models is essential for the improved interpretation of selenophysics, including a knowledge of the interior of the Moon. This study provides both external and internal accuracy assessments for the derived topographic models (note that different data sets are used, albeit independent). The external comparison, which consists of comparing the topographic models with landmarks established with lunar laser ranging and radio tracking, yields an accuracy estimate of 157 m for the Change’E-1 model and 58 m for the SELENE model (150 m and 55 m if the newly recovered Lunakhod-1 site is included). The internal comparison, consisting of crossover analysis of the altimeter data after the removal of once-per-orbital-revolution errors, yields an accuracy estimate of 206 m and 68 m, respectively. These comparisons allow the establishment of conservative estimates of accuracy of 200 m and 70 m for the Chang’E-1 and SELENE models, respectively. Given the conservative estimates on the accuracy, both models yield significant improvement by factors of 2.5 and 8, respectively, when compared with a contemporary lunar topography model, i.e., the Unified Lunar Control Network 2005 (ULCN2005).
[15] Ping Jinsong, Huang Qian, Yan Jianguo, et al.

Lunar topographic model CLTM-s01 from Chang'E-1 laser altimeter

[J]. Science in China (Series G), 2009, 52(7): 1 105-1 114.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

More than 3 million range measurements from the Chang’E-1 Laser Altimeter have been used to produce a global topographic model of the Moon with improved accuracy. Our topographic model, a 360th degree and order spherical harmonic expansion of the lunar radii, is designated as Chang’E-1 Lunar Topography Model s01 (CLTM-s01). This topographic field, referenced to a mean radius of 1738 km, has an absolute vertical accuracy of approximately 31 m and a spatial resolution of 0.25° (657.5 km). This new lunar topographic model has greatly improved previous models in spatial coverage, accuracy and spatial resolution, and also shows the polar regions with the altimeter results for the first time. From CLTM-s01, the mean, equatorial, and polar radii of the Moon are 1737103, 1737646, and 1735843 m, respectively. In the lunar-fixed coordinate system, this model shows a COM/COF offset to be (611.777, 610.730, 0.237) km along the x, y , and z directions, respectively. All the basic lunar shape parameters derived from CLTM-s01 are in agreement with the results of Clementine GLTM2, but CLTM-s01 offers higher accuracy and reliability due to its better global samplings.
[16] Wu Bo, Guo Jian, Zhang Yunsheng, et al.

Integration of Chang'E-1 imagery and laser altimeter data for precision lunar topographic modeling

[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011, 49(12): 4 889-4 903.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[17] Sawabe Y, Matsunaga T, Rokugawa S.

Automated detection and classification of lunar craters using multiple approached

[J].Advances in Space Research, 2006, 37(1): 21-27.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Our previous algorithm (Sawabe, Y., Matsunaga, T., Rokugawa, S. Automatic crater detection algorithm for the lunar surface using multiple approaches. J. Remote Sens. Soc. Jpn. 25 (2), 157–168, 2005.) was improved to enhance detection of craters in lunar images and automate crater classification. This algorithm was tested using various images for wide range of applicability. Four approaches were used with the crater detecting algorithm to find (1) “shady and sunny” patters in images with low sun angle, (2) circular features in edge images, (3) curves and circles in thinned and connected edge lines, and (4) discrete or broken circular edge lines using fuzzy Hough transform. The algorithm was applied to mare and highland images of the moon captured by Clementine and Apollo under different solar angles and spatial resolution. The new algorithm was able to detect 80% more without parameter tuning. In addition, the detected craters were classified by spectral characteristics derived from Clementine UV–Vis multi-spectral images. Finally, the lunar surface GIS was formulated which has the geological and spectral attributes automatically generated by our algorithm. It could be helpful system to analyze and recognize about the geological settings.
[18] Baldwin R B.The Face of the Moon[M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Ronca L B, Green R R.

Statistical geomorphology of the lunar surface

[J].Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1970, 81(2): 337-352.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

The report discusses the geomorphic sequence and geomorphic provinces of the lunar surface.
[20] Lewis H A G.

The Times Atlas of the Moon

[M]. London: Times Newspapers, 1969.

[本文引用: 11]     

[21] Bowker D E, Hughes J K.

Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon[R]

. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1971.

[本文引用: 11]     

[22] Sheehan W, Dobbins T A.

EpicMoon: A history of Lunar Exploration in the Age of the Telescope

[M]. Richmond, Virginia: Willmann-Bell, 2001.

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[23] Whitaker E A.Mapping and Naming the Moon: A History of Lunar Cartography and Nomenclature[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

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[24] International Astronomical Union Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature. Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature[EB/OL] .[2017-03-11]. .

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[25] Zhou Zengpo, Cheng Weiming, Zhou Chenghu, et al.

Characteristic analysis of the lunar surface and automatically extracting of the lunar morphology based on CE-1

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(1): 18-26 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 3]     

[周增坡, 程维明, 周成虎, .


[J]. 科学通报, 2011, 56(1): 18-26.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

<p>利用&ldquo;嫦娥一号&rdquo;CCD 相机获得的遥感影像及其经三线阵数字摄影测量处理后的DEM数据(空间分辨率为500 m)进行了月表形貌特征分析. 结果表明: 月球的平均高程为&ndash;742 m,最大高程点和最小高程点均位于月球的背面, 其中前者位于Engel&rsquo;gardt 撞击坑东缘, 后者位于Minkowski 撞击坑的次级撞击坑内; 月球表面相对平坦, 大部分坡度在15&deg;以下, 占月球总面积的90%, 月球高地的坡度值变化较大, 平均坡度大于7&deg;, 月海坡度变化较小, 多数在3&deg;以下; 月表起伏度计算的最佳统计窗口为16 km<sup>2</sup>, 大部分区域起伏度在200 m 以下, 而起伏度大于2000 m 的大起伏山地主要分布在撞击坑周围的环形山区域; 基于高程、坡度、起伏度及影像灰度值的归一化处理数据, 利用最大似然法进行月海和月球高地的自动提取, 其结果与美国地质调查局出版的地质图进行精度评价, 获得Kappa 系数为0.78, 该方法可以较好地进行月球形态特征的提取及分析.</p>
[26] Wang Jiao, Cheng Weiming, Zhou Chenghu.

A global inventory of lunar craters: Identification, classification, and distribution

[J].Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(3): 330-342 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 2]     

[王娇, 程维明, 周成虎.

全月球撞击坑识别, 分类及空间分布

[J]. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(3): 330-342.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

撞击坑是月球表面分布广泛的地貌单元,是研究月球的最直接窗口。本文以嫦娥一号卫星获取的遥感影像和DEM,以及国际天文学联合会(IAU)公布的撞击坑名录为基础数据源,以全月球表面撞击坑为研究对象,采用遥感图像处理与专家知识融合的目视解译法确定撞击坑的边界,识别出全月球表面直径大于500 m的撞击坑共计106030个,采用累积频率和与IAU公布撞击坑对比两种方法对目视解译的撞击坑进行精度评价,其识别的总体误差率为10.97%;按照形态特征指标,将全月球撞击坑分为六大类,对比分析了不同类的撞击坑影像及形貌差异性;对全月球撞击坑分类进行统计分析,得出了不同类型撞击坑在月球表面的数量与密度特征及空间分布情况。
[27] Wilhelms D E, McCauley J F.

Geologic Map of the Near Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-703, 1971.

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[28] Wilhelms D E, El-Baz F.

Geologic Map of the East Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-948, 1977.

[本文引用: 6]     

[29] Scott D H, McCauley J F, West M N.

Geologic Map of the West Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-1034, 1977.

[本文引用: 6]     

[30] Stuart-Alexander D E.

Geologic Map of the Central Far Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-1047, 1978.

[本文引用: 6]     

[31] Lucchitta B K.

Geologic Map of the North Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-1062, 1978.

[本文引用: 6]     

[32] Wilhelms D E, Howard K A, Wilshire H G.

Geologic Map of the South Side of the Moon

[M]. Arizona: US Geological Survey, Map I-1162, 1979.

[本文引用: 12]     

[33] Ding Xiaozhong, Han Kunying, Han Tonglin, et al.

Compilation of the geological map of Sinus Iridum Quadrangle of the Moon (LQ-4)

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2012, 19(6): 15-27 .

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[丁孝忠, 韩坤英, 韩同林, .


[J]. 地学前缘, 2012, 19(6): 15-27.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[34] Chen Jianping, Wang Xiang, Xu Yanbo, et al.

Compilation of the lunar geotectonic outline map based on multisource data:A case study of LQ-4 Area

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2012, 19(6): 1-14 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[陈建平, 王翔, 许延波, .


[J]. 地学前缘, 2012, 19(6): 1-14.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

月球表面的地质构造要素主要包括环形构造、线性构造、地体构造及大型盆地构造等。月球大地构造纲要图从物质组成、构造要素、构造单元上对月表的构造状态进行全面的梳理、统计和分析。利用CE-1CCD 2C像数据、LROC宽视角影像数据、CE-1IIM 2C干涉成像光谱仪数据、Clementine紫外可见光影像数据、LOLA激光高度计数据识别月球表面各类矿物组分、线形构造、环形构造、火山构造和穹窿构造以及确定构造要素和构造单元的时代、古老撞击坑和大型盆地边界以及对月球表面撞击坑形态、大小、分布、密度及月球断裂和环形影像解译,充分认识月表基本情况,精细划分月表构造地貌单元,综合利用上述分析结果与国际上研究的进展,确定大地构造区划的基本原则,厘定月表重大构造事件与演化序列。依据岩石、月壤、构造地貌与构造形迹的综合分类,拟定大地构造区划的图例、图识规范,确定不同类型环形构造影像、线性构造影像、高地、盆地和月海等大地构造单元,进而编制大地构造区划图,并对重点区域构造形迹进行研究。虹湾区域(LQ-4)月球数字构造编图研究,充分借鉴国际行星地质编图的已有技术标准和规范,结合国内数字地质编图的技术标准和规范,建立了中国自己的月球与行星地质编图标准、规范和制图流程,也为最终完成月球大地构造区划提供地貌和构造方面的基础信息。
[35] Ouyang Ziyuan, Liu Jianzhong.

The origin and evolution of the Moon and its geological mapping

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 1-6 .

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[欧阳自远, 刘建忠.


[J]. 地学前缘, 2014, 21(6): 1-6.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[36] Chen Jianping, Wang Xiang, Wang Nan, et al.

The lunar geological mapping based on Chang'E data: Serenitatis-Tranquillitatis area as an example

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 7-18 .

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[陈建平, 王翔, 王楠, .


[J]. 地学前缘, 2014, 21(6): 7-18.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] Florinsky I V.

Global Morphometric Maps of Mars, Venus, and the Moon

[M]. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2008.

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[38] Rosenburg M A, Aharonson O, Head J W, et al.

Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2011, 116(E2): 1-11.

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[39] Xi Xiaoxu, Liu Shaofeng, Wu Zhiyuan, et al.

The interpretation of land form of Sinus Iridum on the Moon based on the roughness

[J].Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2012, 92(1): 95-99 .

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[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2012, 92(1): 95-99.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The planetary surface roughness is the record of erosion, deposition, uplift and other geological processes on the planetary surface, and hence serves as a prediction for the geological age of the planetary surface. In this paper, twelve profiles were selected in the horizontal direction of the Sinus Iridum in the moon, and several parameters of roughness of those profiles were studied. Some results have been obtained: 1The average of RMS height along the profile 1 km in length is about 3m. In addition, within the research scale selected in this paper (0.2~3 km), the slope of Sinus Iridum area does not exceed 2?. This means that the surface of Sinus Iridum is relatively smooth. 2Hurst exponent of Sinus Iridum is mainly concentrated from 0.5 to 0.78, which means that the surface morphology is rather homogeneous. 3Low latitude areas(lower than 44.3)have relatively high Hurst exponent (from 0.6 to 0.8), and high latitude areas(higher than 44.3)usually have lower Hurst exponent (from 0.5 to 0.8). 4The roughness may be used as a means to determine the relative geological age.
[40] Wang Chenzhi, Tang Guoan, Yuan Sai, et al.

A method for identifying the lunar morphology based on texture from DEMs

[J].Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015, 17(1): 45-53 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     


基于DEM 纹理特征的月貌自动识别方法探究

[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015, 17(1): 45-53.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>月海和月陆是两种最主要的月貌单元,对于月海及月陆快速准确地识别是进行各项月球研究的重要基础。目前,月海和月陆的识别大多采用DEM结合其派生地形因子建立指标体系的方法。这种方法虽然可在宏观尺度对月海和月陆进行识别和提取,但仍存在2 个问题:(1)可扩展性差,不同地区难以共用同一套地形因子构建指标体系;(2)指标体系中各因子权重设置具有较大的主观性。针对以上问题,本文以&ldquo;嫦娥一号&rdquo;探测器获取的全月球DEM数据,从月表地形纹理特征的角度出发,提出一种以月表DEM数据识别月海、月陆的自动快速的方法。首先,利用灰度共生矩阵模型,以DEM数据为基础,实现对典型月海、月陆地形纹理特征的量化,然后,对量化指标的筛选,构建能有效区分两类月表形貌单元的特征向量。在此基础上,选用离差平方和作为识别器,最终实现对月海和月陆的自动识别。本文识别方法的整体识别率达到85.7%;综上可知,该方法既能克服原有方法中因子权重设置的主观性,又具有较好的通用性。</p>
[41] Bue B D, Stepinski T F.

Automated classification of landforms on Mars

[J].Computers and Geosciences, 2006, 32(5): 604-614.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

We propose a numerical method for classification and characterization of landforms on Mars. The method provides an alternative to manual geomorphic mapping of the Martian surface. Digital elevation data is used to calculate several topographic attributes for each pixel in a landscape. Unsupervised classification, based on the self-organizing map technique, divides all pixels into mutually exclusive and exhaustive landform classes on the basis of similarity between attribute vectors. The results are displayed as a thematic map of landforms and statistics of attributes are used to assign semantic meaning to the classes. This method is used to produce a geomorphic map of the Terra Cimmeria region on Mars. We assess the quality of the automated classification and discuss differences between results of automated and manual mappings. Potential applications of our method, including crater counting, landscape feature search, and large scale quantitative comparisons of Martian surface morphology, are identified and evaluated.
[42] Li Jing, Chen Jianping, Wang Nan, et al.

A new automated approach to detecting and extracting the linear structures on the lunar surface: A case study on the lunar mare ridge of Mare Serenitatis

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 223-228 .

[本文引用: 2]     

[李婧, 陈建平, 王楠, .

月球表面线性构造自动提取新方法研究: 以澄海地区月岭为例

[J]. 地学前缘, 2014, 21(6): 223-228.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[43] Li Ke, Chen Jianping, Tarolli P, et al.

Geomorphometric multi-scale analysis for the automatic detection of linear structures on the lunar surface

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6):212-222 .

[本文引用: 2]     

[李珂,陈建平,Tarolli Paolo,.


[J]. 地学前缘, 2014, 21(6): 212-222.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

月球表面构造对于理解和重建月球地质构造演化具有重要意义,月岭、月溪等线性构造的形态及分布特征与月球内动力构造运动密切相关。极为有限的样品和难度极高的野外勘察使得遥感成为行星科学研究的最主要手段。中国、美国、日本、印度等国先后发射的多颗新型探月卫星获取了大量高质量数据,尤其是高分辨率的数字地形数据(DTM,Digital Terrain Model)。高分辨率的DTM为月球表面构造特征的自动提取带来了新的机遇与挑战。文中利用多种分辨率的DTM数据,基于多尺度数字地形定量分析方法,识别和提取月球表面的线性构造。使用的地形数据包括500m分辨率"嫦娥一号"激光高度计数据,100m分辨率LRO-WAC广角相机数据,60m分辨率的LRO-LOLA激光测距仪数据以及分辨率高达5m的LRO-NAC窄视角相机数据。文中使用地形曲率来识别月溪月岭等线性构造,并利用不同滑动窗口大小和阈值进行线性构造的自动提取。对研究区试验结果的定量分析表明,文中提出的基于地形曲率的月表线性构造自动提取方法是有效且可行的,其结果可为月球表面线性构造解译提供重要参考,提高构造解译时效性和精度。
[44] Wang Nan.

Automated Extraction and Evolution Analysis of the Lineaments on Mare Tranquillitatis of the Moon[D]

. Beijing: China University of Geosciences, 2015 .

[本文引用: 2]     



. 北京: 中国地质大学, 2015.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[45] Chabot N L, Hoppa G V, Strom R G.

Analysis of lunar lineaments: Far side and polar mapping

[J].Icarus, 2000, 147(1): 301-308.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Previous mapping of linear structures on the lunar near side shows that lineaments are not equally oriented in all directions but rather have preferred orientations. The preferred orientations of near-side lunar lineaments are roughly consistent with the tectonic pattern predicted by relaxation of a formerly larger tidal bulge on the Moon due to the Moon's continuing recession from the Earth. We have mapped lineaments on the lunar far side and both the polar regions as well as re-examined lineaments mapped in the sub-Earth and anti-Earth regions to determine if the lineament patterns observed in these regions are also consistent with being produced by the collapse of a once larger tidal bulge on the Moon. The lunar far side is found to have a lineament pattern similar to that previously observed on the near side, which is consistent with being produced by the collapse of a once larger tidal bulge. However, the sub-Earth and anti-Earth regions show a lineament pattern indistinguishable from that observed on the rest of the lunar near and far sides, even though relaxation of a formerly larger tidal bulge would produce a significantly different pattern in these regions. Collapse of a once larger tidal bulge also predicts a near to far side lineament trend in the lunar polar regions, but mapped lineaments in the polar regions show no evidence for such a trend. Overall, the observed lunar lineament patterns do not support the predictions of a global tectonic pattern due to the collapse of a once larger tidal bulge on the Moon and therefore require an alternate explanation.
[46] Neukum G, König B, Arkani-Hamed J.

A study of lunar impact crater size-distributions

[J]. Moon, 1975, 12(2):201-229.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Discrepancies in published crater frequency data prompted this study of lunar crater distributions. Effects modifying production size distributions of impact craters such as surface lava flows, blanketing by ejecta, superposition, infilling, and abrasion of craters, mass wasting, and the contribution of secondary and volcanic craters are discussed. The resulting criteria have been applied in the determination of the size distributions of unmodified impact crater populations in selected lunar regions of different ages. The measured cumulative crater frequencies are used to obtain a general calibration size distribution curve by a normalization procedure. It is found that the lunar impact crater size distribution is largely constant in the size range 0.3 km 81 D 81 20 km for regions with formation ages between ≈ 3 × 10 9 yr and 68 4 × 10 9 yr. A polynomial of 4th degree, valid in the size range 0.8 km 81 D 81 20 km, and a polynomial of 7th degree, valid in the size range 0.3 km 81 D 81 81 20 km, have been approximated to the logarithm of the cumulative crater frequency N as a function of the logarithm of crater diameter D. The resulting relationship can be expressed as N 65 D α ( D ) where α is a function depending on D. This relationship allows the comparison of crater frequencies in different size ranges. Exponential relationships with constant α, commonly used in the literature, are shown to inadequately approximate the lunar impact crater size distribution. Deviations of measured size distributions from the calibration distribution are strongly suggestive of the existence of processes having modified the primary impact crater population.
[47] Yue Zongyu, Liu Jianzhong, Wu Ganguo.

Automated detection of lunar craters based on object-oriented approach

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(23): 3 699-3 704.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The object-oriented approach is a powerful method in making classification. With the segmentation of images to objects, many features can be calculated based on the objects so that the targets can be distinguished. However, this method has not been applied to lunar study. In this paper we attempt to apply this method to detecting lunar craters with promising results. Craters are the most obvious features on the moon and they are important for lunar geologic study. One of the important questions in lunar research is to estimate lunar surface ages by examination of crater density per unit area. Hence, proper detection of lunar craters is necessary. Manual crater identification is inefficient, and a more efficient and effective method is needed. This paper describes an object-oriented method to detect lunar craters using lunar reflectance images. In the method, many objects were first segmented from the image based on size, shape, color, and the weights to every layer. Then the feature of “contrast to neighbor objects” was selected to identify craters from the lunar image. In the next step, by merging the adjacent objects belonging to the same class, almost every crater can be taken as an independent object except several very big craters in the study area. To remove the crater rays diagnosed as craters, the feature of “length/width” was further used with suitable parameters to finish recognizing craters. Finally, the result was exported to ArcGIS for manual modification to those big craters and the number of craters was acquired.
[48] Moutsoulas M, Preka P.

Morphological characteristics of lunar craters with small depth/diameter ratio I

[J].Earth, Moon and Planets, 1979, 21(3): 299-305.

[本文引用: 2]     

[49] Grieve R A F, Pesonen L J.

Terrestrial impact craters: Their spatial and temporal distribution and impacting bodies

[M]//Worlds in Interaction: Small Bodies and Planets of the Solar System. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 1996: 357-376.

[本文引用: 2]     

[50] Ding Meng, Cao Yunfeng, Wu Qingxian.

A method of craters detection from the surface imagery of Moon

[J]. Journal of Astronautics, 2009, 30(3): 1 243-1 248.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

As the development of China's Lunar Exploration,Vision-Based technology of lunar probe autonomous landing is researching.Craters are commonly found on the surface of moon.The crater detection from surface images,as a key technology of Autonomous Hazard Avoidance,has been researched by many scientists from different countries.In this paper,a new algorithm based on feature point is demonstrated.The algorithm is divided into three parts,feature points extraction,candidate area of crater decision and crater detection.Firstly,candidate areas of crater are decided by feature point extraction.Secondly,the light and shaded parts of crater are extracted by region growing.Finally,the craters are detected by ellipse detection.Experiment result shows this algorithm is effective for some craters detection.Those craters have strong intensity variations and their radiuses are longer than 5 pixels and shorter than 15 pixels.In the conclusion,authors offer four improvement directions of this algorithm in the future.
[51] Du Jun, Miao Fang, Lu Yuhang, et al.

Research on appraisal of edge definition of impact craters

[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2013,49(15): 179-183 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[都骏, 苗放, 鲁宇航, .


[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2013,49(15): 179-183.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[52] Bijaoui A, Froeschle M M.

A new algorithm to determine image edges—Application to lunar craters

[J]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1980, 87(1/2): 250-251.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A new algorithm based on an analytical expression of the density has been developed for edge determination in lunar studies. Use was made of a digital microdensitometer and a two-dimensional sliding mean filter. Attention is given to the use of the Laplacian and to maximum gradient lines. The proposed algorithm has been tested with about sixty craters, and good crater measurements have been obtained.
[53] Canny J.

A computational approach to edge detection

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1986, 8(6): 679-698.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract-This paper describes a computational approach to edge detection. The success of the approach depends on the definition of a comprehensive set of goals for the computation of edge points. These goals must be precise enough to delimit the desired behavior of the detector while making minimal assumptions about the form of the so- lution. We define detection and localization criteria for a class of edges, and present mathematical forms for these criteria as functionals on the operator impulse response. A third criterion is then added to ensure that the detector has only one response to- a single edge. We use the criteria in numerical optimization to derive detectors for several com- mon image features, including step edges. On specializing the analysis to step edges, we find that there is a natural uncertainty principle be- tween detection and localization performance, which are the two main goals. With this principle we derive a single operator shape which is optimal at any scale. The optimal detector has a simple approximate implementation in which edges are marked at maxima in gradient mag- nitude of a Gaussian-smoothed image. We extend this simple detector using operators of several widths to cope with different signal-to-noise ratios in the image. We present a general method, called feature syn- thesis, for the fine-to-coarse integration of information from operators at different scales. Finally we show that step edge detector perfor- mance improves considerably as the operator point spread function is extended along the edge. This detection scheme uses several elongated operators at each point, and the directional operator outputs are in- tegrated with the gradient maximum detector.
[54] Salamunićcar G, Lončarić S, Mazarico E.

LU60645GT and MA132843GT catalogues of Lunar and Martian impact craters developed using a Crater Shape—Based interpolation crater detection algorithm for topography data

[J]. Planetary and Space Science, 2012, 60(1): 236-247.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[55] Yuan Yuefeng, Zhu Peimin, Zhao Na, et al.

Automatic identification of circular mare craters based on mathematical morphology

[J]. Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica and Astronomica, 2013,43(3): 324-332 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[袁悦锋, 朱培民, 赵娜, .


[J]. 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学,2013, 43(3): 324-332.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Michael G G.

Coordinate registration by automated crater recognition

[J]. Planetary and Space Science, 2003, 51(9): 563-568.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

An algorithm for the automatic recognition of impact craters is presented, based on Hough transforms and accounting for both the circularity of the crater rim and the presence of the internal depression. The algorithm is applied to adjust a catalogue of crater coordinates originally measured in the context of the USGS 1:2M controlled photomosaic to the more precise geodetic grid derived from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter experiment of the Mars Global Surveyor mission. The transformed coordinates are used to generate a global displacement field which may be used as a general transformation between the two coordinate systems. The feasibility of using the new coordinates to extract topographic profiles passing through the crater centres is demonstrated. The potential application of the algorithm for surface dating using the HRSC stereoscopic images and for searching for unknown impact structures on the Earth is discussed.
[57] Kim J R, Muller J P,

Mor ley J G. Quantitative assessment of automated crater detection on Mars

[C]//2004 ISPRS Congress. Istanbul, Turkey: ISPRS, 2004.

[本文引用: 1]     

[58] Leroy B, Medioni G, Johnson E, et al.

Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids

[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 2001, 19(11): 787-792.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We describe a visual positioning system for use by a spacecraft to choose a landing site, while orbiting an asteroid. The spacecraft pose is refined using landmarks, such as craters, observed by a visual sensor. The craters, which have an elliptical shape, are detected using a multi-scale method based on voting, and tensors as a representation. We propose a new robust method to infer curvature estimation from noisy sparse data. This method is applied on edge images in order to obtain the oriented normals of the edge curves. Using this information, a dense saliency map corresponding to the position and shape of the craters is computed. The detected craters in the image are matched with the craters projected from a 3D model, and the best transformation between these two sets is obtained. This system has been tested with both real images of Phobos and a synthetic model.
[59] He Jiang.

Research on Crater Matching Based Navigation Method for Lunar Precise Landing[D]

. Haerbing: Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010 .

[本文引用: 1]     



. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学, 2010.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[60] Plesko C S, Werner S C, Brumby S P, et al.

A statistical analysis of automated crater counts in MOC and HRSC data

[C]//37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. League City,Texas: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2006.

[本文引用: 1]     

[61] Honda R, Iijima Y, Konishi O.

Mining of topographic feature from heterogeneous imagery and its application to lunar craters

[C]//Proceeding of the Progress of Discovery Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2002.

[本文引用: 1]     

[62] Sawabe Y, Matsunaga T, Rokugawa S.

Automated detection and classification of lunar craters using multiple approaches

[J].Advances in Space Research, 2006, 37(1): 21-27.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Our previous algorithm (Sawabe, Y., Matsunaga, T., Rokugawa, S. Automatic crater detection algorithm for the lunar surface using multiple approaches. J. Remote Sens. Soc. Jpn. 25 (2), 157–168, 2005.) was improved to enhance detection of craters in lunar images and automate crater classification. This algorithm was tested using various images for wide range of applicability. Four approaches were used with the crater detecting algorithm to find (1) “shady and sunny” patters in images with low sun angle, (2) circular features in edge images, (3) curves and circles in thinned and connected edge lines, and (4) discrete or broken circular edge lines using fuzzy Hough transform. The algorithm was applied to mare and highland images of the moon captured by Clementine and Apollo under different solar angles and spatial resolution. The new algorithm was able to detect 80% more without parameter tuning. In addition, the detected craters were classified by spectral characteristics derived from Clementine UV–Vis multi-spectral images. Finally, the lunar surface GIS was formulated which has the geological and spectral attributes automatically generated by our algorithm. It could be helpful system to analyze and recognize about the geological settings.
[63] Burl M C, Stough T, Colwell W, et al.

Automated detection of craters and other geological features

[C]//6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space. United States: NASA Technical Reports Server, 2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[64] Wan Cong, Cheng Weiming, Zhou Zengpo, et al.

Automatic extraction of lunar impact craters from Chang'E-1 satellite photographs

[J]. Science China, Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2012, 55(1): 162-169.

[本文引用: 1]     

[65] Salamunićcar G, Lončarić S.

Method for crater detection from Martian digital topography data using gradient value orientation, morphometry, votes-analysis, slip-tuning and calibration

[J]. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2010, 48(5): 2 317-2 329.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[66] Salamunićcar G, Lončarić S, Vinković D, et al.

Test-field for evaluation of laboratory craters using a Crater Shape—Based interpolation crater detection algorithm and comparison with Martian and Lunar impact craters

[J]. Planetary and Space Science, 2012, 71(1): 106-118.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[67] Luo Lei, Mu Lingli, Wang Xinyuan, et al.

Global detection of large lunar craters based on the CE-1 digital elevation model

[J].Frontiers of Earth Science, 2013, 7(4): 456-464.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[68] Di Kaichang, Li Wei, Yue Zongyu, et al.

A machine learning approach to crater detection from topographic data

[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2014, 54(11): 2 419-2 429.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Craters are distinctive features on the surfaces of most terrestrial planets. Craters reveal the relative ages of surface units and provide information on surface geology. Extracting craters is one of the fundamental tasks in planetary research. Although many automated crater detection algorithms have been developed to exact craters from image or topographic data, most of them are applicable only in particular regions, and only a few can be widely used, especially in complex surface settings. In this study, we present a machine learning approach to crater detection from topographic data. This approach includes two steps: detecting square regions which contain one crater with the use of a boosting algorithm and delineating the rims of the crater in each square region by local terrain analysis and circular Hough transform. A new variant of Haar-like features (scaled Haar-like features) is proposed and combined with traditional Haar-like features and local binary pattern features to enhance the performance of the classifier. Experimental results with the use of Mars topographic data demonstrate that the developed approach can significantly decrease the false positive detection rate while maintaining a relatively high true positive detection rate even in challenging sites.
[69] Bue B D, Stepinski T F.

Machine detection of martian impact craters from digital topography Data

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2007, 45: 265-274.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Research on automatic identification of impact craters on Mars and other planetary bodies has concentrated on detecting them from imagery data. We present a novel approach to crater detection that utilizes digital topography data instead of images. Craters are delineated by topographic curvature. Thresholding maps of curvature transforms topographic data into a binary image, from which craters are identified using a combination of segmentation and detection algorithms. We apply our method to a large and technically demanding test site and compare the results to the existing catalog of manually identified craters. Our algorithm finds many small craters not listed in the manual catalog, but it fails to detect heavily degraded craters. A detailed quality assessment of the algorithm is presented. The topography-based crater-detection algorithm offers a relatively simple and ready-to-use tool for identification and characterization of fresh impact craters with an adequate performance for the immediate application to Martian geomorphology
[70] Hawke B R, Blewett D T, Lucey P G, et al.

The origin of lunar crater rays

[J]. Icarus, 2004, 170(1):1-16.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Lunar rays are filamentous, high-albedo deposits occurring radial or subradial to impact craters. The nature and origin of lunar rays have long been the subjects of major controversies. We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO 2 , and optical maturity maps produced from Clementine UVVIS images. These include rays associated with Tycho, OlbersA, Lichtenberg, and the Messier crater complex. It was found that lunar rays are bright because of compositional contrast with the surrounding terrain, the presence of immature material, or some combination of the two. Mature “compositional” rays such as those exhibited by Lichtenberg crater, are due entirely to the contrast in albedo between ray material containing highlands-rich primary ejecta and the adjacent dark mare surfaces. “Immaturity” rays are bright due to the presence of fresh, high-albedo material. This fresh debris was produced by one or more of the following: (1)the emplacement of immature primary ejecta, (2)the deposition of immature local material from secondary craters, (3)the action of debris surges downrange of secondary clusters, and (4)the presence of immature interior walls of secondary impact craters. Both composition and state-of-maturity play a role in producing a third (“combination”) class of lunar rays. The working distinction between the Eratosthenian and Copernican Systems is that Copernican craters still have visible rays whereas Eratosthenian-aged craters do not. Compositional rays can persist far longer than 1.1Ga, the currently accepted age of the Copernican–Eratosthenian boundary. Hence, the mere presence of rays is not a reliable indication of crater age. The optical maturity parameter should be used to define the Copernican–Eratosthenian boundary. The time required for an immature surface to reach the optical maturity index saturation point could be defined as the Copernican Period.
[71] Salamunićcar G, Lončarić S, Grumpe A, et al.

Hybrid method for crater detection based on topography reconstruction from optical images and the new LU78287GT catalogue of lunar impact craters

[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2014, 53(12): 1 783-1 797.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[72] Wang Jiao, Cheng Weiming, Zhou Chenghu.

A Chang'E-1 global catalog of lunar impact craters

[J].Planetary and Space Science, 2015, 112: 42-45.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Detected lunar impact craters with diameters more than 500m using Chang'E-1 data in a hybrid method.61Compiled a global catalog of 106016 impact craters with comprehensive morphometric parameters.61Inspected the asymmetric spatial distribution of impact craters.
[73] Luo Zhongfei, Kang Zhizhong, Liu Xinyi.

The automatic extraction and recognition of lunar impact craters fusing CCD images and DEM data of Chang'E-1

[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2014, 43(9): 924-930 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[罗中飞, 康志忠, 刘心怡.


[J].测绘学报, 2014, 43(9): 924-930.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[74] Wood C A, Anderson L.

New morphometric data for fresh lunar craters

[J]. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings, 1978, 9: 3 669-3 689.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Morphometric relations have been determined for 2598 fresh craters on the lunar nearside using data given in the catalog of Wood and Andersson (1978). For each of five principal morphological types, typified by Albategnius C, Biot, Sosigenes, Triesnecker, and Tycho, statistical relations are documented for the following: crater diameter and depth; floor diameter and crater diameter; central peak height and crater diameter; average wall slope and crater depth; central peak occurrence and crater diameter; occurrence of scallops or terraces and crater diameter. The first four relations generally confirm the conclusions of Pike (1977), but the last two differ from results reported by Smith and Sanchez (1973). Small (diameter less than 20 km) flat-floored craters formed in mare terrains are as much as 10% deeper than those formed in the highlands, and the depths of small bowl-shaped craters reflect even greater dependence on terrain. Larger, scalloped-walled craters are deeper in highland terrain than on the maria. Although wall failure does not occur until the crater diameter reaches 13 km, central peaks are found in flat floor craters as small as 2 km.
[75] Morota T, Furumoto M.

Asymmetrical distribution of rayed craters on the Moon

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2003, 206(3): 315-323.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The synchronous rotation of the satellite ought to cause a spatial variation in the cratering rate over its surface. The crater density is expected to be maximum at the apex of the orbital motion and decrease with the increase of the angular distance from the apex. The ratio of the density at the apex (maximum) to that of the antapex (minimum) depends on the average encounter velocity of impactors to the satellite. Although the Moon is also in a state of the synchronous rotation, it has been supposed that the asymmetry in the crater density on the Moon can be hardly observed. We report here a spatial variation in the density of rayed craters on the Moon, which may be associated with the synchronous rotation. Since the lifetime of a ray is relatively short (<0.8 billion years), the results provide information on recent impacts. Rayed craters are identified on Clementine 750-nm mosaic images. We investigate craters in a lower latitude zone from 42 N to 42 S. To avoid an effect of material difference on the ray preservation, we analyze craters on the highland from 70 to 290 E in east longitude. A total of 222 rayed craters larger than 5 km in diameter are identified in the study area of about 1.4 10 7 km 2 . The average density of rayed craters on the leading side is substantially higher than that on the trailing side. The crater density decreases as a sinusoidal function of the angular distance from the apex. The observed ratio of the density at the apex to that at the antapex is about 1.5. The ratio suggests that recent craters on the Moon are formed mainly by near-Earth asteroids rather than comets with higher encounter velocities.
[76] Oberbeck V R, Greeley R, Morgan R B, et al.

Lunar Rilles: A Catalog and Method of Classification[R]

. Space Sciences, 1971:83.

[本文引用: 1]     

[77] Li Li, Liu Shaofeng, Wei Wei, et al.

Interpretaion of landform of sinuous rilles on the moon based on multidata of remote sensing

[J].Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2012, 94(3): 16-21 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[李力, 刘少峰, 韦蔚, .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2012, 94(3): 16-21.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[78] Fieder G.Lunar Geology[M]. London: Lutterworth Press, 1965.

[本文引用: 5]     

[79] Zhou Chenghu, Cheng Weiming, Qian Jinkai, et al.

Research on the classification system of digital land geomorphology of 1∶ 1000000 in China

[J].Journal of Geo-information Science, 2009, 11(6): 707-724 .

Magsci      [本文引用: 5]     

[周成虎, 程维明,钱金凯,.

中国陆地1∶ 100万数字地貌分类体系研究

[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2009, 11(6): 707-724.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

[80] Stuart-Alexander D E, Howard K A.

Lunar maria and circular basins—A review

[J]. Icarus, 1970, 12(3): 440-456.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Lunar Orbiter data make it possible to examine the distribution and relations of maria and large circular basins over the entire Moon. The restricted distribution and age of the maria are in marked contrast to the apparently random distribution in time and place of the circular basins, some of which contain mare fillings. The circular basins are believed to be impact scars, and the maria to be volcanic fills which in each case are younger than the structures they fill. Twenty-nine circular basins 300 km wide or wider are recognized. They are placed in an age sequence because successive stages of degradation can be recognized from the fresh Orientale basin to the almost obliterated basin containing Mare Australe. The maria were emplaced during a short span of lunar history, although some light plains of the highlands may be older maria lightened through age. The present maria are topographically low, tend to be associated with large circular basins, and lie in a crude global belt of regional concentrations; 94% are on the hemisphere facing the Earth. Possible explanations offered for these patterns of mare distribution include impact-induced volcanism, volcanic extrusion to a hydrostatic level, isostatic compensation, lateral heterogeneity in the lunar interior, subcrustal convection, and volcanism due to disruption by Earth's gravity.
[81] Lucey P G.

Mineral maps of the Moon

[J].Geophysical Research Letters, 2004, 31(8):1-4.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Global maps of the distribution of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and olivine on the Moon were derived from radiative transfer analysis of 400,000 Clementine UVVIS spectra. Plagioclase inversely correlates with iron while clinopyroxene positively correlates with iron showing these are the major carriers of aluminum and iron respectively. The distribution of olivine in the maria agrees with previous studies; in the highlands the abundance of olivine is low but ubiquitous at a few percent, except within the South Pole-Aitken basin where it is only present in very small exposures. In the very anorthositic farside highlands, olivine is often the sole mafic mineral. The abundance of orthopyroxene is generally low, excepting elevated abundances in the nearside highlands and in areas near and within South Pole-Aitken basin. Mare units with elevated abundances of orthopyroxene are found in some mare and cryptomare deposits distant from the sample return sites.
[82] Andersson L A, Whitaker E A.

NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature

[M]. United States: NASA Reference Publication, 1982.

[本文引用: 1]     

[83] Whitaker E A.Mapping and Naming the Moon: A History of Lunar Cartography and Nomenclature[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

[本文引用: 1]     

[84] Compiling Committee of the Chang'E-1 Image Atlas of the Moon. The Chang'E-1 Image Atlas of the Moon[M]. Beijing: SinoMaps Press, 2010 .

[本文引用: 2]     

[《嫦娥一号全月球影像图集》编辑委员会. 嫦娥一号全月球影像图集[M]. 北京:中国地图出版社,2010.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[85] Compiling Committee of the Chang'E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon. The Chang'E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon[M]. Beijing: SinoMaps Press, 2013 .

[本文引用: 2]     

[《嫦娥一号全月球地形图集》编辑委员会. 嫦娥一号全月球地形图集[M]. 北京:中国地图出版社,2013.]

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