地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (7): 675-686 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0675



李哲1, 陈永柏2, 李翀2, 郭劲松3, 肖艳1, 鲁伦慧1

1.中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院,中国科学院水库水环境重点实验室,重庆 400714
2.中国长江三峡集团有限公司,北京 100038
3.重庆大学,城市建设与环境工程学院,重庆 400045

Advances of Eco-environmental Effects and Adaptive Management in River Cascading Development

Li Zhe1, Chen Yongbai2, Li Chong2, Guo Jinsong3, Xiao Yan1, Lu Lunhui1

1.Key Laboratory of Reservoir Environment, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714,China
2.China Three Gorges Corporation, Beijing 100038,China
3.College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chonging 400045,China

中图分类号:  P343.1;TV213.4

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)07-0675-12

收稿日期: 2018-03-30

修回日期:  2018-05-8

网络出版日期:  2018-07-20

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *国家自然科学基金项目“碳在金沙江梯级水库过坝下泄中的迁移转化及其通量研究”(编号:51679226)中国长江三峡集团重点科研项目“三峡水库温室气体源汇通量监测与分析研究”资助.


First author:Li Zhe(1981-), male, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, Professor. Research areas include reservoir aquatic environment. E-mail:lizhe@cigit.ac.cn





关键词: 河流—水库系统; ; 累积效应 ; 变化水文环境 ; 生态系统结构功能 ; 水库生态学


As a kind of anthropogenic activity with significant impact on river ecosystem, dam construction and reservoir creation will result in the degradation and disappearance of terrestrial ecosystem in its flooded area. It will cause the significant change of downstream eco-environment and disrupt the continuity and connectivity of natural rivers. There may be “accumulative effects” on the impact of river cascading development on its ecosystems, which is to “amplify” the impact of damming on river ecosystems step by step. However, the role, approach, and hydro-ecological mechanisms of the “accumulation effect” are still not clear. Additionally, this will also result in the uncertainty in the objective, targets, spatio-temporal scope and action path of adaptive management of river cascading development. In river cascading development, the current adaptive practice on restoring natural hydrological processes and river ecosystem may no longer be effective. There is need to understand the function and structure of river-reservoir system and its succession. The trade-offs between multi-stakeholders of river-reservoir system shall be also taken into consideration. The upper Yangtze River has experienced intensive cascading development, which is unique among the world’s rivers and will profoundly change the ecosystem in the upper Yangtze. The adaptive management of upper Yangtze should aim at optimizing the ecological structure of rivers and reservoirs and maintaining the health of river-reservoir ecosystems. Future research could be focused on the role and form of “accumulative effects” in upper Yangtze, and the trade-offs among multiple stakeholders. These will construct a new paradigm for the operation and management of green hydropower in the upper Yangtze.

Keywords: River-reservoir system ; Accumulative effect ; Changing hydrological environment ; Ecological structure and function ; Reservoir ecology.


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李哲, 陈永柏, 李翀, 郭劲松, 肖艳, 鲁伦慧. 河流梯级开发生态环境效应与适应性管理进展[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(7): 675-686 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0675

Li Zhe, Chen Yongbai, Li Chong, Guo Jinsong, Xiao Yan, Lu Lunhui. Advances of Eco-environmental Effects and Adaptive Management in River Cascading Development[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(7): 675-686 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0675

1 引 言

河流是孕育人类社会的摇篮。人类社会的繁衍与发展都依赖于河流提供生计、住所、商业并维持生态功能。筑坝蓄水通过拦蓄调节流域淡水资源的时空配给,发挥灌溉、发电、防洪、供水、养殖、航运、旅游等多种功能,服务人类社会经济发展[1]。作为保障人类水安全的重要工程手段,筑坝蓄水几乎与整个人类文明的演进史相伴相行,在人类发展史中的重要性并不亚于火的发现与使用。目前,全球已建有各类大坝(坝高超过15 m)约58 000座[2],所形成的水库总库容为7 000~8 300 km3,已接近全球陆地天然湖泊储水总量的10%,是全球河流入海总量的1/6[2]。若考虑各类小型水库、堰塘的蓄水规模,可大致推算出目前全球各类水库所形成的总库容约为15 500 km3,是全球河流年径流总量(55万亿m3/a)的27.3%。


长江是中国的母亲河。长江上游水能资源丰富,其干支流水能理论蕴藏量约为2.68亿kW,能开发量约为1.97亿kW,年发电量约为10 270亿kW·h,占全国可开发总量的53.4%。其中,宜昌以上的长江上游水能资源蕴藏量约占流域的80%,可开发的水能资源则占全流域的87%。特别是宜宾以上的金沙江水系,水量丰沛且稳定,落差大而集中,是我国水能资源的“富矿”区。目前,金沙江规划开发的水电总装机容量为77 000 MW,规划年发电量为3 530亿kW·h,是实现我国“西电东送”战略目标的重要能源基地,位居我国十四大水电基地之首。预计在金沙江干流直门达—宜宾2 326 km干流河段,未来可能建设超过20座大型水电站,平均约100 km河段便有1座水电站。如此高强度的河流梯级开发在全球大河流域开发中独树一帜,不仅将深刻改变长江上游生态格局,也将对长江流域社会经济可持续发展产生深远影响。


2 筑坝蓄水的水环境与水生态效应

2.1 筑坝蓄水的生态环境效应研究进展


(1)水库蓄水污染物释放[6]:筑坝蓄水将导致部分陆地受淹,迫使淹没区陆生植被逐渐死亡、有机质(动植物残体、土壤中有机碎屑和腐殖质等)降解、养分与各种污染物(如汞、镉和砷等)溶出释放到水库[7]。因养分溶出,易造成水库营养水平在蓄水初期(通常为3~5年)呈现显著升高的“上涌”现象(trophic upsurge)[8]


图1   水库生态系统各要素的纵向变化概念性模型(据参考文献[9]修改)

Fig.1   Conceptual framework of longitudinal gradients of reservoir ecosystem(modified after reference[9])





第一条路径起始于20世纪30年代,围绕水库修建可能产生的“土地淹没、水文调节、生态阻隔”3个方面的生态环境影响开展研究,至60~80年代形成了研究热潮并持续至今。该路径侧重于对水库修建、蓄水和运行过程中的具体生态环境问题,分议题开展针对性研究,如:水库淹水后污染物释放(营养物、重金属)的生态效应、水库中变价有害金属物质的生态毒理效应与生态风险、大坝拦截对河流营养物质输送和鱼类洄游的影响、物种入侵和滨岸带生态系统恢复等。尽管研究议题相对较分散且学科间交叉明显,但该路径的总体思路和目的却十分清晰,即甄别水利工程对河流生态系统的影响并开展“点对点”研究,故该路径从某种意义上可称之为 “大坝生态学”。

另一条路径起始于20世纪80年代,依托经典湖沼学理论和方法体系,以水质保障与管理为出发点发展而成。1980年美国明尼苏达大学和美国土木工程学会(The American Society of Civil Engineers,ASCE)资助召开了水库专题研讨会(Symposium on Surface Water Impoundments),共收集了160篇论文,涵盖水库历史、社会价值、环境管理法规、规划与设计运行、物理化学与生物过程等方面[19]。1987年于捷克斯洛伐克召开了第一届国际水库湖沼学与水质管理大会[20]。1990年美国学者出版了专著《水库湖沼学:生态学视角》,该专著以美国水库为对象,从地理分布特征、水文水动力过程、泥沙输移沉积过程、初级生产与次级生产以及鱼类动态等方面描述了水库生态系统各组分基本特征及其过程,勾勒出了水库生态系统总体框架和水库生态学的基本体系,成为了水库湖沼学系统化的重要标志[21]。该路径延续了现代湖沼学的研究思路和基本观点,侧重于以水库生态系统作为独立单元,强调将水库视为有别于天然湖泊、河流的半人工半自然水体和面向水库水质管理(主要是N和P控制与水库富营养化防治)而开展研究实践[22,23],故其问题边界与涵盖内容也少于第一条路径。


2.2 河流梯级开发对其生态系统“累积效应”的研究进展

河流梯级开发,通常是指从河流或河段的上游到下游,呈阶梯形地修建一系列大坝,以最大限度依托河流落差充分利用水资源(水能、航运和防洪等)[24]。河流梯级开发迫使其“原生状态”消失殆尽,取而代之的是一系列由大坝拦截蓄水形成河流—水库串联交错的生态系统(简称“河流—水库系统”),显著改变流域水生态格局。在河道水文形态(hydromorphology)方面,一部分河段受水库回水影响,水位升高、过水断面扩大、流速放缓,水体滞留时间显著延长;另一部分河段尽管未受回水影响,但径流过程、水动力条件受上游大坝运行约束而呈非自然节律。河流梯级开发逐渐形成了急流型生境(lotic type)和缓流型生境(lentic type)交错序列,水体光热条件、养分等生境要素的配置亦受上下游大坝运行影响显著,迫使河流生态结构、功能显著迥异于自然河流,也显著差别于单一水库的纵向梯度变化。特别是在首尾相连的梯级水库或水库群中,河流将受到上游大坝下泄流量、下游水库顶托以及上下游水库联动运行调节的交叠影响,水文水动力条件、分层—混合格局、生物—非生物要素时空分布更具有复杂性和不确定性[12,25]

国内在澜沧江开展相关研究的团队主要为杨志峰团队[26,27]和何大明团队[28,29],侧重于从鱼类、浮游生物等生物要素的时空分布、变化与演替的角度,阐释梯级水库建设运行对生态系统的影响。而在乌江水系梯级水库的研究则主要来自汪福顺和刘丛强团队[30,31]等,着重从生源物质(C,N和P等)的生物地球化学过程入手阐释梯级水库生源物质循环机制与通量变化。此外,国内亦有不少学者对河流梯级开发的生态环境累积效应进行了研究讨论[32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]。目前,学界观点倾向于认为,梯级水库建设运行对河流生态系统的影响存在“累积效应”[41],即将大坝拦截阻隔对河流生态系统各种影响逐级“放大”。如河流泥沙输送量因大坝数量增加而逐渐下降、水库温度延滞效应逐渐加大等。在生物群落方面,Li等[27,42]发现澜沧江中段梯级水库逐级修建后浮游植物丰度呈现逐级升高、生物完整性呈现显著下降的“累积”特征。Zhai等[43]认为澜沧江梯级水库建设将迫使河流生态系统完整性逐级下降。Serafim-Junior等[44]报道了轮虫、微型甲壳类生物多样性在天然河道中呈现明显的空间梯度变化,但因梯级水库修建而逐渐消失,生物群落组成呈现均质化趋势(homogenization)。亦有研究认为,梯级水库对生态系统影响的“累积”,同大坝相对位置、水库形态与运行方式等密切相关[25]。Lacerda dos Santos等[45]发现梯级水库运行导致局地生境变化是改变物种分布、生物多样性与营养水平的关键。王光谦等[46]认为梯级河流开发导致的生境格局和生源物质循环异变是当前研究的挑战[46]。水库群对径流调节的耦合作用使河流生境格局和生源物质循环异变呈现表现出多要素、多过程、高度不确定性的复杂过程特征。

目前,阐释筑坝蓄水对河流生态系统影响的经典理论模型是由Ward和Stanford在河流连续性概念(River Continuum Concept, RCC;图2)[47]基础上提出的序列非连续性概念(Serial Discontinuity Concept, SDC;图2)[41]。SDC的理论模型已通过不少研究予以验证[13,41,48,49],并主要应用于对坝下受影响河段开展生态修复与适应性管理[50,51]。在SDC基础上,巴西学者Barbosa等[25]在1999年提出了梯级水库连续体概念(Cascading Reservoir Continuum Concept, CRCC),并主要用以描述梯级水库水环境变化过程。CRCC认为河流梯级开发不仅促使河流纵向生态要素呈现迥异于单一水库的变化特征,如温度逐渐升高、浊度逐渐下降、叶绿素a浓度升高、富营养化加重等,生态要素在梯级水库的横向和垂向方向上也呈现出有序列的变化特征。尽管原文中并未使用“accumulative effects”定义因梯级水库导致的上述变化,但作者强调了梯级水库中将迫使生态要素各种变化得以“增殖”(proliferation)。

图2   河流连续性概念(RCC)和序列非连续性概念(SDC)(据参考文献[41,47]修改)

Fig.2   Conceptual model of River Continuum Concept (RCC) and Serial Discontinuity Concept (SDC) (modified after references[41,47])



图3   变化水文环境对河流—水库系统结构、功能影响的示意图

Fig.3   River-reservoir ecosystem structure and functioning in changing water environment


3 筑坝河流的适应性管理研究进展

“适应性管理”(adaptive management)最早是由Holling[53]在20世纪70年代末提出的,其核心是“边学边做”,即通过实施监测评价管理方式,验证管理方法与决策的合理性与完整性。河流生态系统适应性管理的经典案例,是美国格伦峡谷大坝(Glen Canyon Dam)为应对下游河流生态系统退化而开展的径流调节实践。通过修正大坝下泄流量方案,增加最小日泄水量,减少日泄水量变幅等措施,构造了格伦峡谷大坝下游河段不同物种的栖息生境[54],对坝下河流生态恢复取得了显著效果[55]。以该案例为起点,20世纪90年代中期美国启动了以淡水生态系统生态修复为主要目标的全国性行动计划[56]。匹配相对完善的生态系统监测网络体系,对河流适应性管理逐渐形成了以坝下河流生态系统修复为主要目标、以“径流调节→替代性方案实践→监测评价与反馈→优化的大坝下泄方案”为主线的适应性管理基本模式[50,57]




4 长江上游梯级开发现状、矛盾与研究需求

长江上游通常指宜昌以上河段,流域面积约100万km2,宜昌站多年平均径流量约14 300 m3/s。长江上游水能资源蕴藏丰富,据不完全统计,其干流与主要支流上已分布有大大小小百余座大型水电站,装机容量超过11 000万kW(图4)。近年来,长江上游还将建一批大型电站,将会深刻改变长江上游生态格局。在长江上游处于“原生”状态自然河段逐渐消失的同时,水电开发也促进了流域社会经济发展。基础设施建设和城镇化加速推进,带动了水产养殖、农业开发、亲水旅游、航运交通、建筑施工、矿山开采等产业或行业发展,使当地人民的生产生活方式由原先“靠山而生”变成了“近水而富”,地方社会发展形态发生根本性改变(图5),衍生形成了多利益主体共同作用的经济—社会—生态多元复合体系,构成了非常复杂的径流调节(供水、防洪、航运、泥沙)、水力发电(水能利用)、环境保护(生态系统健康维持)的互馈关系(图6)。在多利益主体(流域机构、水电企业、地方政府、地方企业与库区移民)的外部驱动作用下,河流—水库系统将可能受到来自以下几个方面的潜在威胁(图6):

图4   长江上游水电站分布(装机容量大于0.3万kW)

Fig.4   Distributions of hydropower plant in the upstream of Yangtze (Installed capacity > 3MW)

图5   溪洛渡—向家坝梯级水库近岸的人为活动(拍摄:李哲;时间:2016年) (a)脐橙种植;(a,b)水产养殖;(c)亲水旅游;(d)港航设施

Fig.5   Anthropogenic activities along the Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba cascade reservoirs (photo taken by Li Zhe, 2016) (a) Naval fruits; (a,b) Fish farming; (c) Tourism; (d) Facilities of ports

图6   长江上游河流—水库系统“径流调节—水力发电—环境保护”互馈关系

Fig.6   The nexus of “river runoff regulation-hydropower production-environmental protection” in the upstream of the Yangtze









5 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract Securing access to energy for a growing population under the international commitment of reduction of greenhouse emissions requires increasing the contribution of renewable sources to the global share. Hydropower energy, which accounts for > 80% of green energy, is experiencing a boom fostered by international investment mainly in developing countries. This boom could be further accelerated by the recent climate agreement reached in Paris. Despite its flexibility, hydropower production entails social, economic and ecological risks that need to be carefully considered before investing in the development of potentially thousands of planned hydropower projects worldwide. This is especially relevant given the weak or non-existent legislation that regulates hydropower project approval and construction in many countries. I highlight the need for adequate policy to provide the Paris Agreement with new financial and planning mechanisms to avoid further and irreversible damage to freshwater ecosystem services and biodiversity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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[7] Teisserenc R, Lucotte M, Canuel R, et al.

Combined dynamics of mercury and terrigenous organic matter following impoundment of Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Reservoir, Labrador

[J]. Biogeochemistry, 2014,118(1/3):21-34.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[8] Grimard Y, Jones H.

Trophic upsurge in new reservoirs: A model for total phosphorus concentrations

[J]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1982,39(11):1 473-1 483.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract A model for total phosphorus concentrations during both the trophic upsurge and depression phases in new reservoirs has been developed by a convolution of the rate of phosphorus leaching from flooded lands and the rate of reservoir filling. Model parameters for phosphorus sedimentation and leaching coefficients were estimated from data available on the Smallwood Reservoir (impoundment 1971) in Labrador. The model was subsequently applied to predict phosphorus concentrations during the trophic upsurge phase in the La Grande-2 (LG2) Reservoir (impoundment 1978) in the James Bay region of Quebec. Because the sparse data available on other new or old reservoirs during the trophic upsurge phase does not permit an analysis of the confidence limits in model output, we include discussion of the calculated values of model parameters and their relationship to the real phenomena. An evaluation of the rates of phosphorus leaching from flooded soils and vegetation and the specific leaching coefficient of phosphorus from various lands has shown indirectly that the proposed model approximates the dynamics of new reservoir phosphorus concentrations. We conclude that the model has a good potential as an empirical predictive tool in the management of large new reservoirs on the Canadian Shield.Key words: reservoir, phosphorus, model, trophic state
[9] Straskraba M, Tundisi J G.

Reservoir water quality management

[M]//International Lake Environment Committee.Kusatsu, Japan, 1999.

[本文引用: 3]     

[10] Kimmel B, Lind O, Paulson L.

Reservoir primary production

[M]//Reservoir Limnology: Ecological Perspectives. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990: 133-193.

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] Xu X, Tan Y, Yang G.

Environmental impact assessments of the Three Gorges Project in China: Issues and interventions

[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2013,124:115-125.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper takes China's authoritative Environmental Impact Statement for the Yangzi (Yangtze) Three Gorges Project (TGP) in 1992 as a benchmark against which to evaluate emerging major environmental outcomes since the initial impoundment of the Three Gorges reservoir in 2003. The paper particularly examines five crucial environmental aspects and associated causal factors. The five domains include human resettlement and the carrying capacity of local environments (especially land), water quality, reservoir sedimentation and downstream riverbed erosion, soil erosion, and seismic activity and geological hazards. Lessons from the environmental impact assessments of the TGP are: (1) hydro project planning needs to take place at a broader scale, and a strategic environmental assessment at a broader scale is necessary in advance of individual environmental impact assessments; (2) national policy and planning adjustments need to react quickly to the impact changes of large projects; (3) long-term environmental monitoring systems and joint operations with other large projects in the upstream areas of a river basin should be established, and the cross-impacts of climate change on projects and possible impacts of projects on regional or local climate considered. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[12] Renofalt B M, Jansson R, Nilsson C.

Effects of hydropower generation and opportunities for environmental flow management in Swedish riverine ecosystems

[J]. Freshwater Biology, 2010,55(1):49-67.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]     

[13] Ellis L E, Jones N E.

Longitudinal trends in regulated rivers: A review and synthesis within the context of the serial discontinuity concept

[J]. Environmental Reviews, 2013,21(3):136-148.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Dams alter the geomorphology, water quality, temperature regime, and flow regime of lotic systems influencing the resources and habitat of fish, benthic invertebrates, and lower trophic levels. Since the inception of the river continuum concept and the serial discontinuity concept (SDC), biotic and abiotic impacts below impoundments have been the focus of many lotic studies. However, recovery gradients below dams are rarely examined in sufficient detail and no current synthesis of longitudinal impacts in regulated rivers exists. This understanding is needed to build ecological relationships in regulated rivers to inform environmental flows science and management. In this review, we provide evidence for SDC predictions on physical, chemical, and biological recovery in regulated rivers. Additionally, we determine how these changes are reflected in the benthic community. Our review suggests that two recovery gradients exist in regulated rivers: (1) a longer, thermal gradient taking up to hundreds of kilometres downstream; and (2) a shorter, resource subsidy gradient recovering within 1-4 km downstream of an impoundment. Total benthic invertebrate abundance varies considerably, with both increases and reductions observed at near-dam sites and varying in recovery downstream. Much of this variability stems from the degree of flow alteration and resource subsidies from the upstream reservoir. In contrast, benthic diversity is often reduced below dams irrespective of dam location and operation with little recovery observed downstream. The community at near-dam sites is largely composed of filter-feeding invertebrates which are quickly replaced downstream, while stoneflies are reduced below impoundments with limited downstream recovery. Despite a lack of formal testing, studies support SDC predictions. The SDC still provides a useful theoretical framework for hypothesis testing, and future studies should further expand the SDC to include empirical estimation within the context of the landscape.
[14] Young P S, Cech J J Jr, Thompson L C.

Hydropower-related pulsed-flow impacts on stream fishes: A brief review, conceptual model, knowledge gaps, and research needs

[J]. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2011,21(4):713-731.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[15] Poff N L, Schmidt J C.

How dams can go with the flow

[J]. Science, 2016,353(3 604):1 099-1 100.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

insects were more than three times as abundant in the two places predicted by the model. Comparing their data with that from studies on 15 other dammed rivers in the western United States, Kennedy et al. show that aquatic insect diver-
[16] Carriquiry J D, Villaescusa J A, Camacho-Ibar V, et al.

The effects of damming on the materials flux in the Colorado River delta

[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011,62(7):1 407-1 418.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

During the last century, the Colorado River delta (CRD) has been dramatically altered by the diversion of river water for use in human activities. This alteration has eliminated the delivery of fresh water to the Gulf of California radically transforming the former estuary into an inverse-estuary. Under the new conditions, the new materials budget was estimated at the mouth of the Colorado River in terms of salts, total suspended sediments, organic suspended matter and nutrients. The results of this study show that, because of the asymmetry of the tidal wave, the variability of seston concentration follows a sedimentation pattern of three successive stages: re-suspension (erosion at ebb flow)02>02dilution (during flood flow)02>02sedimentation (at the end of the flood stage). The tidal asymmetry during neap tides was characterized by longer ebb (at least, 3002min longer) than flood and more intense ebb currents (as much as 43% higher), hence characterizing an ebb-dominated system. The CRD is characterized by high nutrients concentrations. Maximal levels are: nitrates (4102μM), phosphates (2.602μM) and silicates (6802μM), nitrite (1502μM). The mass balance indicates that the system acts as a net exporter of suspended sediment with rates as high as 702tons per tidal cycle. This behavior indicates that the CRD is in a destructive stage as a result of the lack of freshwater inflow and supply of sediment into the system.
[17] Winemiller K O, McIntyre P B, Castello L, et al.

Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong

[J]. Science, 2016,351(6 269):128-129.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[18] Grumbine R E, Dore J, Xu J.

Mekong hydropower: Drivers of change and governance challenges

[J]. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2012,10(2):91-98.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Mekong River is the longest watercourse in Southeast Asia. Although China has an extensive hydropower program underway on the Upper Mekong, as yet there are no dams on the river's lower mainstream. However, as many as 12 additional projects, which would generate substantial energy and wealth especially for Cambodia and Laos, are currently in the proposal stage for the Lower Mekong (LM). The cumulative effects of the LM hydropower projects -if built, and together with existing Chinese dams -will transform the Mekong by altering natural flow patterns and disrupting fisheries and other ecosystem services, to the detriment of the millions of people who depend on the river for their livelihoods. Proposals for new dam construction are driven by several factors, including changing human demographics and development needs, energy and food security concerns, economic cooperation, and climate change. We link these social, ecological, economic, and political forces to ongoing regional governance issues and discuss how to improve the quality of Mekong hydropower decision making in a complex, transboundary setting.
[19] Stefan H G.

Surface Water Impoundments

[M]. New York: Smerican Society of Cilil Engineers, 1981.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Straskraba M, Tundisi J G, Duncan A.

Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management

[M]. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Thornton K W, Kimmel B L, Payne F E.

Reservoir Limnology: Ecological Perspectives

[M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Tundisi J G, Straškraba M.

Theoretical Reservoir Ecology and Its Applications

[M]. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers,1999.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Straskraba M, Tundisi J G.

Reservoir Water Quality Management

[M]. Shiga: International Lake Environment Committee, 1999.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Yang Kun,Deng Xi,Li Xueling,et al.

Impacts of hydroelectric cascade exploitation on river ecosystem and landscape: A review

[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2011, 22(5): 1 359-1 367.

[本文引用: 1]     

[杨昆, 邓熙, 李学灵, .


[J]. 应用生态学报, 2011,22(5):1 359-1 367.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] Barbosa F A R, Padisak J, Espindola E L G, et al.

The Cascading Reservoir Continuum Concept (CRCC) and its application to the river Tiete-basin, Sao Paulo state, Brazil

[C]//Workshop on Theoretical Reserivoir Ecology, Saopedro, Brazil,1999.

[本文引用: 4]     

[26] Yi Y, Tang C, Yang Z, et al.

Influence of Manwan Reservoir on fish habitat in the middle reach of the Lancang River

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2014,69:106-117.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Lancang ekong River is the most important international river in Southeast Asia. Where the river flows through China, it is called the Lancang River. The Lancang River basin has become the most abundant species resource and the most bio-diverse region of China and has significant potential as a source of hydropower. The construction of cascade hydropower dams on the main river has brought great economic benefit, but has also changed the river as a physical habitat. Many fishes, especially endemic species and those with economic value in this area, have been affected by these changes. An ESHIPPO-PPm model was established to evaluate the extinction risk of fish species in this area. Four endemic fish were evaluated, two of which (Tor sinensis, and Cosmochilus cardinalis) are classified as critical extinction risk. The habitat quality of T. sinensis, an endemic and economically important fish, was simulated using a habitat suitability index model. The habitat suitability index (HSI) model was developed by coupling a one-dimensional (1-D) hydraulic model with habitat suitability curves. Considering the spawning characteristics of the fish, habitat suitability curves were established for key factors influencing adult fish and spawning behavior of T. sinensis. A hydraulic model was developed to simulate and predict parameter of the physical habitat. Based on the simulated result of the HSI model, Weighted Usable Areas for adult (WUAd) and spawning (WUAs) were obtained. A Mann endall test was used to analyze the variation trend of WUAs and WUAd before and after the construction of the Manwan dam. Abrupt change in WUAd and WUAs occurred during the dam construction and operation period, respectively. According to the simulation and analysis, habitat suitability has been changed during the construction and operation of Manwan Reservoir. For the spawning of T. sinensis (WUAs), the dam has a visible influence on the minimal and medium level habitat, but little influence on the optimal habitat. For the adults habitat, the dam reduced the medium and optimal WUAd. Optimal discharge for spawning is much greater than for adult. Different discharges for maintaining different degrees of habitat quality are suggested.
[27] Li J, Dong S, Liu S, et al.

Effects of cascading hydropower dams on the composition, biomass and biological integrity of phytoplankton assemblages in the middle Lancang-Mekong River

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2013,60:316-324.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[28] Fan H, He D, Wang H.

Environmental consequences of damming the mainstream Lancang-Mekong River: A review

[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2015,146:77-91.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Damming rivers to generate hydropower can help mitigate the world's energy crisis and reduce the risk of global climate change; however, damming can also produce enormous negative effects on the environment and ecosystems. The mainstream Lancang-Mekong River within China has been planned as one of the thirteen state hydropower bases. To date, there have been six operational dams along the mainstream Lancang River, and the 15 remaining dams of the proposed Lancang cascade will be completed in the next decades. In this paper, we examined several crucial environmental changes and ecological responses that have resulted from the construction and operation of the existing dams of the Lancang cascade. The current literature and observational data suggest that the commissioned dams have led to a decline in the flood season water discharge and annual sediment flux within China's borders, reservoir aggradations, and water quality degradation in the reservoirs, which has negatively affected riverine aquatic biological communities and fish assemblages. In contrast, the dams have only had small unfavorable effects on downstream environments and ecosystems outside of China. Because of the potential environmental and geopolitical risks of the Lancang cascade dams, a long-term basin-wide terrestrial and aquatic monitoring program is urgently required to ensure that regional sustainable development occurs in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin.
[29] Kang B, He D, Perrett L, et al.

Fish and fisheries in the Upper Mekong: Current assessment of the fish community, threats and conservation

[J]. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2009,19:465-480.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[30] Wang F, Cao M, Wang B, et al.

Seasonal variation of CO2 diffusion flux from a large subtropical reservoir in East China

[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2015,103:129-137.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We report the CO2 emission from a subtropical large reservoir.61Reservoir surface can absorb large amount of atmospheric CO2 in warm seasons.61Downstream the dam has the similar contribution of CO2 emission to reservoir surface.
[31] Wang F, Wang B, Liu C Q, et al.

Changes in nutrient ratios and phytoplankton community structure caused by hydropower development in the Maotiao River, China

[J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2014,36:595-603.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[32] Wang Lansun, Ping Naifan.

Eutrophication caused by river cascading development

[J]. Sichuan Enviornment, 1989, 8(4): 105-112.

[本文引用: 1]     

[汪兰荪, 平乃凡.


. 四川环境, 1989,8(4):105-112.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] Ma Zelong, Cheng Genwei.

Progress in research on impacts of river hydro-power engineering on eco-environment

[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2006,17(5): 748-753.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[麻泽龙, 程根伟.


[J]. 水科学进展, 2006,17(5): 748-753.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[34] Zhong Huaping, Liu Heng, Geng Leihua.

Cumulative effects of Lancang River basin cascade hydropower development on ecology and environment

[J]. Shuili Xuebao, 2007,(Suppl.): 577-581.

[本文引用: 1]     

[钟华平, 刘恒, 耿雷华.


[J]. 水利学报, 2007,(增刊):577-581.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[35] Zhong Huaping, Liu Heng, Geng Leihua.

Ecology and environment cumulative effects of cascaded hydropower development in Nujiang River

[J]. Water Resources and Power, 2008,26(1): 52-55,59.

[本文引用: 1]     

[钟华平, 刘恒, 耿雷华.


[J]. 水电能源科学, 2008,26(1): 52-55,59.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Wang Zhaosong,Li Lan.

Research development of basin cascade hydropower development and environment ecological protection

[J]. Water Resources and Power, 2009,27(4):43-45,226.

[本文引用: 1]     

[王赵松, 李兰.


[J]. 水电能源科学, 2009,27(4):43-45,226.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[37] Kou Xiaomei, Niu Tianxiang, Huang Yusheng, et al.

Cumulative effectof water environment of existing cascade stationson the upper Yellow River

[J]. Northwest Hydropower, 2009,(6):11-14.

[本文引用: 1]     

[寇晓梅, 牛天祥, 黄玉胜, .


[J]. 西北水电, 2009,(6):11-14.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对黄河上游梯级开发程度较高的龙羊峡~刘家峡河段水文、水温、水质等环境要素的累积效应 分析,认识水电梯级开发布局、水库规模、水库调节方式对水文情势、水温及水质的累积作用、影响程度和演变规律,以期为黄河流域待开发河段及其它流域水电开 发在水环境影响分析方面提供一些参考。
[38] Chen Junxian,Jiang Renfei,Chen Yan.

Evaluation on the health of river ecosystem under the cascade development of reservoirs

[J]. Shuili Xuebao, 2015,46(3):334-340.

[本文引用: 1]     

[陈俊贤, 蒋任飞, 陈艳.


[J]. 水利学报, 2015,46(3):334-340.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[39] Ji Daobin,Long Lianghong,Xu Hui,et al.

Advances in study on cumulative effects of construction of cascaded reservoirs on water environment

[J]. Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources, 2017,37(3):7-14.

[本文引用: 1]     

[纪道斌, 龙良红, 徐慧, .


[J]. 水利水电科技进展, 2017,37(3):7-14.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[40] Wang Chao.

Research conception of ecological protection and restoration of high dams and large reservoirs construction and hydropower cascade development in Southwestern China

[J]. Advanced Engineering Sciences, 2017,49(1):19-26.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 工程科学与技术, 2017,49(1):19-26.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Stanford J A, Ward J V.

Revisiting the serial discontinuity concept

[J]. Regulated Rivers-Research & Management, 2001,17:303-310.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract We revisit the serial discontinuity concept (SDC), which predicts river ecosystem responses to stream regulation in the context of recovery with distance downstream from the dam (discontinuity distance). Many studies have described pervasive interruptions of natural biophysical gradients of dams by comparing conditions in tailwaters to reference or pre-impoundment conditions. But only a few studies provide data or interpretations that explicitly test the SDC within entire stream corridors or along specifically defined reaches where recovery was expected in view of the predictions of the SDC. We present discontinuity distance measures for nine rivers around the world where the predictions of the SDC were substantiated. In two cases, recovery trajectories were overwhelmed by other human sources of disturbance. In one case, the SDC did not hold up, but only biotic measures were made. We conclude that, in general, the SDC is a sound construct that in most cases can be used to predict, or at least clearly articulate, the consequences of new regulation. The next step is to develop better empirical models of the SDC and to validate them experimentally through re-regulation of entire river corridors. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[42] Li J, Dong S, Peng M, et al.

Effects of damming on the biological integrity of fish assemblages in the middle Lancang-Mekong River basin

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2013,34:94-102.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[43] Zhai H, Cui B, Hu B, et al.

Prediction of river ecological integrity after cascade hydropower dam construction on the mainstream of rivers in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR), China

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2010,36:361-372.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[44] Serafim-Junior M, Lansac-Toha F A, Lopes R M, et al.

Continuity effects on rotifers and microcrustaceans caused by the construction of a downstream reservoir in a cascade series (Iguacu River, Brazil)

[J]. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2016,76:279-291.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[45] Lacerda dos Santos N C, de Santana H S, Dias R M, et al.

Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a tropical reservoir cascade

[J]. Hydrobiologia, 2016,765:265-275.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The functioning of systems arranged in cascades of reservoirs can be explained by the Cascading Reservoir Continuum Concept, providing a theoretical framework for addressing ecological processes. In this context, this study tested the following hypotheses: (i) the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage shows a nested distribution along a reservoir cascade; and (ii) local factors explain the structure of the benthic assemblage in every reservoir along the cascade. Macroinvertebrates play essential role in aquatic systems, especially due to recycling and, in reservoirs, as important links in every food chain. Sampling was conducted quarterly between October 2006 and September 2010 in six reservoirs located in the S茫o Francisco River, Brazil. The benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage showed nested distribution in the reservoirs, indicating that a loss of species occurs along the cascade. Each reservoir presented a different set of variables that explained the distribution of macroinvertebrates, showing the importance of local factors determining the composition and distribution of benthic assemblages in the reservoirs. Therefore, there is a clear interaction between the position of a reservoir along a cascade and the macroinvertebrate assemblages, which indicate the importance of considering this pattern during the decision-making process of constructing new dams on rivers already regulated.
[46] Wang Guangqian,Fang Hongwei,Ni Guangheng, et al.

River networks and runoff characteristics in Tibetan Plateau: Advancements and future strategie

[J]. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016,(1):27-33.DOI:10.16262/j.cnki.1000-8217.2016.01.007.

[本文引用: 2]     

[王光谦, 方红卫, 倪广恒, .


[J]. 中国科学基金, 2016,(1):27-33.DOI:10.16262/j.cnki.1000-8217.2016.01.007.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[47] Vannote R L, Minshall G W, Cummins K W, et al.

The river continuum concept

[J]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 1980,37:130-137.

[本文引用: 1]     

[48] Miranda L E, Dembkowski D J.

Evidence for serial discontinuity in the fish community of a heavily impounded river

[J]. River Research and Applications, 2016,32:1 187-1 195.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In the Tennessee River, USA, we examined lengthwise patterns in fish community structure and species richness within and among nine reservoirs organized in sequence and connected through navigational locks. Within reservoirs, the riverine, transition and lacustrine zones supported distinct, although overlapping, nearshore fish assemblages; differences were also reflected in measures of species richness. Spatial patterns were most apparent for rheophilic species, which increased in species richness and representation upstream within each reservoir and downstream across the chain of reservoirs. This pattern resembled a sawtooth wave, with the amplitude of the wave peaking in the riverine zone below each dam, and progressively higher wave amplitude developing downstream in the reservoir chain. The observed sawtooth pattern supports the serial discontinuity concept in that the continuity of the riverine fish community is interrupted by the lacustrine conditions created behind each dam. Upstream within each reservoir, and downstream in the chain of reservoirs, habitat characteristics become more riverine. To promote sustainability of rheophilic fishes and maintain biodiversity in impounded rivers, conservation plans could emphasize maintenance and preservation of riverine environments of the reservoir's upper reaches, while remaining cognizant of the broader basin trends that provide opportunities for a lengthwise array of conservation and management policy. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
[49] Ellis L E, Jones N E.

A test of the serial discontinuity concept: Longitudinal trends of benthic invertebrates in regulated and natural rivers of Northern Canada

[J]. River Research and Applications, 2016,32:462-472.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[50] Olden J D, Konrad C P, Melis T S, et al.

Are large-scale flow experiments informing the science and management of freshwater ecosystems?

[J]. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2014,12:176-185.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 7]     

[51] Poff N L, Zimmerman J K.

Ecological responses to altered flow regimes: A literature review to inform the science and management of environmental flows

[J]. Freshwater Biology, 2010,55:194-205.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[52] Petesse M L, Petrere M.

Tendency towards homogenization in fish assemblages in the cascade reservoir system of the Tietêriver Basin, Brazil

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2012,48:109-116.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Holling C S.

Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management

[M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1978.

[本文引用: 1]     

[54] Naiman R J, Alldredge J R, Beauchamp D A, et al.

Developing a broader scientific foundation for river restoration: Columbia River food webs

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012,109:21 201-21 207.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Well-functioning food webs are fundamental for sustaining rivers as ecosystems and maintaining associated aquatic and terrestrial communities. The current emphasis on restoring habitat structure--without explicitly considering food webs--has been less successful than hoped in terms of enhancing the status of targeted species and often overlooks important constraints on ecologically effective restoration. We identify three priority food web-related issues that potentially impede successful river restoration: uncertainty about habitat carrying capacity, proliferation of chemicals and contaminants, and emergence of hybrid food webs containing a mixture of native and invasive species. Additionally, there is the need to place these food web considerations in a broad temporal and spatial framework by understanding the consequences of altered nutrient, organic matter (energy), water, and thermal sources and flows, reconnecting critical habitats and their food webs, and restoring for changing environments. As an illustration, we discuss how the Columbia River Basin, site of one of the largest aquatic/riparian restoration programs in the United States, would benefit from implementing a food web perspective. A food web perspective for the Columbia River would complement ongoing approaches and enhance the ability to meet the vision and legal obligations of the US Endangered Species Act, the Northwest Power Act (Fish and Wildlife Program), and federal treaties with Northwest Indian Tribes while meeting fundamental needs for improved river management.
[55] Melis T S, Walters C J, Korman J.

Surprise and opportunity for learning in grand canyon: The Glen Canyon dam adaptive management program

[J]. Ecology and Society, 2015,20(3).DOI:10.5751/ES-07621-200322.

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Naiman R J, Magnuson J J, McKnight D M, et al.

Fresh-water ecosystems and their management—A national initiative

[J]. Science, 1995,270:584-585.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recently, the laws and regulations that govern water quality and endangered aquatic ecosystems have begun being evaluated in light of increased demands on use of fresh water. Naiman et al. point out that much of the research aimed at evaluating this important resource is in need of improvement and coordination.
[57] Kennedy T A, Muehlbauer J D, Yackulic C B, et al.

Flow management for hydropower extirpates aquatic insects, undermining river food webs

[J]. American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2016,66:561-575.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Dams impound the majority of rivers and provide important societal benefits, especially daily water releases that enable on-peak hydroelectricity generation. Such “hydropeaking” is common worldwide, but its downstream impacts remain unclear. We evaluated the response of aquatic insects, a cornerstone of river food webs, to hydropeaking using a life history–hydrodynamic model. Our model predicts that aquatic-insect abundance will depend on a basic life-history trait—adult egg-laying behavior—such that open-water layers will be unaffected by hydropeaking, whereas ecologically important and widespread river-edge layers, such as mayflies, will be extirpated. These predictions are supported by a more-than-2500-sample, citizen-science data set of aquatic insects from the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon and by a survey of insect diversity and hydropeaking intensity across dammed rivers of the Western United States. Our study reveals a hydropeaking-related life history bottleneck that precludes viable populations of many aquatic insects from inhabiting regulated rivers.
[58] Warner A T, Bach L B, Hickey J T.

Restoring environmental flows through adaptive reservoir management: Planning, science, and implementation through the Sustainable Rivers Project

[J]. Hydrological Sciences JournalJournal Des Sciences Hydrologiques, 2014,59:770-785.

[本文引用: 1]     

[59] Keith D A, Martin T G, McDonald-Madden E, et al.

Uncertainty and adaptive management for biodiversity conservation

[J]. Biological Conservation, 2011,144:1 175-1 178.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Adaptive management of natural resources is widely supported, but in biodiversity conservation there have been few practical applications of the approach in its entirety. Some of the contributions to this special publication examine progress in the implementation of adaptive approaches into conservation policy, while others explore novel theoretical and modeling approaches that seek to accommodate the complexities of real-world applications. Several of the papers address the treatment of uncertainty in adaptive management through innovative approaches to experimentation and monitoring, use and characterisation of expert knowledge and reconciliation of differences of opinion about parameters or systems. Drawing on these contributions, we discuss the major impediments to implementing adaptive management, why adaptive management has been slow to be implemented and how this can be redressed.
[60] Poff N L, Brown C M, Grantham T E, et al.

Sustainable water management under future uncertainty with eco-engineering decision scaling

[J]. Nature Climate Change, 2016,6:25-34.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[61] Liu Yanxu,Peng Jian,Wang An,et al.

New research progress and trends in ecosystem health

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(18): 5 920-5 930.

[本文引用: 1]     

[刘焱序, 彭建, 汪安, .


[J]. 生态学报, 2015, 35(18): 5 920-5 930.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

健康的生态系统一般被视为环境管理的终极目标,进行生态系统健康研究对探索区域与生态系统可持续发展具有重要意义。随着国际生态与健康学会(International Association for Ecology and Health)的解体,生态系统健康研究视角出现转型。系统梳理了近年来国际上有关生态系统健康概念及其评估方法、指标的新进展,通过文献统计和重要文献引用揭示了国际生态系统健康研究的发展历程,提出了从生态系统健康到生态健康再到生态文化健康的三大核心框架发展阶段,生态系统健康的研究对象和范围正在不断扩充。资源环境研究领域是国内研究者应用生态系统健康概念与方法的优势领域,在区域尺度上评价生态系统的健康更贴近资源环境和社会文化交互作用的复合表征理念。因此,我国生态系统健康研究的趋向不仅应包括在生态系统尺度上研究的继续深化,也应包含对生态文化健康概念的完善与应用,并发挥地理-生态视角的区域集成研究优势,从而有效指导区域生态与环境政策制定与实施。
