地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (4): 343-349 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0343



沈有信1, 赵志猛12, 毕胜春3, 赵高卷12, 刘娟12

1.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,云南 勐仑 666303
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 石林花木有限责任公司,云南 石林 652208

Rock Outcrop and Its Ecological Function in Terrestrial Ecosystem

Shen Youxin1, Zhao Zhimeng12, Bi Shengchun3, Zhao Gaojuan12, Liu Juan12

1.Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun Yunnan 666303,China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,China
3.Shilin Flowers and Trees Co., Ltd., Shilin Yunnan 652208, China

中图分类号:  P951

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)04-0343-07

收稿日期: 2017-11-7

修回日期:  2018-03-20

网络出版日期:  2018-04-20

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *国家重点研发计划项目“断陷盆地山地土壤流失过程与驱动机制”(编号:2016YFC0502503)国家自然科学基金项目“喀斯特生态系统裸露岩体集水径流及其生态水文效应研究”(编号:41671031)资助.






关键词: 露石 ; 生物植居 ; 生态水文 ; 石漠化


Rock Outcrop (ROC) is very common in terrestrial ecosystems, typically in karst. ROCs play both positive and negative effects in ecosystems. They may collect precipitation (including throughfall), wet/dry deposition, host bacteria, fungi, muss and lichen, and even vascular plants. Both plants and their growing matrixes on ROCs differ greatly from their nearby soil patches. Water and organic and inorganic materials received and produced on ROCs is easily redistributed to their nearby soil patches, put strong influence on water and elements process in soil patches, and thus, affect the plants growing on soil surface. However, quantitative study on water and materials received and produced is scarce, nor on the eco-hydrology effect, thus, blocking the explanation of karst ecosystem succession, block the strategy formulation on countermeasures of karst desertification.

Keywords: Rock outcrop ; Biological inhabitatione ; Eco-hydrology ; Rocky desertification.


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沈有信, 赵志猛, 毕胜春, 赵高卷, 刘娟. 陆地系统中的露石及其生态作用[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(4): 343-349 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0343

Shen Youxin, Zhao Zhimeng, Bi Shengchun, Zhao Gaojuan, Liu Juan. Rock Outcrop and Its Ecological Function in Terrestrial Ecosystem[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(4): 343-349 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0343

从地球的南北两极到赤道,从海拔高达几千米的冰川过渡带到接近海岸线,各种陆地生态系统中的裸露岩石个体十分常见。他们或是与地下基岩连接的尚未风化的基岩残余,或是被各种外营力搬运而远离原来基岩的碎石,其外形、大小、物理与化学性质各异,我们将其统称为“露石(rock outcrop)”。对于陆地生态系统的生物而言,无论这些裸露个体是否与基岩相连,其均会产生积极或负面的影响。

农业或林业上很早就关注到了土壤表面或是土体中的碎石(rock fragments)[1],他们是岩石到土壤的风化残余或是各种外营力搬运后的堆积物,与地下基岩无联系,个体小[2]。在干旱区,为了保水可在地表覆盖碎石[3]。中国热带、亚热带的碳酸盐经水力作用,形成了千姿百态的喀斯特地貌[46] 。此类地貌的自然林、人工林和石漠化迹地上,地表常见裸露的岩体(如石牙、溶峰和散落碎块,图1),这些独立或相连的不同形态、来源、大小、方位的裸露岩体或包围土壤斑块、或被土壤斑块包围(图2),共同组合出丰富而多样的喀斯特生态系统的植物生长基质。本文将更多关注此类露石,它们是生态系统中的自然产物,但长期以来未受到关注。

1 露石在陆地生态系统中的分布

沙漠(desert)、苔原(tundra)等植物生长困难的生态系统中,地表的露石很容易被观测到。各种权威的数据中均有含有露石的地类面积数据,如联合国粮农组织(FAO)发布的“Harmonized World Soil Database”(http:∥www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home)内的rock crust面积为1.2×106 km2,“Digital Soil Map of the World”(http:∥www.globalsoilmap.net/)给出rock crust的面积为0.4×106 km2。在全球性的土地利用类型分类及其分布图中,还有Barren等地类可能含有露石,如International Geo-sphere-Biosphere Programme 定义的Barren为:一年的任何时间段内植被覆盖均低于10%的、含有暴露的土壤、砂石、露石或是积雪的土地[7](遗憾的是,这些国际性的分类与分布图中,并未单独把rocks覆盖的面积区分出来,因此,尚无确切的统计数据显示含露石的陆地生态系统面积及其露石出露比例)。

图1   个体形状各异的不同岩溶生态系统露石

Fig.1   Karst rock outcrops with various sizes and shapes

全球的陆地生态系统中,喀斯特区域是被忽略了的含露石生态系统,其或许是全球面积最大的含露石生态系统。中国公布的涉及南方8个省(区、市)的石漠化和潜在石漠化(含裸露的岩体比例>30%)[8]面积是目前已知的最大喀斯特露石生态系统,其中2007年的面积分别为1.296×106和1.234×106 km2[9];2012年公布面积为1.20×106和1.332×106 km2 [10]。中国南方的喀斯特面积约为50万km2[11], 除去上述石漠化和非石漠化面积外,喀斯特山地森林系统(如广西的弄岗[12]、贵州的茂兰[13]、云南的西双版纳[14]和云南的石林[15])中,均发现很高比例的裸露岩体(图1)。喀斯特占世界陆地面积的12%15%[4],如果按照中国的石漠化及潜在石漠化的比例来推算,全球喀斯特生态系统中的含高露石比例的地域十分广阔。

2 露石上的生物殖居

露石上可殖居各种微生物。细菌(如硫细菌、硝化细菌和放线菌等)和藻类是岩石上最早出现的生物之一[16]。蓝藻(蓝细菌)中的黏球藻属、念珠藻属和真枝藻属,绿藻中小球藻属、软丝藻属和裂丝藻属等最为常见[17,18]。微生物可以石面生(Epilithic)、石内生(Endolithic)和石下生(Hypolithic)[19]。Matthes等[20]对加拿大温带地区一个地方的悬崖峭壁岩石表面生长层研究发现,蓝细菌、绿藻、地衣所占的比例分别为26%,3%和20%;李冰等[21]对一处喀斯特石漠藓类结皮调查后发现共有藓类植物7科9属13种,丛藓科(Pottiaceae)和牛舌藓科(Anomodontaceae)是优势科,平均生物量为1616 690 kg/hm2;田友萍等[22]对云南石林干燥的碳酸盐岩表面微生物研究发现,95%以上藻类为气生蓝藻,其胶被色泽鲜艳、宽厚而坚硬,是适宜高山岩石表面生活的典型进化特征。藻类和蓝藻多样性、丰富度与水分可利用性密切相关,真菌是需氧生物,一般占据岩石上层[23]。岩石微生物对有机质的分解促进了元素在石表面的生物地球化学循环[23]

藻类的孢子或细胞可以通过大气散播[24],且其表面形成的特殊淀粉体结构(Amyloid structures)[25]使藻类能有效黏附在石体表面,在一定量的水供应下进行光合作用和呼吸作用。气生藻类主要从大气中获取水,比如雨水、水汽、雾水,当水分不足时,藻类通过合成糖醇(Sugar alcohols)来调节细胞渗透压,维持细胞内稳态[26]。长期干旱时藻类会产生耐旱能力很强的孢子以应对干旱和延续生命[24];石生藻类则通过生物固氮、闪电固氮、大气沉降养分、溶蚀岩石矿物、有机质分解、有机氮的氨化等途径获取养分。温度、湿度、雨水、基质表面的物理特性和其他气候因子等因素共同影响岩石上藻类的分布[27]





图2   露石与土壤斑块的组合形态示意

Fig.2   Illustration showing the combinations of rock outcrops and soi patches

朱习爱等[32]在云南石林的石漠化、人工林和自然林内的各60个2 m×2 m样方内分别记录到了15科21属21种、15科25属25种和28科39属41种维管束植物。进一步分析发现,维管束植物组成在3个系统间差异显著,表明不同的露石生境殖居差异巨大的植物群落。

3 露石对陆地生态系统的影响

如果将露石及其周围的土壤斑块看成“露石子系统”和“土壤子系统”,则可发现,露石影响最大的就是其邻近的“土壤子系统”。露石最直接的作用是承接降水(含穿透雨),大气干湿沉降[33,34],甚至是污染物[35],凝结雾水并携带沉降物中的N,P和K等输入土壤[36],Goransson等[37]把这种效应称之为斗效应(the funneling effect)。占据一定投影面积的石面上植居的生物能固定碳和氮[38],石面自身在不断溶蚀[39]为成土产物,接收并分解植根于土斑的各种植物的枯落物。到达石面的各类固体物质会以结皮形式附着于石面[40];或被石面上稀少的腐植土固定[41],但大量的集水将通过石面的各种裂隙和石—土界面进入地下管网系统;或通过石—土界面进入土壤,产生类似于干旱区的“斗效应”,影响土壤水分、养分和植物生长(生态水文效应),影响其生物群落的发展[38]。因此,“石体子系统”在一定程度上成为临近“土壤子系统”的潜在养分库,共同孕育出“石林”与“森林”共存的生态系统。但目前对调节裸露岩体的集水和径流输出的机理和生态水文效应尚不清楚。

按现有的一些数据推算,当裸露岩体占据一定的地面面积比例后,其石面汇集的水分、有机碳、营养物质的量是可观的。欧洲的森林氮沉降年通量变动于1404 200 kg/km2 [42];中国50个站点的年无机氮沉降总量变动于2604 820 kg/km2 [43];广东鼎湖山森林生态系统大气降水中的年总氮、钠、镁分别为384,21和12 kg/km2[44];云南滇池流域58月的总氮沉降(湿沉降)达190 kg/km2[45]。 随着工业活动的增强,大气沉降的数量还在增加[46]。目前还没有直接的测量结果来反映碳酸盐岩裸露岩体的石面生产能力,但如果参照火山(0.20.3 g/(m·a))[47]和陆地生物结皮(0.210.76 g/(m·a))[48]推算,数量也不会太低。

最近的研究发现,云南石林的石面径流输出约占降水收入的50%[49]。由此推理,在1∶ 1土石比的喀斯特生态系统中,其土面面积较无石系统减少50%,但余下的50%土面接收到的水分将相当于无石系统的150%。随后的检测还发现这些径流水中含有较高含量的有机碳和氮磷钾等内含物[50]。不同石面的径流输出变异很大,各种地貌类型内的裸露岩体千姿百态(图2),其物理特征(高度、坡度、粗糙度)、化学特征(可溶性)和生物学特征(附着物及其质量、腐殖土等)将是影响石面径流及其生态效果的重要因子。这些不同的“露石子系统”和“土壤子系统”形成丰富多彩的生态斑块组合,为植物的生长、生存提供了差异巨大的“生态位”空间,奠定了生物多样性基础。

地表千姿百态的露石在对邻近的土壤子系统及其生物产生影响的同时,还会对更大区域的水、土、物质转运产生重大影响,进而在更高级别的生态系统、甚至全球产生影响。现在已经有足够的证据显示,露石阻挡喀斯特系统地表径流,而将很高比例的水分导入地下管网,推动土壤失。应用137Cs证据计算得到的重庆槽谷区中地表流失的比例为74.55%,地下失比例为25.45%;而广西环江小流域土壤地面和地下流失的相对贡献率分别为12% 和88%[51],依据径流监测结果计算得到的广西峰丛洼地的山峰、垭口、山坡、山麓到峰丛洼地底部的土壤失占总流失量比例分别为92%,96%,79%,71%和39%[52]。这些巨大的数字差异或许与露石的出露比例有密切联系。土壤失后产生石漠化,已经成为中国南方十分严重的环境问题[9,10,53]。大气中的各种污染物也会通过这种富集作用,转入地下,污染地下水资源。同时,地下水的集中与溶蚀作用,还可能诱导地表塌陷等地质灾害[54]

4 未来研究




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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In this review, we explore the significance of rock fragments in studies of soil hydrological processes, because according to research, the effects of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes are inconsistent (positive/negative). Rock fragments play a critical role in the biosphere as the primary filter for water and solutions containing contaminants and heavy metals. Rock fragments have a complex influence on soil hydrological processes (e.g. soil erosion, runoff generation, water infiltration, solute transport and water flow) and are highly relevant in a typical system in the soil鈥損lant鈥揳tmosphere continuum. Cracks related to rock fragments provide preferential flow paths through which pollutants are transported into groundwater. In this paper, the published literature is reviewed concentrating on rock fragments and their effects on soil hydrological processes. Systematic studies and examples illustrate the effects of rock fragments architecture (i.e. coverage, content, size, position, spatial heterogeneity, morphology, weathering and topography) on soil hydrological processes. Methods and models applied to evaluate the effects of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes are examined in detail. We conclude that the relationship between rock fragments and soil hydrological processes is complicated and requires more international research efforts. This review concludes with a discussion of perspectives on areas of research that can improve understanding of the effects of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes, with insights and suggestions also being provided regarding potential research trends, requirements and solutions.
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Rock fragments on arid hillslopes affect rainwater redistribution and overland flow, through various hydrological processes. The present study focuses on the evolution of topsoil moisture content under rock fragments following rain events. Measurement was taken under rock fragments in various sizes (large and small) and positions (‘on top’ of the soil surface and 'partially embedded' within the soil surface) at north- and south-facing hillslopes in arid and semi-arid areas. The main findings: (1) the topsoil moisture content under rock fragments was higher over time than that of bare soil areas; (2) rock fragments affect the topsoil moisture content for a longer time in semi-arid areas than in arid areas; and (3) large rock fragments and ‘partially embedded’ ones are favorable micro-environments for accepting and retaining rainwater and overland flowing water. This may have eco-geomorphic implications regarding the mosaic-like patterns of source and sink areas on arid hillslopes.
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ABSTRACT This paper reviews the various effects of rock fragments on soil erosion by water. Since these effects are scale dependent, they are investigated at three different nested spatial scales: the microplot (4 × 10616–100m2), the mesoplot (10612–102 m2) and the macroplot (101–104 m2). For each scale the corresponding process mechanisms are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the effects of rock fragment cover on the intensity of soil erosion processes. At the mesoplot scale, i.e. on interrill areas, rock fragments at the soil surface can have negative as well as positive effects on sediment yield. These ambivalent effects are conditioned by the type of fine earth porosity, soil surface slope, vertical position and size of rock fragments and by the occurrence of horseshoe vortex erosion. At the microplot scale, i.e. the soil surface area which is covered by a single rock fragment, and at the macroplot scale, i.e. upland areas where both interrill and rill erosion takes place, rock fragments at the soil surface have a negative effect on sediment yield. In these two scales rock fragments can thus be considered as natural soil surface stabilizers. At the macroplot scale the mean decrease of relative interrill and rill sediment yield with rock fragment cover can be expressed by an exponential decay function. The scatter of the data indicates that a given rock fragment cover can have different efficiencies in reducing interrill and rill sediment yield depending on the varying intensities of the hydrological and erosion subprocesses. These findings have implications for erosion modelling and soil conservation.
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Where dissolution processes of bedrock dominate peculiar morphologies develop and overrule all landforms controlled by other surface processes. Pure karst landscapes are present in many parts of the world, but most of the time landscapes are shaped by a multitude of processes. The comprehension of the dissolution processes, that act both at the surface and underground, has developed rapidly in the last half century, although major achievements had already been reached at the end of the XIXth century. This special issue gives an overview of some of the most recent developments in surface and subsurface karst geomorphology and reviews where further studies should be fostered.
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Surface and subsurface karst geomorphology in the Murge (Apulia, Southern Italy)

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DOI      URL      摘要

The Murge (Apulia, southern Italy) is the main karst area in the central part of the region, extending from the inland plateau to the Adriatic coastline. Along this transect, a relief energy of a few hundred meters is reached. Even though such relief may seem small when compared to mountain karst areas, actually it is not for Apulia, a very flat carbonate region that acted as the foreland during the building up of the Apenninic Chain in Miocene time. Murge can be subdivided into two sectors: High Murge, the inland plateau, where remnants of an ancient tropical karst are still recognizable; and Low Murge, closer to the sea, with smoother karst morphologies and landforms. Here, some of the most remarkable underground karst systems of Apulia are located: the Castellana caves, a show cave that has been opened since 1939 to tourists (only a few months after the discovery), and the Pozzo Cuc霉 karst system. Overall, the two systems (that are located few hundreds of meters apart) are more than 5,5 km long. In addition, many other karst caves are widespread in the territory, showing different typologies, from percolation shafts, to intrastratal caves, to tectonically-controlled caves, down to marine caves along the coastline. At the surface, other interesting morphological features related to karst may be observed, the main one being the Canale di Pirro polje, which cuts the SE Murge with an E-W strike, until its easternmost reach against the Murge fault line scarp. This latter is the main morphological feature intervening between the Murge plateau and the Adriatic plain. In this article the karst morphological features of Murge are depicted, putting together surface and underground data, in the effort to contribute to the recognition of the main phases of development of karst processes in the region
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DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

喀斯特森林是一类特殊的森林生态系统,蕴藏着丰富的生物多样性。以贵州茂兰喀斯特森林为研究对象,比较分析了林隙和非林隙林分中主要树种的数量特征以及不同发育阶段林隙物种多样性和生活型构成的变化规律。结果如下:(1)林隙中的树种组成主要有云贵鹅耳枥(<em>Carpinus pubescens</em>)、圆叶乌桕(<em>Sapium rotundifolium</em>)、圆果化香(<em>Platycarya longipes</em>)、黄连木(<em>Pistacia chinensis</em>)、朴树(<em>Celtis sinensis</em>)等。非林隙林分中的树种组成主要有青冈(<em>Quercus glauca</em>)、翅荚香槐(<em>Cladrastis platycarpa</em>)、轮叶木姜子(<em>Litsea verticillata</em>)、椤木石楠(<em>Photinia davidsoniae</em>)、狭叶润楠(<em>Machilus rehderi</em>)等。依照它们在林隙内外重要值的差异可将其划分为3种类型:一是对林隙更新反应不显著的物种,一般选择在林下更新,多数常绿大乔木树种属于此类型;二是对林隙有显著的正更新反应的物种,一般需依靠林隙繁殖更新,多数落叶大乔木和灌木树种属于此类型;三是对林隙反应不敏感的物种,在林隙和林下均能更新,多数林下小乔木种类属于此类型。(2)林隙各阶段物种多样性的顺序为:中期林隙(15-30年)&gt;早期林隙(小于15年)&gt;晚期林隙(30年以上)&gt;非林隙,其中中期林隙阶段是物种多样性维持的重要时期。(3)早期林隙阶段常绿树种的物种数少于落叶树种;中期林隙阶段两类树种的丰富度都有大幅度增加,但落叶树种比常绿树种增幅更大;晚期林隙阶段常绿树种继续增多,而落叶树种则有明显下降趋势。(4)早期和中期林隙阶段,以灌木种类占优势,乔木所占比例介于灌木和草本之间;晚期林隙阶段,灌木种类迅速减少,而乔木的比例则增加。随着林隙的发育, 草本植物减少,而藤本植物则增加。研究结果进一步表明,林隙的存在提高了茂兰喀斯特森林的物种多样性,随着林隙的发育,群落结构趋于稳定。
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Forests on Limestome mountains in Xishuangbanna

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Community ecology study on karst semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest at the central part of Yunnan

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Microbial roles in the genesis of soil from carbonate rock weathering

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Algae of terrestrial habitats

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[18] Gaylarde P, Englert G, Ortega M O, et al.

Lichen-like colonies of pure Trentepohlia on limestone monuments

[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2006, 58(3): 119-123.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Biofilms were collected on discoloured limestone samples and on adhesive tape from historic buildings at the Mayan site of Edzna, in Campeche, Mexico. Grey, brown, and black areas were colonised predominantly by coccoid and colonial cyanobacteria, also detected as endoliths. The major biomass on the pink stone surface was Trentepohlia. At low power, surface micropits containing crustose-lichen-like black colonies were seen within these pink areas. These were apparently pure colonies of T. umbrina; no filamentous fungi were detected here. The black colour was produced by dense, amorphous pigment deposits in the colony centres. Insolation levels were high (65400 μmphotons m 612 s 611) and the moisture content of the stone was 0.7%. The high carotenoid:chlorophyll- α ratio of Trentepohlia biofilms (3.9:1) is an adaptation protecting against environmental stress. Trentepohlia caused severe local erosion (pitting) and, when present as a more uniform biofilm, the well-known pink surface discoloration.
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The lithobiontic ecological niche, with special reference to microorganisms

[J]. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 1981, 51(2): 475-478.

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[20] Matthes S U, Gerrath J A, Larson D W.

Abundance, biomass, and productivity of endolithic and epilithic lower plants on the temperate-zone cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment, Canada

[J]. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 1997, 158(4): 451-460.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To investigate the cover, frequency, biomass, and productivity of endolithic and epilithic lower plants on temperate-zone cliff faces, rock samples were randomly collected from the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario, Canada. Chlorophyll was extracted using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and CO2 gas exchange was measured in the laboratory using infrared gas analysis. Epilithic surface cover averaged 26% for cyanobacteria, 3% for green algae, and 20% for lichens. Endoliths were present below 6% of the surface area, with chasmoendoliths about twice as common as cryptoendoliths. Fungi were by far the most common organisms. The cliffs contained 73.0 mg chl a and 19.8 mg chl b per square meter; 15% and 23% of these, respectively, were in the endolithic zone. Biomass of primary producers (algae, cyanobacteria, and lichen photobionts) was 1.5-73 g dry mass m-2 total, and $0.3-14\ {\rm g}\ {\rm m}^{-2}$ in the endolithic zone alone. Photosynthetic carbon uptake was 0.0021 mg ${\rm CO}_{2}\ {\rm cm}^{-2}\ {\rm h}^{-1}$ at 700 脦录 mol m-2 s-1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). At ${\rm PAR}=130\ \mu {\rm mol}\ {\rm m}^{-2}\ {\rm s}^{-1}$, a small amount of carbon was released $(0.5\ {\rm mg}\ {\rm CO}_{2}\ {\rm m}^{-2}\ {\rm s}^{-1})$; dark respiration was 0.0096 mg ${\rm CO}_{2}\ {\rm cm}^{-2}\ {\rm h}^{-1}$. The upper limit for carbon fixation by primary producers was estimated from this to be 2.3 mg ${\rm CO}_{2}\ {\rm cm}^{-2}\ {\rm yr}^{-1}$, but endolithic and epilithic zones as a whole were shown to be net consumers of CO2. Cover, occurrence, biomass, and productivity of endoliths and epiliths showed most of their variability on a scale smaller than a square meter; there was little or no consistent variation from north to south or from cliff top to bottom. Seasonal changes were absent when chlorophyll and gas exchange rates were expressed on a unit cliff surface basis. Gas exchange on a chlorophyll a basis, as well as the chl a:phaeophytin a ratio, showed a general decline between spring and fall.
[21] Li Bing, Zhang Chaohui.

Species diversity of mosses crust and the effect in karst rocky desertification control

[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 2009,28(1): 55-60.

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[李冰, 张朝晖.


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DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

根据对烂泥沟金矿区附近喀斯特石漠区域生物结皮的物种调查,藓类植物共7科9属13种,丛藓科(Pottiaceae)和牛舌藓科(Anom odontaceae)是该区的优势科。13种结皮藓类植物的生物量、成土量、饱和吸水率和饱和吸水量的测定结果显示,平均生物量为161~6690kg/hm2;平均成土量为438~18350kg/hm2;平均饱和吸水率在780.43~1705.56%,最高的达到2228.57%,最低的也有512.99%;平均饱和吸水量在1256.5~18434.1kg/hm2,最高的达到68140.3kg/hm2。该结果说明,在喀斯特石漠这种缺少土壤、极度干旱且保水能力弱的环境区域,生物结皮层藓类植物以其特有的生态功能在石漠化治理、退化生态系统的恢复中具有十分重要的作用。
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A study on aerial cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria) on the surface of carbonate rock in Yunnan Stone Forest,Yunnan Province,China

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Using the atomic force microscope, we have investigated the nanoscale mechanical response of the attachment adhesive of the terrestrial alga Prasiola linearis (Prasiolales, Chlorophyta). We were able to locate and extend highly ordered mechanical structures directly from the natural adhesive matrix of the living plant. The in vivo mechanical response of the structured biopolymer often displayed the repetitive sawtooth force-extension characteristics of a material exhibiting high mechanical strength at the molecular level. Mechanical and histological evidence leads us to propose a mechanism for mechanical strength in our sample based on amyloid fibrils. These proteinaceous, pleated 尾-sheet complexes are usually associated with neurodegenerative diseases. However, we now conclude that the amyloid protein quaternary structures detected in our material should be considered as a possible generic mechanism for mechanical strength in natural adhesives.
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Unusual carbohydrate pattern in Trentepohlia species

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Four Trentepohlia species and the related Cephaleuros virescens (Chroolepidaceae, Trentepohliales, Chlorophyceae) photosynthesize and accumulate mannitol, arabinitol, erythritol and glycerol, while Trentepohlia spp. additionally synthesize a second pentitol, ribitol (adonitol). T. umbrina also contains small amounts of a heptitol, volemitol.
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Diversity, distribution and ecology of green algae and cyanobacteria in urban habitats

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