地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (10): 1034-1047 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.10.1034.



付渊赩, 李乐, 陈骏*

南京大学 地球科学与工程学院 表生地球化学教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023

Application of Uranium Isotope Chronology for Partical Comminution in the Eolian Dust System

Fu Yuanhe, Li Le, Chen Jun*

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Surficial Geochemistry, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

中图分类号:  P597

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)10-1034-14

通讯作者:  *通信作者:陈骏(1954-),男,江苏扬州人,教授,主要从事风尘地球化学与全球变化研究.E-mail:chenjun@nju.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-06-6

修回日期:  2018-08-9

网络出版日期:  2018-10-10

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目“颗粒破碎铀同位素年代技术的发展及其在风尘系统中的应用”(编号:41730101)资助.


First author:Fu Yuanhe(1993-), male, Bingzhou City, Shandong Province,Master student. Research areas include uranium isptope geochemistry. E-mail:fyuanhe@163.com





关键词: 铀同位素 ; 破碎年龄 ; 搬运过程 ; α衰变反冲 ; 黄土


The wind dust system is an important part of the terrestrial surface system and plays an important role in many key belts. The mechanism of wind dust and the handling process are important to understand the environmental function of wind dust and to interpret the paleoclimate record. In the past, traditional geochemical methods can only reflect the rock composition or age in the final denudation zone, and it is not possible to distinguish the different silt mechanism and the intermediate process under the same eventual source background, which is one of the biggest challenges of the present research. The 234U/238U ratio of fine matter caused by alpha decay recoil reflects the time experienced by the particle since it was broken and may be able to effectively trace the mechanism of wind dust generation and the transport of the intermediate process, but the age of uranium isotope fragmentation is rarely used in the wind dust system. The complicated factors restricting the wide application of uranium isotope were summarized, and according to the latest research progress, the verification and development of the uranium isotope comminution age in the wind dust system, and the problem solution of the mechanism of wind dust production and the way of transporting were discussed.

Keywords: Uranium isotope ; Comminution age ; Transportation process ; α-recoil ; Loess


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付渊赩, 李乐, 陈骏. 颗粒破碎铀同位素年代学在风尘系统中的应用[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(10): 1034-1047 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.10.1034.

Fu Yuanhe, Li Le, Chen Jun. Application of Uranium Isotope Chronology for Partical Comminution in the Eolian Dust System[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(10): 1034-1047 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.10.1034.

1 引 言



然而,获取地表物质搬运时间的信息十分困难。传统定年方法难以反映物质的搬运过程,并受矿物组成、形态及数量的限制,而且这些矿物也未必存在于沉积物中。以风尘物质为例,古地磁定年需要卡准地磁事件,对年轻(<1 Ma)风尘物质的测年精度较低;14C定年需要丰富的有机质,而风尘物质中所含有机质较少;生物地层定年需要标准化石,且误差范围较大;K-Ar和Ar-Ar定年需要火山标志单元,不为风尘物质所有;非碎屑定年一般只给出沉积年龄,如自生碳酸盐的沉积年龄;释光定年需要大量碎屑长石或石英颗粒,而且存在晒图不充分的问题;宇宙核素定年需要大量的石英颗粒[14],给出的结果(如26Al/10Be埋藏年龄和10Be暴露年龄)也存在暴露后的二次埋藏问题。所以,在最终沉积前,粉尘搬运的时间一直是未知的。



2 铀同位素破碎年代学模型

2.1 原理

岩石中234U是238U系列衰变的产物(图1a)。238U核素经过α衰变变为234Th,半衰期长达4.5 Ga。234Th经过2次快速的β衰变(半衰期分别为24.1 d和6.7 h)变为234U。因此,岩石中234U核素的产率取决于238U的含量。234U核素并不稳定,经过α衰变成为230Th,半衰期为245 ka[41]。经过多个 234U230Th半衰期以后,岩石中234U的产生速度等于234U的衰变速度,达到稳态平衡:

λ238238U= λ234234U,(1)

图1   颗粒铀同位素衰变图
(a)颗粒α衰变反冲作用示意图;(b) 颗粒表面(234U/238U)与破碎年龄tcom演化图(据参考文献[40]修改)

Fig.1   Diagram showing radioactive decay of Uranium isotope
(a) Schematic diagram of recoil ejection of 234Th from a spherical grain as a result of the alpha decay of 234U, followed by beta decay of 234Th to 234U;(b)The time dependent (since the onset of weathering) evolution of (234U/238U) as a function of sediment grain size (modified after reference[40])

式中:λ为核素衰变常数,234U的衰变常数λ234=2.82629×10-6/a[41],238U的衰变常数λ238=1.55125×10-10 /a[41]。因此,在平衡条件下(>1 Ma),岩石的234U/238U同位素值为234U和238U放射性衰变常数的反比:

234U238U= λ238λ234=54.89×10-6,(2)


234U238U=234U238Uλ234λ238 。(3)







2.2 搬运时间

搬运时间tT不仅包括沉积物传输的时间,还包括在暂时储库中停留的时间,代表着物质从源到汇整个过程的时间[13,43~46]。由于目前没有办法独立测量沉积物的破碎年龄,破碎年龄tcom可以分解为沉积年龄tD和搬运时间tT,即tcom = tD+ tT

假定岩石破碎前(234U/238U)0为1。在1 Ma内,如果已知颗粒的沉积年龄tD,当确定颗粒的fα后,通过样品的234U/238U值便可计算颗粒的搬运时间tT:


倘若细颗粒的破碎年龄太短(tcom<10 ka),颗粒的(234U/238U)基本处于破碎前的稳态平衡;倘若破碎年龄太长(tcom>1 Ma),颗粒的(234U/238U)将达到新的稳态平衡[15]。因此,铀同位素破碎年代学的理想测年范围是10 ka~1 Ma。

3 铀同位素破碎年代学的难点


3.1 理论模型的验证

由公式(5)可知,在假设沉积物的fα值不变且搬运时间很短(tT<< tD)或不变的情况下,可以根据沉积年龄tD和(234U/238U)间的函数关系验证铀同位素破碎年代学。但是,已有沉积序列或存在搬运年龄tT的巨大变化[15,34],或没有良好的独立沉积年龄 tD[20]。从而无法获取(234U/238U)和沉积年龄tD之间的良好关系来验证铀同位素破碎年代学。

最近,李乐等[21]利用黄土高原黄土初步验证了铀同位素破碎年代学理论模型的正确性。黄土高原黄土具有连续可靠的轨道调谐年龄[47]。黄土高原黄土来源于阿尔泰山和祁连山的物质,这些物质经历了长期大规模的均匀混合,黄土高原黄土物源在亚构造时间尺度(<1 Ma)上稳定,保证了风尘物质的搬运时间为常量[26]。黄土高原风尘物质由风力搬运,分选极好,同一粒级的碎屑颗粒外形比较一致,能够限定fα。黄土高原低的风化强度可以减少化学风化作用对黄土颗粒234U/238U的影响[48],同时黄土高原不同地区风化强度的差异以及冰期—间冰期风化强度的差异可以用来验证风化作用对234U/238U值的影响[48,49]。前人已对黄土高原黄土开展了大量的化学研究,积累了大量的化学清洗方法[50,51,52],为建立铀同位素化学前处理方法提供基础。黄土高原风尘颗粒之间被钙质胶结[26],能有效降低成岩压实作用对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响;同时黄土高原红黏土和中新世具有沉积时间长、成岩作用十分强的特点[53],可以用来验证成岩作用对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响。

3.2 母质初始(234U/238U)的确定

由于自然界的岩石年龄大部分都大于1 Ma,通常假设颗粒的初始(234U/238U)为1[54]。在没有大型地壳流体的地方,234U-238U和230Th-238U衰变链是长期平衡的,这在黏土、碳酸盐、花岗岩、年轻火山岩[23,55,56]及现代冰川前缘终碛物[14]中得到了验证。因此,现有研究一般直接根据公式(5)计算颗粒的破碎年龄[14,15,20,34,57]。由于岩石初始(234U/238U)较小的不确定性(2%)就能导致较大的破碎年龄误差(±178 ka)[40],岩石初始(234U/238U)的限定变得极为关键。



3.3 反冲系数fα的确定


图2   反冲系数fα值与颗粒粒度的关系[21]
CLP:黄土高原;Hanford:华盛顿Hanford花岗质冲积物; Site 984:北大西洋984钻点钻孔; Dome C:南极冰芯Dome C;KRF:加州Kings河冲积扇; OT:冲绳海槽

Fig.2   Dependence of recoil fraction (fα ) on grain-size[21]
CLP. Chinese Loess Plateau; Hanford.Granitic fluvial sediments in Hanford,Washington; Site 984.Drill site 984 in North Atlantic; Dome C. Antarctic Dome C ice core (Site 984); KRF. Alluvial fan of Kings River,California; OT. Okinawa Trough


(1)通过体积参数计算 fα[15]:


式中:r是颗粒半径(下同);L是颗粒234Th的反冲距离(下同),约30 nm[18],硅酸盐矿物中L在20~40 nm变化[57];X(r)是以r为变量的体积函数;β(r)是颗粒的纵横比,对于粒径r <25 μm的颗粒,β(r)值在10(最小颗粒)和1(最大颗粒)之间线性变化[15,34,40];λs是颗粒表面的粗糙度,随r的增加而增加[20,70,71],在1(最小颗粒)到2[15]或17[40](最大颗粒)间变化,实验室研磨的新鲜破碎硅酸盐颗粒在r大范围变化时其λs恒为7[71,72]。粒度分布比形态和表面粗糙度对全岩fα的影响更大[15],非球形碎屑,例如云母的存在会增加fα限定的复杂性[40]。该计算方法可见于许多研究中[15,20,34,38,40,60,73]


比表面积测量采用BET(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurements)气体吸附方法,其测量尺度为0.354 nm,而α衰变反冲距离的长度尺度为30 nm[14],相差2个数量级。因为比表面积具有分形特征,所以该方法需要做维度校正[33,74]。颗粒表面的分形维数(D)可根据测量过程中相关参数得到[75]:





式中:a是N2分子的直径(0.354 nm);ρs是矿物密度(2.67 g/cm3)[73,74,76]; S是颗粒的BET比表面积(m2/g),一般为1~100 m2/g[18]。如果这些参数能准确测量,破碎年龄的误差上限只有2σ的20%~25%[18]。目前该方法已被广泛应用计算 fα[21,33,40,69,74,77]



式中:(234U/238U)equi是破碎年龄达到1 Ma以上的老样品的铀同位素平衡值。


(4)通过测量226Ra和230Th计算 fα[14,15,20]:


式中:系数34/37是238U和230Th衰变过程的反冲距离比值。颗粒中的226Ra由230Th通过α衰变产生,该过程与238U衰变成234U原理一致。因此对于同一个颗粒,2个衰变过程中由于α反冲而冲出颗粒的fα应该一致。由于相比于234U的半衰期(245 ka),226Ra的半衰期(1 622 a)非常短,自然界的绝大多数样品的226Ra/230Th已经达到平衡(10 ka),而对于234U/238U可能并没有达到平衡。但是化学淋滤引起的颗粒表面U和Th分离[14],以及非碎屑颗粒表面对Ra,Th,U的吸附,均会干扰获取真实的 fα[24]

3.4 化学清洗的影响


图3   碎屑颗粒的(234U/238U)分区图(据参考文献[15]修改)

Fig.3   Distribution of (234U/238U) in the detritus grain (modified after reference[15])




碎屑颗粒的外表层(50 nm)由于存在α反冲导致该区域(234U/238U)<1,是234U亏损层。硅酸盐的表层厚度约30 nm[78],而234U/238U的测试精度约0.001,因此只有当颗粒足够小(<50或63 μm)[34,79]时,颗粒的比表面积才会足够大以致234U的亏损得以测量[14,15,51]



为了能够有效反映α反冲对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响,需要去除表面吸附和次生矿物部分[17,20,21,39,79,81]。α反冲作用导致的(234U/238U)变化发生在硅酸盐颗粒表面30 nm的范围内[78],化学清洗可能破坏这一区域。因此,最佳的化学前处理需要尽量去除具有高(234U/238U)的表面吸附和次生组分(区域三),保留具有低(234U/238U)的颗粒表面(区域二),从而获得最低的(234U/238U)[51](图4)。化学分步提取方法是去除表面吸附和次生组分的重要手段[79]。Plater等[67]和Suresh等[79]利用化学分布提取方法成功去除了大量来自非碎屑物质,尤其是吸附在有机质上的U。Francke等[50]对湖泊和海洋沉积物进行了分布提取实验,发现用低浓度试剂和超声波辅助不仅能达到理想效果,还能缩短5倍反应时间。

图4   化学清洗程度与颗粒(234U/238U)演化示意图(据参考文献[51]修改)

Fig.4   Schematic of the expected effects of leaching treatments on the 234U/238U activity ratio of sediment samples (modified after reference[51])





图5   SSB方法下的整套实验流程基于老黄土样品的(234U/238U)及其误差的长期重复性[21]

Fig.5   Long-term reproducibility and analytical uncertain-ties of the whole procedure using SSB method based on one loess sample of >1 Ma[21]

3.5 风化溶解的影响

铀同位素破碎年代学假设岩石破碎后颗粒 234U238U的不平衡单纯由放射性衰变引起。然而,硅酸盐放射性破坏晶格234U的偏好性溶解能加强颗粒表面亏损层234U的进一步损失[18,67,74,82~89];硅酸盐表面234U亏损层的风化溶解会抵消α衰变反冲作用的效果[14];风化溶解可能增加颗粒的比表面积S,使其具有更高的粗糙度λs和反冲系数 fα[20];富U或高(234U/238U)的风化产物部分可能决定了风化溶解对碎屑颗粒影响的效果[14],而且未必能在化学清洗过程中完全去除[20,50];矿物的溶解速率在不同背景[42]和时间[22]下相差很大,难以统一量化铀同位素淋滤效应。


高剥蚀速率下背景的化学风化可能对河水 (234U/238U)有很大影响[94]。但是,河水的(234U/238U)受α反冲、地下水和放射性破坏晶格234U的偏好性溶解等影响,基于河水的U同位素指标并不能很好地反映风化溶解对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响。

李超等[38]通过研究长江、中国台湾浊水溪和兰阳河沉积物,认为颗粒(234U/238U)受风化溶解影响较大。然而,该研究样品较少,并且部分样品落在置信区间外;中国台湾河流沉积物(234U/238U)与化学风化相关指数(Chemical Index of Alteration,CIA)的相关系数较低;高CIA也可能反映了老沉积物的再循环[95];样品低(234U/238U)并不能指示较强的化学风化,因为颗粒风化表面会迅速老化,化学风化完全受控于物理剥蚀,且很快停止[94]


通过对比α反冲引起的矿物颗粒外层234U亏损所必需的时间(354 ka)与风化溶解掉颗粒表面厚度为Ldiss的区域所用的时间tdiss,可以估算风化溶解对矿物颗粒(234U/238U)的影响[15]:

trecoil/tdiss= Rdiss(λ234Ldissρs), (13)

式中: trecoil是α反冲作用引起的矿物颗粒外层234U亏损所必需的时间,trecoil= λ234-1=354 ka;Rdiss是特定矿物溶解速率(mol/(m2·s));Ldiss是风化溶解颗粒表面的深度。

Depaolo等[15]假设Rdiss=2.5×10-18 (mol/(m2·s)),据此公式计算了北大西洋沉积物234U亏损必需时间与溶解时间比值,认为风化溶解对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响微弱(10%)。


3.6 成岩压实的影响

在α反冲模型中,颗粒表面生成的234Th会被弹射出颗粒表面,尽管反冲距离只有30 nm,成岩压实作用可能使得被弹射出来的234Th植入相邻颗粒,从而抵消α衰变反冲的效果。


李乐等[21]发现黄土高原风尘物质在不同冰期—间冰期旋回中形成的不同和成岩作用强度,对碎屑颗粒的α衰变反冲作用的影响几乎没有差异,并且利用成岩作用十分强烈的秦安红黏土(>8 Ma)验证了成岩压实作用对颗粒(234U/238U)的影响可以忽略。然而,无论是黄土还是古土壤,其成岩作用强度可能还不足以影响颗粒的(234U/238U),中新统红黏土样品数量较少,黄土和古土壤颗粒间的次生碳酸盐可以减缓甚至隔离碎屑颗粒的压实效果。

4 铀同位素破碎年代学在风尘系统中的应用

4.1 黄土高原风尘物质的搬运时间

确定搬运时间需要确定黄土沉积时的初始234U/238U值(234U/238U)0。根据公式(8),对于新鲜沉积的黄土样品,tD= 0,其(234U/238U)可以表示为:

(234U/238U)0=1-fα×(1- e-λ234tT ), (14)

式中:(234U/238U)0是黄土沉积时的初始 234U/238U值,结合公式(5)与公式(14)可得:

1-(234U/238U)1-(234U/238U)0= 1-e-λ234(tT+tD)1-e-λ234tT, (15)


李乐等[21]研究了黄土高原西峰和灵台2个剖面和秦安老黄土样品,并选取了黄土颗粒20~25 μm组分,该粒级是黄土的主要范围,且容易人工分离,其平衡值(234U/238U)equi远偏离1。黄土沉积20~25 μm组分的初始(234U/238U)值为0.956±0.004(2σ),风尘物质颗粒从破碎搬运到黄土高原经历了(242±18)ka(2σ),反映了风尘物质在剥蚀源区的土壤或古河道的停留时间,暗示了源区的粉尘颗粒经历了广泛的河流作用以及风力混合。


4.2 风尘物质物源

4.2.1 黄土高原黄土物源




4.2.2 中国东部黄土物源



5 铀同位素破碎年代学在其他领域的应用

5.1 冰川沉积物

Aciego等[33]计算了南极洲Dome C冰芯中沉积物的破碎年龄为85~870 ka;Depaolo等[14]验证了现代冰川前缘终碛物的(234U/238U)接近长期平衡(1.00±0.01),与基岩岩性无关。

5.2 深海沉积物


5.3 河流沉积物



碎屑颗粒尺寸也影响着搬运时间。河水中悬移的细颗粒一般反映较短的搬运时间[17,46,64],粗颗粒反映较长的搬运时间(>100 ka)[17,46,63]




6 展 望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Dou Yanguang, Yang Shouye, Liu Zhenxia, et al.

Provenance discrimination of siliciclastic sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough since 30 ka: Constraints from rare earth element compositions

[J]. Marine Geology, 2010, 275(1/4): 212-220.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[2] Horng C S, Huh C A.

Magnetic properties as tracers for source-to-sink dispersal of sediments: A case study in the Taiwan Strait

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011, 309(1/2): 141-152.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Pyrrhotite is a diagnostic provenance tracer for sediments derived from Taiwan. 78 Source-to-sink pathways of sediments can be traced from their magnetic properties. 78 A two-endmember mixing model can explain the makeup of Taiwan Strait sediments. 78 Sediment supply from Taiwan to the Taiwan Strait has increased since the 1950s. 78 Our method is useful to study sediment transport from metamorphic terrains.
[3] Huh C A, Su C C.

Sedimentation dynamics in the East China Sea elucidated from 210Pb, 137Cs and 239Pu, 240Pu

[J]. Marine Geology, 1999, 160(1/2): 183-196.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[4] Wang Zhongbo, Yang Shouye, Zhang Zhixun, et al.

Paleo-fluvial sedimentation on the outer shelf of the East China Sea during the last glacial maximum

[J]. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013, 31(4): 886-894.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[5] Ijiri A, Wang Luejiang, Oba T, et al.

Paleoenvironmental changes in the northern area of the East China Sea during the past 42,000 years

[J]. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2005, 219(3/4): 239-261.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[6] Torsten B.

Sea surface temperature record from the north of the East China Sea since late Holocene

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(23): 4 507-4 513.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using the alkenone paleotemperature index U k3′7, a high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) re-cord since 3600 a BP was reconstructed from the mud area in the north of the East China Sea. Combining with the grain size distribution curve of sensitive grain size group, which may reflect the East Asia Winter Monsoon activity, the palaeoenvironmental evolution cycle throughout the late Holocene in the area was obtained. The marine environment evolution during the last 3600 years displays a five-stage trend. (1) Temperature descending period from 0.85 cal. ka BP to present. The maximum temperature decrease amplitude is 2℃. The winter monsoon intensified and ‘Little Ice Age’ were recorded in this period. (2) Warming period from 1.90 to 0.85 cal. ka BP. The mean temperature increase amplitude is 0.8℃. The Sui-Tang warming period was recorded at about 0.85―1.35 cal. ka BP and a prominent cooling event was recorded at 1.4 cal. ka BP in this period. (3) Temperature descending period from 2.55 to 1.90 cal. ka BP. Temperature cooling amplitude is 0.9℃. This period is coincident with an integrated temperature circle recorded in the Antarctic ice core, with the temperature changes from a slow cooling stage to a rapid warming stage. (4) Temperature comparatively stable with a little ascending period from 3.2 to 2.55 cal. ka BP. Temperature warming amplitude is 0.3℃. This period is coincident with the temperature fluctuant ascending period recorded in Antarctic ice core. (5) Temperature comparatively stable with little descending period from 3.6 to 3.2 cal. ka BP. This period corresponds with the temperature fluctuant cooling period recorded in Antarctic ice core. Basically, those five periods were coincident with the Antarctic ice core record. During the global cooling stage, the SST change in the continental shelf sea can be adjusted simultaneously.
[7] Li Guanxue, Liu Yong, Yang Zigeng, et al.

Ancient Changjiang channel system in the East China Sea continental shelf during the last glaciation

[J].Science in China (Series D), 2005, 48(11): 1 972-1 978.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on the data of high-resolution seismic profiles, an ancient river channel system of the last glaciation occurred along the Zhedong and Xihu depression in the southeast of Hupijiao rise. The distribution of the channel fill system shows that the ancient Changjiang River went through the Changjiang depression into the low land plain of the outside continental shelf during the low sea level cycle of the last glaciation. The big channel fill into Okinawa Trough is not found due to the depletion of the river kinetic energy in the low land plain. The river discharge dispersal was of an important role to the dilution of the northern Okinawa Trough sea at that time Six ancient river channel systems (A-F), which are main distributaries of ancient Changjiang in the East China Sea continental shelf during the last glaciation, may be buried off the modern Changjiang estuary. The distribution of these channels coincides with the zonal elevations in the sea floor.
[8] Liu Jian, Saito Y, Kong Xianhuai, et al.

Sedimentary record of environmental evolution off the Yangtze River Estuary, East China Sea, during the last similar to 13,000 years, with special reference to the influence of the Yellow River on the Yangtze River delta during the last 600 years

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010, 29(17/18): 2 424-2 438.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[9] Xu Kehui, Li Anchun, Liu J P, et al.

Provenance. Provenance, structure,formation of the mud wedge along inner continental shelf of the East China Sea: A synthesis of the Yangtze dispersal system

[J]. Marine Geology, 2012, 291/294(4): 176-191.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] Yang Zuosheng, Lei Kun, Guo Zhigang, et al.

Effect of a winter storm on sediment transport and resuspension in the distal mud area, the East China Sea

[J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2007, 23(2): 310-318.

DOI      URL      摘要

Hydrographic data and water samples for suspended matter were taken in the distal mud area in the East China Sea in winter 1997 before a winter storm, right after the storm, and 14 days later. Based on the field hydrographic data and the concentrations of total suspended matter, the effect of the winter storm on the sediment dynamic processes in the mud area was studied. The results show that the tidal currents dominate the hydrodynamic regime in the study area under calm winter weather with certain stratification of the water column. The winter storm caused strong mixing of the water column and destroyed its stratified structure; however, the high concentration of total suspended sediment (TSM) did not appear simultaneously with the well-mixed water column after the storm, as we expected, but 12 hours later. The storm-induced high TSM in the mud area seems to lag in time the occurrence of the storm in the study area. Analysis indicates that the storm cannot resuspend the surface sediment at station 111, but it could resuspend the surface sediment at shallower water depth outside of the mud area and increase the TSM in waters, which can be carried out by the Yellow Sea Coastal Current and transported to the mud area at station 111. The high TSM observed during the winter stormy period on the shelf might not be caused by the local resuspension.
[11] Wang Houjie, Saito Y, Zhang Yong, et al.

Recent changes of sediment flux to the western Pacific Ocean from major rivers in East and Southeast Asia

[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2011, 108(1/2): 80-100.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 We reviewed the sediment flux from major Asian rivers to the western Pacific Ocean over millennial and centennial scales. 78 Both the millennial increase in sediment flux and the centennial decrease are primarily dominated by human interventions. 78 Interannual variation of sediment flux is dominated by natural climatic oscillations. 78 Anthropogenic causes involving dams and land use control the decadal decrease in sediment flux to the ocean. 78 The natural and anthropogenic alteration of large river systems present severe environmental challenges in the coastal ocean.
[12] Andersen M B, Erel Y, Bourdon B.

Experimental evidence for 234U-238U fractionation during granite weathering with implications for 234U/238U in natural waters

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, 73(14): 4 124-4 141.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The daughter to parent ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratio in natural waters is often out of secular radioactive equilibrium. The major reason for this disequilibrium is related to the energetic -decay of 238U and differential release of 234U relative to 238U. This disequilibrium originates from (1) preferential release of more loosely bound 234U from damaged mineral lattice sites or; (2) direct recoil of 234Th into surrounding media from near mineral surface boundaries, however, it is unclear which of the two mechanisms is most important in nature. To better quantify the effects of preferential release of 234U, two continuous laboratory granite leaching experiments conducted over 1100 h were performed. The leachates were characterized by declining U concentrations with time and ( 234U/ 238U) initially greater than unity (up to 1.15), which changed to below unity during leaching ( 0.95). The early elevated ( 234U/ 238U) suggests that additional 234U is released into solution by preferential release of 234U from mineral phases. However, the excess 234U constitutes a finite pool of easy leachable 234U and the ( 234U/ 238U) values become lower than unity when this pool is used up. A model based on first-order kinetics, dissolution rates and preferential release of 234U from damaged lattice sites was developed and is able to quantitatively predict the observed pattern of ( 234U/ 238U) values and U concentrations for the two granite leaching experiments. Extending the modeling to longer time scales more comparable to natural systems shows that the production of waters with high ( 234U/ 238U) ratios can be achieved in two distinct regimes (1) slow weathering where the rate of directly recoiled 234U near mineral surfaces into waters is high; (2) fast weathering where the role of incipient chemical weathering and preferential release of loosely bound 234U are important. The model is able to explain apparent opposite correlations between physical erosion rates and ( 234U/ 238U) in waters and it provides a new framework that will be useful for examining weathering regimes, their timescales and their coupling with physical erosion.
[13] Li Chao, Yang Shouye, Lian Ergang, et al.

A review of comminution age method and its potential application in the East China Sea to constrain the time scale of sediment source-to-sink process

[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(3): 399-406.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

The East China Sea (ECS) is a river-dominated epicontinental sea, linking the Asian continent to the northwestern Pacific via the large rivers originating from Tibetan Plateau. The relevant huge influx of riverine detritus has developed unique sedimentary systems in the ECS during the Quaternary, offering ideal terrestrial archives for reconstructing Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes and studying land-sea interactions. Overall, two characteristic river systems dominate the sedimentary systems and sediment source to sink transport patterns in the ECS, represented by the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and Huanghe (Yellow River) for the large river system and Taiwan rivers for the small river system. Given this, the sediments derived from both river systems bear distinct features in terms of parent rock lithology, provenance weathering and sediment transport. Previous studies mostly focus on either the ‘source’ discrimination or the ‘sink’ records of the sedimentary system in the ECS, while the source to sink process linking the land and sea, in particular its time scale, has been poorly understood. Here we introduce a newly-developed dating technique, the ‘comminution age’ method, which offers a quantitative constraint on the time scale of sediment transfer from its ultimate source to the final depositional sink. This novel method is of great significance for improving our understanding on the earth surface processes including tectonic-climate driven weathering, and sediment recycling in relation to landscape evolution and marine environmental changes. The application of comminution age method in the ECS will provide important constraints on sediment source-to-sink process and more evidences for the construction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes under these unique sedimentary systems.
[14] Depaolo D J, Lee V E, Christensen J N, et al.

Uranium comminution ages: Sediment transport and deposition time scales

[J]. Comptes Rendus-Géoscience, 2012, 344(11/12): 678-687.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 14]     

[15] Depaolo D J, Maher K, Christensen J N, et al.

Sediment transport time measured with U-series isotopes: Results from ODP North Atlantic drift site 984

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006, 248(1): 394-410.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 20]      摘要

High precision uranium isotope measurements of marine clastic sediments are used to measure the transport and storage time of sediment from source to site of deposition. The approach is demonstrated on fine-grained, late Pleistocene deep-sea sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 984A on the Bjorn Drift in the North Atlantic. The sediments are siliciclastic with up to 30% carbonate, and dated by δ 18O of benthic foraminifera. Nd and Sr isotopes indicate that provenance has oscillated between a proximal source during the last three interglacial periods – volcanic rocks from Iceland – and a distal continental source during glacial periods. An unexpected finding is that the 234U/ 238U ratios of the silicate portion of the sediment, isolated by leaching with hydrochloric acid, are significantly less than the secular equilibrium value and show large and systematic variations that are correlated with glacial cycles and sediment provenance. The 234U depletions are inferred to be due to α-recoil loss of 234Th, and are used to calculate “comminution ages” of the sediment — the time elapsed between the generation of the small (≤ 5002μm) sediment grains in the source areas by comminution of bedrock, and the time of deposition on the seafloor. Transport times, the difference between comminution ages and depositional ages, vary from less than 1002ky to about 300 to 40002ky for the Site 984A sediments. Long transport times may reflect prior storage in soils, on continental shelves, or elsewhere on the seafloor. Transport time may also be a measure of bottom current strength. During the most recent interglacial periods the detritus from distal continental sources is diluted with sediment from Iceland that is rapidly transported to the site of deposition. The comminution age approach could be used to date Quaternary non-marine sediments, soils, and atmospheric dust, and may be enhanced by concomitant measurement of 226Ra/ 230Th, 230Th/ 234U, and cosmogenic nuclides.
[16] Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Clauer N, et al.

Chemical mobilizations in laterites: Evidence from trace elements and 238U-234U-230Th disequilibria

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002, 66(7): 1 197-1 210.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Geochemical and mineralogical investigations, including measurements of major and trace elements, Sr isotope ratios, and 238U- 234U- 230Th activity ratios, were made on an old African laterite to reconstruct its formation steps and assess recent chemical mobilization. The present data support a scenario of discontinuous formation for the laterite, with different bedrock weathering conditions during the formation of each unit, rather than a scenario of continuous formation. Absolute accumulation of Fe, U, and lanthanides in the uppermost ferruginous unit suggests an autochthonous origin of this iron cap by leaching of an older overlying profile. Present chemical distributions of lanthanides, as well as of Rb, K, Ba, and Sr, within the profile cannot be linked to the mineralogical distribution of both relictual primary and authigenic secondary phases. Complementary lanthanide patterns indicate that these elements were primarily accumulated in the uppermost ferruginous unit before further remobilization and accumulation in the underlying horizons. These redistribution processes may be related to the chemical instability of the ferruginous cap. The 238U- 234U- 230Th disequilibria indicate that recent U mobilization occurs in the whole profile and that, as for lanthanides, there is a vertical redistribution of U from the uppermost ferruginous unit to the underlying horizons. Moreover, these data show that both U losses and gains exist at each level of the profile. A simple modeling of this double U mobilization process is proposed to interpret the 238U- 234U- 230Th data. Differences in the mobilization and fractionation intensities of the U input and removal processes can account for the two evolution trends, which distinguish the ferruginous unit from the underlying ones. Furthermore, on the basis of this modeling, the profile appears to be in a transient state because of recent changes in the U mobilization conditions, which could correspond to major Pleistocene climatic variations.
[17] Dosseto A, Bourdon B, Turner S P.

Uranium-series isotopes in river materials: Insights into the timescales of erosion and sediment transport

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2008, 265(1/2): 1-17.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

The uranium-series isotope signatures of the suspended and dissolved load of rivers have emerged as an important tool for understanding the processes of erosion and chemical weathering at the scale of a watershed. These signatures are a function of both time and weathering-induced fractionation between the different nuclides. Provided appropriate models can be developed, they can be used to constrain the residence time of river sediment. This chronometer is triggered as the bedrock starts weathering and the inferred timescale encompasses the residence time in the weathering profile, storage in temporary sediment deposits (e.g. floodplain) and transport in the river. This approach has been applied to various catchments over the past five years showing that river sediments can reside in a watershed for timescales ranging from a few hundreds of years (Iceland) to several hundreds of thousands of years (lowlands of the Amazon). Various factors control how long sediment resides in the watershed: the longest residence times are observed on stable cratons unaffected by glacial cycles (or more generally, climate variability) and human disturbance. Shorter residence times are observed in active orogens (Andes) or fast-eroding, recently glaciated catchments (Iceland). In several cases, the residence time of suspended sediments also corresponds to the time since the last major climate change. The U-series isotope composition of rivers can also be used to predict the river sediment yield assuming steady-state erosion is reached. By comparing this estimate with the modern sediment yield obtained by multi-year sediment gauging, it is clear that steady-state is seldom reached. This can be explained by climate variability and/or human disturbance. Steady-state is reached in those catchments where sediment transport is rapid (Iceland) or where the region has been unaffected by climate change and/or human disturbance. U-series are thus becoming an important tool to study the dynamics of erosion.
[18] Dosseto A, Schaller M.

The erosion response to Quaternary climate change quantified using uranium isotopes and in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides

[J].Earth-Science Reviews, 2016, 155: 60-81.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

Studying how catchment erosion has responded to past climate change can help us better understand not only how landscape evolution operates, but also predict the consequences of future climate change on soil resource availability. Recent years have seen the development of tools that allow a quantitative assessment of past changes in catchment erosion. This work reviews the principles of the application of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides and uranium isotopes to quantifying past erosion rates. Results highlight the role of periglacial processes and mass wasting in dictating how catchment erosion responds to climatic variability at the 10-kyr scale. At the million-year scale, it is more difficult to untangle the role of climate and tectonics. A strong coupling exists at the 10-kyr to 100-kyr scales between climatic cycles and the transfer time of regolith from source to sink. This coupling reflects changes in sediment source that are either set by changes in vegetation cover at the catchment scale, or by the storage of sediments on continental shelves, at a larger scale. Although further analytical developments are required for these tools to reach their full potential, existing works suggest that in the near future, they will provide unprecedented quantitative insights on how soil and fluvial systems adapt to external perturbations (climatic, tectonic and/or anthropic).
[19] Harmon M I R S.

Uranium series disequilibrium: Applications to environmental problems

[J]. Quaternary Research, 1983, 20(2): 253.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[20] Lee V E, Depaolo D J, Christensen J N.

Uranium-series comminution ages of continental sediments: Case study of a Pleistocene alluvial fan

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 296(3): 244-254.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 15]      摘要

Obtaining quantitative information about the timescales associated with sediment transport, storage, and deposition in continental settings is important but challenging. The uranium-series comminution age method potentially provides a universal approach for direct dating of Quaternary detrital sediments, and can also provide estimates of the sediment transport and storage timescales. (The word “comminution” means “to reduce to powder,” reflecting the start of the comminution age clock as reduction of lithic parent material below a critical grain size threshold of 65 50 μm.) To test the comminution age method as a means to date continental sediments, we applied the method to drill-core samples of the glacially-derived Kings River Fan alluvial deposits in central California. Sediments from the 45 m core have independently-estimated depositional ages of up to 65 800 ka, based on paleomagnetism and correlations to nearby dated sediments. We characterized sequentially-leached core samples (both bulk sediment and grain size separates) for U, Nd, and Sr isotopes, grain size, surface texture, and mineralogy. In accordance with the comminution age model, where 234U is partially lost from small sediment grains due to alpha recoil, we found that ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratios generally decrease with age, depth, and specific surface area, with depletions of up to 9% relative to radioactive equilibrium. The resulting calculated comminution ages are reasonable, although they do not exactly match age estimates from previous studies and also depend on assumptions about 234U loss rates. The results indicate that the method may be a significant addition to the sparse set of available tools for dating detrital continental sediments, following further refinement. Improving the accuracy of the method requires more advanced models or measurements for both the recoil loss factor f α and weathering effects. We discuss several independent methods for obtaining f α on individual samples that may be useful for future studies.
[21] Li Le, Liu Xiangjun, Li Tao, et al.

Uranium comminution age tested by the eolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017, 467: 64-71.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 19]     

[22] Maher K, Depaolo D J, Lin J C F.

Rates of silicate dissolution in deep-sea sediment: In situ measurement using 234U/238U of pore fluids

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004, 68(22): 4 629-4 648.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Bulk dissolution rates for sediment from ODP Site 984A in the North Atlantic are determined using the 234U/ 238U activity ratios of pore water, bulk sediment, and leachates. Site 984A is one of only several sites where closely spaced pore water samples were obtained from the upper 60 meters of the core; the sedimentation rate is high (11–15 cm/ka), hence the sediments in the upper 60 meters are less than 500 ka old. The sediment is clayey silt and composed mostly of detritus derived from Iceland with a significant component of biogenic carbonate (up to 30%). The pore water 234U/ 238U activity ratios are higher than seawater values, in the range of 1.2 to 1.6, while the bulk sediment 234U/ 238U activity ratios are close to 1.0. The 234U/ 238U of the pore water reflects a balance between the mineral dissolution rate and the supply rate of excess 234U to the pore fluid by α-recoil injection of 234Th. The fraction of 238U decays that result in α-recoil injection of 234U to pore fluid is estimated to be 0.10 to 0.20 based on the 234U/ 238U of insoluble residue fractions. The calculated bulk dissolution rates, in units of g/g/yr are in the range of 4 × 10 617 to 2 × 10 616 yr 611. There is significant down-hole variability in pore water 234U/ 238U activity ratios (and hence dissolution rates) on a scale of ca. 10 m. The inferred bulk dissolution rate constants are 100 to 10 4 times slower than laboratory-determined rates, 100 times faster than rates inferred for older sediments based on Sr isotopes, and similar to weathering rates determined for terrestrial soils of similar age. The results of this study suggest that U isotopes can be used to measure in situ dissolution rates in fine-grained clastic materials. The rate estimates for sediments from ODP Site 984 confirm the strong dependence of reactivity on the age of the solid material: the bulk dissolution rate ( R d) of soils and deep-sea sediments can be approximately described by the expression R d ≈ 0.1 Age 611 for ages spanning 1000 to 5 × 10 8 yr. The age of the material, which encompasses the grain size, surface area, and other chemical factors that contribute to the rate of dissolution, appears to be a much stronger determinant of dissolution rate than any single physical or chemical property of the system.
[23] Vigier N, Bourdon B.

Constraining Rates of Chemical and Physical Erosion Using U-Series Radionuclides

[M].Berlin Heidelberg:Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, 2012:553-571.

[本文引用: 2]     

[24] Vigier N, Bourdon B, Turner S, et al.

Erosion timescales derived from U-decay series measurements in rivers

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2001, 193(3/4): 549-563.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The relative importance of the factors influencing weathering of continental rocks has been a topic of debate for the last few decades. The principal reasons are the lack of reliable proxies for chemical weathering and the difficulty in constraining actual physical denudation rates. In this study, ( 234U/ 238U), ( 230Th/ 238U), and ( 226Ra/ 238U) were measured by TIMS and by MC–ICP–MS in the dissolved and suspended loads of rivers from the Mackenzie Basin (Northwest Territories, Canada). The data show a complementary nature between ( 234U/ 238U), ( 230Th/ 238U) in the dissolved and suspended loads while 226Ra is characterized by a more complex behavior. Modeling of fractionation of U-series nuclides in the particulate matter and the corresponding dissolved phase permits us to constrain the duration of chemical erosion for the suspended load currently sampled in the watershed (9–28±10 ka), as well as the rates of release of U-series nuclides. The results also imply significant recent changes of chemical erosion rates and underline the impact of the last glaciation on current continental fluxes of northern latitude rivers such as the Mackenzie River.
[25] Chabaux F.

U-Th-Ra fractionation during weathering and river transport

[J]. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 2003, 52(1): 533-576.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[26] Chen Jun, Li Gaojun.

Geochemical studies on the source region of Asian dust

[J]. Science in China (Series D), 2011, 41(9): 1 211-1 232.

[本文引用: 3]     

[陈骏, 李高军.


[J]. 中国科学:D辑, 2011, 41(9): 1 211-1 232.]

[本文引用: 3]     

[27] Chen Jun, Li Gaojun, Yang Jiedong, et al.

Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71(15): 3 904-3 914.

[本文引用: 3]     

[28] Che Xudong, Li Gaojun.

Binary sources of loess on the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed by U-Pb ages of zircon

[J]. Quaternary Research, 2013, 80(3): 545-551.

[本文引用: 3]     

[29] Li Gaojun, Chen Jun, Ji Junfeng, et al.

Natural and anthropogenic sources of East Asian dust

[J]. Geology, 2009, 37(8): 727-730.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Pullen A, Kapp P, Mccallister A T, et al.

Qaidam Basin and northern Tibetan Plateau as dust sources for the Chinese Loess Plateau and paleoclimatic implications

[J]. Geology, 2011, 39(11): 1 031-1 034.

[本文引用: 2]     

[31] Nie J, Stevens T, Rittner M, et al.

Corrigendum: Loess Plateau storage of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau-derived Yellow River sediment

[J]. Science Foundation in China, 2016, 6(1):8 511.

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Aciego S M, Aarons S M, Sims K W W.

The uranium-isotopic composition of Saharan dust collected over the central Atlantic Ocean

[J]. Aeolian Research, 2015, 17: 61-66.

[本文引用: 2]     

[33] Aciego S, Bourdon B, Schwander J, et al.

Toward a radiometric ice clock: Uranium ages of the Dome C ice core

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011, 30(19/20): 2 389-2 397.

[本文引用: 3]     

[34] Dosseto A, Hesse P P, Maher K, et al.

Climatic and vegetation control on sediment dynamics during the last glacial cycle

[J]. Geology, 2010, 38(5): 395-398.

[本文引用: 13]     

[35] Bird A, Stevens T, Rittner M, et al.

Quaternary dust source variation across the Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2015, 435: 254-264.

[本文引用: 3]     

[36] Sun Youbin, Tada R J, Chen Jun, et al.

Tracing the provenance of fine-grained dust deposited on the central Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, 35(1). DOI:10.1029/2007GL031672.

[本文引用: 2]     

[37] Li Gaojun, Li Le, Xu Shujian, et al.

Dust source of the loess deposits in the Eastern China constrained by Uranium comminution age

[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2017, 37(5): 1 037-1 044.

[本文引用: 3]     

[李高军,李乐, 徐树建, .


[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(5): 1 037-1 044.]

[本文引用: 3]     

[38] Li Chao, Yang Shouye, Zhao Jianxin, et al.

The time scale of river sediment source-to-sink processes in East Asia

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2016, 446: 138-146.

[本文引用: 4]     

[39] Handley H K, Turner S P, Dosseto A, et al.

Considerations for U-series dating of sediments: Insights from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2013, 340(2): 40-48.

[本文引用: 6]     

[40] Handley H K, Turner S, Afonso J C, et al.

Sediment residence times constrained by uranium-series isotopes: A critical appraisal of the comminution approach

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