地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (1): 75-83 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0075



罗齐彬1, 杨亚新2*, 张叶3, 吴信民2, 郑勇明4, 赵柏宇1

1.东华理工大学 地球物理与测控技术学院,江西 南昌 330013
2.东华理工大学 核资源与环境教育部重点实验室,江西 南昌 330013
3.东华理工大学 核科学与工程学院,江西 南昌 330013
4.东华理工大学 信息工程学院,江西 南昌 330013

Application and Current Status of Geogas Prospecting in Concealed Uranium Deposits Exploration

Luo Qibin1, Yang Yaxin2*, Zhang Ye3, Wu Xinmin2, Zheng Yongming4, Zhao Baiyu1

1.East China University of Technology, School of Geophysics and Measurement-Control Technology, Nanchang 330013,China
2.East China University of Technology, Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330013, China
3.East China University of Technology, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Nanchang 330013, China
4.East China University of Technology, School of Information Engineering, Nanchang 330013, China

中图分类号:  P632.5

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)01-0075-09

通讯作者:  *通信作者:杨亚新(1963-),女,江苏金坛人,教授,主要从事铀资源勘查和辐射环境监测与评价研究.E-mail:yxyang@ecit.cn

收稿日期: 2017-08-23

修回日期:  2017-11-30

网络出版日期:  2018-01-10

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目“地气测量寻找铀矿的机理及快速测量方法研究”(编号:41774134)国家重点研发计划项目“深部铀成矿信息识别技术研究”(编号:2017YFC0602604)资助


First author:Luo Qibin(1990-),male,Yibin City,Sichuan Province,Ph.D student. Research areas include geological resources and geological engineering.E-mail:lqb0707@163.com





关键词: 地气测量 ; 隐伏铀矿 ; 机理 ; 物理模型


The research achievements of geogas prospecting through the mechanisms of geogas prospecting and its applied research in the area of concealed uranium deposits prospecting were analyzed. Geogas prospecting is a new means of deeply concealed deposits exploration that started to develop gradually from the 1980s and is at an initial stage of research in concealed uranium deposits exploration. Furthermore, comments and suggestions were provided for following research work by summarizing the shortcomings and problems of current studies in this paper. A general upward micro-flow of geogas could carry the metal nanoparticles associated with ore body underground to the surface of earth to come into being anomaly halos of elements contents above the ore body, and with these anomaly halos, the relevant information of deeply concealed uranium deposits (or other classes of metal ore bodies) would be reflected. The depth that geogas measurement could achieve for prospecting concealed deposits under the covering layers is up to a thousand meter. Geogas prospecting can be used for investigating in small scales, surveying generally and in detail in big scales and locating the ore bodies. At the present stage, there are three primary under-mentioned problems in the studies of geogas prospecting: ①On the one hand, the researches of how mediums (covering layer) would affect the migration process of geogas are far from enough. On the other hand, appropriate mathematical theory models have not been set up yet. ②In China, there are currently few accurate and practical physical models for geogas prospecting to carry out controllable and repetitive series experiments as well as theoretical studies. It is essential that an appropriate physical model should be established timely in order to provide an experimental platform and a kind of technical assistance for the mechanism study of geogas prospecting. ③To achieve the aim of popularizing the geogas prospecting in the uranium exploration area, the research of trapping solution and sampling and measuring methods should be further developed and the methods of rapid geogas in-site measuring which are suitable for various geologic structures of uranium deposits should be made reasonably to cater to the need of rapid and accurate field measurement.

Keywords: Geogas prospecting ; Concealed uranium deposit ; Mechanism ; Physical model.


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罗齐彬, 杨亚新, 张叶, 吴信民, 郑勇明, 赵柏宇. 地气测量在隐伏铀矿找矿中的应用与现状[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(1): 75-83 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0075

Luo Qibin, Yang Yaxin, Zhang Ye, Wu Xinmin, Zheng Yongming, Zhao Baiyu. Application and Current Status of Geogas Prospecting in Concealed Uranium Deposits Exploration[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(1): 75-83 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0075

1 引 言



2 地气测量方法及原理

2.1 元素迁移机理

1980年,Malmqvist等[14]研究氡气在岩石圈中迁移时发现了一种上升气流,其流速随着地层深度减小而减小,接近地表时流速已非常缓慢(3~5 cm/d),对于氡迁移来说这种上升气流作用强于扩散作用[4]。后来,国内外学者将这种上升气流载体命名为地气(geogas),其中主要气体成分与大气相似(含有78%的N2,21%的O2和1%的Ar),而地气成分主要有N2,O2,Ar,CH4以及少量的CO2和烃类[15,16]。在地球深部与地表大气之间压差作用下,深部地气会不断沿着基岩裂缝或裂隙向地表运动[17,18],其总体运动方向是从地核向地表垂直方向,速度主要受控于动力和通道阻力[19]


不同元素其活动态形式和赋存介质不尽相同,如Au主要以超微细颗粒活动态存在,U 在干旱氧化条件下主要以铀酰络阳离子活动态存在,而Cu 主要以稳定形式存在[21]。但不管怎样,当粒子达到纳米粒度后其表面原子具有高活性,使其很容易吸收气体分子形成一层吸收层,从而使得地气及其携带纳米颗粒形成较强的扩散能力和迁移能力[22]。另一方面,异常元素颗粒种类与地下深部隐伏矿体种类有关,这些颗粒粒径在几纳米至几百纳米范围内,形状呈近似球形、椭球形、链形以及不规则形状[23,24]。对于指示元素来说,不同纳米颗粒特性导致每种元素的迁移能力不同,例如,Zn元素比Cu元素更易于迁移,而像Ga和In等稀有元素则具有极高的迁移能力[25]

图1   隐伏矿体地气测量原理图

Fig.1   Schematic diagram of geogas prospecting for concealed deposit

2.2 地气采集及分析方法

根据有无气流驱动源,地气采样分为被动式(也称累积式)采集和主动式(也称抽气式)采集。在初期,国内外研究者采用被动式采集,主要由漏斗、捕集剂和保护装置三大部分构成(图2)。采样时将一个外径为25~30 cm的普通塑料漏斗倒扣在地下50~80 cm深处,漏斗管嘴处放置捕集剂;然后用保护罩对整个捕集器进行保护,防止土壤元素的影响;最后对整个装置进行掩埋覆盖,经过20~90天(一般2个月较为合适)后将其取出并送回实验室进行分析[17,25~27]

图2   被动式地气采样原理图

Fig.2   Schematic diagram of passive geogas sampling

由于分析方法不同,其中固体捕集剂也有所不同,通常采用聚苯乙烯薄膜[25]、镍网[24]、铜网[27]以及聚氨酯泡沫塑料等[28],不同矿体的地气采集应选取与之相适合的捕集材料。野外测量一般采用直线或网格方式进行布点,捕集器间距为5~400 m不等,对于大多数探矿工作来说,该间距采用20 m较为合理,对于异常区域可以进行适当加密[25]



图3   主动式地气采样原理图

Fig.3   Schematic diagram of active geogas sampling

采样时将取样杆插入土壤30~80 cm深处并做好密封处理,用硅胶管将其与过滤器、干燥器、捕集瓶、抽气泵(带流量计)依次连接好。打开抽气泵开始抽气,流量1~3 L/min,抽气时间2~60 min;捕集溶液及其用量按照不同隐伏矿对应配比(对于硝酸捕集剂,一般采用20~25 mL由BV-III级纯硝酸和去离子高纯水配制的、质量百分浓度为5%的溶液);采样结束后进行现场测量或送回实验室进行浓缩定容、分析[33~36]



2.3 影响地气测量结果的因素


3 地气测量应用研究现状

3.1 理论、模型研究现状



模型研究方面,杨亚新[28]和刘庆成等[44]制作了简易的砂岩型铀矿地气测量模型,模拟了砂岩型铀矿床上方形成的地气异常,为可地浸砂岩铀矿的野外地气勘探提供了一定的实验依据。在新疆某铀矿床进行的试验研究结果表明,可地浸砂岩型铀矿床上方能够形成清晰的地气异常。刘晓辉等[45]、唐桢等[46,47]和周四春等[48]利用温度梯度作为模拟地气驱动源建立了一个直径16 cm的铅锌矿地气测量模型,研究了地气流作用下铅锌矿及围岩中多种元素迁出现象及规律,发现围岩会影响矿体中元素的迁移,但其影响程度不会掩盖矿层形成的地气异常,并且不是所有样品中与成矿“关系密切”的元素都会在矿体上方出现地气异常。

3.2 隐伏金属矿勘探中地气测量研究现状


综合运用地气测量法以及放射性物探方法在判别地气异常类型及圈定潜在隐伏矿的研究和应用中有重要的意义。唐桢等[50]建立了隐伏矿异常和非矿异常模型,在此基础上利用逐步判别分析方法结合稀土元素地球化学图解法捕获到了HSP 地区隐伏金属矿的地气和物探异常,为该区域是否存在隐伏金属矿床的位置确认提供了科学依据。赵春江[51]在广东省长排铀矿勘查区、广西自治区南丹县大厂矿务局铜坑矿 95 号矿体实验区对隐伏铀矿和铜锌矿2种矿体产生的地气异常场基本特征进行了研究,初步建立了以X荧光分析等放射性方法和轻便电法快速圈定异常及找矿区域、以地气法对找矿靶区进行确认的快速找矿模式,且证明地气测量可以有效捕获地面以下 800~1 000 m深度矿体的信息。梁维天[52]在吉林某金矿勘查区结合地气测量和多功能综合测井2种方法,先对勘查线进行地气采集测量,后根据地气异常区位置交叉布置测井位置,对目标地区进行平面以及纵深勘查,对异常范围进行立体三维圈定。Yuan等[36]通过纯化捕集器、控制取样环境、改进取样设备和取样方法,极大程度上降低了干扰元素的影响,成功地找到了一个200 m厚的Ag矿化体。周四春等[48]在粤北隐伏花岗岩铀矿、桂北隐伏锌铜矿和湘南坪宝地区先后开展了地气测量探测隐伏金属矿研究及应用,室内实验及多个矿区、不同矿种地气勘探结果表明:隐伏金属矿正上方均有成矿主元素及一系列共(伴)生元素地气异常,这种异常随矿体埋深增大而增大;地气法探测隐伏金属矿的有效深度可以达到千米尺度,且地表污染不会对地气测量产生影响;地气测量方法对于不同类型、不同地区的隐伏金属矿探测具有普遍的有效性。

3.3 隐伏铀矿勘探中地气测量研究现状


王勇等[53]研究认为,隐伏热液型铀矿上方表层土壤中存在的穿透性亚微米级含U 微粒与深部矿石中含U微粒存在密切的联系。地气测量方法能够在隐伏热液铀矿上方显示出清晰有效的U 及成矿伴生元素异常, 能够有效指示深部矿化信息,在热液型铀矿勘查中具有良好的发展前景。

王学求等[54]对吐鲁番—哈密盆地十红滩隐伏铀矿床的土壤剖面取样分析结果表明,铀在氧化环境下转换成铀酰离子会被黏土矿物吸收并累积到异常浓度,因此富黏土地区细粒土壤(0~30 cm深)为干旱地区识别深埋铀矿床提供了理想的取样介质。利用该方法,他们发现了一个埋深300 m的铀矿找矿靶区,证明在世界上其他沙漠地区利用土壤中的富黏土来探测铀矿资源是有效的。姚文生等[55]在东胜砂岩型隐伏铀矿区开展深穿透地球化学勘查方法实验结果表明,细粒级土壤中的黏土矿物对铀酰络阳离子具有吸附作用,铀在土壤中细粒级物质中有富集的趋势,可形成地球化学障捕捉从深部铀矿迁移上来的元素信息,可作为区域深穿透地球化学的砂岩型铀矿找矿指标。周四春等[56]在广东仁化长排铀矿的地气中发现隐伏铀矿体上方会呈现明显的地气铀、伴生元素以及稀土元素异常,并且地气测量的铀异常中心与隐伏铀矿体中心具有垂直投影关系。赵辉[57]对广东仁化花岗岩型铀矿的地气异常特征研究后建议,对产状陡、厚度薄的花岗岩型铀矿的地气测量需要将测点点距加密到 10 m(一般的金属矿体的地气测量测点点距为 20 m),在重点研究区域,需要将点距加密到 5 m。张国亚[58]、张文宇等[59]以及胡波等[60]在粤北某铀矿勘查区联合使用地气测量与伽玛能谱测量2种方法,发现伽玛能谱铀含量异常区域均存在地气铀异常,并根据这些异常预测出了具有较好找矿前景的异常区,并建议在进行野外微弱地气铀异常采样时,需要将液态捕集剂进行串联以增大地气的捕获效率。

对于示矿元素来说,矿化现象的显示多为多元素集合,而非单一元素富集,这些元素集合除含有成矿元素异常外,还含有与成矿元素相伴生的一些其他元素异常,从而构成隐伏矿体的地球化学异常[61]。成矿指示元素研究方面,赵峰等[62]在粤北某花岗岩铀矿勘查区对2条勘探线开展的地气测量试验表明,U,Mn,Sr和Zn等地气异常在矿体上方或矿体边缘位置有不同程度的显示,且U异常与Mn,Sr,Eu,Cu,Pb,Zn,Ho有较好的相关性,矿体上方地气异常区具有相似的稀土配分模式和负Eu异常,利用这些地气异常可以勘查埋深超过600 m的隐伏花岗岩铀矿。刘泽等[63]在湖北李家段花岗岩体及其相邻区域进行的地气测量结果表明,该地区地气异常中U和Pb,Mo,Bi,As相关性较好,它们可作为本区中铀指示元素,同时Mn,Sr和轻稀土元素也对U有一定的指示作用。杨奎[64]在鄂东南某铀矿勘查区对矿致地气异常的元素组合特征、稀土元素分布特征、多元统计特征、异常的空间分布特征以及与之相关的 X 荧光异常特征进行了研究,发现矿体上方地气中U 之外的元素Rb,Sr,Y,Cd,Cs,稀土元素(La-Lu),Pb以及 U/Th(衬度比)值也存在异常或高值,地气可反映60%以上的矿化信息,而土壤仅能反映10%~20%的矿化信息。

4 结论与展望


(1) 目前业界仅认识到地气垂直上升过程中能够将与矿体相关金属元素纳米颗粒携带至地表,从而在矿体垂直投影地表处形成元素异常晕,但对迁移过程中穿透介质(覆盖层)影响的研究不够深入,没有建立完善的数学理论模型。

(2) 目前国内几乎没有较为准确、实用的地气测量模型,很难进行可控性、重复性、对比性实验及理论研究。如前文所述,唐桢等[46]和周四春等[48]利用温度梯度驱动气流模拟上升地气流,建立了相应的铀矿地气测量物理模型,为地气测量机理研究提供了具有实际意义的实验平台。但这些模型体积较小、结构设计欠妥、缺少环境参数的影响研究,只能进行验证性实验,无法用于地气及相应元素纳米颗粒上升过程中迁移机理以及覆盖层特性影响的研究。而杨亚新[28]和刘庆成等[44]建立的砂岩型铀矿地气测量模型结构和尺寸上具有合理性,但缺少模拟地气以及环境影响参数的研究。因此,有必要建立一套完善的实体模型,为地气测量机理研究提供实验平台和技术支持。

(3) 由于元素含量太低,地气所携带的隐伏矿信息十分微弱,地气样品采集后需要带回实验室利用高精度、低检出限分析仪器进行微量元素含量测量。这样的分析方法存在成本高、时间周期长、样品易污染等缺点。因此,为了推广地气测量在金属矿、铀矿等探矿领域中的实际应用,需要对捕集溶液以及取样、测量方案进行深入研究,制定出适合不同铀矿地质构造区的野外地气现场快速测量方法,实现野外地气现场快速、准确测量,降低人力、物力和财力成本。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[6] Li Bo.

Study on Application of Geogas Detection Fault Zone—Taking the Cuoji Mountain of Maowen Fault as an Example[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2016.




[7] Liu Xiaohui, Zhou Sichun, Hu Bo.

Pilot study of explorating concealed hot spring by geogas prospecting technique

[J]. Acta Mineralogica Sinica,2015,35(Suppl.1):1 110-1 111.DOI:10.16461/j.cnki.100 0-4734.2015.s1.803.



[J]. 矿物学报,2015,35(增刊1):1 110-1 111.DOI:10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734.2015.s1.803.]

[8] Zhang Yi.

Discussion on Using Geogas and Emanation Prospecting Method to Infer the Actives of Fault[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2015.




[9] Lu Renqi, Wang Duoyi, Liu Yawei, et al.

Experimental geogas survey in the Xinchang gasfield of western Sichuan

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2008,32(6):678-681,684.

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[J]. 物探与化探,2008,32(6):678-681,684.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] Hu Guocheng.

Geochemical techniques and methods used in deep-seated and concealed mineral deposits exploration

[J].Sun Yat-Sen University(Natural Sciences,Medicine),2011,32(1):40-49.

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[11] Ke Dan, Wu Guodong, Liu Hongjun.

The history and advance of deep-penetrating geochemistry in the exploration for uranium resources

[J].World Nuclear Geoscience,2016,33(3):160-166.

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[J]. 世界核地质科学,2016,33(3):160-166.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[12] Yang Yaxin, Xiao Saijin, Liu Qingcheng, et al.

Detection of trace uranium in air with field spectrometry

[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012,32(7):1 939-1 942.

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[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析,2012,32(7):1 939-1 942.]

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[13] Xiao Saijin, Zhang Xinglei, Huang Longzhu, et al.

Detection of trace uranium in ore powder samples by field optical method

[J]. Journal of East China Institute of Technology (Natural Sciences),2014,37(4):438-441.

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[J]. 东华理工大学学报:自然科学版,2014,37(4):438-441.]

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[14] Malmqvist L, Kristiansson K.

Microflow of geogas—A possible formation mechanism for deep-sea nodules

[J]. Marine Geology,1981,40(3/4):M1-M3.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A formation model for deep-sea manganese nodules based on ascending bubble trains of geogas is proposed. The bubble train forces material in the sediments and particles adsorbed by the bubbles to the sediment—water interface where precipitation reactions occur. In the presence of a nucleating agent a nodule is formed. Such a model might explain a number of observations concerning nodular structure, genesis and distribution.
[15] Malmqvist L, Kristiansson K.

Experimental evidence for an ascending microflow of geogas in the ground

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,1984,70(2):407-416.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A microflow of free ascending gas has been observed in 26 out of 30 tested boreholes at three different sites. The flow rates vary between 60 × 10 614 and 4 cm 3/min m 2 horizontally projected borehole area. Sampling has been made in ground boreholes as well as in holes drilled downwards from the lowest levels in two mines. The composition of the gas varies considerably. The main components of the gas are nitrogen, argon, oxygen and methane. Traces of heavier hydrocarbons are observed. At the site of the ground holes, only traces of methane are observed. In all sampled holes the existence of free oxygen is observed. The nitrogen/argon quotient is close to the atmospheric quotient in all sampled holes, indicating a partly atmospheric origin of the gas. The existence of methane and traces of heavier hydrocarbons indicates the existence of a second source.
[16] Lippmann-Pipke J, Erzinger J, Zimmer M, et al.

Geogas transport in fractured hard rock—Correlations with mining seismicity at 3.54 km depth, TauTona gold mine, South Africa

[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2011,26(12):2 134-2 146.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

An on-site gas monitoring study has been conducted in the framework of an earthquake laboratory (The International NELSAM–DAFGAS projects) at the TauTona gold mine, South Africa. Five boreholes up to 6002m long were drilled at 3.5402km depth into the highly fractured Pretorius Fault Zone and instruments for chemical and seismic monitoring installed therein. Over the span of 402years sensitive gas monitoring devices were continuously improved to enable the direct observation of geogas concentration variations in the DAFGAS borehole. The major gas concentrations are constant and air-like with about 78% N, 21% O, 1% Ar. The geogas components CO, CH, He and H show the most interesting trends and variations on the minute-by-minute basis and significantly correlate with seismic data, while the Rn activity remains constant. Time series and cross correlation analysis allow the identification of different gas components (geogas and tunnel air) and the identification of two processes influencing the borehole gas composition: (1) pumping-induced tunnel air breakthrough through networks of initially water-saturated fault fractures; and (2) seismicity induced permeability enhancement of fault fractures to above 65502×021002m. The current set-up of the gas monitoring system is sensitive enough to quantify the resulting geogas transport during periods of intense blasting activities (including recorded blasts with seismic moment ?102×021002Nm, located within 100002m of the cubby) and, it is suggested, also during induced earthquakes, a final goal of the project.Highlights? New methodologies enable real-time geogas monitoring in Tau Tona gold mine. ? Geogas transport through an inactive fault system in 3.5402km depth was observed. ? CO, CH, He, and H variations correlate with mining seismicity. ? Time series and data analysis identify two processes influencing gas composition. ? Monitoring system sensitive enough to quantify earthquake induced fluid transport.
[17] Kristiansson K.

Trace elements in the geogas and their relation to bedrock composition

[J]. Geoexploration, 1987,24:517-534.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The paper describes an investigation of a transport mechanism in the ground which has the capacity of lifting trace amounts of different elements from the bedrock to the ground surface. The transported matter is guided by a funnel system towards a thin membrane on which it is collected. The matter on the membranes is analysed with the PIXE method. The transport may be brought about by a very weak stream of gas bubbles which passes upwards through cracks and fissures in the bedrock. Remarkable similarities are found between the occurrence of elements on the membranes and the composition of a mineralization straight below the points of collection. The mechanism seems to have the power of revealing the existence of important base metal occurrences in the bedrock and may therefore be the basis for a new method of prospecting for concealed mineralizations.
[18] Cao J J, Li Y K, Jiang T, et al.

Sulfur-containing particles emitted by concealed sulfide ore deposits: An unknown source of sulfur-containing particles in the atmosphere

[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015,15(1):6 959-6 969.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Sources of sulfur dioxide, sulfates, and organic sulfur compounds, such as fossil fuels, volcanic eruptions, and animal feeding operations, have attracted considerable attention. In this study, we collected particles carried by geogas flows ascending through soil, geogas flows above the soil that had passed through the soil, and geogas flows ascending through deep faults of concealed sulfide ore deposits, and analysed them using transmission electron microscopy. Numerous crystalline and amorphous sulfur-containing particles or particle aggregations were found in the ascending geogas flows. In addition to S, the particles contained O, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Na, Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, As, Ti, Sr, Ba, Si, etc. Such particles are usually a few to several hundred nanometres in diameter with either regular or irregular morphology. The sulfur-containing particles originated from deep-seated weathering or faulting products of concealed sulfide ore deposits. The particles suspended in the ascending geogas flow migrated through faults from deep-seated sources to the atmosphere. This is a previously unknown source of the atmospheric particles. This paper reports, for the first time, the emission of sulfur-containing particles into the atmosphere from concealed sulfide ore deposits. The climatic and ecological influences of these sulfur-containing particles and particle aggregations should be assessed.
[19] Wu Qiang, Xu Aizhong, Dong Donglin, et al.

Prospect for minerals by nanoscale minerals: The prospecting of hidden mineral resources with the carried nanoscale minerals by goegas

[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2003,31(4):9-12.

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矿体周围广泛赋存着纳米物质,其可在地球排气的作用下从深部向地 表迁移.在地表或地表附近可俘获这些纳米物质,这些纳米物质与矿体发出的直接信息密切相关.通过对其成分或聚集态等进行分析,可勘查隐伏矿.本文介绍了纳 米探矿的应用现状和一些实例,探讨了该技术所存在的问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望.
[20] Fan Limin, Xu Xing.

Geogas anomalies on a hidden gold deposit

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin,1990,36(9):791-792.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The main result of research on geogas on a gold deposit in China is reported in this letter for the first time. The research work was carried out on the geological exploratory section lines of Gangou ore block of Liaojie gold ore deposit in Yunnan Province. This is a new type of gold deposit related with specularites, and its mineralization is controlled by torsional
[21] Sun Jian, Chen Yuelong, Li Dapeng.

New advances in geochemical exploration of concealed deposits

[J].Advances in Earth Science,2011,26(8): 822-836.

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[22] Tong Chunhan, Li Juchu, Ge Liangquan, et al.

Experimental observation of the nano-scale particles in geogas matters and its geological significance

[J]. Science in China(Series D),1998,41(3):325-329.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The geogas collectors showing a geogas anomaly in field geogas prospecting and in simulation tests were selected for the observation under high resolution microscopy. The result demonstrates that the geogas matter is transported in the form of nano-scale particles with a size of about N nm to N-10 nm, and accumulated into aggregations of 1-2 渭m to N.10 渭m, with globular and film shape, and the component of Cu, Zn, Cr, Au, Al, V, Si, Br, C1, S, Ca, etc. Based on the knowledge of nano science and technique, the mechanism of the geogas prospecting and its significance in geology and mineral prospecting are discussed.
[23] Luo Songying, Cao Jianjin, Yan Hongbin, et al.

TEM observations of particles based on sampling in gas and soil at the Dongshengmiao polymetallic pyrite deposit, Inner Mongolia, Northern China

[J].Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2015,158:95-111.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Forty-two samples of particles that were carried by the ascending gas flow and forty-two corresponding soil samples were captured from Quaternary sediments overlying the Dongshengmiao polymetallic pyrite deposit in the Province of Inner Mongolia, North China. The category, size, shape, chemical composition and structure of these particles were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique. The observations indicated that most of the particles carried by the ascending gas flow were sub-circular, elliptical or irregular in shape, with sizes ranging from 502nm to 40002nm; their primary components were dominated by the metallogenic elements Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb, and their highest weight percentages were up to 80.2%, 82.5%, 49.1% and 59.6%, respectively. We determine that a large number of metal sulfides and oxides/hydroxides (such as PbS, Fe 3 O 4, Sb 3 O 2 and Fe(OH) 3 ), native metal alloy (such as native vanadium–platinum–iron–cobalt alloy), nonmetallic oxides (such as SiO 2 ), chlorides (primarily NaCl), nonmetallic hydroxides (such as KOH) and sulfate (primarily BaSO 4 ) particles, as well as precious metal elements (such as Au and Pt) bearing particles and rare earth elements (such as Y) as observed in the samples, exhibited a good correspondence with the concealed ore bodies and the wall rock. A number of the particles that were carried by the ascending gas flow were found in elemental associations S–Cu, S–Zn, S–Pb, S–Mo, S–Fe–Zn, S–Fe–Cu, S–Fe–Cu–Mo, S–Fe–Zn–Pb and Cr–Mn–Fe, which were consistent with previous studies on the mineral assemblages of this deposit. The particles carried by the ascending gas flow and soil particles have a common origin, that is, the ore body. Different particles carried by ascending gas flows come from different types of deposits, without interference from the properties or thickness of the overlying layer, suggesting that geogas prospecting could be used to explore for different types of ore deposits. An analysis of the particles carried by the ascending gas flow along the 14th exploration line demonstrates a good spatial correlation with the known concealed ore bodies. Additionally, Pt-bearing and rare earth element bearing particles were first found in the ascending gas flow from the Dongshengmiao deposit.
[24] Xiaojun Wei, Jianjin Cao, Holub R F, et al.

TEM study of geogas-transported nanoparticles from the Fankou lead-zinc deposit, Guangdong Province, South China

[J].Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2013, 128:124-135.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Eighty samples of geogas nanoparticles in Quaternary sediments overlying Fankou lead–zinc deposit in Guangdong Province and 65 samples in a district that was considered to have concealed deposits were captured by nickel grids for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurement. Category, size, shape, chemical composition, and structure of geogas nanoparticles from these two kinds of samples were analyzed. The observations indicated that the geogas matter was present in the form of single particles with a size range from 1002nm to 30002nm, and aggregations with globular, catenarian, or irregular shape. The main components of geogas nanoparticles from the ore district were Pb, Zn, S, and Cu. The Pb concentrations in some nanoparticles ranged up to 67.1%. The maximum Cu concentration was 86.9% showing a good correspondence with the ore bodies. Components of geogas nanoparticles in this exploratory [prospective] district were mainly Pb (64.1%), Zn (67.4%) and S, suggesting that they originated from concealed lead–zinc deposits. Additionally, we found SiO 2 , TiO 2 , and CaCO 3 particles in our samples.
[25] Kristiansson K, Malmqvist L, Persson W.

Geogas prospecting: A new tool in the search for concealed mineralizations

[J]. Endravour New Serias,1990,14(1):28-33.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

In old mining areas it becomes increasingly difficult to locate economically viable new ore bodies. This article reviews a new prospecting technique, developed over the last decade, capable of recording ore deposits at greater depths than is possible with conventional methods, even when covered with younger formations.
[26] Malmqvist L, Kristiansson K, Kristiansson P.

Geogas prospecting-an ideal industrial application of PIXE

[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,1999,150:484-490.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In geogas prospecting the extremely small concentrations of trace elements, in an upward gas stream, are measured with high sensitivity using the PIXE technique. The measured elemental composition in the geogas across geological formations reveals much about the bedrock composition and the possible presence of concealed mineralizations and ore bodies. The possible origin and transportation of the geogas matter through the bedrock are discussed. The sampling procedure, the data analysis and the normalisation procedures are described. Finally, the possibility to extract three-dimensional information from a two-dimensional measurement is demonstrated as an example from a field experiment.
[27] Cao Jianjin, Hu Ruizhong, Liang Zhirong, et al.

TEM observation of geogas-carried particles from the Changkeng concealed gold deposit, Guangdong Province, South China

[J]. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2009,101(3):247-253.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Geogas prospecting is a relatively new technique in exploration for deep-seated and concealed mineral deposits. Now, the technique is to reveal the presence of concealed ore bodies by analyzing the element concentrations of substances that are transported by geogas from concealed ore bodies to the Earth's surface. However, the element concentrations provide us with limited information about the concealed ore bodies. In our work, to investigate the category, size, shape, chemical component of geogas particles, copper grids for transmission electron microscopy measurement were directly used to capture the geogas-carried solid particles in Quaternary sediments overlying the Changkeng concealed gold deposit, Guangdong Province, South China. In the samples, we found Au, PbSO 4 , WO 3 , Fe 2 O 3 , SiO 2 , TiO 2 , and Al 2 O 3 particles, etc. using a transmission electron microscopy. Of which, gold particles, and Hg-, Zn-, Pb-, W-bearing particles may originate from concealed ore bodies and can provide more direct information than those provided by element concentrations.
[28] Yang Yaxin.

Research of simulation experiment and technique in applying geogas method to sandstone uranium deposits exploration

[J]. Journal of East China Geological Institute, 2001,24(4): 271-272.

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[J].华东地质学院学报,2001,24(4): 271-272.]

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[29] Wang Xueqiu.

Dynamic collection of geogas and its preliminary application in search for concealed deposits

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 1995,19(3):161-171.

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[30] Zhang Bimin, Wang Xueqiu, Yao Wensheng, et al. Geogas Sampling Device with Function of Drilling as well as Exhausting: 201520554300.4[P].2016-01-20.

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[31] Tang Jinrong, Yang Zhongfang, Wang Mingqi,et al.

Method and application of geogas measurements

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2004,28(3): 193-198.

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DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[32] Wang Yunqi.

To improve the efficiency of catching review geogas method set

[J]. World Nonferrous Metals, 2016,(13):179-180.

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[33] Zhou Sichun. Method of Dynamic Geogas Prospecting with Adjustable Efficiency: 201210027822.X[P].2012-08-01.

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[34] Hu Bo, Zhou Sichun, Liu Xiaohui, et al.

Geogas survey experiment for exploration of concealed polymetallic deposit at great depth

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2012,36(6):1 068-1 072.



[J].物探与化探,2012, 36(6):1 068-1 072.]

DOI      URL      摘要

以广西大厂矿区内埋深超过800 m的95号锌铜矿体为研究对象,采用快速地气采样装置和ICP-MS分析技术对大深度隐伏多金属矿进行地气测量试验.结果表明,矿体上方Zn、Cu地气异常超过背景值3倍以上,Pb、As、Cd、Bi、Co、Cs、Mo、Rb等也呈现显著异常,证实采用地气测量探测埋深超过800 m的大深度隐伏矿体是完全可行的.
[35] Liu Xiaohui, Zhou Sichun, Tong Chunhan, et al.

The method and technique for improving the detection sensitivity of dynamic geogas survey

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2012,(6):1 064-1 067.



[J].物探与化探,2012,(6):1 064-1 067.]

DOI      URL      摘要

在广东长排铀矿勘查区,针对矿体品位低、矿体小、埋深大等特点, 改进了动态地气测量方法.采样时,通过双捕集器串联,在不延长采样时间的情况下使地气采样量提高了约50%;在进行ICP-MS分析前,对地气样品进行浓 缩处理,可以将样品中的元素浓度增加3~11倍,该方法使地气中低浓度元素更易于检出,并有效降低了分析误差.实验结果证明,改进后的动态地气测量方法可 以明显提高探测灵敏度,进而提高找矿效果.
[36] Yuan Lulu, Wang Mingqi, Hu Jiale.

Study of Au prospecting by geogas in Sunite gold deposit

[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,962/965:646-649.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Geogas geochemistry method is a way to predict concealed ores by collecting and testing metallogenic elements and associated elements in rising underground gases, which is very promising for broad applications. Due to the unawareness of the source of abnormal materials, the validity of the method is consistently under suspicion. By purifying the collector, controlling operating environment, improving the sampling device and sampling methods, the contents of interference elements are greatly reduced in this paper. Through the analyses of captured samples, obtaining of the geochemical characteristics of elements, areas for detailed investigation can be delineated. This study proves the validity of this method and provides basis for further prospecting.
[37] Wu Chuanbi.

Current research and prospect of domestic “Geogas method”

[J]. Foreign Geoexploration Technology,1997,(1):16-19.

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[38] Tong Chunhan, Li Juchu.

Geogasprospecting and its mechanism in the search for deep-seated or concealed gold deposits

[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 1999,42(1):135-142,145-146.

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DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[39] Cao Jianjin.

The effect factors and the present state of geogas measurement study

[J]. Hunan Geology, 2001,20(2):154-156.

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[40] Zhu Jian, Zhou Sichun, Liu Jun, et al.

Discussion of factors affecting results of geogas prospecting

[J]. Modern Mining, 2014, 537(1):62-64,96.

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[J].现代矿业,2014, 537(1):62-64,96.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[41] Tong Chunhan, Li Juchu, Ge Liangquan, et al.

Transportation of the ore-forming matters by ascending gas flows in the crust and the mechanism of geogas prospecting

[J]. Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 1997,17(3):83-88.

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[42] Zhou Ziyong, Tao Shu, Xu Fuliu, et al.

A physical-mathematical model for the transport of heavy metals and toxic matter from point sources by geogas microbubbles

[J]. Ecological Modelling,2003, 161:139-149.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Mobile heavy metals and toxic matter from underground polluting sources may be transported upwards to the ground surface under the action of ascending geogas microbubble flow. In this paper both stable and unstable 3-D physical–mathematical models are set up to describe the matter transport process from point sources by ascending microbubble flows. The spatial dispersion of the jet halo formed by microbubble flows in stable and unstable processes are discussed. Results of a computer simulation indicate that if the microbubble is strong-the jet coefficient κ= v/2 D is great—the mass of toxic matter may be transported upward to the ground surface, where it could have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. If the microbubble flow is minimal, the detection of the jet halo can provide an early warning sign of potential future pollution from the ground source. The good fitting between experimental data and theoretical model suggests the possibility to use the model to describe the matter transport process by ascending microbubble flows.
[43] Klusman R W.

Transport of ultratrace reduced gases and particulate, near-surface oxidation, metal deposition and adsorption

[J]. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment Analysis, 2009,(9):203-213.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A model for a reduced chimney above ore deposits is presented that complements the existing electrical charge model. This new model emphasizes the role of reduced gases in the formation of the chimney. A computer model for the transport of reduced gases in the unsaturated zone and subsequent microbial oxidation is applied to a hydrocarbon gas chimney. The role of nitrogen soil gases is demonstrated for active epithermal systems. The formation of gaseous As(CH3 )3 and its transport and oxidation in the unsaturated zone is postulated for the formation of near-surface extractable As, and possibly other elements. The transport of Hg and its flux into the atmosphere is demonstrated to have a significant seasonal variation. This in turn results in variation in seasonal soil gas Hg concentrations. The unsaturated zone model is applied to the vertical transport of ultrafine particulates with application to Au. Barometric pumping causes pressure gradients in the unsaturated zone that are capable of moving sub-micron Au particulate to the surface. A variety of exploration methods are suggested by the data and modelling of transport processes.
[44] Liu Qingcheng, Wan Jun, Yang Yaxin, et al.

Preliminary research on regularities of Geo-gas anomalies above in-situ leachable Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits

[J]. Uranium Geology,2002,18(5): 308-312.

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[45] Liu Xiaohui, Zhou Sichun, Tong Chunhan, et al.

A study of element migration regularity in geogas model

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2012,36(6):1 050-1 054.

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[J].物探与化探,2012,36(6):1 050-1 054.]

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利用地气模型研究了上升气流作用下,铅锌矿及围岩中元素迁出规律.用电感耦合等离子体质谱分析技术检测了模拟矿(岩)层中元素迁出的量,简单估算了多种元 素的迁出率.实验结果表明:在上升气流作用下,迁出的元素会在矿(岩)层上方的捕集器中不断积累;不同元素的迁出率相差很大,在0.006~4000 ng/d范围.矿体中成矿元素赋存量大,其迁出率也大,必然在矿体上方形成异常,这为利用地气异常找隐伏矿的提供了理论依据.
[46] Tang Zhen, Zhou Sichun, Cao Yong, et al.

The application of imitative model experiment for geogas transportion

[J]. China Mining Magazine, 2013,22(6): 106-109,117.

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本文介绍了地气物质迁移模型实验的基本原理和实验过程,本实验以铅锌矿样为研究对象。对测量 数据,采用多元统计中相关分析方法对元素间相关紧密程度进行研究。通过SPSS软件运用Pearson系数计算相关系数,分析结果可知矿石样品中与Zn相 关性较好的元素同时与Pb相关性较好;而实验结果中与Zn元素相关性较好的元素并不一定与Pb元素同样具有较好相关性,证明矿样中元素随气流上升迁移过程 中其原来的元素组合规律已经改变,此结论对地气测量寻找深部隐伏矿方面具有重要的指导意义。
[47] Tang Zhen.

Study on Geogas Transportation Rule[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2012.

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[48] Zhou Sichun, Liu Xiaohui, Tong Chunhan, et al.

Application research of geogas survey in prospecting concealed ore

[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2014,88(4): 736-754.

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DOI      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

通过铅锌矿地气模型模拟研究了地气流作用下,成矿元素及围岩中多种元素的迁移现象及规律。实验结果表明:铅锌矿的成矿元素Pb、Zn因迁出率大,伴生元素 Cu、Mo、Au 因迁出比大,可以在矿体上方形成易识别的地气异常,适合作为指矿元素。围岩对矿体中元素迁移存在复杂影响,但不会掩盖指矿元素形成的地气异常。在粤北隐伏花岗岩铀矿、桂北隐伏锌铜矿、湘南坪宝地区先后开展了地气测量探测隐伏金属矿研究及应用。根据室内实验及多个矿区、不同矿种上开展地气探测工作的成果,对地气法探测隐伏金属矿的有效性、地气场所包含的找矿与地质信息、地气测量的有效探测深度及地气异常与矿体的空间关联性、地表影响等问题进行了分析讨论。获取的资料表明:隐伏金属矿正上方均有成矿主元素及一批共(伴)生元素形成的地气异常;这种异常随矿体埋深增大,其幅度不是降低而是增大;地气法探测隐伏金属矿的有效深度可以达到千米尺度;地表污染不会对地气测量产生影响。
[49] Kelley D L, Kelley K D, Coker W B, et al.

Beyond the obvious limits of ore Deposits: The use of mineralogical, geochemical, and biological features for the remote detection of internalization

[J]. Economic Geology,2006,101(4):729-752.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Far field features of ore deposits include mineralogical, geochemical, or biological attributes that can be recognized beyond the obvious limits of the deposits. They can be primary, if formed in association with mineralization or alteration processes, or secondary, if formed from the interaction of ore deposits with the hydrosphere and biosphere. This paper examines a variety of far field features of different ore deposit types and considers novel applications to exploration and discovery. Primary far field features include mineral and rock chemistry, isotopic or element halos, fluid pathways and thermal anomalies in host-rock sequences. Examples include the use of apatite chemistry to distinguish intrusive rocks permissive for iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) and porphyry deposits; resistate mineral (e.g., rutile, tourmaline) chemistry in exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), orogenic gold, and porphyry deposits; and pyrite chemistry to vector toward sedimentary exhalative (sedex) deposits. Distinctive whole-rock geochemical signatures also can be recognized as a far field feature of porphyry deposits. For example, unique Sr/Y ratios in whole-rock samples, used to distinguish barren versus fertile magmas for Cu mineralization, result from the differentiation of oxidized hydrous melts. Anomalous concentrations of halogen elements (Cl, Br, and I) have been found for distances of up to 200 m away from some mineralized centers. Variations in isotopic composition between ore-bearing and barren intrusions and/or systematic vertical and lateral zonation in sulfur, carbon, or oxygen isotope values have been documented for some deposit types. Owing to the thermal aureole that extends beyond the area of mineralization for some deposits, detection of paleothermal effects through methods such as conodont alteration indices, vitrinite or bitumen reflectance, illite crystallinity, and apatite or zircon thermochronology studies also can be valuable, particularly for deposits with a low-temperature thermal history. A number of newly investigated secondary far field features include the development of reduced columns by electrochemical processes in transported overburden, geochemical dispersion related to the expulsion of groundwater from tectonic and seismic compression, dispersion of vapor above ore deposits, and geochemical dispersion related to biological processes. Redox gradients have been found between underlying reduced and overlying oxidized environments associated with sulfide bodies, which result in mass transfer through electro-chemical dispersion. Recent studies have characterized the pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and self potential (SP) in overburden overlying sulfide-hosted gold and VMS deposits. Lateral migration of metals in groundwater is well understood from normal groundwater flow, but the processes responsible for vertical mass transfer of groundwater and its dissolved components have been recognized only recently. One process, termed cyclical dilatancy pumping, expels groundwater during and after earthquake events, which can cause the redistribution of metals around deposits in some environments. Soil gases are of interest owing to their high degree of mobility through the vadose zone in transported overburden. Numerous soil gas species (CO2, O2, Hg, Rn, He, sulfur compounds, and light hydrocarbons) have been measured and interpreted as diagnostic of some buried mineral deposits, and some evidence suggests a possible link between vapor dispersion and metal enrichment in soil. Geochemical enrichment in plant material and soils through successive growth-death cycles is well established, but the important role of microorganisms is now increasingly evident. Microorganisms significantly enhance the kinetics of sulfide oxidation and influence the distribution of metals around ore deposits. The presence of metal-resistant bacteria and enhanced concentrations of sulfate-reducing bacteria in exotic overburd
[50] Tang Zhen, Zhou Sichun, Liu Xiaohui, et al.

Application of geo-gas survey in prospecting for deep concealed ore deposits

[J]. Metal Mine,2011, 421(7):120-122,142.

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The paper introduced the theoretical basis,instrument and devices of geo-gas survey technology,and the geochemical graphic method of the rare earth,and made a discriminate analysis on the basic principle and method of these two nuclear processing data.The detection of the geo-gas of the concealed metallic ore and the geophysical anomaly in the HSP region confirmed that the analysis of the geo-gas survey data plays an important role in prospecting for the deep concealed metallic ore.
[51] Zhao Chunjiang.

The Study on Concealed Metallic Mineral Exploration by GEOGAS Measurement Combined with Geophysical and Geochemical Method[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology, 2013.

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[52] Liang Weitian.

Application of geogas method and comprehensive logging in deep prospecting

[J]. Mining Engineering,2016,14(4):9-11.

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[53] Wang Yong, Ye Rong, Liu Hongjun, et al.

Deep-penetrating geochemical microscopic evidence in the hydrothermal uranium deposit exploration

[J]. World Nuclear Geoscience,2017,34(3):167-173.

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[54] Wang Xueqiu, Xu Shanfa, Zhang Bimin,et al.

Deep-penetrating geochemistry for sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Turpan-Hami Basin, North-western China

[J]. Applied Geochemistry,2011,26(12):2 238-2 246.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Turpan-揌ami basin, covering an area of approximately 50,000聽km in NW China, contains concealed sandstone-type U deposits in a Jurassic sequence of sandstone, mudstone and coal beds. Sampling of soil profiles over the Shihongtan concealed U deposit in this basin shows that fine-grained soil collected from the clay-rich horizon contains U concentrations three times higher than similar soils at background areas. Selective leaching studies of these soils show that U is mainly associated with clay minerals, which comprise from 17.9% to 40% (average 30.4%) of the total mineral content. This may indicate that U is converted to uranyl ions [UO] under oxidizing conditions and is sorbed on clay minerals to accumulate in anomalous concentrations. Fine-grained soil ( was carried out throughout the whole basin using this sampling medium. Samples were analyzed for 30 elements by ICP-MS following a 4-acid extraction. Three large-scale geochemical anomalies of U and Mo were delineated over the whole basin. One of the anomalies is consistent with the known U deposit at Shihongtan in the western part of the basin. A new potential target in the eastern part of the basin was selected for a follow-up survey at a density of 1 sample per 4聽km. A drilling exploration programme at the center of the geochemical anomaly delineated by this follow-up survey discovered a new U deposit.Highlights? Uranium is converted to uranyl ions under oxidation conditions in desert terrains. ? The ion complexes are sorbed on clay minerals. ? Fine-grained soils from the clay-rich horizon is an effective sampling medium for deep-penetrating geochemical surveys. ? U and Mo are highly correlated.
[55] Yao Wensheng, Wang Xueqiu, Zhang Bimin, et al.

Pilot study of deep-penetrating geochemical exploration for sandstone-type uranium deposit, Ordos Basin

[J]. Earth Science Frontiers,2012,19(3): 167-176.

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[56] Zhou Sichun, Liu Xiaohui, Zhu Ba, et al.

Research of prospecting hranite-type concealed uranium feposit with geogas method

[J]. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 2011,31(Suppl.1):330-331.DOI:10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734. 2011.s1.132.

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[J].矿物学报,2011,31(增刊1):330-331.DOI:10.16461/j.cnki. 1000-4734.2011.s1.132.]

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[57] Zhao Hui.

Study and Significance of the Geogas Field of Zhuguangshan Concealed Granite Uranium[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2014.

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[58] Zhang Guoya.

Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Geogas as Detection of Concealed Granite Uranium Research—An Example of a Uranium Mine in Northern Guangdong[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2015.

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[59] Zhang Wenyu, Zhou Sichun, Zhang Guoya.

A uranium exploration in North of Guangdong area use geogas survey and Gamma ray spectrometry to analyze the anomaly characteristics

[J]. Science Technology and Engineering,2015, 15(28):120-124.

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[J].科学技术与工程,2015, 15(28):120-124.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

结合核工业290研究所提供资料,布置N、AB、19号、S、4号五条测线,采用地气测量和地面伽马能谱两种方法对勘查区异常特征进行分析。利用伽玛能谱数据为隐伏铀矿的空间展布提供依据,再根据地气数据通过传统地球化学数据处理方法划分出了勘查区未知异常区与矿致异常区。在未知地气异常区和矿致地气异常进行多元统计分析,得出未知异常区与矿致异常区具有较好的相似性,由此可以判定在此勘查区AB测线的20-50 m,130-160 m,590-680 m,S测线480-500 m,590-720 m异常区具有较好的找矿前景。
[60] Hu Bo, Yang Kui, Zhang Wenyu, et al.

The study of the gas and radioactive field in an uanium exploration area

[J]. Science Technology and Engineering, 2015,15(26):120-123.

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[61] Liu Yingjun, Qiu Detong. Exploration Geochemistry (First Edition)[M]. Beijing: Science Press,1987:11-21.

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[62] Zhao Feng, Zhou Sichun, Ge Liangquan, et al.

The experimental study of geogas measurement to uranium deposit in Northern Guangdong

[J]. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2012,36(6): 1 073-1 076.

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[J].物探与化探,2012,36(6): 1 073-1 076.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[63] Liu Ze, Fang Fang, Sun Lin, et al.

Hubei Li Section of uranium anomaly and prospecting foreground analysis

[J]. Sichuan Nonferrous Metals, 2013,(4):40-42,47.

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[64] Yang Kui.

Applied Goegas and X-ray Fluorescence to Prospecting on An Uranium Mine Exploration Area of Southeastern Hubei[D].

Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology,2016.

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