地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (1): 66-74 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0066



刘江艳1, 张昌民1, 尹太举1, 朱锐1, 侯国伟2

1.长江大学地球科学学院,湖北 武汉 430100
2.中国海洋石油有限公司上海分公司,上海 200050

Current Status and Advance of Tidal-Bore Deposit Study

Liu Jiangyan1, Zhang Changmin1, Yin Taiju1, Zhu Rui1, Hou Guowei2

1. College of Geosciences, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100,China
2. Research Institute of Shanghai Branch, China National Offshore Oil Corp, Shanghai 200050,China

中图分类号:  P512.2

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)01-0066-09

收稿日期: 2017-09-18

修回日期:  2017-11-7

网络出版日期:  2018-01-10

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  国家重大科技专项项目“深层优势储层沉积成因机制及地质预测技术”(编号:2016ZX05027-002-007)国家自然科学基金项目“珠江口盆地渐新世—中新世潮汐沉积与潮汐周期研究”(编号:41302096)资助


First author:Liu Jiangyan(1988-),female,Lingbao City, He’nan Province,Ph.D student. Research areas include reservoir sedimentology.E-mail:jiangyan19880312@163.com





关键词: 涌潮沉积 ; 识别标志 ; 沉积模式 ; 古环境 ; 油气勘探


Tidal bore is hydraulic jump during the process of tide flooding with the tide wave moving upstream. They are widely distributed in the estuary zone with high tidal range and funnel-shaped planeform. Tidal bore deposit study is important for further understanding about paleogeomorphology, paleoenvironment, paleoclimate of areas near the estuaries, and sandbody formed by tidal bore deposit could be potential oil and gas reservoir. Researches about tidal bore have been always concentrated on hydraulic characteristics of tidal bore and its influences on estuary environment and engineering, while the study on tidal bore deposit is rarely reported. One of the most important causes is the complex hydrodynamic conditions in the estuary zone. Deposits characteristics is complicated in this zone due to comprehensive effects of river flow, waves and tides. It is hard to affirm the preservation probability of tidal bore deposits, especially in the ancient rock record. In view of this, current status and forecast about tidal-bore deposit study were expounded in this study based on comprehensive summary and discussion about typical tidal bore deposit data and reports. Criteria for recognition of tidal-bore deposits were described in detail on the aspects of sedimentary structures, grain size distribution, and facies model. One of the most critical diagnostic marks of tidal bore was a special undulating erosion surface with a series of irregular and stepped excavations on it. This surface was formed by cyclic pressure loading induced by the passage of a tidal bore. In addition, the cross-bedding inclined upstream, soft sediment deformation structures and massive sandstone on the erosion surface were also important marks of a tidal bore deposit. Problems existing in current research were discussed and some suggestions were proposed. Various methods and technology should be used to perfect tidal bore facies model, and research on diagenesis and reservoir features of sandbody formed by tidal bore should be strengthened in the future. Sandbody formed by tidal bore of different types (breaking tidal bore and undular tidal bore) should be distinguished to deepen the understanding of their various hydrodynamic conditions and reservoir scale. Tidal bore is significant geological process in estuary zone, and deposits formed by it makes great influence on the geomorphology of this area, which should be paid more attention.

Keywords: Tidal bore deposit ; Diagnostic marks ; Facies model ; Paleoenvironment ; Oil and gas exploration.


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刘江艳, 张昌民, 尹太举, 朱锐, 侯国伟. 涌潮沉积研究现状及进展[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(1): 66-74 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0066

Liu Jiangyan, Zhang Changmin, Yin Taiju, Zhu Rui, Hou Guowei. Current Status and Advance of Tidal-Bore Deposit Study[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(1): 66-74 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0066

涌潮(tidal-bore)是在涨潮过程中潮波向上游方向行进的水跃现象,主要发生在潮差大、平面上呈喇叭状或有水下沙坎的河口或海湾地区[1~12]。世界上至少有80个河口或海湾地区会发生涌潮,较为著名的有中国钱塘江涌潮、长江北支涌潮、巴西的亚马逊河口涌潮、阿拉斯加“回头湾”(Turnagain Arm)涌潮等[2,3,8,13]。研究涌潮沉积对了解河口地区的古环境、古地貌、古气候等具有重要意义,且涌潮沉积形成的砂体在经历埋藏、成岩作用后可能会形成有利油气储层。一直以来研究人员关于涌潮的研究重点主要集中在以下几个方面:①关于涌潮形成的数值模拟:这些数值模拟从最早时期的一维模拟不断改进到三维模拟,建立了不同模型来表征不同潮汐类型的形成过程[11,14~26];②针对涌潮形成过程开展的水槽模拟实验:这些模拟实验主要对涌潮的形成过程及水深、潮差、底部摩阻、潮波波长等多个参数对其形成的影响进行了探讨和验证[27~31];③基于野外实测、室内实验开展的涌潮形成过程中水动力学特征及其对沿岸地貌、工程及环境造成的影响等[9,32~36],对涌潮沉积的研究涉及甚少。造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,主要是由于在河口这种潮汐、波浪、河流等水体共同作用的复杂环境中,沉积物特征复杂,且涌潮事件一般持续时间相对较短,作用相对有限。沉积物保存率难以确定,使得有效识别涌潮沉积物难度较大,尤其是在古代地层记录中。鉴于此,本次研究在对国内外近年关于涌潮沉积研究的有代表性的论著进行综合分析的基础上,总结了涌潮沉积的主要识别标志并论述了其形成机理,探讨了涌潮沉积研究的古环境及油气勘探意义,分析了目前研究中存在的主要问题并对今后的研究方向提出了建议,以引起人们对涌潮沉积的重视,加深对涌潮沉积的认识,为涌潮沉积的后续研究提供依据。

1 涌潮沉积识别标志及成因

涌潮一般发生在潮差大(4 m以上)、平面上呈喇叭状的河口湾地区[1~12,37,38],鉴于其形态及能量强度差异,一般分为漩滚涌潮和波状涌潮。通过对现代沉积及古代地层记录中已发现的涌潮沉积构造进行总结(表1),作者归纳出以下几种有效识别涌潮沉积的典型沉积构造,并分析了不同沉积构造成因机制。

表1   现代沉积及古代岩石记录中已识别的涌潮沉积构造

Table 1   Depositional structures induced by tidal-bore that has been recognized in modern and ancient strata

阿拉斯加Turnagain Arm 河口湾++---++[39]
尼亚世Echo Cliff剖面




涌潮发生过程中,潮头以及尾随其后的子波都会对河床产生冲刷作用,形成大量的冲刷构造。这种冲刷构造与河流中被细粒沉积物包围的水道底部冲刷面不同,具有特殊的冲刷形态,这些冲刷面上“具有一系列阶梯式、不对称、不规则的凹坑,凹坑宽度一般小于0.3 m,深度不超过0.15 m,这些凹坑波长较短、振幅相对较高,部分边缘较陡,凹坑陡面的倾向与主河道运移方向一致” [9,12](图1)。从平面位置上看,这种冲刷面基本都出现在距离河口几十公里远的河口上游区域[9,12]。在一些现代涌潮沉积的岩芯中也可观察到涌潮沉积的块状砂岩底部具有很多特殊形态的冲刷面[10,45~47]。这种明显的波状冲刷面及其特殊的冲刷形态是涌潮经过时造成的周期性压力载荷所致。Donnelly等[45]通过水槽实验模拟从流体力学角度论述了这种冲刷面的形成机理,认为在涌潮发生过程中,越靠近河床部位,流速波动越大,在涌潮波向上游行进的过程中河床会受到频繁的流体加速和减速的影响,使得河床要经受循环性的压力载荷作用以及压力反转的影响,从而形成了这种形态特殊的波状冲刷面。值得注意的是,虽然在涌潮沉积产物中都观察到了这种特殊形态的冲刷构造,但是在不同区域其上下地层的特征却并不完全相同,这是由不同区域平面上发育的沉积类型不同导致的,在具体研究过程中应该结合某一区域的沉积特征具体分析涌潮沉积物与上下地层之间的叠置关系。但不可否认的是,这种特殊的冲刷面是涌潮沉积的重要识别标志。

图1   葡萄牙西部卢西坦盆地晚侏罗世Lourinha组Praia de Areia Branca剖面中涌潮成因的波状冲刷构造(据参考文献[9]修改)

Fig.1   Example of an undulating erosion surface at Praia de Areia Branca of Late Jurassic Lourinha Formation in Lusitanian Basin, Western Portugal (modified after reference [9])
The reversed flow directions above the erosion surface and the Taenidium barreti burrows, some burrows were truncated by the erosion surface




图2   爱沙尼亚西北部寒武系不同露头Tiskre组涌潮成因的泄水构造(据参考文献[44]修改)
(a)Muraste露头小型泄水通道组成的泄水网络,白色箭头指示单个的泄水通道,黄色箭头指示自生碎屑角砾岩;(b)Ninamaa露头块状的厚层粉砂岩,白色箭头指示发生液化变形的沉积物,图中的比例尺高为1 m;(c)Muraste露头的均质粉砂岩,左边的黄色箭头指示保存下来的潮汐纹层,右边的白色箭头指示泄水构造,均质砂岩的原始层理已经被泄水构造完全破坏

Fig.2   Dewatering structures triggered by tidal bore within the Tiskre Formation of different outcrops(modified after reference [44])
(a)Muraste outcrop section, small water-escape channels network (white arrows point to individual small channels), and autoclastic breccia (yellow arrow). (b)Ninamaa outcrop section, massive thick-bedded siltstone unit, liquefied sediment is indicated with white arrows, the stick on the picture is 1 m. (c)Homogeneous siltstone unit of Muraste outcrop, sediment on the left side of the photo retains tidal lamination (yellow arrow) while right side is largely homogenized and no original lamination is preserved

图3   中国钱塘江河口湾WSG剖面低—中潮滩涌潮及与其伴生的沉积岩芯特征(据参考文献[42]修改)

Fig.3   Core photos of WSG section show typical sedimentary structures produced by tidal bores and associated processes at the lower-middle tidal flats(modified after reference[42])
SD:Sand Dikes. LFS: Load-Flame Structures. ISP: Invasive Sand Patches. PS: Pipe-like Structures. CB: Convolute Bedding

2 涌潮沉积粒度分布特征


图4   中国钱塘江北部边滩涌潮与常规潮汐沉积粒度参数散点图(据参考文献[10]修改)
(a)尖山断面粒度参数平均粒径与分选系数散点图; (b)大缺口断面粒度参数平均粒径、分选系数在尖山断面解析图上投点;TBD代表涌潮沉积; TSD代表潮成砂质沉积; TMD代表潮成泥质沉积. SD, MD分别代表砂、泥质沉积

Fig.4   The grain size parameter plot distinguishing between tidal and tidal-bore deposit in northern flat of Qiantang River in China based on mean and sorting values of the samples (modified after reference [10])
(a)Jianshan-section. (b)Daquekou-section. TBD:Tidal Bore Deposits. TSD:Tidal Sandy Deposits.TMD:Tidal Muddy Deposits. SD:Sandy Deposits. MD:Muddy Deposits

3 涌潮沉积相模式

Fielding等[12] 在美国堪萨斯州东北部的Echo Cliff砂岩中发现了涌潮沉积并结合Martinius等[9]和范代读等[42]的研究成果首次建立了涌潮沉积相模式(图5)。认为涌潮沉积主要发育以下4个沉积单元。

(1)波状起伏的底部或顶部冲刷面:与前文述及的波状冲刷面特征相似,不同的是, Fielding等[12]模式中的冲刷面有时会被潮波不断改造成为对称或不对称的波痕。在Echo Cliff剖面观察到的很多冲刷面的波长远远小于涌潮潮头的波长,认为这里的冲刷面可能是尾随在潮头之后的“子波”冲刷作用的结果。在后期研究中可以依靠冲刷面的波长、波高、振幅等具体参数特征来判别不同冲刷构造的具体成因。


(3)冲刷面上部发育的披覆沉积:以粉砂岩、细砂岩为主,披覆在之前形成的冲刷面之上,是涌潮沉积的主体。Echo Cliff露头中发现的披覆沉积包括2种不同特征的砂岩。分别为植物碎屑富集的块状细砂岩层和块状泥质砂岩层,这些砂质沉积物底部都可见不同规模的冲刷面,砂岩在平面上呈相互切割的透镜状(图6a,c)。这2套砂质沉积物都是在受潮汐影响的古河流中,多次涌潮事件对河流中正在发育的点坝产生冲刷或侵蚀作用,促使点坝沉积物及部分河床上的沉积物再悬浮之后沉积而成。这些砂质沉积底部冲刷面的波长均远远小于涌潮潮头的波长以及这些砂岩透镜体本身的波长,因此认为其底部冲刷面都是由尾随在涌潮潮头之后的“子波”(whelps)冲刷所形成的,而位于冲刷面上部的砂质披覆沉积则是下一期涌潮潮头经过的几十分钟后,流速骤降,原来携带的部分点坝沉积物及部分河床上的沉积物快速沉积而形成[12]。冲刷作用的发生时间早于这些砂质透镜体的沉积时间。

图5   涌潮沉积相模式图(据参考文献[12]修改)

Fig.5   Facies model of tidal-bore deposit(modified after reference [12])


图6   美国堪萨斯州东北部晚宾夕法尼亚世Echo Cliff露头中的涌潮沉积特征(据参考文献[12]修改)
(a)泥质砂岩透镜体东北缘近照特征,可见底部和顶部冲刷面的圆齿状特征;(b)涌潮沉积的块状泥质砂岩局部特征,可见顶底冲刷面在潮波的不断改造下已成为对称或不对称的波痕(黑色箭头),白色箭头指示的是保留下来的局部下伏地层;照片中的粉色比例尺卡片高0.3 m,黑白色比例尺长0.15 m;(c)透镜状的泥质砂岩(短箭头指示透镜体边缘,长箭头指示透镜体的长轴)切割之前沉积的植物碎屑富集的块状砂岩

Fig.6   Tidal-bore deposit of Upper Pennsylvanian Echo Cliff outcrop of northeastern Kansas, USA(modified after reference [12])
(a)Close-up view of the northeastern of the muddy sandstone lens and the scalloped nature of basal and top surfaces.(b)Close-up of the bore deposit, showing structureless, muddy sandstone bounded by surfaces that have been reworked into symmetrical and asymmetrical ripples (black arrows). Note the partial preservation of a lower bed in the right side of the view (white arrow). The pink clipboard is 0.3 m high, the scale bar is 0.15 m long.(c)A lens-shaped body of structureless, muddy sandstone (short arrows indicate margins, long arrow indicates axis) cutting through previously deposited plant-debris-rich, structureless sandstone


4 涌潮沉积研究存在的问题及建议







钱宁等[1]早在20世纪60年代就对钱塘江涌潮沉积的砂体进行了研究,认为钱塘江涌潮沉积的沙坎规模巨大,主要为分选很好的粉细砂,长达130 km,厚度可达10 m以上;李从先等[13]和李保华等[40]也报道了全新世长江河口湾内发育分选良好的涌潮沉积砂体,多为块状层理,厚度可达20~30 m。这些砂体在经历埋藏作用之后很可能成为良好的油气储层。在今后的研究中应完善取样、多种分析化验以开展涌潮沉积砂体的微观孔隙结构特征分析,明确其成岩演化过程,深化对涌潮沉积形成的储层特征的认识。

5 结 论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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In a sedimentological sense a fluvial to tidal transition zone can be defined in rivers as a zone that separates the upstream fluvial from the downstream estuarine zone. Characteristic sedimentary structures within this zone are notoriously difficult to recognize. This study demonstrates the influence of tidal modulation within the most proximal part of the fluvial-tidal transition zone (i.e. the ‘backwater zone’) of an ancient fluvial system. Criteria have been established to differentiate between purely fluvial facies and those modulated by tidal energy. The stratigraphic interval from which the data were derived is the Lourinh00 Formation (Late Jurassic) of the Lusitanian Basin, Western Portugal. An analysis of sedimentary features at four key localities has identified a temporal spectrum of tidal influence ranging from the daily modulation of fluvial flows to the effects of tidal bore passage. A combination of quantitative and qualitative data reveals systematic changes in the internal architecture of dune-scale bedforms deposited in a channel-floor setting. The key co-occurring features are: (i) increasing-decreasing organic particle concentration; (ii) increasing-decreasing bottomset thickness; (iii) increasing-decreasing foreset dip and shape (from convex to concave); and (iv) increasing-decreasing brinkpoint height. Collectively, these features are interpreted as having been produced by successive fluctuations in flow regime conditions from lower (during flood tidal retardation) to higher (during ebb tidal drawdown) current velocities. Bedforms showing these features occur in both meandering fluvial channels and straighter distributary systems. In addition, several examples of a specific type of stepped erosion surface and draping sediment have been recognized, the interpretation of which strongly suggests generation by the passage of tidal bores. If this interpretation is correct, then it represents one of the first published examples of tidal bore propagation in ancient fluvial systems. Palaeoclimatic evidence (cellular analysis of woody tissue, palaeosol character and plate reconstruction) indicates a warm, seasonal, winter wet to summer dry climate during deposition of the Lourinh00 Formation. From this evidence it is suggested that tidal modulation and tidal bore effects are more likely to develop in the ‘dry season’, when fluvial flow in the main river channels was reduced.
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[J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2012,41:49-53. DOI:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2012.02.010.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A tidal bore may develop in an estuary during the spring tide conditions when the tidal range exceeds 5–602m and the flood tide is confined to a narrow funnelled estuary with low freshwater levels. The tidal bore is of great importance for the geomorphology of the estuarine zone. In this study, some physical modelling was performed to investigate the sediment motion inception beneath a tidal bore on a movable gravel bed. The results show the significant impact of breaking bore propagation on the gravel bed motion. The dominant contribution to sediment transport inception is the longitudinal pressure gradient force, while the transient recirculation motion next to the bed yields to a drag force acting in the upstream direction and contributing to sediment motion.
[12] Fielding C R,Joeckel R M.

Recognition of tidal-bore in the rock record: Towards a facies model

[J]. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2015,85(2):118-123.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 12]      摘要

Abstract:-傾 facies model for the deposits of tidal bores (upstream-propagating hydraulic jumps associated with the flood tide in estuarine rivers) has not yet been developed, despite the publication of data from laboratory experiments and some modern estuaries. Moreover, only one example of tidal-bore deposits has hitherto been identified in the rock record. Herein, we document evidence for tidal bores in an Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian, Gzhelian) incised-valley fill in northeastern Kansas, USA. Across the flanks and crest of a bank-attached bar remnant in this fill are thin (<-10聽cm) lenses of muddy, massive sandstone and massive, plant-debris-rich sandstone bounded by erosion surfaces exhibiting symmetrical wave ripples and irregular scouring. This interval is enclosed by sandstones with bidirectional cross-stratification, rhythmites, mud drapes, flaser bedding, and related sedimentary structures that together record appreciable tidal influence. The erosion surfaces bounding the massive sandstone lenses, and the massive sandstone lenses themselves, are evidence for scour and sediment suspension by upstream-propagating bores followed by deposition from suspension after their passage. Not only are these deposits the first sedimentary record of tidal bores to be documented in the Pennsylvanian of the USA, they are only the second example of such deposits to be documented in the global rock record. On the basis of our observations, we propose a provisional facies model for tidal-bore deposits that can be refined by future work.
[13] Li Congxian, Fan Daidu.

Development of the Holocene Changjiang Delta and its influence on adjacent coastal sedimentary systems

[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2009,11(1):115-122.

[本文引用: 3]     




[本文引用: 3]     

[14] Zhao Xuehua.

1D Numerical modeling of tidal bore in the Qiantang River

[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1985,1: 50-54.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J].水利学报,1985,1: 50-54.DOI:10.13243/j.cnki.slxb.1985.01.006.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[15] Du Yong.

On generation of bores in sloping and narrowing estuaries of arbitrary shape

[J]. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, 1989,19(3):28-33.




[16] Zhang Shengkai,Lei Jintao,Li Fei.

Advances in global ocean tide models

[J].Advances in Earth Science,2015,30(5):579-588.





DOI      Magsci      摘要

[17] Tan Weiyan, Hu Siyi.

2D numerical modelling of bores in the Qiantang Estuary

[J]. Advances in Water Science, 1995,6(2):83-93.





Magsci      摘要

[18] Su Mingde, Xu Xin, Zhu Jinlin.

The application of numerical simulation in analysis of Qiantangjiang River: Result and discussion

[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1999, 31(6):700-716.




[J].力学学报,1999, 31(6):700-716.]

Magsci      摘要

[19] Li Shaowu, Lu Lifeng, Shi Zhong.

A quasi-3D numerical model for estuarine tidal bore

[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics (Series A), 2004, 19(4):407-415.



[J].水动力学研究与进展:A辑, 2004, 19(4):407-415.]

[20] Mu Jinbin, Zhang Xiaofeng, Xie Zuotao.

Effects of roughness on tidal bore

[J]. Engineering Journal of Wuhan University, 2005,38(1):83-87.



[J].武汉大学学报:工学版, 2005, 38(1):83-87.]

[21] Madsen P A, Simonsen H J, Pan Cunhong.

Numerical simulation of tidal bores and hydraulic jumps

[J]. Coastal Engineering, 2005, 52(5):409-433.

DOI      URL      摘要

An implicit finite difference formulation of the nonlinear shallow water equations is developed to allow for the treatment of tidal bores and hydraulic jumps. Five different schemes are investigated involving upwind treatment of convective terms, central differences combined with dissipative interface, forward time-centering and various combinations of these techniques. The schemes are analyzed with respect to their effective amplification portraits, and they are tested on periodic bores, uniform bores and steady hydraulic jumps. In this connection the model results are verified against analytical solutions and a numerical solution obtained with a Godunov Riemann solver. Scheme 4, which combines forward time centering and dissipative interface, is found to be superior to the others and it is applicable for Courant numbers within the range 0.25 to 1.5. This scheme is applied to a case study of the tidal bore in Huangzhou Bay and Qiantang River. The model results are shown to be in very good agreement with field data.
[22] Wolanski E, Williams D, Hanert E.

The sediment trapping efficiency of the macro-tidal Daly Estuary, tropical Australia

[J]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2006,69(1/2):291-298.

DOI      URL      摘要

Field studies were carried out on the water and sediment dynamics in the tropical, macro-tidal, Daly Estuary. The estuary is shallow, very-turbid, about 10002km long, and the entrance is funnel-shape. In the wet, high flow season, normal tidal ranges can be suppressed in the estuary, depending on inflow rates, and freshwater becomes dominant up to the mouth. At that time a fraction of the fine sediment load is exported offshore as a bottom-tagging nepheloid layer after the sediment falls out of suspension of the thin, near-surface, river plume. The remaining fraction and the riverine coarse sediment form a large sediment bar 1002km long, up to 602m in height and extending across the whole width of the channel near the mouth. This bar, as well as shoals in the estuary, partially pond the mid- to upper-estuary. This bar builds up from the deposition of riverine sediment during a wet season with high runoff and can raise mean water level by up to 202m in the upper estuary in the low flow season. This ponding effect takes about three successive dry years to disappear by the sediment forming the bar being redistributed all over the estuary by tidal pumping of fine and coarse sediment in the dry season, which is the low flow season. The swift reversal of the tidal currents from ebb to flood results in macro-turbulence that lasts about 2002min. Bed load transport is preferentially landward and occurs only for water currents greater than 0.602m s 611 . This high value of the threshold velocity suggests that the sand may be cemented by the mud. The Daly Estuary thus is a leaky sediment trap with an efficiency varying both seasonally and inter-annually.
[23] Pan Cunhong, Lin Bingyao, Mao Xianzhong.

2D numerical simulation of tidal bore in Qiantang River

[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2007,25(1):50-56.



[J].海洋工程, 2007, 25(1):50-56.]

[24] Pan Cunhong, Lu Haiyan,Zeng Jian.

Characteristic and numerical simulation of tidal bore in Qiantang River

[J]. Hydro-Science and Engineering, 2008,(2): 1-9.




URL      摘要

在钱塘江涌潮实测资料的基础上,分析了钱塘江涌潮高度、涌潮传播速度、涌潮流速、涌潮形态及 景观、涌潮压力等涌潮特性.同时,应用基于KFVS(kinetic flux veetor splitting)格式的二维涌潮数值模型模拟了钱塘江涌潮的形成、发展和衰减的全过程,复演了“交叉潮”、“一线潮”、“回头潮”等现象.通过对计算 结果的比较分析,对涌潮特性有了进一步的认识.
[25] Lubin P, Glockner S, Chanson H.

Numerical simulation of a weak breaking tidal bore

[J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2010,37(1):119-121.

DOI      URL      摘要

A tidal bore is a natural and fragile phenomenon, which is of great importance for the ecology of an estuary. The bore development is closely linked with the tidal range and the river mouth shape, and its existence is sensitive to any small change in boundary conditions. Despite their ecological and cultural value, little is known on the flow field, turbulent mixing and sediment motion beneath tidal bores. Indeed, some striking features can be highlighted in two-dimensional simulations, such as large velocity fluctuations and flow recirculation structures. Using Large Eddy Simulation method, we present numerical results that show the complicated turbulent structures and their unsteadiness under a tidal bore.
[26] Xie Dongfeng, Pan Cunhong, Lu Bo, et al.

A study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Qiantang tidal bore based on field data

[J]. Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 27(5):501-508.

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[J].水动力学研究与进展, 2012,27(5):501-508.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] Yeh H H, Mok K M.

On turbulence in bores

[J]. Physics of Fluids, 1990,2(5): 821-828.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Treske A.

Undular bore in channels-experimental studies

[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Research,1994,32(3): 355-370.

DOI      URL      摘要

New, detailed investigations of the formation of surge waves in open channels are presented in this paper.
[29] Chanson H.

Physical modelling of the flow field in all undular tidal bore

[J].Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2005,43(3): 234-244.

DOI      URL      摘要

A tidal bore may form in a converging channel with a funnel shape when the tidal range exceeds 6-9 m. The advancing surge has a major impact on the estuarine ecosystem. Physical modelling of an undular bore has been conducted based upon a quasi-steady flow analogy. The experimental data highlight rapid flow redistributions between successive wave troughs and crests as well as large bottom shear stress variations. The results suggest a sediment transport process combining scour beneath wave troughs associated with upward matter dispersion between a trough and the following wave crest. The process is repeated at each trough and significant sediment transport takes place with deposition in upstream intertidal zones. The conceptual model is supported by field observations showing murky waters after the bore passage and long-lasting chaotic waves.
[30] Yang Huoqi, Pan Cunhong, Zhou Jianjiong, et al.

Experiment study on hydraulic properties of tidal bore

[J]. Water Resources and Power, 2008,26(4): 136-138.



[J].水电能源科学,2008,26(4): 136-138.]

[31] Huang Jing,Pan Cunhong,Chen Gang, et al.

Experimental simulation and validation of the tidal bore in the flume

[J]. Hydro-science and Engineering, 2013,(2):1-8.

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[32] Simpson J H, Fisher N R, Wiles P.

Reynolds stress and TKE production in an estuary with a tidal bore

[J]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2004,60(4):619-627.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The flow and elevation data have also been used to estimate the energy fluxes into and out of the estuary. Short (651h), intense energy inputs (658MW at springs) on the flood flow are largely balanced by longer, less intense seaward energy flow on the ebb. The net energy input is found to be 650.1MW at springs which is consistent with estimates of upstream dissipation. Peak dissipation in the bore itself may exceed the mean energy input but it is active only for a small fraction of the tidal cycle and its average contribution does not exceed 6512% of total dissipation.
[33] Wolanski E, Williams D, Spagnol S, et al.

Undular tidal bore dynamics in the Daly Estuary, Northern Australia

[J]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2004,60(4):629-636.

DOI      URL      摘要

Measurements in the macro-tidal Daly Estuary show that the presence of an undular tidal bore contributed negligibly to the dissipation of tidal energy. No recirculation bubble was observed between a trough and the following wave crest in the lee waves following the undular bore. This differs to stationary undular bores in laboratory experiments at larger Froude numbers where a recirculation bubble exists. Secondary motions and the turbulence generated by the undular bore had no measurable influence on the sediment transport. This situation contrasts with the intense sediment resuspension observed in breaking tidal bores. The tidally averaged sediment budget in the Daly Estuary was controlled by the asymmetry of tidal currents. The undular bore may widen the river by breaking along the banks that it undercuts, leading to bank slippage. A patch of river-wide macro-turbulence of 3-min duration occurred about 20聽min after the passage of the bore during accelerating tidal currents.
[34] Liu Wenhu,Zhu Xiaohua,Zhang Zhongzhe,et al.

Observation and dynamic characteristics of tidal bore in Qiantang River,China

[J]. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 2015,30(5):567-572.



[J].大连海洋大学学报, 2015, 30(5):567-572.]

[35] Mao Xianzhong,Gong Chunsheng.

Analysis of the affecting factors on Qiantang tidal bore

[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2011, 30(4): 109-116.



[J].水力发电学报, 2011, 30(4): 109-116.]

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[36] Xu Yan,Cao Ke,Li Mian,et al.

Coastal ecological risk assessment: Its research progress and prospect

[J].Advances in Earth Science,2016,31(2): 137-146.

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[J].地球科学进展,2016,31(2): 137-146.]

DOI      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[37] Lu Haiyan,He Qing,Pan Cunhong.

Numerical modeling on flow and sediment in Jianshan Reach affected by strong tidal bore in the Qiantang River

[J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015,(5):24-30.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J].泥沙研究, 2015,(5):24-30.DOI:10.16239/j.cnki.0468-155x.2015.05.005.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过建立涌潮作用下的二维泥沙 数学模型,验证了钱塘江尖山河段两种不同河势下的水文资料,并应用模拟结果分析了水沙的异同点。结果表明,两种河势下,钱塘江河口尖山河段水沙运动的共同 点是:潮波变形剧烈,是涌潮形成、发展和壮大的河段;涌潮到达时,流速及含沙量急剧增大,瞬间增幅大,且水流及含沙量均存在间断;涌潮是含沙量急速增加的 主要动力因素。水沙运动的不同点是:分汊河势下沿程各潮位站的高、低潮位均高于走南河势,但潮差略小于走南河势,涨、落潮平均流速均较走南河势强,分汊河 势存在南、北两股涌潮,最终形成交叉潮,涌潮作用下的最大含沙量为走南河势的2~3倍,单宽输沙率为走南河势的1.5~2.5倍。研究成果可为尖山河段治 理研究和有关部门管理提供技术支持。
[38] Koch C, Chanson H.

Turbulence mixing beneath an undular bore front

[J]. Journal of Coastal Research,2008,24(4):999-1 007.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In macrotidal estuaries, a tidal bore may form during spring tide conditions when the flood tide is confined to a narrow channel. Most field occurrences showed well-defined undulations behind the leading wave, that is, an undular bore process. Herein, detailed free-surface and turbulence measurements were performed beneath undular bore fronts using side-looking acoustic Doppler velocimetry and nonintrusive free-surface measurement devices in a laboratory channel. Undular bores were observed for Froude numbers less than 1.7, which compared favourably with past studies. Velocity measurements with a temporal resolution of 50 Hz showed a marked effect of the bore passage. Longitudinal velocities were characterised by rapid flow deceleration at all vertical elevations, while large fluctuations of transverse velocities were recorded beneath the front. Turbulent Reynolds stress data highlighted high levels in the lower flow region, including next to the bed. Maximum normal and tangential turbulent stresses were observed immediately upstream of and at wave crests.
[39] Greb S F, Archer A W.

Soft-sediment deformation produced by tides in a meizoseismic area, Turnagain Arm, Alaska

[J]. Geology, 2007, 35(5): 425-438.

DOI      URL      摘要

Turnagain Arm is a semidiurnal hypertidal estuary in southeastern Alaska with a recorded tidal range of 9 m. Contorted bedding and flow rolls preserved in tidal sediments within the estuary have previously been interpreted as resulting from the Mw 9.2 Great Alaskan earthquake of 1964. Horizons of flow rolls between undeformed beds in sediments and rock strata have been used to infer ancient earthquakes in other areas. Although many types of soft-sediment deformation structures can be formed by earthquakes, observations of sedimentation on tidal flats in the inner parts of Turnagain Arm in the summers of 2003 and 2004 show that a wide range of soft-sediment deformation structures, similar to those inferred to have been formed by earthquakes, can form in macrotidal estuaries in the absence of seismic shock. During sedimentation rate measurements in 2004, soft-sediment deformation structures were recorded that formed during one day's tide, either in response to overpressurization of tidal flats during rapid tidal drawdown or by shear stress exerted on the bed by the passage of a 1.8 m tidal bore. Structures consisted of How rolls, dish structures, flames, and small dewatering pipes in a bed 17 cm thick. In the future, if the flow rolls in Turnagain Arm were found in isolated outcrops across an area 11 km in length, in an estuary known to have been influenced by large-magnitude earthquakes, would they be interpreted as seismites? These examples show that caution is needed when using horizons of flow rolls to infer paleoseismicity in estuarine deposits because many of the mechanisms (tidal flux, tidal bores, slumping, flooding) that can cause deformation in rapidly deposited, unconsolidated silts and sands, are orders of magnitude more common than great earthquakes. ?? 2007 The Geological Society of America.
[40] Li Baohua, Wang Qiang,Li Congxian.

Correlation of stratigraphic architecture of sub-deltas of Changjiang River Delta

[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2010,12(6):685-698.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 古地理学报,2010,12(6):685-698.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

依据对江苏省泰兴市黄桥镇钻孔和海门市钻孔、上海长兴岛钻孔地层岩心沉积特征的研究,讨论<br />了冰后期以来长江三角洲河口地区的层序地层。研究表明,沿古河谷纵剖面各河段地层中沉积相组合关系有明<br />显区别。在古河谷下端地区,下切河谷充填层序自下而上由河流相、河口湾相、浅海相和三角洲相组成,沉积<br />相组合最完整。在古河谷上端地区,由于河口湾在海侵发生时存在着涌潮作用,因此,河漫滩泥质沉积层顶部<br />的冲刷面被确定为最大海泛面,其上覆稳定的河口砂体;浅海相和河口湾相沉积在该区域变薄直至尖灭;层序<br />顶部由中潮坪突变为高潮坪,最终形成泛滥平原。这意味着,原先确定的自西向东的长江三角洲的几个亚三角<br />洲或河口砂体沉积,并非都具有向上变粗的三角洲层序。文中报道的3个钻孔,揭露了冰后期长江三角洲完整<br />的下切河谷充填层序。河口湾顶不具备三角洲层序的地区应称为滨海平原。
[41] Tu Junbiao, Fan Daidu, Shang Shuai,et al.

Evolution and sedimentary sequence of tidal channel-flat system at bore-affected reach of the Qiantang Estuary

[J]. Earth Science—Journal of China University Geosciences, 2014, 39(3):261-270.

[本文引用: 3]     



[J]. 地球科学——中国地质大学学报, 2014, 39(3):261-270.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[42] Fan Daidu, Tu Junbiao, Shang Shuai, et al.

Characteristics of tidal-bore deposits and facies associations in the Qiantang Estuary, China

[J]. Marine Geology, 2014,348(2):1-14.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The characteristics of tidal-bore deposition in the Qiantang Estuary are studied on the basis of core strata and grain-size data, and lateral and longitudinal associations with other sedimentary facies are synthesized. A typical depositional package by tidal bores and associated flows is generally initiated with (1) an undular/planar erosion base, overlain by (2) a massive sandy bed, and (3) a sandy bed with parallel laminations or some thinly heterolithic beds. The depositional units, especially the parallel laminations, are prone to deformation into convolute bedding, flames, and boiled sand patches with water-escape structures. In the middle estuary, tidal-bore deposits (TBDs) at the main channel and the lower tidal flat transit laterally into alternative beds of TBDs andz heterolithic beds at the middle tidal flat, and then toward incomplete tidal rhythmites on the higher tidal flat. TBDs are generally coarser and less sorted than tidal sandy deposits (TSDs), and tidal muddy deposits (TMDs) have finer grains, less sorting and lower positive skewness than either TSDs or TBDs. Therefore, bivariate plotting of size parameters is a useful tool to differentiate between these three genetic sedimentary bed types. Along the axis, three facies divisions are obvious and consist of: (1) linear depositional ridges and erosion troughs at the outer estuary, (2) TBDs at the middle estuary, and (3) coarse fluvial deposits at the upper estuary. The tripartite facies model of the Qiantang Estuary is similar to other well-known tide-dominated estuarine facies models, but it is the first to stress tidal-bore deposition in the sedimentary facies using detailed discriminative textural and structural characteristics. The approaches offer the potential to better understand tidal-bore processes and their important role in sediment dispersion and facies formation within modern and ancient macrotidal to hypertidal estuaries.
[43] Tessier B,

Terwindt J H J. An example of soft-sediment deformations in an intertidal environment: The effect of a tidal bore

[J].Academie des Sciences (Paris), Compte Rendus, Series II,1994,319: 217-233.

[44] Põldsaar K, Ainsaar L.

Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Cambrian (Series 2) tidal deposits (NW Estonia): Implications for identifying endogenic triggering mechanisms in ancient sedimentary record


DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) are documented in several horizons within silt- and sandstones of the Cambrian Series 2 (Dominopolian Stage) Tiskre Formation, and some in the underlying argillaceous deposits of the L眉kati Formation in NW Estonia, northern part of the Baltoscandian Palaeobasin. The aim of this study was to map, describe, and analyze these deformation features, and discuss their deformation mechanism and possible triggers. Load structures (simple load casts, pillows, flame structures, and convoluted lamination) with varying shapes and sizes occur in the Tiskre Formation in sedimentary interfaces within medium-bedded peritidal rhythmites (siltstone-argillaceous material) as well as within up to 3m thick slightly seaward inclined stacked sandstone sequences. Homogenized beds, dish-and-pillar structures, and severely deformed bedding are also found within these stacked silt- and sandstone units and within a large tidal runoff channel infill. Autoclastic breccias and water-escape channels are rare and occur only in small-scale - always related to thin, horizontal tidal laminae. Profound sedimentary dykes, sand volcanoes, and thrust faults, which are often related to earthquake-triggered soft sediment deformation, were not observed within the studied intervals. Deformation horizon or horizons with large flat-topped pillows often with elongated morphologies occur at or near the boundary between the Tiskre and L眉kati formations. Deformation mechanisms identified in this study for the various deformation types are gravitationally unstable reversed density gradient (especially in case of load features that are related to profound sedimentary interfaces) and lateral shear stress due to sediment current drag (in case of deformation structures that are not related to loading at any apparent sedimentary interface). Synsedimentary liquefaction was identified as the primary driving force in most of the observed deformation horizons. Clay thixotropy may have contributed to the formation of large sandstone pillows within the Tiskre-揕眉kati boundary interval at some localities. It is discussed here that the formation of the observed SSDS is genetically related to the restless dynamics of the storm-influenced open marine tidal depositional environment. The most obvious causes of deformation were storm-wave loading, rapid-deposition and shear and slumping caused by tidal surges.
[45] Donnelly C,Chanson H.

Environmental impact of undular tidal bores in tropical rivers

[J].Environmental Fluid Mechanics,2005,5(5):481-494.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

A tidal bore impacts significantly on the estuarine ecosystem, although little is known on the flow field, mixing and sediment motion beneath tidal bores. In the absence of detailed systematic field measurements, a quasi-steady flow analogy was applied to investigate undular tidal bores with inflow Froude numbers between 1.25 and 1.6. Experimental results indicated that rapid flow redistributions occur beneath the free-surface undulations, with significant variations in bed shear stress between wave crests and troughs. Dynamic similarity was used to predict detailed flow characteristics of undular tidal bores. The effects of periodic loading on river sediments, scour of river bed and flow mixing behind the bore are discussed. A better understanding of these processes will contribute to better management practices in tidal bore affected rivers, including the Styx and Daly rivers in tropical Australia.
[46] Koch C,Chanson H.

Turbulence measurements in positive surges and bores

[J].Journal of Hydraulic Research,2009,47(1):29-40.

DOI      URL      摘要

A positive surge results from a sudden change in flow that increases the flow depth. New experiments were conducted in a large channel. Most positive surge tests were conducted with a horizontal bed slope, a constant flow rate and uncontrolled flow conditions. The only dependant variable was the downstream gate opening after closure. Detailed turbulence measurements were performed with high-temporal resolution using side-looking acoustic Doppler velocimetry. Two types of positive surge were observed: undular surge for Froude numbers less than 1.7, and weak (breaking) surges above. Instantaneous velocity measurements beneath advancing surges showed a marked effect of the surge passage on the velocity field. Streamwise velocities showed rapid flow deceleration at all vertical elevations. Large fluctuations of longitudinal and transverse velocities were recorded beneath the surges, including some unsteady flow recirculation beneath a weak surge front. Turbulent stresses were deduced from high-pass filtered data. The results showed large normal and tangential Reynolds stresses beneath the surges. A comparison between undular and weak surges suggested some major difference. In weak surge flows, the data showed rapid flow separation beneath the surge front. In undular surges, maximum Reynolds stresses were observed beneath and just before each wave crest behind the leading wave.
[47] Liu Cangzi, Dong Yongfa.

Sedimentary textures and environments of the Hangzhou Bay

[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 1990,10(4):53-65.

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[48] Hurst A,Cartwright J.

Sand injectites:Implications for hydrocarbon exploration and production

[J]. AAPG Memoir, 2007,87:1-19.DOI:10.1306/1209846M871546.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

react-text: 582 Because of their potentially large volumes and excellent reservoir properties, winglike clastic intrusion complexes may represent stand-alone exploration targets. However, determining the three-dimensional (3-D) geometry of such complexes is problematic because of limited exposure in the field and insufficient seismic resolution and well coverage in the subsurface. In this study, high-quality... /react-text react-text: 583 /react-text [Show full abstract]
[49] Qiao Xiufu, Guo Xianpu.

On the Lower Jurassic soft sediment Deformation of Southwestern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China

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[J].地质论评,2011, 57(6):761-769.]

URL      Magsci      摘要

新疆西南天山乌恰地区早侏罗世软沉积物变形位于湖相砂岩中;由地震触发的软沉积物变形有三个层位,位于下侏罗统康苏组的顶部。变形主要类型为负载(load)、球 枕(ball and pillow)、滴状体(droplet)、锥形体(cusps)、液化均一层(homogeneous layer)和液化不整合(liquefied unconformity)。三个变形层位反映乌恰地区早侏罗世末曾连续发生过三次强地震;变形类型机制不同反映三次地震强度有别。乌恰下侏罗统处于中亚塔拉斯―费尔干纳巨型走滑断裂控制的拉分盆地中,断裂走滑伴随地震直接诱发软沉积物变形;古地震震级为Ms6?5~7。
[50] Yuan Xiaoqi, Su Dechen, He Jing,et al.

The slump structures in the middle Ordovician on the Southern Margin of Ordos Basin and their seismic origin

[J]. Geological Review, 2014,60(3):529-540.

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[J]. 地质论评,2014,60(3):529-540.]

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