Advances in Earth Science


An Analysis of Projects Review and Funding in Marine and Polar Sciences Division, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022#br#

LENG Shuying, ZHANG Liang, WU Renhao, WANG Lifang,WANG Hui, LE Chengfeng#br#   

  1. Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China
  • About author:LENG Shuying (1965-), female, Mishan County, Heilongjiang Province, Professor. Research areas include marine and polar science, geography project management of the Natural Natural Science Foundation of China and land scientific research.E-mail:

LENG Shuying, ZHANG Liang, WU Renhao, WANG Lifang, WANG Hui, LE Chengfeng. An Analysis of Projects Review and Funding in Marine and Polar Sciences Division, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022#br#[J]. Advances in Earth Science, DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.074.

To better understand the application situation for researchers, and further to improve the quality of proposals and final report of funded projects, this paper analyzed the situation of application, review and funded proposals in the fourth division in Earth Science Department (i. e., Ocean and Polar Science Division), sorted problems during proposal acceptance and external review process, and summarized the performance of funded projects ended in 2021. Comparing to 2021, five more institutions submitted General projects,Youth science funding,and Funding for Less Developed Regions proposals to the Ocean and Polar Science Division. The application number for all the three kinds funding increased, with increasing rate of
13.8%, 10.4%, and 10.6%, respectively, wherein the subcode of D0611 (Ocean Engineering and Environmental Responding ) and D0613 (Oceanic Energy and Resource) have the highest increase rate. The number of application belongs to original innovation and interdisciplinary category increased, however, their ratio slightly decreased. The final report of funded projects ended in 2021 has issues such as insufficient summarization and low ratio of first acknowledgement of the funded project.
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