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Advances in Research of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the Western Pacific Ocean
Jianing WANG 1 , 2 , 3( ), Qiang MA 1 , 2 , 3, Fan WANG 1 , 2 , 3, Tong LIU 1 , 3, Hang ZHANG 1 , 3, Zhixiang ZHANG 1 , 2 , 3
Advances in Earth Science 2022, 37 (1): 26- 36.

The Scientific Observing Network of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has realized the long-term mooring measurements of the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) in the western Pacific Ocean. Based on observational data and numerical model outputs, we have illustrated the pathway, volume transport, and forcing mechanism for the seasonal intrusion of the DWBC at the Yap-Mariana Junction, revealed the characteristics and energy sources of deep intraseasonal oscillation induced by the topographic Rossby wave and found "a high-speed way" connecting the DWBC to the upper ocean processes and climate change. These new findings have changed the traditional view that the deep ocean circulation is in a state of calm, disorder, and a very slow variation. This paper summarizes the recent advances in the DWBC in the western Pacific Ocean, and discusses the prospect of observation and scientific study of the Pacific DWBC.

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