Martian exploration is the focus and hot topic of deep space exploration, and China implemented the first Martian exploration Program in 2020. Aeolian process is the most extensive and active landform process on the surface of Mars, and has been an important part of Martian research. Sustainable development of Martian aeolian geomorphology research requires the support of theoretical system and research methodology, and research methodology is a key issue when field observations are impossible. We analyzed the research methods of Martian aeolian geomorphology from three aspects: methodology, approach, and application of modern technology. Methodology must focus on the dialectical unity of induction and deduction, reductionism and holism. Research approach includes exploration and numerical simulation, and Mars-like aeolian geomorphology study on Earth is also a common approach. Taking full advantage of remote sensing observations and detection technologies is an important basis for the development of Martian aeolian research. Simulation experiments have been an important part of aeolian geomorphology research. Since the 1980s, the United States, Europe, and Japan have successively built Martian wind tunnels to study various aircrafts in Martian atmosphere. In the absence of field observation, wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation play an important role in studying the evolution and formation process of aeolian landform and the Martian environment.