Advances in Earth Science ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 627-635. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.06.0627
Special Issue: “沙尘天气追因、影响及治理”虚拟专刊;
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Wang Xunming 1, 2, Zhou Na 1, Lang Lili 1, Hua Ting 2, Jiao Linlin 1, Ma Wenyong 1
Wang Xunming, Zhou Na, Lang Lili, Hua Ting, Jiao Linlin, Ma Wenyong. Aeolian Processes and Their Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystem: An Overview[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2015, 30(6): 627-635.
Aeolian processes and the related material transports are the key land surface process, which play a major role in the ecologicial environments. This paper generialized the mechanisms of nutrient emission, transport, and deposition of the blown wind materials in arid and semiarid regions. Based on the results of enormous previous studies, the componets of the nutrients and materials, the source-sink models of the aeolian transports, the influence of nutrient loss and depositions on vegetation growth, reallocations and utilizations of the nutrients within wind blown materials on phytocommunity development, the responses of phytocommunity development to the aeolian transports in arid and semiarid regions were discussed. Finally, based on the current results of studies our colleagues acquired, pointed out that the researches in the near future may reveral the deposition mechanisms of aeolian materials in different terrestrial ecologicial systems, appraise the composition and effect contents of the nutrients, highlight the dominant transporting routes of the aeolian nutrients, found the source-sink models of the nutrients, analyze the responses between the aeolian activity and vegetation formation, and by adopting the integrated qualitative and quantitative methodologies understand the dynamic relationships between the aeolian activity and vegetation evolution. The related studies may further improve the understanding of the roles of the aeolian transport on terrestrial ecosystem evolution, thereby providing new evidence for the theories of arid geomorphology and providing academic supports for local ecological remediation of arid and semiarid regions.