Advances in Earth Science ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (8): 939-947. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2013.08.0939

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Spatial and Temporal Changes of Industrial Carbon Emissions under Regional Industrial Transfer: The Case of Pan-Yangtze River Delta

Li Pingxing, Cao Youhui   

  1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
  • Received:2013-02-14 Revised:2013-06-18 Online:2013-08-10 Published:2013-08-10

Li Pingxing, Cao Youhui. Spatial and Temporal Changes of Industrial Carbon Emissions under Regional Industrial Transfer: The Case of Pan-Yangtze River Delta[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2013, 28(8): 939-947.

The spatial and temporal changes of energy consumption and carbon emissions under the background of industrial transfer became one of the research focus by researchers from various fields recently. Taking PanYangtze River Delta area that at the stage of industrial transfer as the case area, the author analyzed the spatial pattern and its changes of carbon emissions caused by industry energy consumption with data at the years of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010. The absolute amount, percentage of carbon emissions and its gravity were used to indicate the changes of carbon emission patterns. The relationship between carbon emission patterns and regional industrial transfer was analyzed accordingly. Results indicated that the core areas of Yangtze River Delta were of higher carbon emissions than the peripheral areas since the year of 1990. However, the spatial pattern of carbon emissions also changed since 1990, and the hotspots moved from the core areas of Yangtze River Delta to the peripheral areas gradually. The proportion of carbon emissions of cores areas declined at the year of 2005. The carbon emissions gravity moved to the southeast before 2000 at the speeds of about 20km per five tears, and turned to the northwest after 2005 at the speed of 21km per five years. Its locations of the years of 2000 and 2005 were almost the same. The industry gravity and carbon emission gravity were spatially separated, but of similar moving path at different stages since 1990. Regional industrial transfer was of great significance for the changes of regional carbon emission pattern and the movement of carbon emission gravity by causing the differentiation of regional industry output. The economic development of core areas of Yangtze River Delta was significantly faster than that of peripheral areas of PanYangtze River Delta, and the industry gravity and carbon emission gravity moved to the southeast accordingly. With the implementation and promotion of industry transfer to the peripheral areas, such as Anhui province, Jiangxi province, west part of Zhejiang province, and north & middle parts of Jiangsu province, the economic development of peripheral areas were accelerated and overpassed the core areas gradually. The industry gravity and carbon emission gravity turned to the northwest accordingly. Moreover, the carbon emission intensity was one of the main factors causing the spatial separation of industry gravity and carbon emission gravity. Although the decreasing of carbon emission intensity of peripheral areas was faster, the core areas were of lower intensity since 1990. It was concluded that the results provided reference and basis for regulating industrial transfer pattern to promoting energysaving activities and optimizing the construction the energy transport channel and production facilities to meet the needs of fast developing areas.

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