Advances in Earth Science ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 379-385. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2012.04.0379
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Yang Hongmei,Cai Hong,Duan Ruichun,Liu Chongpeng,Zhang Liguo,Mei Yuping,Duan Guiling
Yang Hongmei,Cai Hong,Duan Ruichun,Liu Chongpeng,Zhang Liguo,Mei Yuping,Duan G. Progress in Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating of Sulfide[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2012, 27(4): 379-385.
In view of the confusion in dating the metallic ore deposit, many mineralogists and isotopic geochemists have carried through much useful research in the conventional isotopic dating of metal mineral, and sulfide Rb-Sr isotopic dating method displays unique predominance, especially to the Pb-Zn ore deposit whose ore minerals mainly comprise sphalerite, galena and pyrite. Combining with the dating technique research made in our laboratory in recent years, the authors have sums up the achievements of sulfide Rb-Sr isotopic dating, Rb and Sr residence sites in sphalerite, dating mechanism, and its adaptability. The sphalerite Rb-Sr isochron arrays derive from differential partitioning of Rb and Sr between hydrothermal fluid and sphalerite, but not all sphalerites adapt to this dating technique. To succeed in obtaining ore-forming age, it is necessary to sample the representative ores combining with the geological characteristics, and to pick out the appropriate minerals based on the thorough study of the petrography and paragenesis of samples. Furthermore, the secondary fluid inclusions and clay minerals should be wiped off during the sample analysis.