Based on division, precipitation cycle and trend in different areas of Northern China (NC) are analyzed and compared by using wavelet analysis and singular spectrum analysis based on the monthly precipitation data of 243 stations in the northern part of China during 1958-2009. The study results show that the precipitation in Northwest China (Qinghai Area and Arid Area) has stronger tendency than that in the Eastern NC and Middle NC. From the late 1950’s to 1960’s the precipitation in Eastern NC and Middle NC was on high side, while it was on low side in Qinghai and Arid Area at that time. During the 1980’s, the precipitation in Middle NC turned from high side to low side, while it turned reversely in the other three areas. The turning point and the lasting time were different in different areas. In recent several years, the precipitation has increased in Eastern NC, Middle NC and Qinghai area, and decreased in Arid Area. Except for Qinghai area, precipitation in Northern China has longer period than 10 years—22 a in Eastern NC, 15 a in Middle NC and 11 a in Arid Area—that has became stable and significant since the 1980’s. Northern China’s precipitation, in common, has a period of 2~3 a and 5 a. The oscillation amplitude has obvious inter-annual and inter-decadal variability, which is quasiperiodic.