Global and regional ecosystem carbon cycle research is characterized by multi-stations observation networks, multi-sources data with heterogeneous structure, multi-models meta-analysis, and collaboration of scientists across different disciplines. Based on the Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystem Flux Research Network (ChinaFLUX), we proposed an e-Carbon Science with its goals, components, and key techniques and reported current progress. ChinaFLUX e-carbon science consists of four environments (the carbon cycle data integration and service environment, the model simulating environment, the visual analysis environment, and the collaborative scientific research environment) and three application systems (terrestrial carbon budget assessment system at local, regional, and national scales). We developed an integration system of flux data acquisition-transportationstoragemanagement-processing-visualization-service sharing. ChinaFLUX e-carbon science made rapid carbon budget assessment and simulation possible, promoted the development of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle research and eco-informatics in China, and played an exemplary role in constructing the informatization of field station networks.