Advances in Earth Science ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9): 941-949. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.09.0941
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Dong Linsen, Liu Li, Qu Xiyu, Liu Na, Guo Xinxin
Dong Linsen, Liu Li, Qu Xiyu, Liu Na, Guo Xinxin. Research Progress of Ability of Mineral Trapping of CO 2[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(9): 941-949.
A survey of the global carbon reservoirs suggests that the most stable, long-term storage mechanism for atmospheric CO2 is the formation of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite, magnesite and dawsonite. The suitable rocks for mineral trapping are mainly sandstones, pyroclastic rocks and volcanic rocks (basalt). Based on the two kinds of diagenetic reactions during CO2-H2O-rock interaction processes, the content and release ability for metal element, the types of generated minerals and the amount of CO2 capured among these three kinds of rocks were analyzed while the differences on CO2 capturing ablitily for these three kinds of rocks were compared. Basalt contains abundant metal ions, but restricts diagenetic reaction due to pore space limitation. As a result, the injected CO2 has the risk of a fugitive. Sandstones are widely distributed and there is sufficient porosity conducive to fluid injection, but metal ions content is relatively low, and the time required for CO2 capture minerals are relatively long. Pyroclastic rocks are a combination of the advantages of the two rock types and is an ideal rock type for mineral trapping of CO2.