From November 2004, the US Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to conduct a strategic planning process for synthesis and network-level research for the coming decade(s). This planning activity aims at developing a new LTER network-level science plan and is organized and driven by a Science Task Force, seven Network Science Working Groups and a series of planning meetings. In the process of drawing up and refining the science plan, the planning activities caused some significant scientific outcomes, such as LTER science overarching question, conceptual framework, five basic questions, Integrated Science for Society and the Environment (ISSE) initiative, LTER Cyberinfrastructure Strategic Plan and Education and Outreach Strategic Plan. It's a significant planning to tell LTER how to achieve network-level synthesis science, the future of LTER so it would contribute to the development of LTER network and long term ecological research, and provide insights for the planning and development of other LTER network, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN) for example.