Advances in Earth Science ›› 2005, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (7): 786-793. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2005.07.0786
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KANG Jiancheng 1,2;TANG Shulin 2,3;LIU Leibao 2
KANG Jiancheng;TANG Shulin;LIU Leibao. ANTARCTIC SEA ICE AND CLIMATE[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2005, 20(7): 786-793.
The sea ice frozen on polar ocean forms a new interface between the upper ocean and the lower atmosphere. Sea ice plays an important part in the climate and environment system of Earth through its modifying role in radiative and energy balances, prevent the exchange of heat and moisture between the ocean and atmosphere. The salt reject during processes of sea ice freezing affects the ocean structure and circulation. Sea ice also affects the weather and climate at the South Ocean and Antarctic continent. The area of Antarctic sea ice takes about 58% of all the area of south hemisphere cryosphere, and 3.58% of Earth surface area. The seasonal sea ice area in Antarctica is about 83% of all sea ice area. The area of sea ice in Antarctica decreases to the smallest, about 3×106km2, at February in the end of Austral summer; the area increases to the largest, around 18×106km2,at September in the end of Austral winter, the fluctuant range for one year-living sea ice is about 15×106km2. The seasonal change of sea ice is larger than 500%, one of the greatest seasonal surface changes on Earth. The inter-annual variations of sea ice zones are big. Antarctic sea ice area is one of key regions, which affect the global climate and environment in season and inter-annual. To understand sea ice processes and the interactions between ocean and atmosphere in sea ice area are the main objectives of international Antarctic sea ice and climate programs. Some progresses of research on sea ice and clime, and international programs on Antarctic sea ice are reviewed.