Palaeostress reconstruction of brittle deformed rock is one important way of research into the crust structural deformation history and geodynamics. Lots of measurements of faults with slickenside lineations enable us not only to accurately describe the geometry of fault systems, but also to provide an opportunity to investigate how such structural patterns in the upper brittle crust are related to the state of stress during tectonic events. Also, it helps us reconstruct the stress field and its evolution characterization in space. The paper just presents a brief introduction and some comments about the principle and hypothesis, mathematical method of fault-slip analysis and palaeostress reconstruction, and discusses how to relate the interpretation of the inversion results to the geological observations in the field. The authors believe the most important is the combination between accurate and lots of observations in fields and calculated results. At the same time, it points out that this method is useful not only for understanding the consistency of tectonic paleostress field between basin and orogen, but also for exploring the relation between basin and orogen geodynamically. Faultslip analysis has a priority in tectonic analysis of basin and mountain coupling exactly.